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/lit/ - Literature

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9979070 No.9979070 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books which feature a cute boy who loves another cute boy?

Asking for a friend

>> No.9979075

ulysses if you read it right

>> No.9979100

The Goldfinch. Though the protagonist isn't gay

>> No.9979124

Harry Potter
>implying Harry and Ron didn't fuck
>implying Harry didn't marry Ginny just to be closer to Ron
It's not like he had any real chemistry with her, come on.

>> No.9979236


Can you elaborate a little?


Will give it a look.

I pref- I mean, my friend prefers if the relationship is inferred rather than overt.

>> No.9979267

Dorian Gray

Or, if you prefer cute boys who actually fuck: Teleny, or the Reverse of the Medal

>> No.9979381


I've read Dorian Grey. No porn please, sweet innocent love only

>> No.9979392
File: 114 KB, 1594x216, Teleny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fuck then don't read Teleny.

>> No.9979406

Huckleberry Finn
The Great Gatsby
Moby Dick

>> No.9979463

Literally any Hesse
Was he a pedo?

>> No.9979479


I've read Demian and Moby Dick. Which of the other two has more love?


Isn't Demian his only such work? I enjoyed Torless by Musil, but there was too much bullying desu

>> No.9979533

>Isn't Demian his only such work?

Under the Wheel and Narcissus und Goldmund have similar themes. I haven't read Glass Bead Game but I think there's an older man in a younger boy.

>> No.9979539

*an older man with a younger boy

>> No.9979588

Pretty sure he was in the younger boy too.

>> No.9979637


What do you mean?

>> No.9979767


>> No.9980160

I too would like this, especially if anyone can post excerpts.

>> No.9980226


Can you share any recommendations with me brother?

I particularly enjoyed 'Les amitiés particulières' by Roger Peyrefitte and would highly recommend it.

>> No.9980236

>tfw most gay lit is either about an old man loving a cute boy, or two ugly middle aged faggots with shriveled dicks loving each other

I just want cute boys loving fellow cute boys, damn it. This list >>9979406 (minus Moby Dick because they're too old) is the only cute boy lit I know of.

>> No.9980250
File: 78 KB, 600x1038, 61HUawAVIOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe I forgot about this. Pic related is essential cute boy-core.

>> No.9980253


I, OP, have recommended a few already

>>9979479 Torless by Musil >>9980226 and 'Les amitiés particulières' by Roger Peyrefitte >>9980236

>> No.9980265


This looks great, thanks friend.

>> No.9980388

There was one about Eton, but I can't remember it's name

>> No.9980395

Song of Achilles

>> No.9980408 [DELETED] 

Can here to say this, though this is also a bit far-fetched, since there's no clear indication they are "cute" (indeed Boris certainly wouldn't be).

>> No.9980411

Came here to say this, though this is also a bit far-fetched, since there's no clear indication they are "cute" (indeed Boris certainly wouldn't be).

>> No.9980557


>> No.9980576

pale fire has a little bit of that

>> No.9980584

Fuck yes, I love reading about gays getting what they deserve. Your average fag is the world's most used cumdumpster.

>> No.9980586

In a Strange Room, Galgut
Johnno, Malouf

>> No.9980600

Then you will absolutely adore Teleny, anon. Gay boys getting hurt and tortured both physically and emotionally left right and centre. Oscar Wilde would have loved /b/ if he were alive today. Really puts Dorian Gray and all his other work in context.

The bottle in ass guy shoots himself rather than bear the dishonor of going to the doctor.

>> No.9980663


>> No.9980672

requesting that webm of those british private school boys combing the blond shota's hair

>> No.9980740

The Persian Boy is comfy - Alexander the Great keeps a Persian Eunuch

A Separate Peace - American boarding school during WWII

Requesting Victorian

>> No.9980757

Pale Fire kinda a bit

>> No.9980777
File: 486 KB, 238x155, Lucille Bluth Rolling Her Eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like you have some things you need to work out anon

>> No.9980928
File: 951 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-05-14-21h19m25s217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't have the webm, but I have a screenshot

>> No.9980943

They're clearly public school proles.

>> No.9980955


found the video


he's absolutely adorable, I want to make him smile

>> No.9981420

my diary desu

>> No.9981451

they're still cuter than you

>> No.9982074


>> No.9982100
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, eeehhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are real weirdos, you know

>> No.9982622


posting a girl in a boy thread is weird


>> No.9982803

why is this so perfect

>> No.9982815


boys are perfect

>> No.9982822
File: 14 KB, 220x321, 220px-The_Last_of_the_Wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.9983009


>> No.9983025
File: 246 KB, 600x600, 1473539193907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all cute grill fujoshis in here and you know it.

