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/lit/ - Literature

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9958171 No.9958171[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9958175

This is a question, not an argument. But thank you for not shilling that Laura Southern book.

>> No.9958181

You know out of all the Alt-Right meme books released so far I can respect this one. It may actually teach some stupid children/manchildren structured logic
Way better than "Here's all my opinions you already heard in a book you won't read"

>> No.9958193

>Western civilization last stand
Could anyone possibly be this delusional?

>> No.9958214

20 bucks that he didn't write it.

>> No.9958242

The guy gives Castro tier several hour long speeches regularly and you find it hard to believe he wrote a meme book?

>> No.9958252
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20 bucks that he did

>> No.9958253

>structured logic
Confirmed for literally not knowing what logic is.

>> No.9958276

Finally someone writes a booklet about logic and rhetoric! Where would we be without the philosopher king (((Moly)))?

>> No.9958287

Jesus fucking Christ my keks.

>> No.9958291

I think we can all agree that the greatest books of all time are as follows

Art of the deal - trump
dangerous - milo yiannopolous
maps of meaning - jordan peterson

and now

the art of the argument - stefan molyneux

>> No.9958302
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What is the point of pretending to be a /pol/tard if you're going to make it so obvious that you're false flagging? If you were being subtle then maybe I could understand, but it's not like anyone is going to seriously believe a /pol/tard wrote this. What are you doing? What is your end game?

>> No.9958319
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don't forget our guy Benny Shapiro's masterpiece, True Allegiance.

>> No.9958329


>> No.9958338

I don't think that's what false flagging means lmao

>> No.9958339
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>he doesn't realize satire is supposed to be funny and offer insight on it's target

>> No.9958341

did Ben really write that lmao?
ben... easy on the cliches

>> No.9958345

i didnt say it was good satire

>> No.9958351

Fair enough. I see these posts on /lit/ a lot, and I want to understand the mind(s) behind them.

>> No.9958356
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>> No.9958370

Fuck off you try hard faggot

>> No.9958384

we're making fun of you
because you are an idiot
that's it
it's not very complicated
not everything is a conspiracy

>> No.9958396

Calm down there, Bush Jr. Or did you mean to (You) someone else? Maybe a /pol/poster?

>> No.9958457

the art of the deal ain't that good

>> No.9958475

/lit/ is slowly dying
Soon enought I will see brainlets here talking about The Hunger Games or Twilight (tho I love Twilight)

>> No.9958545

Maps of meaning is actually a comfy read, memerson has some nice takes on evolutionary psychology if you can get past his political illiteracy

>> No.9958567

>tho I love Twilight
/lit/ is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.

>> No.9958593


>> No.9958604

Its literal sarcasm you fucking autist

>> No.9958622


>> No.9958737

You can get it for free on Kindle.

>> No.9958825


>> No.9958836

Yeah, that part made me laugh too.

>> No.9958837


>> No.9958912

why does he look so ill

>> No.9958924

>the errs of Western governments will not seal the deal in preventing ourselves from ever recovering from those mistakes
Sure, we'll have libraries to read all about how it was, but we if don't change course now the ship is going to go over the edge. No one knows what it will look like, but it won't be pretty, it certainly won't be cause or worthy of celebration.

>> No.9958934

> The Art of ______________

It's shit.

>> No.9958943
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you forgot one

>> No.9959042
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>Heavy as doom
>Swiveled ponderously

>> No.9959076

Still not worth it.

>> No.9959172

Can someone upload a copy? I don't support nazi scum.

>> No.9959176

>No Culture of Critique

>> No.9959185

I remember when that kind of stuff belonged on /pol/ and /lit/ concerned itself with actual literature like IJ.
Seeing that those times are gone though, I kind of like this meme.

>> No.9959193

there are already more intro logic/critical thinking textbooks than the world will ever need, but molyneux may have succeeded in writing the worst of them all. that's an accomplishment of a sort

>> No.9959230

the title, the cover. this is the funniest fucking shit

>> No.9959279


Retards keep writing and speaking. When are we going to start murder these charlatans?

>> No.9959285
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>> No.9959286


dale carnegie ass bullshit

>> No.9959355

>concerned itself with actual literature like IJ.
