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9970907 No.9970907 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start?

>> No.9970920

With the Greeks.

>> No.9970931

In the Buddha's Words
Sayings of the Buddha

Diamond+Heart Sutra
Prajnaparamita Sutras (Conze translation)
Lankavatra Sutra

Introduction to Zen Buddhism (Suzuki)
Way of Zen (Watts)
Tibetan Book of the Dead

>> No.9970964

any recommendations on Dzogchen or Mahamudra?

>inb4 pointing out instructions from a Rinpoche

>> No.9970983

Buddhism is just gook Neoplatonism.

>> No.9970990
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You could finish with this
Though I've been informed that the modular mind is not supported by neuroscience

>> No.9971670

Mindfulness in Plain English seems good but I only read half of it xD

>> No.9971674

On /x/ where this mysticman garbage belongs

>> No.9971676

you also watch the whole coursera on this topic made by that guy

>> No.9971679

Pali Canon is literature.

>> No.9971681

That looks like Christian Science tier thrash

>> No.9971722


>> No.9971728

With the greeks you pajeet loving nigger.

>> No.9971736

The Greeks laid the foundation for repression and falsification, its fine to ignore them. Start eastern where feelings and thoughts are all allowed.

>> No.9972498

this is my favorite collection ever: http://www.lotsawahouse.org/topics/dzogchen/

scroll to bottom for pdf

>> No.9972506

>Start eastern where feelings and thoughts are all allowed

Yeah, no..

>> No.9973860


>> No.9973902
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If you're actually interested in truth, I would suggest this book... unless you wanna hear stories about as believable as Socrates or Jesus with a less familiar vocabulary.

>> No.9973912

Hinduism > Buddhism

Read the Gita anon.

>> No.9973931
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seconded. praise Shiva

>> No.9973951

>tfw offering ganja smoke to shiva right now and listening to om

>> No.9973999

It is secular Buddhism actually. Had my interest but can see why not everyone would like it

>> No.9974003

>Start eastern where feelings and thoughts are all allowed.

what the exact fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.9974012

Buddhism is more like gook Stoicism

>> No.9974258

The Ajivakas were, next to the Niganthas/Jains, the most prominent alternative ascetic movement at the Buddha’s time. And they had a paradigm without free-will. One of their leaders, Makkhali Gosala, is quoted with these words

there is no cause or condition for the defilement of beings… There is no cause or condition for the purification of beings… There is no self-power or other-power, there is no power in humans, no strength or force, no vigour or exertion. All beings, all living things, all creatures, all that lives is without control, without power or strength, they experience the fixed course of pleasure and pain through the six kinds of rebirth… Therefore there is no such thing as saying: ‘By this discipline or practice or austerity or holy life I will bring my un-ripened kamma to fruition, or I will gradually make this ripened kamma go away.’ Neither of these things is possible, because pleasure and pain have been measured out with a measure limited by the round of birth-and-death… Just as a ball of string when thrown runs till it is all unravelled, so fools and wise run on and circle round till they make an end of suffering… (DN 2, MN 60, MN 76, SN 22.60, SN 24.7)

>> No.9974311

>Christian Science tier

Thats Fulon Gong you are thinking of, Christian Science is a whole different ballpark

>> No.9974620

>I am a 45 year old woman and have been meditating about 4 years. Usually mindfulness of breathing, occasionally metta practice or just sitting. I sometimes have sits where I am just starting to get concentrated on my breath (although actually, I'm not all *that* concentrated) when - there are no two ways about it - my body has an orgasm (or several). Has anyone else experienced this? What is going on?!

>It is frankly a bit distracting and disturbs my nice quiet breathing that I had been building up! Does anyone have any thoughts about how I can stop this happening? (I mean, there is a time and a place.... and the meditation cushion doesn't really seem to be it...)

>> No.9974622


>> No.9974627
File: 98 KB, 485x700, the_ecstasy_of_saint_theresa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you're getting fucked by the Holy Spirit but your brain is too muddled with Chinkshit to realize it

>> No.9974661

You have already ended.

>> No.9974664

nah this ecstasy is from religious people who love to interpret the pleasures of contemplation with sensual pleasures and confuse this love with their fantasy of ''eternal self'' and god or ''god is love''

>> No.9974779

dont even bother desu

>> No.9975102

bump for jhanas

>> No.9975146
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The Waking Up Podcast.

>> No.9975173

Wright is pretty based desu

>> No.9976355
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Thirded. Just started reading it again

>> No.9976389

>liking a cuck

>> No.9976505
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>> No.9976689

Good translation. I suggest checking out a few others as well, however. I read all three in that series by him. Quite comfy stuff!

>> No.9977430

It's not "stop being a person", it's just watch the thought and feeling of personhood be.

>> No.9977687

“It was out of his desire to get away quickly. For when devas come for any purpose to the human world, they do so like a man of clean habits coming to a latrine. In fact, the human world is naturally repulsive to them even at a hundred yojanas’ distance owing to its stench, and they find no delight in it. So this deva refrained from sitting down since he wanted to get away quickly as soon as he had done what he came to do.”

>> No.9978496


>> No.9978560

Wouldn't that be Confucianism?

>> No.9978726

yeah, buddhism is more like aryan epicureanism

>> No.9979201
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His translation is great. I picked these two up yesterday

>> No.9979320
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>secular buddhism

>> No.9980465

Is this why Zen is so popular among normalfags?

>> No.9980519

It's because they're retarded.

>> No.9980525

>leaving western religions without evidence for the purpose of adhering to a few oriental abstractions without evidence
At the least the west has art and actual philosophy

>> No.9980530

>where feelings and thoughts
>and thoughts

>> No.9980531

The people I see posting about mindfulness are always thots