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/lit/ - Literature

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9976259 No.9976259 [Reply] [Original]

>starting a QTDDTOT thread

>Seasons carousel in afternoons
>Seasons carousel through afternoons

Regardless of meter or context, which one sounds/rolls off the tongue better?

>> No.9976263

I like through more. It's more visual.

>> No.9976325

It is more visual, isn't it?

But at the same time using 'in' has a bounce to it which adds it's own rhythmic aid to the visual.

I'm torn.

>> No.9976353

Does anyone have a chart on reactionary /lit/?

>> No.9976446

through's beter
there's an archive. use it.>>/lit/

>> No.9976466
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That chart takes way too much energy. Just say hope is a spook and be done with it.

>> No.9976533

whats the best complete Shakespeare collection?

>> No.9976663

Where do I start with Aristotle?

>> No.9976678

Norton if you prefer Oxford, Arden if you don't

>> No.9976721
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Depends. It's useful to think of people getting into Aristotle as belonging to one of two groups.

1. People intellectually exploring Aristotle &
2. People seeking out Aristotle for more practical, "way of life" type wisdom

Obviously there's a ton of overlap going on here (which only becomes more obvious as you read his stuff), but let's be real. There are your egghead readers who enjoy reading philosophy, and get a nice half-chub from mastering systems. These are group 1, nothing wrong with em. And then there's those in group 2, who maybe can't be arsed to, maybe just can't sit through the big systems. There's a reading order for each.

Group 1

Read the Organon (the logical works).
- A tough, dry nut to crack. Can perhaps be substituted with an overview thing, but if you want to read the rest of his stuff, you're gonna have to get used to his terminology and lingo and there's no better place for it than here.

Afterward, read the Physics.
- This one is gonna be tough. Take it slow. Draw pictures (helps a bunch). You gotta continue here because Aristotle more than with any of his other works, presupposes that you'll be approaching his work holistically.

After that, the Metaphysics
- See above

Finally you get to his other works, I'd recommend Nicomachean Ethics
- A real comfy read, which takes us to

Group 2

Start with the Ethics, and then Politics. So much of Aristotle is long since outdated (memeish, I know) now long since supplanted by other types of works (if you want logic, go for a logic book, not the Organon. Fuck all the "muh classical education" larping. If you want a lecture on Physics, pick up a science book, etc.). But this isn't true with his Ethical works, which can be read without too much of an introduction and which still have much to say and tell you about what it means to live the good life and live it well. There's a value to both approaches, but (allow me to make a judgment call), I think you'd prefer to go the Group 2 way if you're even asking. Besides, if your interest is still aflame after reading the Ethics/politcs, then you'll find where you gotta go any way.

>> No.9977261

I like this post and will save for future purposes. I fall into group 1 and I'm excited for when I get to read the Organon after I'm done with Plato. I feel it'll be a great experience and will help me in further intellectual exploration. Yeah eventually I'll pick up a logic book, but where's the fun in that. Physics I'll be reading mainly for a better understanding of his Metaphysics.

>> No.9977264

Rist's Mind of Aristotle, first two chapters

>> No.9977268

I have the Norton 3rd edition and it's really good. Recommend it.

>> No.9978316
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>> No.9978764



>> No.9978825


>> No.9979565

How do you decide if a book is worth displaying?

>> No.9979978


>> No.9980002

Thank god for meditation there's only the breath and my relationship with the breath.

At last I truly see.

May all beings find true happiness in their hearts

>> No.9980021
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Dear author of this diagram: I found hope. Big surprise, it is under God.

>> No.9980041

Both sound retarded

>> No.9980194

see what, pseud

>> No.9980204
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>> No.9980598
File: 13 KB, 220x334, Diceman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some other communities other than /lit/ worth visiting?

I'd like to find a place that has news on new editions/collections of classics and maybe a place that discusses more obscure /lit/.

And has anyone ever read dice man by luke rhinehart?

I found it on /lit/'s recommended and loved it, but haven't seen much discussion on here and everytime I've posted about it, the thread dies without any replies.

