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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 562x356, facebook3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
996505 No.996505 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, I'm just having better taste in books than all of you plebeians put together.

>> No.996512

You're probably trolling, but Kafka and Salinger are two of my favorite authors.

>> No.996514

>Catcher In The Rye
>His Dark Materials
>Lord of the Rings

You're going to have to try harder than that, CLT. That shit is all way below entry-level here. The rest of the list is entry-level.

>> No.996516

inb4 Watchmen isn't a book.

>> No.996518
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>> No.996520


That isn't how literature works, you hipster buffoon.

>> No.996528

>That isn't how literature works, you hipster buffoon.

We have a recommended reading list and pretty much everything you listed is on some variation of it. It's pretty entry-level around here at least.

>> No.996534


>clearly never read it

>> No.996538

>Implying it's not.

Also, he said BOOK, not literature.

>> No.996541
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gif related

>> No.996545

I hate this "entry level" bullshit. Someone who is able to actually enjoy books regardless of their "level," not caring if they look smart to other people will always be smarter than people who have to keep up the pretense to feel good about themselves.

>> No.996547

He's a troll and a tripfag, but he really is correct. The term "entry level" was coined as a way to say you're some sort of low level music/lit lover and thus to compare figurative dick size. Just because a lot people read Salinger in highschool means fuck all to the quality of his work.

>> No.996555


But he doesn't have a secure tripcode. Note the one exclamation point.

>> No.996556

>comic book

>> No.996558

>Popular means shit.

>> No.996564

>Implying that reading isn't how you take in a comic.

>> No.996570

>implying people don't just look at the pictures

>> No.996571

Not so much that as listing YA books isn't the best way to flaunt any supposed literary superiority.

>> No.996576

>Implying Watchmen isn't a celebrated work of literature (inb4 >Implying Watchmen is literature) because of the TEXT and what's written.

>> No.996579

Catcher and LotR are hardly young adult. True, they're popular amongst the YA population, but the books themselves aren't YA.

HDM, on the other hand...

>> No.996583
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>> No.996585


Lord of the Rings is entirely young adult.

>> No.996595

I don't even like LOTR, but that's just dumb. It wasn't written for a young adult audience, so how is it a YA book?

>> No.996601

Go back to /lit/, CLT.

>> No.996602
File: 130 KB, 533x400, WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol faggot alert

everybody step back, the faginator's coming through

"better taste in books", more like "better taste in auughguh i cna't tye p with so many Dicks shoved dpwm my throatt"

Okay, I'm done.

>> No.996604

You are such a fucking hipster dude. You're trying way too hard.

>> No.996606

God dammit, I meant /mu/.

>> No.996607

Go back to /mu/.

>> No.996610
File: 36 KB, 400x204, pandarage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 25+ replies

I thought you were better than this, /lit/.

>> No.996615

Charlie Kaufman movies sure are deep as fuck, right bro?

>> No.996617

>Subjective opinion.

Go to a book store. Look for it in the YA section. Find nothing.

>> No.996620

What is Catcher if not young adult?

>> No.996621


lawl, that's because it's filled with Twilight and Twilight knockoff books.



>> No.996626


A book widely considered to be a classic. Don't you dare lump it in with that Eragon bullshit.

>> No.996629

>we have lists

So? That still isn't how literature works. It's as inane as saying Scarlatti is superior to Beethoven.

I'd heard /lit/ was more cultured than /mu/. I'd heard wrong.

>> No.996632


Using that logic, 1984 and The Old Man and The Sea are YA because I can find them in my library's YA section.

>> No.996636

Waiting for Godot was okay, but I found Rosencratz and Guildenstern are Dead to be much better.

>> No.996638

Do you actually try to be as hipster as you possibly can? Looking at your "favorite" movies, music and books, it really seems as though you're trying way too fucking hard. And you are entry level as fuck. Do you also own a pair of converse and skinny jeans?

>> No.996645


That's not even hipster. I'm a hipster, I read the better of that list in middle school. The worst of it I didn't read at all.

>> No.996652

>Spirited Away, Adaptation, Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Princess Mononoke, Synecdoche New York, Yellow Submarine

17 year old detected

>> No.996657


More like 14-16 ffs

>> No.996659
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images[1].jpg&amp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a hipster

>> No.996661

I didn't. I thought watered down the themes/premise while at the same time adding no original ideas/insights.

