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9946890 No.9946890 [Reply] [Original]

whats the best book you've read this summer?

>> No.9946925


I just started Peter Brook's The Empty Space because I find theatre intriguing and he's got some pretty out-there ideas

>> No.9946969
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>> No.9946970

the iliad

>> No.9946971

I loved the Death of Ivan Ilich and now Ive almost finished Stoner. Both are incredible.

>> No.9946983

A German Ace tells why: From Kaiserdom to Hitlerdom

the annual journal entries of a german ace from the early days of his schooling up until the last days of ww2

i dont read enough.

it was a good book though

>> No.9946988

Scarlet Letter, but that was old. Best new book I guess was Skippy Dies.

>> No.9946991

Les Mis, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.9946993

A confederacy of dunces.
Also surprised how enjoyable and rewarding my rereading of the harry potter series has been.

>> No.9947004

which translation did you read? I just finished the Fitzgerald version and I loved it

>> No.9947006
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>> No.9947007


>> No.9947008

I read some book about an office where a bunch of fish/lizard hybrid aliens came in and started attacking people. The main character was some old loser guy but he was smart enough to survive and help some hot blonde bimbo. Later the two had hot sex on the floor and the main character sacrificed himself to defeat all the fish/lizard aliens and save Earth.

>> No.9947011

Tropic of Cancer

>> No.9947018
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>> No.9947026

Swann's Way by Proust has been a real treat to read outside on nice days

>> No.9948136

Tolstoy's Resurrection, absolute masterpiece

>> No.9948172
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>> No.9948178

Book of Tongues by Gemma Files

>> No.9948185


>> No.9948306
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The Iliad

> Diomedes going all-out crazy motherfucker
> Gods betraying each others' trust
> Hector's death, the grovelling to Achilles by Priam for time to mourn, and the inevitable destruction of Troy, in which the book ends just before it happens
> Patroclus being a dickhead to somebody he just killed

I nearly cried when it was over, anons. It's beautiful.

>> No.9948315

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.9948316

"The art of creating power: Freedman on Strategy", C. Hurst editions

>> No.9948328

same, it was ok, lotta style not too much substance I thought

>> No.9948345

Sounds like something a pseud or a woman would say. Step it up fampai

>> No.9948364

hey like aquinas and aesthetics - joyce

omg masterpiece

>> No.9948372

>It's the 'Joyce is all style no substance' guy again
I'm pretty sure I've seen you get btfo at least once in this board already.

>> No.9948378

first time I've posted about him here so I doubt it, that guy sounds like a very smart guy though, very smart

>> No.9948389

this post is embarrassing. Sad!

>> No.9948399

Ciaphas Cain: For The Emperor

Because it was the only book that I read this summer that wasn't a textbook.

>> No.9948406


>> No.9948425
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The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner (best) but I had a pretty good summer.

>> No.9948902

I just finished that as well. Hilarious

>> No.9948949

Blood meredian
Right now I'm reading watchmen, and I'm liking it alot more then I expected I would

>> No.9949002

Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt, the superior Dutch version

>> No.9949012

Dubliners, was really comfy and hopefully prepared me for Ireland in a couple years.

>> No.9949014

pippa passes

>> No.9949092

Madam Bovary. The ending is the best description of what someone feels after the death of a loved one.

>> No.9949137

Foucaults Pendulum

>> No.9949146
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>> No.9949164

Probably A Confederacy of Dunces, Stoner or Dubliners

>> No.9949180

This is my favorite

>> No.9949184

Antipodes-cuck here, summer hasn't arrived, so the best book I've read fully this winter was Molloy

>> No.9949197

Beyond Good and Evil. Love me some Nietzsche

>> No.9949206

How was A Distant Mirror?
I ordered it and am probably gonna read it right away once i get it

>> No.9949208

Many such cases!

>> No.9949209
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Loved it.

>> No.9949214


>> No.9949229
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>3 dumb frogposter threads on the first page
We need to do something about the frogposter menace. In any case, it was pic related.

>> No.9949231
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Lots of rereading.
Liked pic related, a suggestion from /k/.
Thanks /k/

>> No.9949236
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Unironically this. Expected it to suck but I couldn't put it down.

