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9958947 No.9958947 [Reply] [Original]


Anyone else find this the hardest part about being a Christian? I'm Orthodox and we don't even use screens or confessionals

>> No.9958968

Talked a lot with my local (catholic) priest about masturbation before becoming an atheist
Found it really helpful at the time, and not weird at all. Might have been because I personally knew the guy.

>> No.9958973

I don't masturbate, I don't really worry abour lust issues so much as other things

>> No.9958974
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>Confessing to some kiddy diddling priest
no ty, my relationship with God is between me and him

>> No.9958981

Did you prefer masturbation to Jesus? You're really lame then.

>> No.9958982

>christian actually need to "confess" their "sins"


>> No.9958991

What is difficult in this? Do not forget that embarrassment is a sin, and that you confess not before the priest, but before God.

>> No.9958994

Orthodoxy never had a cover up issue with rape among priests, and my priest is married anyway.

If you can feel intense contrition without confession to someone with the authority to loose (and Christ says any sins they don't loose are not forgiven), then power to you. Although I doubt you do

>> No.9958996

>go tell your innermost thoughts to a complete stranger so he can tell you how shitty you are

It's a strange concept to me.

>> No.9959002

Being ashamed of sin isn't a sin. Christ in fact praises it when comparing the Publican's prayer with the Pharisee's

>> No.9959025
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>mfw someone actualy goes to churchs in 2017 and actualy follows her practices as it had any real divine value

me dude, never is late to see the light that came from Tolouse

>> No.9959043

I never understood the anxiety caused by confession. It's like you ever have to worry about people talking about what you say and the priest is practically obligated to forget everything you say.

>> No.9959048


>> No.9959060

He tells you you're forgiven. Also my priest is by no means a stranger

>> No.9959062

Not /lit/

>> No.9959073

t. Stavrogin