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/lit/ - Literature

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9966648 No.9966648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be born into high IQ workaholic "white trash" family on upward economic trajectory
>family goes from bottom of economic ladder to maybe 95th percentile through deft maneuvering and physically harmful work ethic
>spend second half of childhood in upper middle class suburbs as a social outcast
>develop inferiority complex; feel like i'm too dysfunctional and uncultured to fit in with this social class
>work after dropping out of high school to save up money for college
>spend free time educating self on history, culture, literature, western art music, religion
>transfer from community college to a liberal arts school because they gave me a huge scholarship
>develop group of friends while taking intense STEM courseload
>realize none of them actually know shit about anything
>they all have standard "educated" liberal opinions
>refuse to go to classical concerts or art exhibitions with me because they're intimidated; would rather eat thai food and watch netflix
>refuse to go anywhere slightly seedy with me because they're afraid of black people and working class white people; would rather go to yuppie bars that play "indie" bands who chart on the top 40
>trump election happens
>lifelong democrat, against trump
>constantly hear shit about the racist white people ruining america, how dumb they are, how they are too privileged, etc., basically 100% of everyone i grew up with
>mfw these soft-palmed baby faggots have no idea who they are even talking about
>personally know dozens and dozens of people voting trump
>cancer-ridden construction worker friend, insanely hardworking, has immense family problems (daughter on drugs, grandson has infant brain cancer, wife is recovering from cancer) but spends every drop of spare energy helping his neighbors
>guy from fucked up family background, works his way up until he can eventually found his own contracting company in his 40s, works his ass off to support his sick wife and adopted kids
>grow up in church, have story after fucking story of these "privileged white people" born into tragedy fucking killing themselves to do the right thing with barely anything to show for it
>mfw my friends think they're superior to all of these people because they have jon stewart-approved opinions and my family friends don't
>break contact with all of them
>mfw i get called an asshole
>mfw i realize everyone i grew up intellectually intimidated by is actually a pseud faggot

what book do i read

>> No.9966664

the uses of literacy

>> No.9966671

Men of Maize by Miguel Angel Asturias.

>> No.9966675
File: 61 KB, 750x750, XD selfhating black drumpf btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9966690

holy shit this post is so fucking reddit

>> No.9966693

isn't reddit middle class thai fanciers?

>> No.9966703

It is, lit has been very Reddit in the past few days.

OP, looking down on people for watching netflix instead of going to a museum is clearly posturing. If those guys look down on the working class, obviously they lack empathy but that's not unusual. The construction worker probably looks down on plenty of people who don't share his opinions on, say, god.

>> No.9966707


>> No.9966709

Thai food is tasty, you're a haughty fuck, and putting "rec me a book" at the end of a blogpost doesn't make it /lit/

>> No.9966767
File: 225 KB, 2400x2400, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he's smart and educated
>still believe red team vs blue team american politic mentality
>still doesn't understand the only difference between neolib and neocon are that the first use lube while the latter favour sandpaper
>still doesn't realize that the us vs them mentality only help politicians since they no longer need to do anything useful for the people but can just engage in idpol
>he probably voted trump thinking choosing a 70 y/o billionaire that appointed half of Wall Street and Goldman Sachs in his govt is "going against the system"
>brag about it with a blogpost on a bengal tigers enthusiast forum
>mfw this kind of retards have a disproportionate amount of saying in how the world is run

>> No.9966833

*eats naan*

>> No.9966843

>go to college after getting high and drunk throughout HS
>all these people at college who just want to party
>mfw 4 years of school costs over $100,000
I'm not against drugs or anything but fuck there's not much fun in standing in a crowded house for shitty beer and bad weed.

Also the best Thai food is Khao soi gai.

>> No.9966844

OP, all you really need to know is this: you ain't shit.

>> No.9966927

Dangerous realization you should take to heart: There is literally NO value whatsoever in associating with liberals of any sort. They are arrogant, violent, cruel and evil. You are quite literally safer sleeping in the Alaskan wilderness than you are visiting the average Left-leaning city. They're psychopaths, as Kaczinsky put it, suffering from "over-socialization" because their tiny pseud brains are incapable of distancing themselves from the limitations imposed on them by society.

Such people would be serfs in a healthy civilization. For some reason, right-wing men decided it would be a good idea if the serfs were allowed to vote. So these imbeciles were given equal rights to actual humans, and have now used those to destroy civilization to the best of their ability.

>> No.9966963

Trump was objectively a good choice, and the ocean of Syrian child-blood not spilled for it is proof.

You are a murderer if you say otherwise. "wall street" and "goldman sachs" are euphamisms, just say fucking Jews. That's what you mean, and if you say otherwise you're lying.

