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/lit/ - Literature

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9958983 No.9958983 [Reply] [Original]

What else is some recommended Fashcore reading? Already finished this.

>> No.9959003
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>> No.9959705

Can someone here tell me something about an unabridged version in English?

>> No.9959707

What is this? I see it all the time in Right-wing threads but I have no idea what it's basis is and there is no information online

>> No.9959751

I think is the book that says we need to unite Europe in one state, preserving the roman legacy and making sure christianity is the dominant religion in it.

>> No.9959758 [DELETED] 

how to make friends and influence people

>> No.9959784


>but the cucked one, no the republic

>> No.9959791

It's pseudo history with a faulty pan European fantasy.

>> No.9959810

Look on Wikipedia for a quick rundown. You can grab an online copy of the book from archive.org.

>> No.9959819

Yeah but there doesn't seem to be a print edition in publication. Meh guess I'll have to print it out from a PDF when I find one.

>> No.9959823

I bought this at a used bookstore and the owner was the most jewish looking man alive. He furrowed his eyebrows when he read the title then looked inside the cover to see how much he priced it at ($3) then looked at the back flap to read the blurb and after an excruciatingly long ~15 seconds he said $9. I told him it says $3 in the flap he looked me dead in the eye and said nothing for another 5 seconds. He then opened his mouth and said $9. I gave him $10 and ran out with the book before he could give me my change. True story. Haven't been back there since.

>> No.9960095


>> No.9960130


>> No.9960290

For My Legionaries (Corneliu Zelea Codreanu)

>> No.9960349

anything by mike cernovich, stephen molyneux or sargon of akkad

>> No.9960366

>bunch of reactionaries and normie conservatives

>> No.9960412

Dude. Until youve read the core reading of Evola, Hermetic Tradition, Men among Ruins and Ride the tiger. You'll always be a pleb tier edgy fash. Embrace the esoteric mystic Authenticity, you cuck.

>> No.9960453

when it comes down to it they are pro fash :)

>> No.9960474
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>> No.9960620
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Spengler wasn't "fash", you brainlet. Get back in the dustbin of history where you belong. Yes, that includes you and especially you Mr. pockey, you fucking nonentity.

>"The Nazis - in their so-called newspapers edited by such people as one-time schoolteachers with peculiar records and army lieutenants of the First World War who have done nothing since - are exulting over the fact that Spengler supposedly came around to their way of thinking..."
- Friedrich Reck, personal friend of Spengler, Diary of a Man in Despair

>> No.9960642

>le skeptic
nice b8

>> No.9961074
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Also not on this list is the Prince which, if interpreted literally, is essentially a how-to book on leading a proto-fascist dictatorship

>> No.9961095
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>preserving the roman legacy
>making sure christianity is the dominant religion
Pick one nigga.

>> No.9961144

You dont consider Constantine and Byzantium as part of the roman legacy?

>> No.9961182

>Le Intellectual Nazi meme
Here we go again.

>> No.9961183

>desert religion that grew out of some other desert religion also disliked by romans and completely at odds with worldview

>> No.9961199

>That one thread where Spenglerfag blew the fuck out of /lit/ in one fell swoop.

>> No.9961204

Do you think Schmitt and Heidegger were stupid?

>> No.9961212

Diocletian introduced the tetrarchy which gave recognition and rulership of the eastern roman empire to the Byzantine emperors, so yeah, it's roman

>> No.9961228


Romans didn't give a fuck who you prayed to.

>> No.9961262

It might've been adopted by Romans, but that doesn't change the fact that Christian virtues are antithetical to the values of Roman's greatest men; Cicero, Horace, Ovid, Scipio and Augustus.

>> No.9961283

They're not but you sure are one.

>> No.9961285


>> No.9961289

You are asking the wrong question to the wrong person.

>> No.9961305

From TDotW (OP's pic)...

"Diocletiancompleted the transformation of the now merely sham Empire into a Caliphate."

Note here that the use of the word Caliphate is figurative rather than literal, for any autists reading this.

"The new creation begun by Aurelian and Probus and built up on the ruins by Diocletianand Constantine was about as alien to the Classical world and the principate as the empire of Charlemagne."

Also, I'm pretty sure the Russians have referred to themselves at times as being somehow a successor of Rome.

>> No.9962278

Love seeing this chart being spread around here.

>> No.9962284

When people post this they should also post part 1 just for reference.

>> No.9962586

fucking kikes man