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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 67 KB, 343x500, Captainunderpantscover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9948226 No.9948226 [Reply] [Original]

i'll start

>> No.9948229 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9948234

Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings

>> No.9948295

found the /lgbt/tard, back to your containment board homo

>> No.9948302
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>> No.9948313
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great choice, was my favorite as a kid
also this

>> No.9948321

Narn yuh

>> No.9948333

Goosebumps. R L Stine was the hero of my childhood.

>> No.9948338

Louis Sachar is GOAT. Wayside School and There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom were great

>> No.9948566

I'd replace Lord of the Rings for the Hobbit

>> No.9948603

Meh, not for kids. I feel like the premise of lotr (you must go save the world) teaches a better lesson than the Hobbit(go help these guys, they'll pay you lots of money). Plus lotr has the whole anti-industrialism thing at the end, with Sharkey. Don't get me wrong, I love both, but I think that kids can learn more from lotr.

>> No.9948638

Artemis Fowl
Charlie Bone
Percy Jackson

>> No.9948658
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I have yet to see nonfiction mentioned.

>> No.9949264
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This was my favorite book as a kid.

>> No.9949321
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Significantly overrated by adults, but a great read in elementary or middle school. I must've read it eight or nine times.

>> No.9949480
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>> No.9949484
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>> No.9949493

I read it when I was 9 and so did several of my friends

>> No.9949501

Oh shit. Totally forgot I read about 20 of these back in the day

>> No.9949508
File: 120 KB, 699x1000, goosebumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just randomly picked one

>> No.9949569
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>no Redwall

You fuckers are such plebs, it physically hurts.

>> No.9949577

start with the scandinavians

>> No.9949586
File: 48 KB, 323x499, The_Chronicles_of_Narnia_box_set_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved this whole series as a kid.

>> No.9949588

>tfw I read all these great books in elementary school
>tfw I have no idea what their titles were, so I'll probably never see them again
>tfw I kinda never want to read them again either, as seeing them now will probably ruin my fond memories

Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.9949650

The one about the mirror was the spookiest.

>> No.9950999

the spookiest was the one about the school

>> No.9951022

if you just google "book where eroiweroiwejrwer happens" you'll probably come across them again. but yeah, i would advise against actually reading them again.

>> No.9951047
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One of those books where I asked to stay up till i at least found a place to stop.

>> No.9951064

How is The Phantom Tollbooth? Just heard about this and somehow it was never once mentioned by anyone during my childhood.

>> No.9951089

The Hobbit and LotR
The Little Prince
Jungle Tales (a book by Uruguayan author Horacio Quiroga)
Verne's collection (Journey to the Center of the Earth has a special place in my heart)
Charlotte's Web
The Secret Garden
The Wind in the Willows

This are the books I loved when I was a kid ( all but Discworld as I read those when I was 24 years old). I think a of them can be read and enjoyed before age 13. I know I did.
Thanks grandpa.

>> No.9951098
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>> No.9951389

this ,redwall is essential

>> No.9951566
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Series of Unfortunate Events
Cricket in Times Square
Bailey School Kids
Wrinkle in Time


It's pretty clever and fun, I read it for the first time a few years ago and liked it a lot.

>> No.9951578

Ive never read that book but it looks depressing

>> No.9951593
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>> No.9951595

how does it hold up>?

>> No.9951663

>Percy Jackson
is this how kids should start with the greeks?

>> No.9951674

Somehow I read the entire series but to this day I can't remember shit about it except that part where one kid tries to teach the basic phonics of his language (something scandinavian I think) to some other kid. Oh and there was an extremely dense rock or something.

>> No.9951677
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>> No.9951690

its my favorite kids book, I'm the guy who just posted it
I'm reading it again right now as an adult, its actually pretty deep for a kids book

>> No.9951828
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posting another

>> No.9951838
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I loved this book

>> No.9952271

The Moomin books by Tove Jansson are good. Anything by Roald Dahl (especially my uncle Oswald :^))

>> No.9952289
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>> No.9952340
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I could read and write at age 3, and this book is the main reason for that.

I'll definitely buy it for my kids, too.

>> No.9952348
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>> No.9952529

>fiction exists to brainwash children with leftist propaganda

>> No.9952585

I'd read a kids mythology book, then Percy jackson. That way you get to say hey I get that reference. Procrustes as a mattress salesman? That's a nice modern take on the myth.

>> No.9952592

Is that the book where the kid was abandoned and she wants to find her real mom, imagining her as this great lady who had no choice but to give her up, but it turns out she was just a trailer trash bitch?

>> No.9952600
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>> No.9952605

>written by a woman
What are you thinking anon?

>> No.9952608

Don't even fucking start. Tamora Pierce writes GOAT child-core.

>> No.9952613
File: 22 KB, 181x278, JUST crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't remember much about the 'Just' books but i do remember the covers and that i at least read crazy and disgusting, i think

>> No.9952751

Good taste

>> No.9953690

Almost thought no one had posted ASOUE, my all time favorite series. It's basically an introduction to literature. The patrician HP.