Not a Stoppard devotee.

>> No.996666

>Charlie Kaufman


>> No.996668

>You're trying hard. My support being, it seems as though you try hard. Do you try hard?

Uh, can you elaborate?

>> No.996671
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 1276352215589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a hipster

>> No.996674

75% of /lit/ or more is hipsters, don't be so surprised.

>> No.996675


Hey, Bazarov. Fancy seeing you here.

>> No.996677

As in you are trying so very hard to portray this image of yourself of the stereotypical hipster. I almost hope you're trolling. Also lol charlie kaufman

>> No.996678

Stop pulling statistics out of your ironic, pretentious ass.

>> No.996679
File: 25 KB, 400x365, 400px-Trollface_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day, another dollar, potato.

>> No.996680

>Amon Düül II

I approve.

>> No.996681

who cares

let hipsters be

it's just the superiority comment people are getting worked up about

successful troll is successful

>> No.996686


Tired of /mu/ already?

>> No.996689
File: 93 KB, 500x641, hipster-20090424-161048[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But actually labeling yourself as a hipster is essentially saying "I look like this". You're just asking to be mocked.

>> No.996692

>Spirited Away
>Princess Mononoke


>> No.996695

>let hipsters be

Only a hipster would suggest such a ridiculous thing.

>> No.996700

i was looking forward to a good troll. but you are too dumb to even stay my interest. what a boring and unremarkable guy

>> No.996703
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 369959064_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what your conception of a "stereotypical hipster" is, comrade.

Would anyone care to debate the books based on their merits, or is that beyond you all? I guess we can keep on with the ad hominem and blanket statements, if that's all your board is capable of.

>> No.996712
File: 203 KB, 800x642, hipsters1sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.996715

>I don't even know what your conception of a "stereotypical hipster" is, comrade.

Yes you do, you know exactly what it is. And you seem to fit the bill perfectly.

>> No.996718


Oh, hey. I recognize her.

>> No.996720

Do you like any movies that were made prior to the year 2000? Besides the anime and the Beatles one.

>> No.996725


not a hipster

i'm saying why does the idea of hipsters threaten/bother you?

let 'em be

>> No.996726

Fuck off, hipster.

>> No.996729

Dozens, but anyone who puts more than 15 or so artists/novels/authors/films in a given section is clearly attempting to project an image.

>> No.996731


try again

>> No.996732

I rather enjoyed this, are there any more, sir?

Bridges Smelting

>> No.996734

Kate Beaton's been making comics for about 5 years. And you're calling *me* entry-level? Good grief.

>> No.996736

lit, getting trolled by uninteresting crap since the beginning of time.

>> No.996738


I really doubt that.

>> No.996741

I'm sorry, friend, I believe you are mistaken. You seem to be under the impression that all anonymous posters are the same.

Highly defensive tone has been noted.

>> No.996743

Anyone who counts the number of books / movies / whatever in a given section of a facebook profile clearly cares too much.

>> No.996745
File: 37 KB, 453x604, l_721ea25ea5ab1e31eca467fe98e830c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't readily distinguish between singular "you" and plural "you" using contextual clues

Highly defensive tone has been noted.

>> No.996746

If your film selection is anything to go by, you don't strike me as the kind of guy who is even remotely cineliterate. Actually all of the sections in your pic are just really bland and try-hard.

>> No.996748


That's a problem of modern English. English should stop being retarded and go back to having a distinct plural you form, like every other goddamn civilized language.

>> No.996749

My apologies, friend, but you seem to be under the impression that I give a shit about what a triptroll thinks.

immense butthurt noted

>> No.996750
File: 50 KB, 600x760, 369944830_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't troll me into making a list, but the last 5 films I watched were... Leaving Las Vegas, M, The Seventh Seal, Inglourious Basterds (one of the worst movies I've ever seen), and Castle in the Sky.

I don't know precisely what you're looking for in terms of criteria. It seems almost as though you can't objectively criticize my artistic preferences on objective terms, and as a result are resorting to weak ad hominem tactics?