>> No.9967049

trump is only a good choice if you're some kind of weird accelerationist.

>> No.9967098

OP voted dem and has taken to heart the comment that he is a haughty fuck

>> No.9967105

He's plenty good if I don't want the government to expressly fund Al-Nusra and overthrow middle-eastern countries for no fucking reason. An order to the CIA not to continue funding the FSA and by extension ISIS and other extremist groups was worth the entire election.

Like that, by itself, was worth electing him. The fact that we get things on the side is only a bonus. But then perhaps you think that the streets of Aleppo should run slick and shiny with human fat and blood. I hear that's a very popular political opinion these days, did you get it from Jon "Stewart" or from Steven Colbert, which of those shining heroes convinced you, I'm curious.

>> No.9967111

neither; it was your mom

>> No.9967142

>Yes, you're a murderer if you didn't vote for Trump!!!! What about the Syrian children!!! Rivers of blood!!!
>what is Yemen
fuck off SHILL

>> No.9967149

>two lines into frogposter greentext
>already strawmaning

>> No.9967155

What a fucking trash-tier thread. Everyone be sure to report the OP.

>> No.9967178

No, you /poltard, i mean Wall Street and Goldman Sachs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinet_of_Donald_Trump just look at the 2nd name: Mnuchin, a fucking ex Goldman Sachs partner that speculated on the 2007 banks bailout paid with your taxes.

Yeah Trump is literally Gandhi

>> No.9967181

Pierre Bourdieu - Homo Academicus
Or some book that makes an overview of his work.

In other words, you need to get your head out of your ass. Permanently eating your own shit is not ok.

>> No.9967182

Whats so weird about accelerationism?

>> No.9967187

Thanks for correcting le record

>> No.9967194


It's time to go back to


>> No.9967197

>everyone working for wallstreet or goldman sachs is jewish
>therefore, all jews work for wallstreet or goldman sachs

>> No.9967206

Sorry bud but you are an asshole. Classical music and art galleries are boring as fuck and you only want to go to them because you're an over-compensating wannabe yuppie yourself.
You don't give a shit about these working class losers you just want to narcissistically feed your own sense of entitlement and self righteousness, get fucked

>> No.9967209

Hillbilly Elegy

Its basically your biography, so will probably be cathartic

>> No.9967213

>the stefan molyneux logic course

>> No.9967217

>neoMarxist jargon horseshit
Trump is good because he makes people like you piss your knickers.

>> No.9967220

but i don't wear knickers

>> No.9967221

That's basically what accelerationism is about

>> No.9967223

>if I don't like something then nobody does
pseud 101

>> No.9967227

I'm not familiar with that fellow, you'll have to explain what you mean.
I was pointing out how retarded it is to say all Jews are wallstreet and goldman sachs workers, in case you weren't able to pick up op on that.

>> No.9967242

Shut up, I don't like sucking cocks either but I'm not going to approve of your hobby

>> No.9967253

>I'm not familiar with that fellow, you'll have to explain what you mean.
he's a retard who thinks he's the living embodiment of LOGIC and ARGUMENTS, I was making fun of him

>> No.9967258

If I'm understanding your screwy autistic train of logic here right you're thinking because a word is used as a euphemism it has to actually fully analytically correspond to every probably instance of what its referring to.
Because that's fucking retarded

>> No.9967292

"let's kill all the jews!"
*people start killing jews*
"not jews jews! I meant it like, bad people, you know! it wuz a metafore!"

>> No.9967319

I don't think this is how the holocaust went down

>> No.9967333

how is that retarded when the so called euphemism in question is, in its actual definition, a population of people
so like when sjws say "white men are the worst" you think "white men" is just a euphemism in this case and totally fine? right?

>> No.9967337

yeah in that case it turned out he really did want to kill all the jews

>> No.9967348


>> No.9967374

Because it's a euphamism that points to representatives of that people. If you want to make a comparison for SJWs you need to have a euphemism for white people, not that there are many

>> No.9967378

>They are arrogant, violent, cruel and evil.
>as Kaczinsky put it
The Unibomber? That's who taught you how violent and cruel OTHER people are?

>> No.9967381

okay that's retarded as fuck, but sure keep your mental gymnastics going that way you can stay antisemitic

>> No.9967395
File: 3.80 MB, 320x269, Cuck34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>lifelong democrat, against trump


>>constantly hear shit about the racist white people ruining america, how dumb they are, how they are too privileged, etc., basically 100% of everyone i grew up with

White people *are* privileged by being born and living into a moderate climate zone (hence their skin color). Lives of people in 1th World (= moderate climate zone) countries are on easy mode, even if they're comparatively poor.