>> No.9953762
File: 69 KB, 390x576, 5c422de09917093ad28ff0e77fe259c6--tove-jansson-fantasy-illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go help these guys, they'll pay you lots of money
That's not the "lesson" of The Hobbit. The story is about a small ordinary person becoming brave and mighty while having adventures. LOTR is the same, but more complex and not as kid-friendly with its focus on language, politics and lore.

My 10 year old loves The Hobbit but can't finish LOTR because "it's boring".

>> No.9954185

Eoin Colfer irritates me.
Artemis Fowl was good, but then you look at his other books like Half Moon Investigations or Airman.
All 3 feel the same. You have a young kid who has higher than average intelligence that makes adults look stupid.
Young kid proceeds to do something nobody else believes is possible
>Artemis kid discovers faeries and beats them in a game of wits
>Half Moon kid uncovers crime spree that all ties back to one butthurt dad
>Flyboy kid escapes wrongful imprisonment, creates flying machine, prevents political assassination.
It feels like the same story with different characters, kid does impossible stuff by being smart. Makes me think Eoin Colfer has fantasies about being a super genius who beats everyone, creates these fantasies for him to jerk off to.

>> No.9954346
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>> No.9954370

Industrialization is liberal

>> No.9954375

definitely Narnia

>> No.9954387

I think this book is disturbing because it promotes exhibitionism.

>> No.9954404
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>> No.9954455
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Essential reading for little ones.

>> No.9954484
File: 173 KB, 1255x1050, map-of-the-critique-of-pure-reason andrew stephenson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to bring your map along! Go colour filling as you read the book it to keep track of your progress.

>> No.9954634

Absolute patrician taste

>> No.9954663

Not to mention one of the major themes in the book is how wealth corrupts. Mainly how Thorin goes batshit in the end and a major war is fought over the loot.

>> No.9954710

Underrated post

>> No.9954715

>Series of Unfortunate Events
>Cricket in Times Square
>Bailey School Kids
>Wrinkle in Time

Found my friend from elementary

>> No.9954728
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This book made me become a reader of books.

>> No.9954737
File: 3.73 MB, 1520x2328, redwall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also a pretty good book. Read it in middle school, I had the first book as an assignment but I ended up reading the rest of the series on my own. Don't really remember much what happened.

>> No.9954739

These guys know their shit

>> No.9954762
File: 68 KB, 324x499, martintrspsm_6598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. The Hobbit is a lot more kid-suitable than LOTR.

Redwall is a timeless classic. What makes it truly successful, in my opinion, is its perfect mix of fun adventure and real emotional gravity. It's got death and suffering, but it never once felt grimdark to me the way, say, some of the later Harry Potter books did. I have yet to find another kids' series that gets the balance so right.

Plus there's the amazing world-building and food porn. I want strawberry cordial now.

>> No.9955161
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This beaut.

>> No.9955188
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This book sucked and I don't know why they had us read it.

>> No.9955210
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This one had a pretty big effect on me when I was a kid.

>> No.9955231

Shit man, even as a kid I thought this was garbage.

>> No.9955247
File: 71 KB, 500x699, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you have terrible taste then

>> No.9955250

Anyone here remember Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark?

>> No.9955251
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junie b jones

>> No.9955258
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>> No.9955267

I was from a shitty middle school so we had piss poor book selection, I loved reading a lot and picked those up. So when I got to 7th grade I brought one along and my English teacher called me out for reading children books. Fucking embarrassing since I never thought about it like that and I stopped reading for years.

>> No.9955288

the first book i ever read was Ulysses, my dad didn't let me read pleb shit.

>> No.9955299


>> No.9955302
File: 12 KB, 110x176, IMG_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything by Roal Dahl

My son will love this!

>> No.9955313

The NeverEnding Story
Riddley Walker
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Secret Garden
A Little Princess
Anne of Green Gables
The Little Prince
The Wind in the Willows
Jacob Have I Loved

>> No.9955321
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one thing i still don't understand about animorphs are the clothes morphing too. i could make allowances for some superpower shit where someone was able to shape shift from one biological organism into another but how the fuck do you make inanimate clothes just disappear and reappear on you?

>> No.9955330

irrelevant to the greater plot

>> No.9955407

The Mixed Up of (I forget the rest).
Girl decides she's going to run away from home, and takes her brother with her for a reason I forget.
She decides the best place to go is the museum, back before they had cameras everywhere.
Yadda yadda, grand old time, shit's trickier than they thought, and they figure out that a new statue donated to the museum is a lost Michelangelo piece.
They take a taxi to the title character's mansion, have a little chat and they head home.

>> No.9955455

The Belgariad.

Great fantasy, super generic, absolutely readable for a kid.

>> No.9955956
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These were my shit, also this

>> No.9955978

Baum Oz series, Michael Ende's Neverending Story.

>> No.9956005

The Wind in the Willows
the Chronicles of Narnia
Watership Down
My Side of the Mountain
Something Wicked this Way Comes

rate my list fagots

>> No.9956009
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>lemony snicket


>> No.9956054

>ctrl+f 'Emil and the Detectives'
Mein Gott, zeez Amehrikahns deserve zee Endlösung.