>> No.996753

criticizing the taste of another would only be imposing objectivity onto a subjectivity in other words uhm no...so what are you looking for movies?

>> No.996754


>criticize my artistic preferences on objective terms

Can't be done. Confirmed for troll.

>> No.996755

There's nothing really wrong with the stuff you've listed, you just come across as a pretentious, entry-level 15 year old hipster, in all departments. Nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.996756

>His Dark Materials


>> No.996758


it's not entry level; it is, however, conventional...

>> No.996760

My culture can't be held accountable for your culture's collective Asperger's, comrade.

>> No.996763

>Charlie Kaufman films

Sure is pretentious in here.

>> No.996765
File: 25 KB, 463x454, Charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inglourious Basterds (one of the worst movies I've ever seen)

>> No.996768


right, but what is more ridiculous; somebody being pretentious or the people who are tripping over it.

pretention is typical

apparently we have nothing better to do with our time...

>> No.996770

>I haven't heard/heard of most of his music, but the stuff I have heard is all good
>He must be pretentious

Truthfully, /lit/, I'm more disappointed than anything else. I thought I would finally find a 4chan community that was at least able to hold a coherent conversation.

>> No.996776

Tarantino is an artless hack. Deal with it.

>> No.996779

Why are you mentioning music and not movies or literature? Is that the only thing you can fall back on? Because you really do fall short in all other areas and I think you know it.

>> No.996783

By any chance have you heard of Regina Spektor or Kaki King? You might like them, given some of the music you listen to.

>> No.996784

>call Tarantino an artless hack
>knowledge of movies does not extend beyond Charlie Kaufman and Miyazaki
>implying you are in a position to discuss the artistic merit of any films or filmmakers

>> No.996785

>fall short

Of what? Toocriticallyacclaimed4u?

"Entry-level literature." What a sad commentary on our generation. There are good reasons why the western canon is the western canon.

>> No.996790

1) Everyone has heard of Regina Spektor.
2) They are both horrendous.

>> No.996791

You claim to be more cultured than everyone else here, and your pic suggests otherwise. I'm still laughing at your list of films. How old are you?

>> No.996799

The OP's pic was a nice troll pic. Looks like any teenage douchebag's Facebook page is they want to look "intellectual." Obviously it worked. 10/10.

>> No.996800
File: 14 KB, 308x350, williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what age are you CLT?

>> No.996801
File: 31 KB, 600x450, l_bf1216fa6486309f0d251f8b1728fc98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perceptive readers will note the conspicuous absence of concrete supports. Is it because he realizes, in his heart of hears, that there isn't a subpar novel, artist, or film in the image?

Only the plebeian in question knows for certain.

>> No.996804

The reasons for the canon are all bad, i'm afraid. The western canon is part of a structure, a spectacle which murders, rapes and kills. Lrn2culturaltheory. CLT, you so crazy.

>> No.996809


the canon is fine, imo

but being a fan of it is by nature unexceptional

superiority fail, or troll win...i can't tell

>> No.996811

Well? I don't mean that in a condescending way btw, I just wonder in comparison to what I guess is the average age on /lit/.

>> No.996813
File: 3 KB, 98x98, 519655405_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a relativist in the thread, or is someone eating a shit sandwich?

>> No.996814

No one has said anything about them being subpar (though I'm sure one could easily make a case for it), just a bit bland and entry level as fuck for someone claiming to be more well-versed than the "plebians" of this board. I'd still like to know how old you are.

>> No.996815

the canon is NOT fine, the canon rapes women. the canon is why reading is so irrelevant to people.

>> No.996816

A bit of both, I think.

>> No.996817

come back when you learn about dialectical materialism, or even when you learn an accurate definition for the word ''relativist'' i'm not being relative i'm saying the western canon is SHIT

>> No.996818

it's crap. boring and venerated for boring reasons.

>> No.996821

>just a bit bland and entry level as fuck for someone claiming to be more well-versed than the "plebians" of this board.

This. Most who browse this board have read every single book (with the possible exception of Watchmen) that you have listed.

So that leaves your music list (which is hipster as fuck) and your films (which are are laughable.)

>> No.996823

20 years young, my esteemed fellow, and learning every day.

