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9952369 No.9952369 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody knows anything about writing as means of therapy? I'm not really involved in any sort of therapy, but I always feel the urge to escape from everyday routine by means of books, music, art, video games etc, and sometimes it's not quite enough. There is a lot of persistent ideas that I keep coming back to and I feel like exploring them in detail would help, but I'm extremely anxious about people I know discovering what kind of person I really am and what is important to me, since I'm never completely honest in person and when I try to discuss matters with somebody I get weird troubled looks and laugh it off.

>> No.9952380

get laid

>> No.9952383

Buy a guitar and start writing songs.

>> No.9952395

In case you are serious, it's not like grills can't tell a troubled individual that lies with his eyes wide open at night from a fine fellow who is fun to hang around and bang with.

I own one, but singing out loud something I'd be embarrassed about on paper isn't much easier

>> No.9952454
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>> No.9952457

Why would anyone need to read what you've written and hear what you've sung? If you are doing it for therapy, then be extremely fucking discerning about who you share it with. I don't see a problem here.

>> No.9952465

I feel it would be much safer in the enclosed space of my skull, but then there isn't much of a progress I guess, so I've come full circle.

>> No.9952470

But what, are you literally paranoid someone will break into your computer or listen at your door? Seems really weird to me, anon...

>> No.9952475

My psychiatrist actually does art therapy where people paint stuff. (I don't do that, we just chat about books.)
Such art is done for yourself, you don't have to show it to anyone.

>> No.9952478

Jung would get to a point with many of his patients where he would basically say we cannot proceed any further unless you are willing to create some art to further your development.

>> No.9952522

I know that I'm a huge pussy, but we live at the age of prison sentences for a couple of politically offensive remarks and it kinda gets worse by day (I'm not form US). I'm not going to re-write Mein Kampf or something, but if I must be honest in my work, there's gotta be a lot of shit I don't want to be accountable for. I don't do weed anymore because of the smell, and I live in suburbs where houses are about 100m apart. Paranoid is on point I think.

>> No.9952525

Yeah, OK. I don't think you're a pussy. I get the same about the smell of my weed, and wariness is not wrong. But wherever you're from, I doubt people are going to care much about a word doc on your computer or a song you sing in your bedroom.

>> No.9952544

Well, they do care about underage pixels, just sayin'. Well, we are about to go full /pol/ here, but there is a pattern I kind of noticed:

1. Piss off somebody big (with words/actions/ owning something they want)
2. Get you shit handed to you
3. They reveal you was actually a closet pedophile/nazi/terrorist/foreign agent etc so nobody feels sorry about you

Having controversial stuff in your repertoire adds to the third point.

What I wanted to know is if it does actually help with thing, or just an unnecessary risk and a waste of time

>> No.9952557

>1. Piss off somebody big
But how would this happen if you keep it to yourself?

>What I wanted to know is if it does actually help with thing, or just an unnecessary risk and a waste of time
It does help. It has for me, anyway.

>> No.9952603

This level of paranoia is ridiculous even for /pol/.

>> No.9952626
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Hey, he isn't a burger so cut him some slack. If he is worried about people finding out about his beliefs, why doesn't he just write it out, then burn it later? Not going to hurt anyone with that.

>> No.9952771

Yes I do. One can use writing as what's called a flow state. A flow state is sort of a meditative trance where you lose your sense of time. Studies show it cures depression. Read the book Flow by Mihali Cziksentmihalyi (or something polish, if you google flow book it comes up). Also freewriting is actually a documented form of meditation, there are a few books on it. I write short stories and freewrite, its beautiful.

>> No.9953156

Nah, it was about self-publishing, but rather getting into conflicts at work or in court cases. Personal shit comes up really easily, "never write down anything on paper that you don't want shouted from the rooftops", right? One of the reasons I don't seek professional help either.

Attending political events, even with a crowd of likely-minded individuals and a white hood covering my face is way out of my comfort zone, so you are right.

Been thinking about that, seems good enough to try

I'll read into that, thanks

>> No.9953298

r u trying to bet my goat?

>> No.9953417

Write about what's on your mind. Take whatever situation it is, make up some characters, pick a location even if it's a fictional one, and start writing. If what's on your mind is not a situation, but instead an emotion, then make up a situation in which you can include it. I do find that writing can be a good form of therapy, it helps to get things off your chest, in fact I wrote a novella within a very stressful 5-day period. I wrote 10,000 words in the first 6 hours, and 15,500 words within the first day, which was over half of it. That's A LOT of writing, but anyways, yeah, have at it.

I'm that shill J N Morgan btw, I lurk here regularly, recently finished my 8th book, 5th in my 'Living amongst the Dead' series, and I took out a lot of frustration in regards to the rampant racism against whites that you see a lot. Someone actually bought that very book today, the 4th or 5th sale for that one since I released it roughly a week ago. In the first Living amongst the Dead I took out a lot of frustration against feminism, the second is where I started with the issue of racism-against-whites and sort of the whole BLM thing, and I have a HUGE passion for firearms which comes out clearly with Firearm Valhalla. The issue of how screwed men are in divorce court as well as the issue of male suicide was tackled in "Another One Please, to Dull the Pain", yes I know it's a melodramatic title but it fits, I'm also something of an alcoholic IRL but I'm getting control of it.

The erotica/drama "When her 'No' means 'Yes'" was sort of inspired by a chick I dated who had a rape fetish, but of course a lot was altered and added for the sake of story as well as to give reason to having such a fetish, even if it's not one that either of them wish she had. All in all, barely anyone has touched it, I've yet to get feedback for it, dunno if it sucks or not. It's only my second book so yeah it probably sucks, but I look forward to when I can get my first bit of actual feedback for it.

>> No.9953440

Just use a pseudonym lol

>> No.9953453

only thing that has helped for me in the past is stream of consciousness. the important part is just to let it flow out no matter what you write.

in my vague wiki understanding of lacan one of the therapeutic techniques was also something like this.

>> No.9953459

Yup, pseudonym is easy and simple. You have to give your real name to Amazon when you self-publish so as to get paid, but it's kept locked up tight. Very easy to maintain a pseudonym. Morgan isn't my real last name, nor my first.