>> No.9956126

Dune's a good book for kids

>> No.9956160
File: 12 KB, 181x279, Cherub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cherub
>no Darren Shan

This series was intense

>> No.9956165

>calling your series a "sequence" in a desperate attempt to make it sound less generic

>> No.9956171

you bet your frumpy ass he will! It has bitch in the title, he'll fuckin' eat it up, and you'll be the cool parent for life.

>> No.9956172
File: 43 KB, 240x348, The_BFG_(Dahl_novel_-_cover_art)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Roald Dahl post

>> No.9956180


>> No.9956183
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>> No.9956188
File: 26 KB, 220x317, 220px-TheWitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the part of the thread where everybody posts their favorite Roald Dahl story?

>> No.9956190
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>this never got adapted into anything
The fucking GOAT magic books.

>> No.9956194
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>> No.9956199

It's impossible for me to read BFG as anything other than "Big Fucking Guy."

>> No.9956204
File: 83 KB, 302x475, 68811[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never-ending story is a fucking trip. I can also recommend Momo, it's pretty great. How well-known is Michael Ende anyway? Everybody knows Never-ending story from the movie, and I think the book is pretty well-known, but I never hear him or this book mentioned otherwise at ALL.

>> No.9956262
File: 38 KB, 400x400, rowan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody remember the book about a mouse that fought with a needle and spool
I forgot about this
All the people that liked this book when I was a kid were fat. Needless to say I never read it.

>> No.9956271
File: 206 KB, 800x1162, 9780439760737_mres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Molly Moon did some incredibly fucked up things to my brain.

>> No.9956277

In Germany at least, everyone knows who Michael Ende is. I think his name is pretty unique too (at least I've never met anyone named Ende) since it just means END.

>> No.9956288

>Does anybody remember the book about a mouse that fought with a needle and spool
FUCK! You just brought it all fucking back. And she has to fight an owl? Wait, no, I think she fights with a porcupine quill. Fuck, either way, I just had a crazy flashback.

>> No.9956414


Was this about the kid who had a genie/djinn and folks would conjure up all types of spirits/genies?

>> No.9956532


the Tale of Despereaux?

>> No.9956534

anyone remember my niggas Joey Pigza and Jiggy McCue?

>> No.9956536


No, Poppy by Avi

>> No.9956641


>> No.9956826

100% cotton ;D

>> No.9956833

o shit blast from the past.

kerry best girl

takes literally 12 books for them to fuck tho

>> No.9956933

Are you me? I loved that one.

>> No.9956947
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Nope. They should start with this.

>> No.9957157

Oh shit, blast from the the past. Didn't they get pretty off the rails after a while?

>> No.9957162
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Yup. Always thought it was a cool settings, with the english empire and the rules for magic etc. Fun protag too.

>> No.9957168
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I'm pretty sure these were kinda bad.

>> No.9957177

As good as you get with a 13 year old international special ops agent. But there was a scene where the main baddy hangs upside down off a chopper rack and shoots a guy in the face, so I mean, there's still something to be enjoyed.

>> No.9957182

Oh, oh dear.

>> No.9957206

That one about the little blue imps who help kids with parents who are bad to them. There was a talking dog i think.

>> No.9957209

Top-tier post, I must have read this book 10 times as an early teen.

>> No.9957210

Deltora Quest
Captain Underpants
the book i loved as a kid but can't find now that's still at my parents house in my shelf somewhere
Dragonet Prophecy: Wings of fire

>> No.9957265


I can vaguely remember reading the first book

>> No.9957292
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The Wind in the Willows turned me into a gay larping pagan. Not worth it desu.

>> No.9957525
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>> No.9957590
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I swear to god I'm like one of 12 people on the planet who has actually read pic related. Pretty comfy though. From what I read it was well received by ceitics, but it came out at the height of pottermania, and so quietly fell into obscurity.

>> No.9957850

>it's a PG retelling of Zeus cheating on his wife/raping a bunch of mortal women episode

>> No.9957879

Reading percy jackson books in middle school is what got me interested in greek mythology in the first place.
I would spend hours online reading whatever I could find.
Not only did these books get me into reading, but they actually convinced me to start with the Greeks as well.

>> No.9957892

they were, I read up to scorpia or ark angel I think

>> No.9957894

kids should start with the greeks THEN read percy jackson desu

>> No.9957931

Why would you start with the Greeks just to read shitty retellings of the Greeks?

>> No.9957933

>Deltora Quest

>> No.9958010

I just remembered- I read this book in, like, 6th grade I think?

It's about an inuit girl that get's lost in the arctic circle and joins a wolf pack to survive. I think there's one part where a lone wolf attacks her, and it's old pack comes back to kill it (although for all I know, that might be another book entirely) anyone remember it?

>> No.9958083
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>> No.9958218

i know right?