In contrast to what I perceive to be the dominating attitude within this community, I don't sneer at a piece of art just because millions of other people have already deemed it superlative. I prefer to appraise it by its own intrinsic merits, without considering fashion or image.

>> No.996825
File: 34 KB, 448x604, l_268bfaa44659d0b5f8ea28b2f898a65e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sidenote: I have a sinking suspicion that Mr. Kaufman's films are too deep for a plurality of you. This hypothesis is consistent with the level of scorn and dismissal which is unsupported by critical reasoning.

Anyone care to comment?

>> No.996826

No, you don't actually. The western canon is shit on its own merit and you feign superiority all but saying ''hipster'' when in reality you are just intellectually lazy.
>empirical suicides

>> No.996829

>I don't sneer at a piece of art just because millions of other people have already deemed it superlative. I prefer to appraise it by its own intrinsic merits, without considering fashion or image.

No what you do is come onto this board and pretend that your tastes are somewhat unique or superior when in reality they are quite bland and common.

>> No.996830


the western canon is not shit. it is not boring.

ulysses is a brilliant book, and also popular

that goes for most canonical work, to varying degree

great work is self-selecting, on some level; it sticks out

nirvana, radiohead, etc. popular and great music

not to say there aren't lesser known artists/writers who are brilliant, but resonance is a factor to be reckoned with, especially in music

>> No.996834

sorry, no, cultural resonance is not a factor in the artistic merits (well not by the standard i was judging the canon on) Really i take issue with the canon in existential terms, it represents a cultural occlusion, it stagnates the west and that results in more fucking boredom. sure there are some works in the canon which on their own are good, but ''the canon'' as an entity is shit. merde. etc.

>> No.996835

tripfag, your scarf gives you away......

>> No.996836

i've actually taken a class on mortimer atler and hutchins at the u of c that discussed what the guiding thought was when they were doing the great books program. it's not as exciting as you think.

>> No.996843


well, nobody's saying "only read the western canon"

but, especially for westerners, it is essential; without it we would be dimmer

>> No.996844

Would someone like to translate this into something coherent for me?

Unless he didn't make any valid points, in which case don't bother.

>> No.996845

get back to /mu/ faggot

course, imploding
>of course, this thread is imploding

>> No.996846

>hurr i dont get it and now im going to pretend incomprehension is a refutation

>> No.996848

/mu/ was dreadful. The only good thread on the front page was the erotic fanfiction about me.

Then why the controversy? Me thinks the e/lit/ists do protest too much...

>> No.996849

I don't think so. I don't think correlation equals causation, either so i don't consider the canon essential to non-canon works. I think the canon, largely, is superfluous and it is almost bureaucratic in its self-preservation. ah, academia, the downfall of culture.

>> No.996852


as in music, some are better than others...

lady gaga is popular; this fact does not invalidate radiohead...

popularity alone is an insufficient measure; and lumping together everything in the canon and making the same criticism of such varying works is sloppy

>> No.996853

No. we are bored. otherwise we would not be on 4chan. you're kindof entertaining us with this, and we get to act like real intellectuals in deconstructing and criticizing your taste. in the end, it's just opinions but we're playing the same game as you are and for the same reason. noone is really mad. i'm not at least.

>> No.996856

>114 posts and 18 image replies omitted

Holy fuck, /lit/

You're responding to a tripfag troll thread. Stop being so fucking stupid and let this die and ignore the fucking troll.

>> No.996860
File: 118 KB, 320x500, TyBrax3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, it's just that I guessed the average age around here was mid-twenties & yet you seem to hold an argument quite well (better than most here, I dare say) with them. I really don't understand the hate on either board, other than maybe entertaining phrasing of questions or statements. They're on-topic & fun, & your arguments generally don't stray from the point, even when you often receive personal attacks.

It baffles me really, since I'm pretty certain I'm looking at things from a neutral position & yet there's seemingly unanimous hate. Herd mentality perhaps?

>> No.996861

that's not really the point. the canon is not merely a guide to good books, it is an exclusive standard for what being a good book means. to this end it is really very bad.

>> No.996862

>sweeping generalizations
>blanket statements

All I know is, The Brothers Karamazov was a phenomenal book. Their Eyes Were Watching God was a shitty book. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.
>Ah, revisionism and affirmative action, the downfall of culture!