>>personally know dozens and dozens of people voting trump

You should've tried to influence them for the better.

>>cancer-ridden construction worker friend, insanely hardworking, has immense family problems (daughter on drugs, grandson has infant brain cancer, wife is recovering from cancer) but spends every drop of spare energy helping his neighbors

How are Republican plans to further limit access to health care help him, or his family? If the Democrats had their way under Clinton, his unlucky family would be covered under universal health care now, that is way cheaper and more efficient than the Social Darwinist American health care system.

>>guy from fucked up family background, works his way up until he can eventually found his own contracting company in his 40s, works his ass off to support his sick wife and adopted kids

In times of the industrial economy a simple worker could easily afford to provide for his family. Then, the likes of Trump, Greenspan, G. W. Bush came and started the asset inflation economy. So, what motivates a hard-working man to vote Republican?

>>mfw i get called an asshole

If you have any sympathy for Donald Trump, (other than finding him a tad more bearable than the "alternative Clinton") you are either an asshole, or a very poorly informed person.

>> No.9967396

Plebs confirmed for eating Thai food.

>> No.9967401

Martin eden

>> No.9967415

God, this nigger is such an uncle Tom.

>> No.9967430

Goldman Sachs is 100% controlled by Jews though, and the Wall Street is disproportionately dominated by the Hebrews.

>> No.9967466

Are there more Jews in the world than Goldman Sachs workers and wall street workers combined? If yes, a generalization like that is stupid because it is confining something broad into something small. How is that hard to understand?
It's good he's against Trump but saying that being a lifelong democratic is good is stupid. That's just reinforcing conformity.

>> No.9967468

uncle tom sowell's tenure

>> No.9967476

>So, what motivates a hard-working man to vote Republican?
It being the only party that even claims to care about your demographic. Dems might claim to care about the poor but then shit all over everything poor white people care about.
>poor white dude with cancer is more privileged than a healthy black dude
Yeah I can really see why the dems lost.

>> No.9967507

>Yeah I can really see why the dems lost.
because you wrote shit he didn't say in greentext?

>> No.9967515

You must have missed the memo. We only care about skin colour and gender now. Class is sooooo 20th century.
Why care about tangible, systematic economic oppression when you can divert attention towards whatever identity crisis is in vogue right now?

>> No.9967522
File: 10 KB, 236x213, Cuck5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that even claims to care about your demographic

Lip service.

Both Republicans and Democrats care primarily about their lobbyists, regardless of race, everyone's red herring in American politics.

>>poor white dude with cancer is more privileged than a healthy black dude


I meant that being white equates being born in a First World country. A Swiss cancer patient is still more privileged than a Congolese one.

>> No.9967538

OP here, i still don't like trump and i voted dem. i am upset that these people said such hateful things about many of the people i grew up with without even knowing them. i'm not making an argument for voting trump. this thread was supposed to be about me being sad/butthurt about class elitism and general disparagement of my social group by my friends not a trump endorsement

>> No.9967546

Trump was a good choice when he was the alternative to Hillary Clinton but anyone who caucused for him or voted for him in primaries is a fucking moron

>> No.9967547

/lit/ can't read /lit/

>> No.9967549

>context is privilege among American demographics
>bring up people in third world countries
By that logic everyone in America lives like a king and should realize all their problems are comparatively nothing nothing to a starving African.

>> No.9967551


You know....I automatically hate you for posting your entire goddamn life story in green text. Fuck you, fuck your gay ass problems.

>> No.9967559


>> No.9967567

>i am upset that these people said such hateful things about many of the people i grew up with without even knowing them.
boy meets world
that's what people are like
sorry for relizing that in your mid fucking twenties
have a nice life

>> No.9968024


Trump is the embodiment of class elitism and not knowing what American (former) blue collar workers are going through daily.

Resenting Trump is rightful, even if said resentment comes from academia liberals that are just as delusional about other things.


You're the one taking that logic to absurd extremes. I merely said that a First World citizen is privileged in *some* way. You can still have cancer, or a sick relative, or depression, or a small dick in a First World country, but it's still better than having said problem in a Third World country.

>> No.9968039

>>>constantly hear shit about the racist white people ruining america, how dumb they are, how they are too privileged, etc., basically 100% of everyone i grew up with

>White people *are* privileged by being born and living into a moderate climate zone (hence their skin color). Lives of people in 1th World (= moderate climate zone) countries are on easy mode, even if they're comparatively poor.