>> No.9949238
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If you want more horrible things in africa, this guy is great.

It was a deeply compelling thoroughly studied narrative history that I really liked.

>> No.9949260

thanks, will read!

>> No.9949281
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Also this

>> No.9949371

That socialist faggot.

>> No.9949386

>The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
loved it, mainly because I didn't really know much about the early 60s psychedelic scene + Wolfe's style has a good flow to it

>> No.9949389

pls be b8

>> No.9949396

Wittgenstein, Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology
Molloy, Beckett

Didn't expect to like Beckett. I had read Endgame and was not impressed (could have been a failure on my end) Made me reluctant to try his novels, but it was worth.

>> No.9949543
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Probably the most comfy book I've read in a while.

>> No.9949551


>> No.9949558

The Iliad and Storm of Steel. I'm halfway through the Odyssey and am loving it but I just can't muster the motivation to finish it, the week before Uni resumes I'm always extremely neurotic, it's annoying and pointless.

>> No.9949557
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this I think

>> No.9949564

My favourite part was when Antilochus cuts sharply around the pillar in the the chariot race and wins second place but yields his prize to Menelaus because he's that much of a bro.

>> No.9949570

Summer of Iliad?

>> No.9949856

unironically The Stand

>> No.9949864


>> No.9950069

Love this one

>> No.9950089

I read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest expecting to not really like it but it was great.

>> No.9950101

Haus ohne Hüter

>> No.9950113

White Noise

>> No.9950484

Something Fresh by P.G. Wodehouse

He is a God of English

>> No.9950493
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h-heh heh.. w-where to begin?

>> No.9950732

>Foucaults Pendulum

I read this a couple of months ago and didn't like it. I underlined a lot of great passages but there was so much guff to get through.

I'll say The Sun Also Rises. It's been a tepid reading summer, but I'm doing TSatF now.

>> No.9950785

Anna Karenina. It is amazing, one of the best books I have ever read

>> No.9950998

tropic of cancer

>> No.9951005

The Journals of Lewis and Clark

>> No.9951036

i just finished last train to zona verde by paul theroux
pretty interesting stuff
bit deceptive tho, as he doesn't actually get on the train

>> No.9951049


>> No.9952640

I hate you

>> No.9953585

Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.9953698

Hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world.

>> No.9953728

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.9953733

Life and Fate by Vasilij Grossman and The Songs of Maldoror.

>> No.9953735

In praise of older women, by Stephen Vizinczey

>> No.9953759
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The only book I read this summer desu

>> No.9953904

All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren

Interrogating the Real by Slavoj Zizek

Radiant Companion by Matt Hart

The Tempest by Shakespeare

>> No.9953912

Swann's Way and Within a Budding Grove

>> No.9953914

The Castle by Franz Kafka.
>inb4 but but it's incomplete.

Doesn't matter, amazing work of genius.

>> No.9954545
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This was my favorite for Summer 2017, but there's still time left.

>> No.9954563
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I started in April, finished a few weeks ago. Good shit, might read again

>> No.9954585
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Out of the three I managed to read, this was the one I enjoyed the most.
The story of "everyone fucks up smalltime and all these tiny fuckups will cost us victory" thing never gets old.
Second would be Krasznahorkai's book on his visit to China.
I read both in hungarian btw

This wasn't a productive summer at all, but still better than the last one. Still have a stack of books that I'm only halfway trough.

>> No.9954589

Based on a True Story.

I'm reading Dune though, and I'm liking it a lot too.

>> No.9954743

Invisible Man is a perfect book

>> No.9954846

>Swann's Way
I'm almost done with the first part of it (Combray) and it will likely the objectively best book that I will have read this summer. I was a bit ambivalent regarding Proust, but it is truly extremely well written. It's so evocative that it's hard not to get lost in thought and start dreaming every few sentences. I didn't think I would enjoy it, but now I'll pretty much have to read all of them. It looks like it would be a difficult book to translate though since the style, word choice and rhythm are what makes it what it is.

Honorable mention : The Man Who Was Thursday, by G.K. Chesterton
Most disturbing book : Only Child, by Jack Ketchum