>> No.9958230

>Deltora Quest

Only read the first one and didn't like it kek

>> No.9958309

Me too. Probably his best book.

>> No.9958451
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>> No.9958611

I don't rememver what the fuck it was called but it was about some kids who got teleported inside a MMO about taming dragons and shit.
The book listed a ton of lore abou the game etc and it got pretty gory in the end, it also had some pretty existential shit for a kids book.

>> No.9958621

God, now I wanna know.

>> No.9958652
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>no scary stories
they pussified these books by changing the artwork but I still remember them fondly

>> No.9958662
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>> No.9958685

Son of a bitch! My librarian read this to us when I was young and if fucking scared me and my brother. I was just talking about it yesterday, and watched a read a long on youtube.

>> No.9958735

they're so fucking SMUG hahaha

>> No.9958746

I read this when I was a kid, it's like a watered down CITR

>> No.9958763
File: 32 KB, 355x355, 81NpqDKpkXL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were favorites of mine

>> No.9958774
File: 41 KB, 373x500, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was his fucking problem?

>> No.9958786

he was a sociopath

>> No.9958894

How the fuck do 9 year olds understand lotr. Some of that lore is confusing as fuck, how do you read through the council of elrond at 9 years old.

>> No.9958896

That's my shit, this book blew my mind in grade 6

>> No.9959004

Golden Compass

>> No.9959064

I know a few people who said that they read LOTR when they were somewhere between 7-9 years old. Either those people were bullshitting, they're just smart, or I'm just a brainlet. I remember trying to read LOTR when I was eleven years old and I never got far into it. I don't remember exactly why I stopped, but I either might have thought the book was too difficult, or I got bored. I might've gotten confused with all of the lore too. Reading a larger book like that might have seemed a little daunting to me at that age as well. I haven't tried reading it again since.

>> No.9959082
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>> No.9959087
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>> No.9959102
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I really liked the paper the book was written on, it made it feel more special.

>> No.9959105
File: 86 KB, 314x449, marnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ really needs to make a chart with the essential childrens books

I do it myself if I knew how to make one.

>> No.9959121

there's always one in every thread

>> No.9959162


The prep school arc if separated from the rest of the story would have actually appealed to me as a child.

>> No.9959207

Island of the Blue Dolphins?

>> No.9959221

definitely not, sorry. i think it's this:

>> No.9959259
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>> No.9959304
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>> No.9959321

Just moved into my first flat and found a box with 20+ of these I read as a kid. They're now holding a place along my bookshelf.

>> No.9959342

Damn, son, you just reawakened a faint desire to read anecdotes, fact(oids) and comics about history. And a good chuck of the books are on libgen :j

>> No.9959360
File: 590 KB, 568x336, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never really like series or fiction, but I did really like this one since every book explored a different theme and the characters were likeable.

>> No.9959434
File: 253 KB, 800x784, SpiderwickChronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9959442

I remember loving these but have completely forgotten what they were about. I remember some profound lore.

>> No.9959473
File: 95 KB, 620x1019, de7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9959486

1) open up paint
2) type top 50 /lit/ kidcore or whatever gay title you want
3) copy/paste the titles from this thread
4) label them, if you want
I mean, you know how to use 4chan, you can figure this out too. It's not rocket appliances.

>> No.9959866

This is strictly over-18 material.

>> No.9960334
File: 49 KB, 310x514, Sabriel_Book_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The villain had a yo yo with blades? I barely remember this book

Is this where the girl dresses up like a guy

I wrote a letter to this guy when I was a kid and he replied. Good books

Yes, I barely remember these. Deltora quest too

This is a good idea. What are you going to give your kids to read, anon? I don't know what the state of kids books is right now

the fuck happened in the last book tho

this was garbage

I think for a lot of these books, authors stuck to a premise for the first few and then did whatever they wanted for the rest, because at that point their kid following would read it anyway.

>> No.9960781

>Is this where the girl dresses up like a guy
No, that's the first tortall series, and this is the the third series. There's a law now saying girls can be knights (since Alanna had to pretend), but she's the first one to take advantage of it. Actually, the second series is my favorite, but it's just about a magic avatar learning magic. Protector of the Small has a much better message- namely that if you work really fucking hard, you can do great things, and fuck all the naysayers. Which is just a great message all around, especially for young girls.

>> No.9960919

girls can't be knights lol

>> No.9960930

i fucking loved these books as a kid

>> No.9960948
File: 424 KB, 1134x1512, yohoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plunders yer booty

>> No.9961124


>> No.9961143

>Andy Griffiths

>> No.9961163
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>> No.9961230

Now that you mention it, for being the last and, I think, thickest book, it was the least memorable, maybe also since I've read it only once.

5,6 and 7 were the best, imo.

>> No.9961317
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>> No.9961799



>> No.9961806

The outsiders

>> No.9961994


Tfw my bitch ass teacher wouldn't let me borrow them from school library because I was a naughty child and she thought I wasn't smart enough to read them
Fuck you cunt I was a better reader than all the other kids (except that nerd chick but i stole her harry potter and drew on the pages lmao) fucking whore reee

>> No.9961999

Dude I remember That book
I was thinking about it the other night and couldn't remember name of it

>> No.9962005

Do you remember anything specific? I can try to google it. I'm interested in reading it too.