Then you said nothing because this is about American demographics. He was talking about how the people he grew up with got shit on for being privileged by more privileged people and then you came in with some dumb Germs, Guns, and Steel shit.

>> No.9968110

i guess the idea was that i'm not totally against hierarchy.i know you think it's dumb to go to a country show instead of watching the get down on tv, but the truth is that both of us are engaging with relative bullshit, so why don't we just chill out and stop hating each other? if you're going to mass in some incredible chapel (or whatever the equivalent for you is) or looking at some amazing work of art then you're doing better. if you're engaging in your social group's version of junk entertainment, why would you hate someone for doing the same? i just don't get it. and in the same vein, it's fine to be against racism and i'm against it as well. but why do you want to keep talking about how much you hate old racist trump-voting white people when i've seen you when we're out and you're so afraid of black people that you can barely even talk to them? why do we have to keep beating each other up all the time

>> No.9969342

This response to Sowell is so typical and hilariously misinformed. He basically thinks in many oppression has made blacks superior to whites, since they had to work harder for equality. I suppose he views the current climate as degenerate following the relaxation of standards and the acquisition of equality.

>> No.9969452

But what does this have to do with literature?

>> No.9969457


Who said he believes in bipartisan politics? Looks to me like he was using it to demonstrate the level of pseud he had to deal with.

>> No.9969469

Fuck off, you're the pseud.

>> No.9969470


jared diamond is a hack

>> No.9969480

They aren't boring at all, OP is just attracted to the aesthetic of it.

>> No.9969489

This is thread is so fucking pathetic. Injecting a book rec at the end of the post still doesn't make it relevant to /lit/. Taker this shit somewhere else

>> No.9969494

Become a communist. You get to hate libs for their classism and still not fuck over the same people you're worried about them disrespecting.

>> No.9969495

Holy shit there is a lot of pissed off liberals itt

>> No.9969508

>literally anyone not being fucked over

>> No.9969510

yeah bro, look at all those triggered libcucks
let's give em a double dose of flippum birdums for le god emperor

>> No.9969523

>White people *are* privileged by being born and living into a moderate climate zone (hence their skin color)

>> No.9969528

martin eden

just become a socialist.

>> No.9969529

>yeah bro, look at all those triggered libcucks
>let's give em a double dose of flippum birdums for le god emperor

>> No.9969535

lmao. not surprising. by the way, there's literally a subset of neo-nazis who revere charles manson as a great white leader. not making this up. look up james mason. those atomwaffen guys are big on him.

>> No.9969542

North America has a much worse climate than Africa.
Homeless die here by merit of the weather reaching -40C in the winter. Nobody can survive sleeping in that. An African homeless in the exact same food and water condition and season-appropriate clothes (homeless here are generally forced into wearing a one-season autumn attire, not ideal for summers or winters -- meanwhile, buck naked is perfectly fine in Africa except during the rainy season, and even then, they've made it work.)
Stop deluding yourself. North America and Europe are not 'moderate'. Murderous fucking cold is worse than the worst drought. Want a fire? Too cold. Want water? Better start eating snow, it's just slightly toxic and won't lower your core temperature too fast. That's the irony of it -- one can be surrounded by fresh water, but it'll kill you even faster. Not to mention that North American winters are dry winters.

North America also has a much wider range of temperatures. Here, it's about 70 centigrade. What's the norm in Africa, maybe 35 centigrade? By pure relativity, the summers here are warmer than they are in Africa. Africa doesn't even have a winter. This brings back my point about homeless here being forced into a monoseason attire, which is awful all around but is necessary.
There are awful rain seasons in North America. There are awful droughts and deserts in North America.
So, what's wrong with Africa, the single most resource-rich continent on the planet? Nothing. It may seem worse at first, surviving alone in Africa. But come winter, when all the fresh water in North America is frozen over, and all the wildlife and edible fruits/plants have gone into hibernation or withered for the season, then there is no surviving.

>> No.9969544

This is the literature board.

>> No.9969571

i geuss thats why he wares that swasi between his eyes

>> No.9969578

>>cancer-ridden construction worker friend, insanely hardworking, has immense family problems (daughter on drugs, grandson has infant brain cancer, wife is recovering from cancer) but spends every drop of spare energy helping his neighbors
>>guy from fucked up family background, works his way up until he can eventually found his own contracting company in his 40s, works his ass off to support his sick wife and adopted kids

It was going very well until here. Take this another direction.

>> No.9969601
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, The Greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't lit related at all, please take this trash over to /adv/ or reddit. I'm not trying to be a snob but the core function of this board is to discuss literature, not solve trivial personal problems. If you want a list of books, here you go, come back here once you've finished any of them and feel free to discuss.

