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/lit/ - Literature

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9956855 No.9956855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am ugly, prospectless, friendless, will never experience romantic love, and have no real skill.

What are some books that can help me constitute an idealized self-image that gives me illusion of being powerful and worthwhile?

So far I've read these books which have helped immensely:
Schopenhauer's 'On Women' (helps me cope with not having women interested in me)
The Bell Curve (helps me cope with my average intelligence as I am part of the white race which is high up)
Sex and Character (helps me rationalize my not being sexually active)
Culture of Critique (i can blame everything on Jews)

Anything else that could give me a false sense of superiority?

>> No.9956870


>What are some books that can help me constitute an idealized self-image that gives me illusion of being powerful and worthwhile?

Is that actually necessary? Maybe read The Game by Neil Strauss or How To Win Friends and Influence People. They're great at informing you that it's not hard to talk to people. The more people who like you the more people you'll attract (sexually or otherwise). Loads of ugly people out there with gfs.

I don't think you need to do half as much of anything except try to be fun and empathise with others. Try to find a social group based around hobbies that aren't reading.

Schopenhauer's essay is absolutely awful advice as true as it might seem at your bitterest moment.

Oh, and stop coming to 4chan. That'll help massively too.

>> No.9957047

I want to keep doing the same things I'm doing now (i.e. anime, vidya, 4chan), but with the knowledge that -- despite my situation -- I am nevertheless morally superior to most people and it's because of outside degenerative forces that I am not fulfilling my potential

>> No.9957051


You could also be a reasonable, rational and happier person by accepting you're not morally superior whatsoever, especially with those hobbies. Your call, though.

>> No.9957073

what a shitty thread

>> No.9957085

The more redpill books I read, the more convinced I am that I am indeed superior. I've made the call, and want suggestions.

>> No.9957092

kek, good thread, my lad

>> No.9957099



>> No.9957145

What has he written?

>> No.9957172
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>> No.9957193


>> No.9957198

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.9957201

Walden is a book, not an author

its by Henry David Thoreau

it's the innawoods bible

>> No.9957207

Can we go back to some middle ground? I'm not into self-flagellation enough for the left and I'm not bootlicker enough for the right. Can we at least stop making these halfass strawman baitposts? Can you at least try, OP, to make decent bait?

>> No.9957228

>'Don't label me!'
You sound like a cuck to me. Redpill. Try it.

>> No.9957304

I have. I just don't see any solutions coming from them and the conversations are stupid. It's obvious that there are differences between genders and races, but one side pretends that they don't exist (while at the same time making laws to give them an edge) and the other only wants to talk about them as if they are concretely deterministic.

>> No.9957327

Just live vicariously through trump like the rest of 4chan you fucking loser

>> No.9957336

>Centrist btw
>Everything is completely relative always
>Fuck studies, it doesn't matter if a pattern happens 1000000times if theres a few exceptions it means its useless and only "deterministic" people use it
>muh right and left are the same!
>muh individual morals
>muh relative virtues
>muh superior enlighment for never making a solid opinion on anything

Can you fucking brainlets fuck off

>> No.9957339

Do you have a job you weird fuck? What do you get out of doing this on /lit/ all the time? I swear you're in almost every single thread.

>> No.9957348

triggered feminist?

>> No.9957357

Why don't you just cultivate a real sense of superiority?

>> No.9957365

Have you been monitoring this thread for four hours or is this ironic anti-/pol/ thing going viral?

>> No.9957385

Wtf is with people and there shitty dream of romantic love. Anon, sry to tell you it doesn't exist. Other factors keep a relationship going on.
Why not try working out. Physical attraction is the first step to intimacy and a BIG body will give you the feeling of being powerful and worthwhile. More than any book out.
You should have started already wortking out after the greeks. If not start with the greeks.

>> No.9957401

I have opinions. I'm not a centrist. I'm not saying that the studies are useless. I'm saying studies and averages aren't the end all be all. I'm saying with hard work you can overcome a lot of obstacles in your life. I've met a few smart black people. I've met a few very strong women. They don't move the average but they aren't (completely) victims to their genetics. For a "redpilled" guy you sure seem to have a nigger and/or girl brain.

>> No.9957407
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>I've met a few smart black people. I've met a few very strong women.
Stopped reading there

>> No.9957430

average is what matters

average black iq is like 85 whereas it is 115 for whites
average women strength is 1/2 (resp. 2/3) that of men's for the upper (resp. lower) body

white male power

>> No.9957436

Convert to islam, not even kidding; all your views are in line with the average wahabist

>> No.9957441

Don't insult me

>> No.9957450

It's 100 for whites. 115 for Ashkenazi Jews. We are as dumb to Jews as the blacks are to us.

>> No.9957455

Who do you think made up those statistics? You are brainwashed by liberalism

>> No.9957456

Awaken the giant within by Tony Robbins

I hope you're seeing this anon, if so please listen to this in audiobook format. It has helped me change my life for the better and I sincerely hope the same to you.

>> No.9957457

Is he redpilled?

>> No.9957469

I dont know what you mean by that. If you're referring to "pseudo positive thinking" BS like most books are, then its not. Its quite pragmatic really.

Also "The Subtle art of not Giving a F" is a contemporary take on stoicism with a touch of buddhist wisdom. Definitely give it a try.

>> No.9957476

But I didn't need those statistics to know it. I've lived it. The very very few Jews I've met were decent normal people, most white people I meet are fairly dimwitted, most black people I meet are incoherent and questionably human.

>> No.9957481

>The very very few Jews I've met were decent normal people
See >>9957407

>> No.9957512

Lol. I'm honestly not even trying to be a good goy. I've only met like 4 Jewish people and they've all been fairly intelligent. I am very critical of all governments and get advised of antisemitism fairly often in real life. I'm also not trying to dog white people by saying they are dimwitted. All of my friends and most of my family are dim and I love them immensely.

>> No.9957565

I don't care about your anecdotal facts.

>> No.9957573

Which ones?

>> No.9957625

>responding to bait
fuck you guys this thread should have died ages ago

and if you are going to post PLEASE fucking sage

>> No.9957758

its 100 for the general population
in most developed countries it is 50% black 50% white so if the mean of the blacks is 85 and the mean of the greys is 100 then the mean of the white is 115

the mean of the jews is also 115 but they are so few that they are neglected in the greys

in other words, whites are just as good as ashkenazi scum

>> No.9957843

That's not true. It's generally subretard levels for blacks but with the amount of admixture with whites in America it brings the average closer to 85. Whites are pretty solidly around 100.

>> No.9957851

Also please name a single developed country that is even close to 50% black 50% white. No system could survive that kind of strain.

>> No.9957859

France and Germany are having a hard time.
Just take a look at /pol/'s Paris streets threads and you'll see what it's like.

>> No.9957868

>ficky ficky

>> No.9957880

The Bible.
But again, people who read the bible are intelligent and atractive, you probably gonna end going to church alone, asking stupid question and just be "that fat dude who nobody talks to because is always looks so serious"