>> No.9962013

I remember the protagonist ended up tagging along with some qt he met inside the game
And I think I remember that death inside meant death outside too... it's been so long

Was a great read tho I remember that much

>> No.9962082

Uff. That doesn't help much at all. I got a couple results

Only You Can Save Mankind by Terry Pratchett
User Unfriendly by Vivian Vande Velde
Virtual World by Chris Westwood
Virtual War by Gloria Skurzynski
Space Demons by Gillian Rubinstein
Serpents of Arakesh by VM Jones

>> No.9962193
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>> No.9962197

Oh man, you're making ME happy just reading your post. Yeah, I was apprehensive, but I was really happy when I heard the movie turned out good.

>> No.9962551

they were really strange

>> No.9962743

The writing in these was awful but it was great jerk off material.

They were kind of generic, the first book was good though.

A Series of Unfortunate Events, it's babby's first postmodern literature.

>> No.9962783


>> No.9962795
File: 219 KB, 300x450, IMG_6839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking back this shit was probably a bit violent for an eleven year old

>> No.9962833

it was also awful

>> No.9962843

>Shel Silverstein
I'm sorta surprised this hasn't been turned into an often-used meme image yet

>> No.9962873
File: 171 KB, 534x800, johnny-and-the-dead-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This series along with the Bromeliad trilogy was an excellent gateway into Discworld. Can't believe I can't find any of the Josh Kirby covers online, they are so fucking dope.

>> No.9963099

THIS, couldn't read the fourth one when it came out, I was 15 and could tell it was bad

>> No.9963254
File: 1.69 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170818_212128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just So Stories.
There was is a similar book of short stories I have been searching for the name for years. One of the stories was something like Stormy Seas Meringue Pie or something. And another had the story where I saw the first pair of illustrated tits in my life. Basically the first time caveman made a statue with a massive pair of tits.

>> No.9963262


Absolute unadulterated shit. I must of been a shitty kid, all of these bored the shit out of me as a kid.

>> No.9963361

eragon is fucking diarrhea, and I never read the Giver, but everything else are staples of childhood reading. And they're staples for a reason.

Also, Shel Silverstein is amazing and you should feel actual shame for not liking him.

>> No.9963382

I brought this in for show-and-tell. Thank you for the feels Anon.

>> No.9963389
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>> No.9963398

athena.. easy on the horsies

>> No.9963402

I read it at 9 mainly because my parents said I wasn't allowed to watch the films until I read the books. So that's what I did. I did try the Silmarillion at 10 but it was a tougher read and I think I got about 2/3 the way through before I stopped. But then I came back to it at around 13 and enjoyed it, so just depends I guess.

>> No.9963428

I'm fairly certain I read these, but can remember almost nothing of the plot.

>> No.9963433

Should have died at the end of Scorpia

>> No.9963478
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>tfw some bitch plagiarizes your shit and becomes a billionaire

>> No.9963488

My first introduction. I still have it somewhere.

>> No.9963496
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>> No.9963504 [DELETED] 

I reread it last year. Read the seventh book for the first time too. Mind you, I read all 7 books in like 2 hours.

Really pleasant series even as an adult. Also, I checked its wikipedia page for the covers, and it looks like it's getting a new adaptation right now. Might pick it up.

>> No.9963513

Ditto. Except I passed it on to a cousin.

>> No.9963725
File: 43 KB, 309x475, Mortal_engines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963785

this series was great, perhaps the finest YA fiction I read in my teenage years. I'm sort of glad it's getting a movie adaptation, but I really hope it doesn't get fucked up.

>> No.9963806
File: 151 KB, 881x611, last-book-universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this up at my school because I liked the title. Then I finished reading it and was fucking amazed. I would never have gotten into lit if it were not for this book. Kid me got fucking lucky son. This book is the shit fuck the haters.

>> No.9963887

>synonym buns
>jumping to Conclusions
>killing Time

It was fun

>> No.9963950

Did anyone else read the twelve-part "The Saga of Darren Shan" series when they were a kid? That was my favourite series.
It was written by a local Irish author, and I don't know how much these books travelled.

>> No.9964364 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 540x762, tumblr_nmi5e3sHjN1rab8xmo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the hate for first person stories? Maybe I'm not reading the same books but I don't see a lot of self-insert in them. Is there anything else people don't like about them?

>> No.9964386
File: 91 KB, 600x600, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot was the shit. My brother and I had a ton of these.
Also pic related.

>> No.9964443
File: 83 KB, 400x600, iron-man-ted-hughes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this being the shit. I wonder if it still holds up.

>> No.9964447

My girlfriend owns these, but she has shit taste so I just assumed they'd be bad.

>> No.9964463
File: 19 KB, 220x331, Poppy_Book_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one here who read pic related? Their was a prequel named Ragweed which I really enjoyed but this was the main book in the series.