>> No.996866


it's just something to get over...inquiring minds will look beyond the canon. those who won't look beyond it have no business doing so...

no worries...

>> No.996869

>I prefer to appraise it by its own intrinsic merits, without considering fashion or image.

Are you an e/lit/ist, or an il/lit/erate?

>> No.996871

>The Brothers Karamazov
oh you

>> No.996874

>those kids who were dumb have no business being well educated anyway.


>> No.996877


Here we go...

>> No.996879


it's not a matter of being dumb; it's a matter of doing what you're told

>> No.996882

Oh, go listen to some Pink Floyd or something.


>> No.996887


When you resort to base insults like that, it really makes you seem less than intelligent.

>> No.996892


as opposed to faust? gladly

>> No.996897

i don't know what you are arguing against anymore

this great books of the western tradition edifice is not always there. someone created it as a guideline to what proper education should include, and only include.

if you erect this category of "canon" and sanctify it in some kind of formal setting, then you are encouraging people to dismiss valuable stuff because they are somehow "not canon enough."

doing so is restricting and unproductive.

>> No.996904

I pay stupid unto stupid, comrade. No sense wasting a good paragraph on him.

>> No.996914


only hipsters fall for that ;)

>> No.996918
File: 91 KB, 430x615, trollercoaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.996922

Goddamn it CLT. You stink this board up too?

>> No.996923

>>The Catcher in the Rye

uh huh

>> No.996925


it's a baseline; it's somewhere to start

we're better off with it than without it

and as far as being formalised, it's only as formalised as the term itself; it's not like there are laws involved

>> No.996933


But why respond at all?

>> No.996935

formalization is important not because it physically bars people from going outside of it. it lends cultural credentials and encourages "hipster" dismissal of stuff outside of it.

to the extent that the w. canon represents certain currents of thought, calling it canon also legitimizes these oftentimes seriously terrible values.

>> No.996940

A plurality of gentlemen on this board appear to have difficulty distinguishing the smart and reasoned from the silly and stupid.

Hence the largely irrational response to this thread.

If I didn't respond, someone might be thick enough to assume I had conceded the "point!" It is a responsibility I accept none too joyfully. I'd prefer to just debate smart people.

>> No.996944

more like your retarded arguments and reasoning skills bring people down to your level. please shut up.

>> No.996945


canon or not, hipsters/herd behavior is herd behavior. it's a property of physics as much as anything; what are you gonna do?

what currents of thought in the canon do you find offensive?

>> No.996947
File: 14 KB, 600x446, 515682487_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See what I mean?

>> No.996951


>I called him a faggot so he wouldn't think he was right


>> No.996954

No one likes you, you fucking ugly cunt.
You're a fucking idiot. Seriously, go kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.996964


the question is not whether the canon si the exclusive cause of anti-intellectual behavior. it is about whether it helps or harms the progress of education for undergraduate education.

i don't find it offensive. it's just unenlightening and a waste of time to teach actually important ideas conducive to critical thinking. and no, critical thinking doesn't mean thinking hard. it means having an awareness of the sociological, biological, cultural etc etc etc basis of human action and thought. it requires knowledge that's not in the canon.

>> No.996974
File: 89 KB, 540x720, 35969_415852532396_536972396_5282593_5042688_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's four films there... DERP

>> No.996982

Learn to Fritz Lang, plebe.

>> No.996985


it's not the be all end all. there's more to lit than the canon. there's more to learning than lit. it helps tho

>> No.997003

"the canon" is a distinct structure. it's not just a book list. back in the day it was part of an effort of creating undergraduate general or "core" education. calling certain things "Canon" went a long way in defining what is properly legitimate culture and what is not.

>> No.997005

Cannabis Trip is an asshole. I would say he was trolling, but he just strikes me as a genuine asshole who doesn't understand that he is such.

Go fuck yourself while I enjoy life and /lit/.

>> No.997015

It's nice to see /mu/ isn't the only board that CLT shits up.


>> No.997016

Drawing attention to this.

You kiss your mother with that mouth, tripfriend?

