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/lit/ - Literature

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9977621 No.9977621 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9977629

i once saw a girl giving 1/5 to plato's republic because plato "is a fucking misogynist"

my man plato lived in a time before the invention of women how could he even be misogynist

>> No.9977662

Why are numales so obsessed with femininity?

>> No.9977667

Plato actually was remarkable feminist in the sense that he believed women were capable of belonging to the class of gold and capable of becoming philosopher queens.

Because they can't compete with Chad on the basis of sports and social skills and therefore resort to other endeavors in which they believe they can get pussy, in this case becoming an 'ally' of feminists.

>> No.9977671

Cause it feels good and the entire identity of masculine men is just a way for them to cope with that knowledge.

>> No.9977680
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Former numale here. Femininity appeals to us because it makes how pathetic we are seem like a valid identity. We fetishes victimised women like Sylvia Plath and secretly wish we could be them. Basically, it's a really effective for inadequate men to live in denial.

>> No.9977997

Why do Asian males become fucking beta numale bitches the moment they land in America? Does their first sight of 14 inch black cock make them cream their pants so hard, they receive permanent brain damage?

>> No.9977999


>> No.9978002

btw are the male characters in friends masculine?

>> No.9978025
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>it's thinly veiled r9k thread again
how about we make this more interesting

>> No.9978030

No idea what you mean.
Joey is a sweetheart, Ross is a fuckboi is the general female concensous, if that's what you want to know.

>> No.9978033

ross is a a nerd, joey is a flirt, chandler is a smartass

you didn't understand friends, pathetic.

>> No.9978034

b-but I liked Ubik though.

>> No.9978040

The results are unquestionable. I deem you: Pleb.

>> No.9978046

that doesn't disprove my post, dipshit




>> No.9978063

>retarded tumblr anime-tier e-fans
can't believe dummies like you who didn't understand FRIENDS exist ahaha.

>> No.9978071

I mean, TCOL49 is by far the better book, but I'd still stand by Ubik as a very good(but not great) book. If Dick could write characters better it would be much improved.

>> No.9978130

is milk and honey actually worth reading? I keep seeing it advertised on books websites.

>> No.9978160

I think looking at the first few pages on Amazon would answer your question.

>> No.9978517
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I actually don't hate Tao Lin, but I figure I'd post this anyway

>> No.9978533

It's because of Deng the revisionist traitor. People can say how great he is on /his/ all day but in the end they're still Westerners

>> No.9978580

I bet you read Capital in the original Chinese.

>> No.9978616
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>tfw you always fear that someone will post one of your reviews
My biggest fear, desu

>> No.9978697


Plato was anti-democracy and anti-freedom, his ideas would be abhorrent by today's standards in a lot of ways... but maybe his views on women were his ONLY progressive views(for the time). Criticizing Plato for his views on women is like criticizing Hitler by his views on animal rights.

>> No.9978742


crème et sugar is way better.

>> No.9978749


>>>Plato was anti-democracy and anti-freedom, his ideas would be abhorrent by today's standards in a lot of ways... but maybe his views on women were his ONLY progressive views(for the time). Criticizing Plato for his views on women is like criticizing Hitler by his views on animal rights.

>> No.9978762
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Longer Review:


>The Black Witch is the most dangerous, offensive, book I've ever read. It's racist, ableist, homophobic, and is written with no marginalized people in mind.

>TFW a YA novel is literally the most dangerous book ever read!

>> No.9978818

>crème et sugar
we still need to publish that shit, I actually have the pdf

should I post it?

>> No.9978844


>> No.9978849

Post some of yours friend :3

>> No.9978883


>> No.9978886

welcome to /teen/ - underage general

>> No.9980242

Post it.

>> No.9980321


Here it is: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xryu0eX2TcLTafLcWo25wdNaUQ2zY_BMSGvEDvLZ4Ks/edit

>> No.9980374

proto-versions here (extra-long-forgotten-poems) :https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1a4z0JKMlSkYW9uYTZKdzc4YTQ?usp=sharing

>> No.9980761

He may not be a heavyweight, but he seems like a nice person to know

Get out of your house

>> No.9981029
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>> No.9981573

Red pill me on Deng

>> No.9981631

He was great and that guy is a faggot. You're a bit of a faggot for listening to him.

>> No.9981643

is it a thing on /his/ to like deng xiaoping?
who the fuck would like that guy
i think this guy is an actual homosexual

>> No.9981660

Based Croat blowing psueds and soulless technical memers the fuck out.

Something I've never understood though, if Harold Bloom supposedly hates 'games' and writers who focus on technique and just jerk themselves off over how clever they are (Gass, for example) why does he love Pinecone so much?

>> No.9983286

How does she care this much about a throwaway piece of YA shit

>> No.9983296

>Based Croat
massive cringe

>> No.9983343

Did Pinky shit on your favourite meme-book?

>> No.9983390

Pinky is a massive meme himself

>> No.9983396

Yes. And the meme is that he shits on other memes.

>> No.9983510

>Plato was anti-democracy and anti-freedom

>> No.9983533

>Plato was anti-freedom
This is literally what cave dwellers believe.

>> No.9984188
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>> No.9985814
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