>> No.9964529

I've been trying to remember this for a long time. I never read it but I always saw other kids reading it. The library only had one copy so everyone was always fighting for it and hogging it once they got it. It had a lot of neat illustrations, if I recall correctly.

Spot was used to help me read and write at 3, too. Based.

>> No.9964763
File: 50 KB, 544x528, 23948234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit

>> No.9964912
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>> No.9964918
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Babby's first Bildungsroman story.

>> No.9964934

Fuck Yeah

>> No.9964976

I saw that title as "Fuck Off Pook's Hill" and nearly spat my drink.

>> No.9964985
File: 41 KB, 336x500, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only book i remember enjoying as a little kid

>> No.9965105


Mah nigga. The Wild Magic series was literally the second series I ever read. I remember being kind of scared to start reading it because it had magic and my dad was hyper religious, but I justified that magic that helped animals wouldn't get me sent to hell. Pierce has great stuff.

>> No.9965222

Dude I jerked off to cherub as well

>> No.9965276

Bartimaeus is unironically the smuggest character ever created. I fucking love it.

>> No.9965329
File: 73 KB, 313x473, 70AD4389-F15C-4BA4-8836-E1CC068BAC38-85506-00004EFAEB205B1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorites when I was 10 or so.

I know move adaptions are notoriously bad, but the film with Anne Hathaway is one of the worst. The turned it into a comedy and there's scenes where she sings pop songs and does fucking matial arts.

>> No.9965346
File: 33 KB, 330x500, 06B4FFBE-4B35-4DA0-A90B-BAB81328F344-85506-00004F00436E5090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of my bitches read these?

>> No.9965386


>> No.9965420
File: 62 KB, 316x445, greek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I started with the Greeks

>> No.9965480

Top quality post anon

>> No.9965536

Did anyone else's school do the AR reading program? I had a lot of fun with it as a kid. You would check out a book from the school library and read it then take a computer quiz on it to grade your comprehension. The librarian would then look over your results and guide you to books at your reading level. Every 10 books you got a free personal pizza from pizza hut.

It kind of makes me sad that there are books I read that I really liked but only have faint memories of and I'll probably never find them again. My top 3.

1. This book about a kid who makes a milkshake out of liver and turns into a human-plant hybrid that can do photosynthesis.

2. Some book about an alien with a goofy name like Porky or something who goes on adventures around the universe.

3.Some generic fantasy book with dragons and magic, but two of the characters "sleep with" each other in a tent. My first exposure to sex and I found it really risque for an elementary book.

Then in 6th grade I read the Bible which was fun especially since I went to Catholic school and we always got assigned these Bible search worksheets where they would ask you a question and you were supposed to look it up. I got them done in like 3 minutes because I just immediately knew Isreal's 4th king was Rehoboam.

After that I read every Dan Brown and Michael Crichton book. Fapped to the dudes middle aged boss with "cracked makeup" in Airframe. Always had a thing for horny middle aged women I guess.

>> No.9965548

Actually it was disclosure, not airframe.

>> No.9965563

I hate this book.

The Missing Piece Meets the Big O however is excellent.

>> No.9965671


Tell me I'm not going crazy here, but wasn't the story effectively a ton of fetch quests? The kids would go to three or four time periods to search for [object] or [knowledge] that would enable them to open up some treasures?

>> No.9965731

Does the never-ending story hold up as an adult?

>> No.9966350

yes, it wasn't actually too great from what I remember, having read at least 10 of them
the author could just shit most of them out since they were so formulaic, but it did look like there also was a developing ongoing plot too, sort of like those 800 episode anime series where there's tons of filler

>> No.9966457
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This was pretty alright

>> No.9966835

I had te copy with the cover of the actual book. The fat guy in the clown suit.

This may be a long shot, but did anyone ever read some book about a kid who befriends a portly vampire who lives downstairs? I remember this part where the vampire is insisting that he be shown to his laboratory but the kid misunderstands and takes him to the lavatory. Later on a classic Dracula style evil vampire shows up. I can't remember the title for the life of me.

Also I blame the goosebumps books for all the weird fetishes I have now. Mostly humiliation and transformation, but all the bad ends did things to me that I didn't seem to understand at the time.

>> No.9966848

I had read Dune I and I sometime before sixth grade. I remember doing a book report on them. I understood it pretty well too.

I remember we had Neal Stephenson come to our school around that time. I read a lot of his books, but they weren't that good. We had standardized tests the week before so I would just pick up one of the books and read it in a day. I got to meet him for reading a certain number of his books but it was more of an excuse to get out of class than anything.

>> No.9966859

Sorry, not Stephenson. I meant Shusterman

>> No.9966887

What did your post add to the discussion other than "I was a really smart kid and i could read really fast"

Wow you were really good at school what a cool badass i wish you werent anonymous so i could get an autograph :[

>> No.9966905


still one of my favs

>> No.9966916

damn this entire thread is making my heart ache.

>tfw you will never be able to forget about your life and responsibilities and sit in the local library's couch and read for hours about another world

>> No.9966931
File: 27 KB, 220x297, The_Magic_Faraway_Tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ones too.