>> No.997026

plebeian how cute... so cute is you. You know that you're very smart. Very smart troll is smart. So smart so very smart. You know that. You are so smart. Using plebe. A shortened version of the word I just posted at the beginning of this paragraph. Must feel pretty pretty lonely up on that mountain all alone with nothing but your "entry tier" books and your deep movies. How's that novel you been working on hmmm? Coming along? Oh that's nice. Anyways please use words like plebe and sheeple shows your language prowess and makes us all look so silly and dumb. Thank you thank you. You know that. > Thanks buddy :)

>> No.997030

Nope, she's dead.

>> No.997034

Get off of /lit/, Seth MacFarlane.

>> No.997035


who cares, it's self-selecting

if you can't see beyond it that's your own problem

they also have speed limits; doesn't mean i don't speed :)

>> No.997037

guise CLT thinks the brothers karamazov is western canon so you can stop responding at any time...

>> No.997048

/argument, hopefully

>> No.997055



>> No.997056

That's not funny, you fucking cunt.
Try harder.

>> No.997062

>I support this post and its reasoning, and hope that it draws the discussion to a close

>> No.997066

yes. purposefully place obstacles on the road so retards will crash and burn. quite the nice education philosohppy you've got there.

anyway. you are evaluating it based on what the canon is to you. i am tlaking aabout it as a matter of a policy in education. this was clear a few pages back, so please stop making your little remarks that have nothing to do with the issue as i am trying to discuss it.

>> No.997068

>>Don't mind me, I'm just having better taste in books than all of you plebeians put together.

Starting a thread by being a douche bag doesn't help.

>> No.997076


how do you make the green text with the arrow babe?

i'm not talking about canon as obstacles, anymore than speed limits are obstacles

i don't care about the canon re: policy anymore than i care about the police writing tickets

i speed regardless

>> No.997077

Frankly, Mr. MacFarlane, you're the last person on earth I'd consult re: "funny."

>> No.997086

then shut the fuck up because your ability to transcend the canon is unimportant to anyone but you.

why in the world would you possibly bring your own smug superiority to the students being misguided by the canon to the discussion and think it is in any way relevant?

>> No.997087

>better taste
>literature doesn't work that way
>better tase

>> No.997097

Who the fuck said I'm MacFarlane, or even samefag. for that matter?
Is that how much of a stretch you need to have some sort of "smart" insult? Are you that much of a huge fucking faggot? Have fun with your assumptions, you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.997100 [DELETED] 

Is this the same cannabis loving tripfag from /mu/? where we all fucking hate you?

>> No.997107


they're not being misguided; they are being guided

or why don't we just abolish university entirely, according to your logic

again, it's self-selecting, as are speed limits

what you choose to do with it is up to you

>> No.997113

Don't listen to cannabis. We all know he pastes from wikipedia to look smart.

>> No.997114

Odd I don't remember posting that one... But then again I don't work in sequence or with a decent story anymore :( - oh well

>> I will watch as you get trolled and then include it in the next new episode. You can be Brian if you want.

>> No.997122


thus misguided.

anyway. since we've made no progress for a while now. i'm not going to waste time on you. have fun

>> No.997130


joyce and dostoevsky do not reflect a bad standard

you're delirious

>> No.997139

>western canon is only literature

>> No.997143



>> No.997144

i don't give a fuck about what literary classics are included. i'm more interested by the selection of philosophical and political works. go back to english or something and stop bothering serious people

>> No.997150

this is what illiterate scum actually believe

>> No.997154


the topic was literature. that's why i was talking about it

if you want to talk about something else just say so...

>> No.997155

>implying Russia had an artistic entity before transplanted one from Continental Europe

Good grief.

>> No.997159

I think we need to focus more on the vast chasm between stuff like The Brothers Karamazov and Dubliners, and Kafka with His Dark Materials, Lovecraft and Lord of the Rings.

Nothing gives it away more than that.

>> No.997160


st petersburg is not western?

>> No.997163

Sure is literature.

Captcha: again nowhere

>> No.997164

>artistic entity

i do not think that word means what you think it means

>> No.997166

>go on /lit/
>see this post >>996505
>leave /lit/

>> No.997167

racist *and* wrong? do your charms never cease?