>> No.9980671

Most of the people who frequent lit--and who actually read books--don't post, they lurk. It's difficult to attempt to have discussion over a novel or piece of literature because it's quick and easy to become disheartened by a responders clear lack of thought put into understanding the work. It ceases to ever become a real conversation and is in essence someone trying to attain another's critique of the work, rather than developing their own opinions on it then bouncing ideas off of other people.
That being said, you're best bet would be IRL book clubs with similar taste as yours. I only visit this board, and site, as a lingering tick, and save most real discussion for others in person.
Also I have not read that book.

And in this, I do realize the faint irony behind my post.

>> No.9980774

Ever been to 8ch's /lit/? I mean you can check them out but they're still an absolute shithole and even slower than here

>> No.9981071
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Why did they paint him to look like Elvis?

>> No.9981281

How tf am I supposed to read this chart

>> No.9981439
File: 45 KB, 321x499, 51yALicABYL._SX319_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Vineland by the Pynchmeister. Really enjoying it so far. What are your guys' opinions on it?

>> No.9981453

Am I am brainlet for not being able to understand lyrics? I listen to tons of music but some of the more profound lyrics are lost on me.
Like Snowing, "why can't I see the sunspots in your eyes?" I know it's vaguely about some guy being frustrated that the world lost its lustre, but is that really all? Why sunspots?
Or Neutral Milk Hotel, "all secrets sleep in winter clothes." What? Just, what?

At what point does something stop being a matter of interpretation and start being a matter of fact, lyrically/poetically speaking? When is an interpretation "wrong," and how do you know?

>> No.9981463
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It's just some famous portrait in the public domain. Funny, I usually see that one used with The Count of Monte Cristo covers, it's a lot more fitting. Then again, Penguin also had the portrait of Jacques Louis David as their cover for the old COMC cover which doesn't fit at all. Oxford using it as the cover of Caleb Williams is a lot more fitting.

>> No.9983092
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>> No.9983183

I've been trying to lose weight. At the rate I'm going, I'm losing a pound a week.

For workouts I've been doing 10 minutes of sit ups and pushups and then I spend about 30-40 minutes running/jogging 3 miles.

If I'm taking in less calories than I'm expending what happens to my muscles? Am I still able to build muscle when I'm not taking in enough calories? Or is muscle building not related to caloric intake?

>> No.9983215

Protein after you work out, low carbs across the board. As long as your muscles are actually tender after your workouts, you'll gain strength. With as little as you're doing, and if you're eating little, you won't gain mass as much as you'll just get toned. Slight muscle definition gained with fat loss being you're primary change. If you want to get fit, you must work harder, then eat respectively.
Don't misunderstand, never eat more than you need. But with the ~hour of exercise you're doing, you don't need much. If you were doing an hour of straight hard lifting, you'd need more intake to achieve proper muscle definition.
It is, much with all of life, about balance.

>> No.9983385

>As long as your muscles are actually tender
What do you mean by tender? Do you mean like hurting, or weak?

>> No.9983494

Yes. As in, if you worked out in the morning, then trued again St night, you would be unable to do as much due to weakness.

>> No.9983497
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>then tried again at night

>> No.9983498

What's a book

>> No.9983503

Is there any reason to write a poetry book for kids nowadays? I'm doing something in the likes of Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (it is about kids living on the moon), but I don't think children would be interested in something like that.
I wish I could get into cartoons or video games, that way I could make something that would really reach kids.

>> No.9983513

>never eat more than you need

skele-manlet detected

>> No.9983520

A term in the card game 'Euchre' where a team takes the win and cards of the round. There are (up to) five rounds per hand.
>Three books guarantees a point, and scoring all five books in a hand grants two points.

>> No.9983524

Healthy weight for my size. I eat what I need, not what I need to be underweight. I'm just not cut.

>> No.9983525

Don't wish, do it.
Every minute you spend wishing you could do it is a minute wasted where you could be actually learning how to do it.

>> No.9983716

listen to will oldham, who taught me to differentiate among lyrics that are immediately comprehensible (whether it's the starkness, the sound, or else), lyrics which have multiple layers of meaning, and lyrics that are just masturbation.

disclaimer: his warbling voice is not for everyone

>immediately comprehensible
>multiple layers

>> No.9983761

I don't get it. What does the ending imply?