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9971810 No.9971810 [Reply] [Original]

Is Maps of Meaning wrong? I've googled the shit out of this but can't find anyone saying that he's wrong (the "truth" thing with Sam Harris doesn't count). All I find are reviews praising it. This is the worst I can find, which basically says "pretty cool; it's a decent intro to Hegel": https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1QOAW6MGVT8RM/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_viewpnt?ie=UTF8&ASIN=0415922224#R1QOAW6MGVT8RM

>> No.9971825

It's an interpretation of the human condition. It's not a math problem that can be 'wrong or right'. It's a question of utility and how penetrative it's insights are.

>> No.9971828

read if faggot


>> No.9971881


What I'm thinking is that he is very broad when generalizing, so my thinking is that there's some critique somewhere that might poke some holes in one of these.

All I want is to know that someone way more educated and smarter than me has read this and can say something about the validity of his conclusions. I mean, it's 500 pages, so there has to be SOME mistakes in there...

>> No.9972058

It's very Jungan-esque. It's hard to say it's right or wrong... that's like saying Freud is right, or Nietzsche is right.

It's an interesting read though.

>> No.9972600


I turn the question for you: there is always something good in a book. So read it, is not a matter of dumb or smart, just keep un mind that this book is not God's word. Not even the bible is.

>> No.9972602

this means it's garbage, thanks anon, kiss kiss

>> No.9972847


>> No.9973384

Does it make a particular claim in the first place?

>> No.9973703

He's probably a jew. He has curly hair, does't like countersemitism, and charges too much.

>> No.9973742

Is this the first time you have ever seen an academic book for sale?

Of course all of academia is run by Jews, they are the only smart ones.

>> No.9973794

>smart ones

>> No.9973811

You said it yourself. All the books are written by Jews.

Goys are too dumb for anything other than math and pencil pushing!

>> No.9973895

You can download the entire PDF from his website without paying any money, what are you talking about?

>> No.9974249

It's an existentialist/Jungian/pragmatic interpretation of historical literary canon and it's relevance as part of the human condition. At least that's what I can gather from it along with his lectures.

>> No.9974364

I think you'll find the goyim can't compete in STEM either, thank you very much.

>> No.9974373

Oh dear. We've been giving them too much credit.

They can still do basic service jobs right? Like restaurant and factory work? We'll still need them for the next 35 years or so until automation catches up.

>> No.9974415

That's their niche after all, the "service" races. :^)

>> No.9974431

>ITT: The finest role-players of /lit/ argue amongst themselves.
Grow up.

>> No.9974624

Sad that idiots like this are worshiped as the intellectuals of our time. Faux intellectual garbage.

>> No.9974658

ad-hominems do not constitute arguments, you post-modernist scum

>> No.9974724

He's a cuck, always cucking on the Nazis and Hitler and the Holohoax.

>> No.9974750

so is every major psychologist. He's redpilled for academic standards, and doesn't hesitate to point out that communism was worse than nazism and that IQ is a major factor in one's social status. You can't only read holocaust deniers, or you'd be excluding entire genres of literature.

>> No.9974752

I think it is a great piece of comedy. The drawings make me full of laughter. Whenever I feel sad, I just look at them, and I feel unsad again, and I laugh and laugh. It is great, I think Peterson is the trickster archytype. Always there to make funny stuff heehe.

>> No.9974801

This guy is such a retard.

>> No.9975125

> Muh Hitler and Muh Nazis are the only real deciding factors on whether somebody has any utility or is good or not
Don't read anything post-1945 then

>> No.9975559

I don't lol

>> No.9976225


nice memes

>> No.9976699

Pls be meming. Why would anyone want to be a Nazi? The superior man does not support genocide. To be alpha is to be benevolent yet powerful, to be beta is to be malevolent yet weak. JBP is 100% right about the Nazis. Listen to the latest Joe Rogan interview.

>> No.9976718

> The superior man does not support genocide

The inferior man is the one that gets genocided. This is pretty self-evident. So that means the one doing the genocide is the superior one. Unless you want to pull some serious victim worship.

>> No.9976757

Have you tried looking up critiques Jung? Or American ego psychology? Or evo psyc? Most people who have read Peterson's book at this point are those who are already predisposed to his ideas through youtube, not much of an intellectual community. It's not like he's an original thinker, critiques of his ideas existed before he wrote them down.

>> No.9976968

The superior man is one who builds his empire for his family. Genocide is the inferior man's fearful response to being made irrelevant by the superior men of other races.

>> No.9977076

I guess homo saipeans are inferior to neanderthals than, because the homo saipeans genocide the neanderthals into extinction. That's how you "build an empire for your family" you quit literally kill, rob and enslave the family in the cave next door.

>> No.9977293

That was so fucking cringy, two faux intellectuals circle jerking.

>> No.9977315

Actually, the Bible is God's Word. This is a Christian board you faggot. Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour or stop posting a lurk until you are willing to do so.

>> No.9977323

Holey Bibble = jew fairytales

>> No.9977701

Neanderthal blood still exists.
Samefag? Jbp is two woke...

>> No.9977704

Not joining your cult, wanker

>> No.9978539

But the species is existinct. Do you not know what genocide is?

Neanderthals are a genocided group, the fact that some of their dna stayed around does not invalidate this. And it would make them an inferior species since they were unable to prevent their own extinction.

The genociders are the superior ones because not only are they still alive but they can take whatever they want from the defeated group, including their dna.