>> No.997169

Uh, no, not if you consider it's fucking location and cultural background.

>> No.997170

topic was the canon.

>> No.997171

how do you guys do the green text with the arrows?

>> No.997174


>> No.997176

>>the real question is how does one black text...

>> No.997183


topic was the canon, reflected by OPs literary picks

again, if you want to talk about philosophy or whatever just say so; i'm game

oh, and st petersburg, as well as dostoevsky are western.


>> No.997184

>it is location

That shit's bananas.

>> No.997187


>> No.997189



>> No.997190

>>hahaha - now how does one black text?

>> No.997194


>> No.997196
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 255505743_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see 4 great books/series and 2 great authors.

>> No.997198



what the fuck is PRED?

>> No.997199

dohoho you can pick out a typographical error but you think Russian literature is western you shore showed me.

>> No.997200

except the canon as an institution is not entirely, rather, not at all devoted to literary standards. it should be evaluated based on its historical intent and effect.

>> No.997201

You're all fucking morons.

>> No.997205


>> No.997213


not at all? literary standards...i think you're smoking what trip's smoking

>> No.997215


Then you don't understand why The Bros K and Dubliners are actually good and Lovecraft and LotR are mediocre.

>> No.997217


>> No.997220

what the fuck ever. read please http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Books

>> No.997221

Enlighten us, since you seem to.

Or are you going to fall back on some variation of an argumentum ad populum?

>> No.997230

Thread full of pred

>> No.997232


i would support what harold bloom writes about the western canon. he supports it in spite of political machinations thereabout

the point is aesthetic/literary value first and foremost; other concerns are secondary

>> No.997235

harold bloom doesn't even understand aesthetics. i mean, he does, in a personal way, but he seems to have missed out on the aesthetic movement itself. also theory is a form of aesthetics.

>> No.997237

except......it's an education programme.

i'm sorry, again. go back to english department

/unduly smug

>> No.997238

you're talking to a bunch of motherfuckers that have not read the western canon.
just leave them be, man. it's not worth it.

>> No.997245


the point is the work itself, not the english department

you're focused on politics and policy

>> No.997255

the point is the canon is not a Capital thing

there is freedom in it; some people say these books go on the canon, while others disagree

there are books that recur more often than others but it's not set in stone

i don't see what's so impositional about it

>> No.997260

you're all plebs

>> No.997276

Dostoevsky writes in Russian.

>> No.997280

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 1 times now.

>> No.997283


what does this mean?

>> No.997287


it's debatable but i don't really care to


>> No.997302


Compare the writings of them and you'll see. (you'd know this if you'd read them) Dostoevsky plumbs psychology vastly deeper than Lovecraft. Joyce creates a world so full of detail that Tolkien would blush. Even compare the religious messages of His Dark Materials with The Bros K and you'll see Dostoevsky doesn't show shove one side down your throat but tackles every side of it before arriving at his consolation.

>> No.997325

This is a good post and I will respond to it when I get back from the airport.

>> No.997332

yeah i know the point is the work itself but you can still examine the work itself. I like Bergson and others in the aesthetic movement proper. Bloom is like the roger ebert of lit crit.

>> No.997334

I would be honored...

>> No.997339
File: 96 KB, 627x474, 1278640395860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of sci-fi threads. A handful of posts.
One book thread. A handful of posts.
Stag's bullshit threads. A handful of posts.
Obvious troll is obvious thread. 225 posts.
/lit/ once again proves that it deserves absolutely no credit as a board for intelligent or cultured discussion.

>> No.997340

Kaufman's films are not too deep for anyone. They are the epitome of entry level "deep" cinema, and yet you claim to be above the rest of us. That's why people have been deriding you for it. The fact that you gain this sense of superiority when you watch a fucking Charlie Kaufman film just goes to show how clueless and ignorant you are when it comes to film. Watch more films before you try to flaunt your mediocre taste. I'm not even going to comment on your book selection. Fucking pleb.

>> No.997342

I think you mean after you've found an appropriate wikipedia quote to pass off as your own, right?

>> No.997355


>intelligent or cultured discussion.

I don't know who's more retarded, the OP for starting this thread, or you for expecting intelligence out of 4chan. People here think that posting "NIGGERS" for five posts is the peak of hilarity. What were you expecting, Christo?