>> No.9983104
File: 55 KB, 318x471, 11250317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related any good or is it just melodramatic mommy lit? I know it's gay as hell.

>> No.9983151

It's poorly written, especially the sex scenes. It's basically fanfiction-tier. Mary Renault's novels are way better and her narrative more subtile, don't waste your time with tumblr writers.

>> No.9983156

That is a cute boy

>> No.9983174

what the fuck is this creepy pederastic filth you're peddling, leave

>> No.9983176

Thanks anon. I suspected as much.

>> No.9983180

Who's filming this and why? Is there a leering old man behind the camera and they want to run but know they can't?

>> No.9983199

It's a vlog, they were doing music as a band and the guy behind the camera was some ugly brit boy

>> No.9983213

>cute school kids in a band doing homoerotic stuff in their spare time
I didn't know real life could be so much like my Balinese cave paintings.

>> No.9983237

Loving boys is very /lit/

>> No.9983246

To be honest I only find the guy combing the kid's hair kinda cute, and I much prefer girls

And here's the guy filming the video:

>> No.9983261
File: 200 KB, 1242x1242, 1499984902635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be an innocent young boy in a Britbong public school
>you will never be surrounded by dear friends and beloved by your teachers
>you will never make vlogs about all those precious little moments that seem laughably insignificant to an adult, but mean the entire world to you
>you will never feel the pure joy of playing an instrument you like and singing, the thought of what people think of you never once even crossing your mind

>> No.9983278



>> No.9983633

>muh creepy pederastic filth

Just kys my man.

Can you not understand what is happening?Do you seriously not see what the next generation of young ''men'' (will) look(s) like.

I'm definetly a brainlet compared to most of the anons that browse /lit/ so I'm not going to go on a /pol/ tyrade on how most men are effeminate sissibois... BUT there is obviously some truth to that .
I'm strictly talking about the first world here.

Do you think all of this TRAP/cute boys with knee socks phenomenon is occuring in a vaccum?

Young men today seem to live in a constant state of prolonged teenagehood with every societal right of passage into manhood having seemingly been lost.Most guys don't even feel like men and maybe this is just me ulta-projecting but I'm pretty sure there is a steadily increasing amoung of straight('''bi''') guys who wouldn't mind being in a loving pederastic relationship with another man.

People are becoming economically disposable to the elite class and to the state.There is no longer an incentive to take care,educate and help men and women self-actualise in any sort of way.

I dunno.Don't call pederasty filth or degenerate so fast.In many ways it may just be some sort of ''anti-degeneracy mechanism'' built into us.

>> No.9983705

I'm straight but I'd let a strong man pound me and fill my tight boipuss with hot cum. Maybe you're right.

>> No.9983719

I'm a strong man and you disgust me.
I'd still pound you and fill your tight boipuss with hot cum just to assert dominance and show you contempt.

>> No.9983722

it's a natural mechanism against overpopulation

>> No.9983725

Is it even gay when a stronger man fills the boipuss of a weaker man with his cum? Isn't it just a show of dominance? Animals mount other animals of the same sex to show dominance and we don't call them gay, do we?

>> No.9983727

>that feel when I used to be cute and naive

>> No.9983729

You shouldn't talk with my dick in your mouth.
Shut up.

>> No.9983735

How is pederasty a natural mechanism against overpopulation????????????

>> No.9983738
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>> No.9983743

I'll put MY dick in YOUR mouth, bitch boy.

>> No.9983762

>I'm definetly a brainlet
yeah, i can tell. jeez.

>> No.9983782

Well I think what he means is that in an overpopulated society where usual milestones become scarce (marriage, jobs, education) there is some natural inclination to not reproduce for the sake of the community at large. Reminds me of that "beautiful ones" mouse population experiment.

>> No.9983829
File: 2.00 MB, 251x243, chicken hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuse me guys, but this thread is meant to be about love. No bullying please. Thanks.

>> No.9983830

that's gay lol

>> No.9983832

>"beautiful ones" mouse population experiment.

>> No.9983843


>> No.9983856

>rejects him
>feels bad and comes back

I have an idea for a vidya game similar in style to Bioshock, where you're a mercenary born in the shitty underworld and the objective is to make your way to the top where all the rich people live, but once you get there a giant scientist comes and picks you up and you realize that you're actually a mouse and all the people around you were mice too.

>> No.9984048

Les amitiés particulières, i shill the novel and the film from time to time on /tv/.

>> No.9984054

thank you very much, anon

>> No.9985776

that shit's fucking scary

>> No.9985799

Nine Republicans