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/lit/ - Literature

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9974281 No.9974281 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up feeling awful due to using my phone for hours in bed last night instead of reading an enjoyable book
>realise there are 140 pages of Great expectations left I need to read for the pseud cred
>read 30 pages and get really fucking bored
>stop reading at the end of a chapter and decide to start reading Superintelligence because it's a book you're supposed to read but it's a modern one so maybe it won't bore me
>quickly flick through it and realise my intuitions were correct: it's some overly wordy information dump that could be summarised in ten pages; a load of baseless word-smithery exploring exploring trivial possibilities
>realise I will find it boring and my flawless bullshit detector sees the pointlessness in reading it
>tell myself: maybe I'll read multiple old 19th century books at a time. They were serialised and people read a little at a time
>know that it's useless because I'll still be wasting shitloads of time on books

Can someone recommend a book that will rekindle my faith in books? I'm so damn bored of almost all books I read.

I was googling for like-minded people who dislike Dickens and I came across an article by a literature professor who told a bunch of bored kids that they should read Dickens to learn about "themselves" or "the human condition" or something like that. That sums up the pseuds

>> No.9974282
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The Dice Man

>> No.9974283
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>> No.9974284

Lmao, normally I suggest Great Expectations to flagging readers so, your must be a retard or a child OP, could luck with that (((Uni Education)))

>> No.9974285


>> No.9974466

you have four identical threads in the catalog
not ok