>> No.997381

wow, have you guys not figured out that this guy is a tripfag troll yet? just ignore him, or block him

>> No.997399


You're just fucking putting words together, aren't you!? Do you just bullshit your way through life? Nothing you said makes a single shred of sense.

What the fuck world did James Joyce "create"? He wrote semi-autobiographical works set in his home country. You have never read any of the authors you are talking about. ADMIT IT! CONFESS! CONFESS! CONFESS!

>> No.997406


People who read Tolkien in preference to Joyce should be gassed like those Jews whom Tolkien so hated.

>> No.997413

oh he went there. sweet, i've been wanting to see /lit/ debate about tolkien's debatable racism.

>> No.997414

There were so many things wrong about that sentence that I can't even begin to describe them.

>> No.997422


I am not the person you were originally talking to.

I think this issue needs a thread of its own, so I'll make one.

I look forward to joining you there.

>> No.997426


THAT'S NOT THE POINT, CUNTNUGGET! JOYCE WAS A MODERNIST WHO DREW HIS MATERIAL FROM THE WORLD AROUND HIM, WHEREAS TOLKEIN USED HIS KNOWLEDGE OF ANCIENT CULTURES AND LANGUAGES TO CREATE A FICTIONAL WORLD. I'm not saying that Tolkein is better than Joyce, I'm saying that, whoever the fuck you are, you have obviously never read ANYTHING by Joyce. You're fronting. Stop trying to use misdirection. Admit it. You've been caught out.

>> No.997430


Every author creates a world when they write. Some like Joyce strove to create (on paper) a town they lived in, others like Tolkien create a world of mythology far removed from realism.

Joyce could have put fucking elves in Ulysses if he wanted and that would have been the world he created, Dublin , Ireland on June 16, 1904 inhabited by elves

>> No.997445


There is a gigantic difference between a "world full of detail" that is culled from your surroundings and the creation of an entire universe (ref. Silmarillion) with its own laws, languages, and species. Joyce was good, that goes without saying but his great talent was observation and understanding of human nature, NOT creating worlds full of detail.
I just don't see how you got that from his work.

>> No.997458
File: 44 KB, 450x418, hurr_train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks typing comes out of the mouth

>> No.997483


That's of course not the only thing I got from Ulysses, but it is a large reason for why Joyce wrote it. *famous quote of Dublin being destroyed and rebuilt from Ulysses* And I see a negligible difference in the creative process of Joyce recreating the milieu of his city and Tolkien stealing almost all his ideas from other mythologies. It's just a matter of picking and presenting the right details.

>> No.997494

>Come on /lit/
>/mu/ tripfag drama is here as well

Fucking 4chan!

>> No.997553

Why do you call everyone a pleb

>> No.997560

Oh man you thought Catcher was good? Lulz

>> No.997601

>Open thread
>Mostly Greentext

>> No.997743
File: 24 KB, 350x350, 42-25460506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are responding to Fem-anon OP

Obvious if u look at movies/music in OP's pic

>> No.997795

nothing says i'm 16 years old like listing all your favorite books and music on facebook

reeks of desperation and approval seeking

>> No.997799

>Dostoevsky plumbs psychology vastly deeper than Lovecraft.
While this is undeniably true, I don't see how it is relevant. In Lovecraft's cosmology, humans are insignificant. Why be preoccupied with how they are feeling at a given moment?

>Joyce creates a world so full of detail that Tolkien would blush.
...he does?

Come to think of it, this wasn't a good post after all. What the hell, why would you even compare those things in that way.

>> No.997830

>They are the epitome of entry level "deep" cinema,

Goodness gracious. I didn't see any reason to read past here.

>> No.997877


Meh, I'm bored of you now so whatever.

>> No.999073

If your board were any slower, you would have to post backwards.

>> No.999081

You guys gave a Jim Carrey-loving troll 250 replies.

Well done?

>> No.999110


>> No.999112
File: 378 KB, 1332x704, 1271114934962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IV lacekd, for me, the majestic undercurrent of paranoia that his other books have. I was pretty indifferent toward it.

>> No.999223
File: 437 KB, 2148x688, 1271510699865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]