>> No.9966946

Sorry. I didn't mean to sound boastful. I just wanted to chime in with what I remember having read.

In the interest of discussion, what makes the difference between kids books, young adult fiction, and adult fiction? I don't have an answer myself but I'm curious to hear what other people think

>> No.9967116

Holy shit young adult literature is such utter trash.

>> No.9967150
File: 2.15 MB, 660x1000, 9780765378941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely Brandon Sanderson's Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians series..

I read it, my kids read it.. pretty good attempt at bridging the gap for readers not ready to start into the Potter series.

>> No.9968955
File: 30 KB, 284x417, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and Call of the Wild were the first books I remember loving to read.

>> No.9969388

Good Taste. Nice dubs.

>> No.9969446

pomo as fuck

>> No.9969456

>cut some random filthy ass monster's tail off
>fuck it i'm gonna eat it

he deserved what he got

>> No.9969493
File: 367 KB, 557x605, whenthedespardoblasterisjustright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember it too well but I believe it was dark as shit and gave me my eternal love of tragedy.

>> No.9969537

deep cut

loved it

>> No.9969608


I didn't even like reading as a kid but I fucking burned through these. So much more interesting than Gay Potter

>> No.9969617

my nigga.

>> No.9969832

>essential kidcore
read anime

>> No.9969855

Is that the one where the sniper hit him? And then the next book opened with some bullshit like "but luckily alex was stepping off the sidewalk so the bullet hit him an inch above his heart and lived"

I was like 11 and thought it was so fuckin stupid I quit reading the series there

>> No.9969862
File: 124 KB, 318x474, Avi_Crispin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure this is where my affinity for medieval aged shit came from
loved that book

>> No.9969870

HOLY FUCK I fucking loved those books. You posting this is probably the first time I've thought about them in a decade.

>> No.9970399
File: 194 KB, 1727x932, horribleHistories_bloodcurdling3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Horrible Histories series, not really lit but awesome, fun and informative

>> No.9970408

Jack London is perfect to read to kids the books, the short stories, my mum read it to me countless times when i was in the hospital ( on her night shift in the ward not as a patient )

>> No.9970411
File: 17 KB, 346x161, befuddledS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awesome egyptians
>not excellent egyptians

>> No.9970420

Yes man fuckung yes

>> No.9970432

Ut was prob the first

>> No.9971005

Some of the only children's books that are actually fuckin hilarious and relatively well written. These are GOAT

>> No.9971010

These books were the shit

>> No.9971024
File: 46 KB, 250x372, Mouse_and_the_Motorcycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9971037

absoLUTELY patrician

>> No.9971043

These books were great.

>> No.9971064

We did the AR reading program at my school but instead of books it judged it on difficulty level. Books like Harry Potter and Eragon were worth more than books like clifford.

The point system worked like this if I remember correctly:

5 for a sticker, 10 for a bookmark, 15 for some other small prize and so and so forth until you get to 50 which was a free book(from a selection)

75 was hot cocoa in the library (where you would and a few others would drink hot chocolate with the librarian and discuss books)

100 was a pizza party

150 was a pool party

Some of my best childhood memories

>> No.9971811

I learned to enjoy reading with these. Just as I learned to enjoy stories with my father's off the cuff sci fi adventures based on my fisher price toy starship. Most of them were frankenstein mishmashes of Star Treck episodes.

>> No.9971817

>Artemis Fowl
fun shit, my first experience with outgrowing a series, along with maximum ride. all though the latter was just actually shit.

>> No.9971829

Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

C.S. Lewis has such a comfy voice as Narrator of these tales.

>> No.9971865

Ow my back, I'll have to live with this for the rest of my life...

half a book later

...Nevermind I'm fixed now, I'm also much more powerful than before, also much sexier.

>> No.9972038

Fuck, this whole thread is a nostalgia goldmine.


>> No.9972357

I read it. Don't remember anything about it but the cover is strongly familiar to me.

Fuck the human.

Yep. Though for my school I think we just had to do a written assignment after each book. Also the pizza cost a quarter, so basically free.

>> No.9972459
File: 167 KB, 737x1082, motherfuckin r l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mah nigga

One of the series that got me through a childhood without internet or cable

>> No.9972476


this was my fav....it's not scary at all, it was just really cool

>> No.9972537
File: 64 KB, 638x1000, ark of the people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed these

>> No.9972593

The amount of hideous shit in this thread is beyond belief. I can't even be bothered contributing.

>> No.9972624

On My Honor
This one made me think. It's a good message. I read it again recently, just for kicks, and even now it holds up. It's tragic but beautifully written.

>> No.9972629
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>> No.9972632

Kastor och Frippe

>> No.9972657
File: 66 KB, 449x660, tmp_16622-bookcover-73584098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dog always dies.

>> No.9972866

Is this like Harry Potter?

