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9978363 No.9978363 [Reply] [Original]

Any novels about immigrants who destroy a peaceful family life?

>> No.9978384

Flannery O'Connor, The Displaced Person (short story)

The titular character upsets the status quo.

Fassbinder, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (movie)

>> No.9978395

The Shadow Over Innsmouth.

>> No.9978401
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>> No.9978405


>> No.9978411

If all it took were guns, germs, and steel to make non-whites civilized, then why are they still uncivilized even through they have access to these things?

>> No.9978415

You have access to the best maths textbook available. Why are you not a mathematician?

>> No.9978416

Not a novel, but watch the movie Borgman. It's got one of the best depictions of pathological selflessness I have ever seen.

>> No.9978417

Uncle Tom's Cabin

>> No.9978424

because becoming a mathematician is much harder and less related to my welfare then learning to wash my hands, can, and poo in the loo

>> No.9978425

Why are these third worlders such spineless cowards? Look at this man, he's healthy and strong and yet he runs like a girl instead of fighting the injustices in his home.

>> No.9978427

Yeah, I can see you are of superior white breed. kek

>> No.9978429

I would say the only thing stopping me from becoming a mathematician is my cognitive ability. Maybe the reason that non-whites can't into civilization is because of their cognitive abilities.
There's a difference between being a math genius and simply functioning in a civilized manner.

Your smarmy question makes your position look even worse, to be honest.

>> No.9978430

Nigga he just used your logic to prove you wrong get bent

>> No.9978441

Well objectively, yes. It's really not even a fair fight. I don't think every white person on earth needs to be a genius to out-preform non-whites as a collective. The fact that not all whites are geniuses and can still create and maintain first world societies really doesn't reflect well on the other races.

>> No.9978447

You have the best marketing books available. Why are you not a marketer?

You have access to a shit ton of historical documents, why are you not a historian?

You have access to John Green novels, why are you not a novelist?

You have access to all the best books on any given topic and you're currently browsing 4chan. Unless you want to say "what prevents me from doing all of these thing is my cognitive ability" then you're a legit retard.

>> No.9978462

He just wants to live the western dream of owning the Samsung Note 8™ on a 24 month contract like any normal spoilt liberal teen. Is it so much to ask

>> No.9978498

Simple answer is, I do not want to be any of those things personally. I have chosen another profession/skill that I have dedicated most of my study to. This question isn't really about me as an individual though, it is a question about entire races of people, and their collective cognitive abilities that allow them to choose those paths of higher earning and nation building.
Proportionally, you will find more whites with the cognitive ability to study these things and preform the tasks associated. Proportionally, whites have a higher level of intelligence that allows for them to build prosperous nations, go to war, create industries, philosophize, create art, and generally out-compete other races (as described in the book Guns, Germs, and Steel).

Humans are animals, all races of humans eventually branched out and evolved under distinct conditions. The genetic traits that survived is what composes the races of today, these genetic traits are not just in appearance, but also in intelligence and aptitude. It's really not that outlandish to think that we are not all the same tabula rasa cookie-cutter human just thrust into this world. The traits that the white race inherited makes it so that whites are able to create western civilization. Same goes for any other race and their respective civilizations.

>> No.9978504

When you, as an outsider, look at the state of the west, and the white race, what do you see? Femininity, weakness, nihilism, self-flagellation, and guilt. They aren't spineless cowards, they are opportunists taking advantage of a civilization they see as ripe for the picking.
Plus, a lot of them feel that they will conquer us once they have bled us dry of our guilt money. In a way, it's a subsidized invasion.

>> No.9978563


>> No.9978570

Winrar of le /thread

>> No.9978573

>Fassbinder, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (movie)
That's a pro-immigrant movie, though

>> No.9978715

A snake who destroys Adam and Eve family

>> No.9978720

teen death when

>> No.9978769

It's great though. Probably Fassbinder's greatest film.

>> No.9978774

Adam and Eve were the immigrants in that situation.

>> No.9978781
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>> No.9978799

Any history book.

>> No.9978807
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Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. An Indian History of the American West - Dee Brown
Custer Died for Your Sins_ An Indian Manifesto - Vine Deloria Jr.
Struggle for the Land. Native North American Resistance to Genocide, Ecocide, and Colonization - Ward Churchill

>> No.9978857

I got the first one to be desu

>> No.9978893


>> No.9978918

the strongest people prevailed. nothing wrong with that

>> No.9978920
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>> No.9978925

100 Years of Solitude

>> No.9979981

you just know

>> No.9979996

I could be if I wanted to be though, because I'm not a stupid nigger

>> No.9980072

No you couldn't.

>> No.9980079


Non-whites who are brought up in the same environment are just as civilised as whites
e.g. see Eyferth study

>> No.9980101

>Non-whites who are brought up in the same environment are just as civilised as whites

This is objectively false.
t. Grew up in affluent neighborhood with a few negro families, 100% of the parents were reasonably respectable people (albeit a bit dull) while 100% of their kids went OUT OF THEIR WAY to commit the pettiest, most niggardly crimes in the book; selling pot and codeine to middle schoolers, getting high every class period, generally being disruptive and loud with their pants halfway down their asscheeks, all to prove that they were "hard" while growing up in one of the most sanitized, mild environments imaginable.

The nature vs nuture debate has been settled since the 90s: its well over 70% genes which mold your behavior as a human, just like any other animal in nature.

>> No.9980106

Platform by Houellebecq

>> No.9980176


>> No.9980190

Because civilization doesn't happen overnight.

>> No.9980208


Fassbinder was so based. If only he'd lived 2 or 3 years longer. We'd have 10 more films or so.

>> No.9980243


>> No.9980310

>pretending sikhs are muslim

triggered every time

>> No.9980538
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>tfw he rapes me every night instead of my gf

>> No.9980544


That's not even his argument. His argument is it was literally too hard to domesticate Zebras and that's why niggers never did anything for all of recorded history. Also the Chinese totally *could* have taken over the world if they wanted to, they just didn't want to because reasons.

Basically geographic determinism followed by mental gymnastics to claim that Europe is objectively the best continent on earth and that's why Europeans were playing on easy mode and accidentally conquered the world.

I should note that the book is utterly discredited in academic circles, despite the inherent left-wing bias to them; Diamond is so dumb that they can't even pretend to take him seriously.

>> No.9980553


Why are fewer than 12% of American mathematicians black? Why are more than 5% of them Asian?

Hardmode: answer without tired and discredited socio-economic copouts

>> No.9980564

>Non-whites who are brought up in the same environment are just as civilised as whites
t. has never read a twin study in his life

>> No.9980574

Very good post. Very constructive.

>> No.9980591

>Also the Chinese totally *could* have taken over the world if they wanted to, they just didn't want to because reasons.
I feel like the Chinese could take over the world if they wanted to. All they'd have to do it demand the US pay all their debt back and cripple their economy. Of course it could backfire and they might just go to war with them instead.

>> No.9980596

I'm actually shocked it's 12%. I would've thought way lower.

>> No.9980608

Blacks aren't interested in mathematics generally? But really race isn't a big deal in the USA and I wouldn't really care if it wasn't made in issue.