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997636 No.997636 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this. thoughts?
I really want to get wasted now

>> No.997667

I liked it. And also wanted to get wasted.

>> No.997666

i thought it was quite bad. some worth as a period piece only. But for it to work I think Thompson needed to be a wittier drunk/stoner.

But you have to remember I abhor drug culture because it involves all those people out there having fun while I sit at home and type sentences like "some worth as a period piece only" on 4chan.

>> No.997677

fucking overrated edgy garbage

hunter s thompson can go fuck himself

>> No.997685

I thought it was a remarkable commentary on that time and place. The drug aspect turned it into a bizarre adventure. All in all, it was just well written 'fun'. Entertaining and interesting to read about his observations, even though he was high a lot of the time.

The Great Shark Hunt is his best book.

>> No.997690

It was a bunch of confusing shit with a barely there plot, and action to jumpy. But that's what makes it a book about drugs, kind of lends itself to that experience. I liked it despite its flaws, but Thompson was a pretty fucked up person.

>> No.997697

You mean Catcher in the Rye, right?

>> No.997715

Not a good book for an ex junkie let me tell you. Never jonesed so bad after getting clean as while reading this.

>> No.997729


Since when was Thompson ever an 'ex junkie'?

>> No.997752

Anon is stating that he is a junkie, not Thompson

>> No.997774

>implying he implied Thompson was ever off drugs.

He was talking about himself.

>> No.998164


Sort of agree, as a stand-alone piece I found it too erratic to be interesting, but when you combined it's context with a book from the beat era (As I wrote an essay on, with On The Road), you see that it unveils a very sad story, which once I unveiled I gained a lot more respect for Thompson as a satirist. :D

>> No.998177


Fair enough. My bad.

>> No.998175

Extremely overrated book.

I just finished typing the whole thing out in Word a few days ago.

Again... extremely overrated book.

>> No.998227

Great book. I think the moral implications and other themes are lost on most people since most just read it for "herp, drugs are radz".

>> No.998475
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>My face when people think Fear And loathing is pro-drugs.

>> No.998504

Why....Why did you type it out in Word?

>> No.998508

An extremely fun read.

>> No.998626


Not the original poster. But he probably said he did it as irony. Because that is what Hunter used to do with books before he became an 'established writer'. I don't know though, I'm just guessing.

>> No.998674

You want to get wasted or do any drugs after this?

>Implying you got the themes of this story at all.

>> No.999150

This book truly made me laugh alot and its true about his rambles near the end about how a generation tried to expand the worlds mind at 3 bucks a hit

>> No.999204

I see what you did there.

>> No.999238
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>Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five (1969) is another striking example. The author tells us at the outsett hat the story of his hero, Billy Pilgrim, is a fiction based on his own real experience of being a prisoner of war in Dresden when itw as destroyed by Allied bombers in 1945, one of the most horrific ari-raids of World War II. The story proper begins: "Listen. BillyPilgrimhas come unstuck in time? and it shifts frequently and abruptly between various episodes in Billy's civilian life as an optometrist, husband andf ather in the American midwest, and episodes of his war-service culminating in the horror of Dresden. This is more than just the operation of memory. Billy is "time-tripping". With other trauma¬tized veterans he seeks to escape the intolerable facts of modern history by means of the sciencef-iction myth of effortless travel through time and intergalactic space (which is measured in time ¬"lighty-ears"). He claims to have been abducted for a period to the planet Tralfamadore, which is inhabited by little creatures who look like plumber's friends with an eye on top. These passages are both amsuingly parodie of science fiction and pihlosophically esrious. To the Tralfamadorians, all times are siumltnaeously present, and one can choose where to locateo neeslf. It ist he inexorable, unidirectional movement of time that makes life tragic ni our human perspective, unless one believes in an eternity in which time is redeemed, and its effects reversde. Slaughterhouse Five is a wistful, thought-provoking meditation on thsee matters ,post-Christian as well a spostmodernist. One of its most striking and poignant images is of a war-film which Billy Pilgrim watches in reverse:

>> No.999256
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I dont know. What the fuck are oyu reading?

>> No.999363

Agreed. The movie made it worse, being sold as a comedy and such...

>> No.999420

I didn't much like the movie my first watch. Then i read the book, laughed the whole way through (as mostly other acid heads and drug enthusiasts might) and after that loved the movie as well. Thompson has a very distinct voice and once you pick up on it you read it in that manner as opposed to what might be your conventional approach to reading a novel. His best work, in my opinion (and the general public, i suppose)