>> No.9973450

Holy shit! I read these, completely forgot about them

>> No.9973455
File: 49 KB, 312x474, 51ZTHE78A1L._SX310_BO1,204,203,200_[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading these probably helped turn me into the depraved fuck I am today.

>> No.9973475


good ones


>> No.9973493

holy fuck that is hot

>> No.9973546
File: 75 KB, 630x630, best book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a better series.

>> No.9973705


>> No.9974254

Holy fuck these were tight af

>> No.9974260

Yeah pretty bad

>> No.9974383
File: 7 KB, 289x452, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 million hours in paint

>> No.9974463

My childhood.

>> No.9974468
File: 39 KB, 300x417, The_Watertower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Australian anons will know.

>> No.9974503

Deltora Quest is the GOAT. I remember there was a picture of a moster who looked like it had balls under his belly, I can't find it on google. Now that I think about it, I wanr to finally finish the series after more than six years

>> No.9974512
File: 362 KB, 1024x1003, 1285174685588-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Diana Wynne Jones
Are you guys kidding? This adorable old lady wrote some of the most beautiful, funny, clever and patrician kidcore. Miyazaki made a fucking movie out of one of his books.

>> No.9974549

I thought maximising work outreach was a conservative stereotype, and a good thing too I think.

>> No.9974599

Is that miyazaki?

He's whiter than i expected

>> No.9974618

>Greeks and romans only get one each
>Byzantines get none
>the eternal Anglo has over six books

>> No.9974630

Well, they were published in the UK...

>> No.9974732

Don't know if this is useful to anyone.

Thread summary, with some possible repetition or omission:

Chronicles of Narnia
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Rats of Nimh
Indian in the Cupboard
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson?
Anne of Green Gables
The Secret Garden
The Hobbit
Watership Down
The Wind in the Willows
Roahl Dahl
Captain Underpants
Deltora Quest
Captain Underpants
Dragonet Prophecy: Wings of fire
Hobbit + Lord of the Rings
Magic Tree House
Louis Sachar - Holes - There's a boy in the Girl's Bathroom - Wayside School
Artemis Fowl
Charlie Bone
Percy Jackson
E.L. Konig'sburg - From the mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Ender's Game
The Little Prince
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
The Phantom Tollbooth
Terry Pratchet - Discworld
Verne's collection
Journey to the Center of the Earth
The Lost World
Charlotte's Web

Cricket in Times Square
Bailey School Kids
Wrinkle in Time
The Dark is rising sequence
Cricket in Times Square
Bailey School Kids
Wrinkle in Time
Little Critter series
The game of sunken places
Bill Martin Jr - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Little Critter
Ted Hughes - The Iron Man
A Tale from Dimwood Forest - Poppy Avi
The Magic Faraway Tree
The Giving Tree
The Missing Piece Meets the Big O
Rudyard Kipling - Just So Stories
Just Crazy / Just Disgusting Terry Denton
Nancy Farmer, the House of the scorpion
Louis Lowry - The Giver
Gary Paulson - Hatchet
Riddley Walker
A Little Princess
Jacob Have I Loved
The Belgariad
My Side of the Mountain
Something Wicked this Way Comes
Jonathon Stroud - The Bartimaeus Trilogy
Edward Eager - Half Magic
Michael Ende - Momo
Emily Rodda - Rowan of Rin
Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism
Six Dinner Sid
Judy Blume - Tale's of a four grade nothing
Alvin Schwartz - Scary Stories
Where the sidewalk ends Shel Silverstein
The Tale of Despereaux
When Marnie was There
Spiderwick Chronicles
J.J. MacHale - Pendragon The Merchant of Death
Garth Nix - Sabriel
Treasure Island
Deltora Quest
Jill Murphy - The Worst Witch
Jerry Spinelli - Maniac Magee
Philip Reeve - Mortal Engines
Rodman Philbrick The Last Book in the Universe
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Ella Enchanted
Brandon Sanderson's Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians
Call of the Wild (Jack London?)
Jack London - White Fang
Beverly Cleary - The mouse and the Motorcycle
The ark of the people
Marion Dane Bauer - On my honor
John Reynolds Gardiner - Stone Fox
Diana Wynne Jones

>> No.9975397
File: 64 KB, 736x368, maybird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my favorite, from ages 8-10. I had red striped socks like her, and wore overalls just so I could feel like her. I wore my mothers old black swimsuit beneath it, too ahaha.

>> No.9975561

I actually re-read this one once I was 15 (it only took a few days, definitely wasn't challenging, but it was still an impactful story), and I first read it around when I was 9. Now this is the sort of stuff you have your children read. A lot of people think children's media just has to be bad, but this is the perfect example of how to do it right. Shocking topics made to be a little less shocking, with a slightly lower vocabulary level (not dumb, still better phrased than people casually talking to one another) and a focus on story-telling instead of symbolism.

>> No.9975580

Who is that? This is killing me, I'm obviously very familiar with the face.

Are you kidding? We read this in 7th grade, and I loved it.

>> No.9975589

Same! I can't believe I forgot an entire series. It wasn't amazing, that's why. It was just good enough to read.

>> No.9975997
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