>> No.9969660

>If you want a list of books

If I wanted a list of books I wouldn't have come here, asshole

>> No.9969789

reddit: the post

>> No.9969819

Worst part was
>noveau riche getting an inferiority complex when surrounded by old money

>> No.9969843

So what if I prefer eating thai food and watching netflix over going to a museum? Maybe I'm a privileged liberal and maybe I have standard "educated" liberal opinions, but at least I'm on the winning side. You, instead, you're just a white trash piece of shit, and you will always be, no matter how much effort you put in yourself. Now leave. You don't belong here. You don't belong anywhere.

>> No.9969844

>Trump is the embodiment of class elitism and not knowing what American (former) blue collar workers are going through daily.
That's exactly why Clinton lost and especially Marxists are so detested.

>> No.9969853

Are you ready trying to defend Trump supporters using construction workers? Cherry pick all you want but that industry is full of actually deplorable fucking morons (second only to the auto repair industry). There is a reason Mexicans have usurped whites in the trades even in white owned construction companies.

>> No.9969892

Yes, as a matter of fact I'm pissed. I don't like being looked down by some fucking hillbilly who forgot his place because his white trash family worked very hard to send him to college and now he thinks he's like us. Trump supporters are human trash and don't deserve sympathy.

>> No.9969900

So you're born white trash and you end up hating liberals and supporting Trump? I guess the moral of the story is that people don't change. You were born white trash and have remained white trash despite attending college.

>> No.9969915

No, he said he still doesn't like Trump in one post. He' sad because the supposedly educated people he idolized growing up are cold as fuck and just as intellectualy lazy as the white trash.

>> No.9969956

They haven't though, nobody lets mexicans near anything important. Their job is to move shit from point A to point B without being able to sue for work place injuries.

>> No.9969990

And nobody can survive sleeping out in the heat of summer in Africa, due to the sunstroke, overheating and dehydration.
Winters are easy lmao just build a house and move around using the energy from the food you're able to stockpile for longer because of the lower temperatures. But in droughts, your very livelihood takes a hit on what is already generally quite shit farmland. And stockpiling water in intense droughts is harder than stockpiling food because contamination can more easily spread and most animals in Africa are pretty well attuned to the smell of water and some remember where they've found water before so if you happened to build your house near, for example, a water source, you may very well get elephants (which are scary and dangerous) taking from your water supply, whereas the worst you can get in NA is a bear, and they're far less plentiful and less dangerous than a pack of elephants.
Dehydration in a dry winter isn't really a significant concern because you don't have intense heat drawing every last bead of water out of you. I think the "moderate" guy was underestimating how bad it can be in the northern parts of north America, but there really is no contest.

South Africa does have a winter, but it really is a moderate place in general so it's not the part(s) of africa we're talking about. And your point about the range isn't that helpful because africa spans the equator so doesn't get that far from the equator, whereas NA simply has a larger difference in the closeness and distance from the equator for the closest and furthest parts. So, Sam Francisco might get very hot, Canada might get very cold, that doesn't really tell you much since most people will stay where they are. NA has very good farmland, so staying where you are is a good idea. So, "by pure relativity" is a fallacious way to look at things unless you're a roving pack of red Indians, going to places intentionally at the times when their weather is the most extreme
"most resource rich" is misleading because so many of the resources require intensive machinery to even be remotely helpful. How is a farmer in a drought helped by the fact that diamonds may be below his feet (or may not be, depending on if the colonialists got there first)?
There is surviving if you've stockpiled food. Nobody's talking about dropping completely unprepared people into the wilderness at the point of winter. But, as I've shown, come the droughts, when all the fresh water in Africa has evaporated, and the withering heat is taking all the water from your body and killing your crops (and possibly livestock), there is no surviving

>> No.9970088

This is true, my family has been in construction for years because my grandpa made his fortune after immigrating here from Palestine in the 50s by building and selling houses. My father has owned a high end custom cabinet shop for 30 years and I hate 99% of the people he has to work with. Bunch of idiots who lack so much self awareness it's terrifying. Only the quit mexicans just trying to put food on the table are pleasant. For my family who are all educated and employee these people its a constant battle of frustration

>> No.9970111

Trump was worth it just for the revival of the american left. They have been sleepwalking in every first-world country, content to abandon the concerns of the working class and align with corporate interests. This can no longer work ; the Left will have to clearly express their opposition to neoliberal economic policy in order to gain ground.

>> No.9970129

>Africa doesn't even have a winter.

That's the whole problem with the continent. Cold, or, at least, moderate temperatures are necessary for productive agriculture.