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/lit/ - Literature

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9953511 No.9953511 [Reply] [Original]

Let me ask you a question /lit/: how to be happy and content?

>inb4 /his/
Recommend books on the topic of happiness.
>self-help books
This is a literature board.

>> No.9953534

go Stoic or go home.

>> No.9953536

balance of social and intellectual activities. Working out, going to see a therapist if you really have a big problem, reading Nietzsche

>> No.9953538

Having a set of personal morals, virtues and values that you hold to in EVERY situation.

>> No.9953590

Take horomones and become a smooth bareback buttslut

>> No.9953651
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How to be happy:
>Adjust your perspective and mindset to generally be more positive.
>Focus on the present moment as much as possible, and appreciate it
>Don't be so controlled by vices
>Don't be so judgmental
>Don't give a fuck about what other people think of you

Books I recommend:
>In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. Watch the School of Life video about Proust, and understand how to appreciate the present moment and how your ordinary life is just as validated in existence as the most perfect extravagant exciting life you can imagine.
>Flow by Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi: describes how to use various activities to enter a meditative trance state, which makes life very fulfilling, and he includes how to make literature and philosophy a meditative activity. All of this is backed by scientific research.
>Main Stoic texts: Seneca's letters, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus' Discourses
>Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
>Zen Mind: Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
>The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson. It is actually a pretty good book.
>War of Art by Steven Pressfield

>> No.9953702

The top books that have helped me to be more positive, productive and happy in life are a combo of:
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
motivated me to become a stronger, independent and more productive person

>The Power of Now
very easy and short read on how to be more present in life, without preaching about meditation and other spiritual practices. It just describes how filthy your mind is and how your ego and impulses control you more than you think. Tolle describes simply how to be more conscious and present in every day life

>Crime and Punishment
this book taught me a lot about myself cause I saw myself a lot in the MC. He's an elitist and thinks he is above the law because he is more intellectual than his peers. He isolates himself from other people because of his pretensions and tries to fill a void by murder, which fails to fill it. Instead he becomes guilty and week. Basically don't be a pretentious asshole and edgy atheist, which I used to be.

>The Game
Red pilled me on modern female psychology and deeper truths about sex/dating etc.

I'm still young and there's a bunch of good stuff I haven't read, a lot of books on my reading lists are recommended by this guy >>9953651

If anyone wants to recommend me something similar to what I listed I'd be grateful

>> No.9953772

Fuck traps and watch animu.

>> No.9954924
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Happiness is a spook. The sooner you come to realise this the better.

>> No.9955018


The Art of the Deal

>> No.9955029

>The Game
>deeper truths
Those guys were LARPers and their shit didn't even work, as everyone could see once they started videotaping themselves.
Strauss fucked himself up. He wrote another book about trying to recover from his PUA years.

>> No.9955039

Just stop being a little bitch, how about that?

>> No.9955053
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Buddhism desu.

>> No.9955461

Really believe in Jesus

>> No.9956561

>Red pilled me
>I'm still young
