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9943231 No.9943231 [Reply] [Original]

Atheists, how do you deal with the reality that Christian thinkers are the very apex of all literature? Also of philosophy, mathematics, and any endeavor worthy of Man

>> No.9943240

I can appreciate the idea of God and the devotion and emotion such a concept inspires in people.

>> No.9943246

I imagine most of them didn't truly believe, considering the consequences of openly doing so.

>> No.9943254

You'll appreciate it even more when you're burning in hell

>> No.9943257
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>he fell for the """true belief""" meme

>> No.9943259

8gag please go

>> No.9943262

>pic unrelated

>> No.9943263

Nice deflection reddit

>> No.9943264

I can also appreciate what Nietzsche said about ressentiment and how bloodthirsty the virtuous are. You're a lovely example

>> No.9943265

How can anyone be a catholic nowadays though is the real question.

>> No.9943269

>implying scientists aren't autists
look up heisenberg's later writings, after the uncertainty principle. it's pretty much all christian apologetics. it's not uncommon and some of them have really weird religions (jack parsons comes to mind)

>> No.9943273

>How can anyone be a catholic
same as it ever was, badly

>> No.9943279
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Just finished the first volume of Les Misérables, should I read the second instead of starting with another book?

>> No.9943285
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When you look at the alternatives, its the least worst Church

>> No.9943286

You should read the four volumes

Jean Valjean is based af

>> No.9943290

Isaac Newton was more interested in Christianity and alchemy in his writings as well. The "atheist but can't speak out" is a meme.

>> No.9943388

are Stoicism and Christianity compatible? I know Aquinas was friendly towards Stoicism early on during his years, but became more critical towards it as time went on.

>> No.9943395

A good atheists is an agnostic

>> No.9943441

No, stoicism is a life denying cuck philosophy. Jesus cried in agony on the Cross he didn't just put up a cheerful smile and eat shit

>> No.9943448

but that isn't the impression I got from Stoicism. I thought it was about attempting to be the best you can become while acknowledging your limitations.

>> No.9943457

Nah its about being a cuckold. You have to look deeper into it and the background of the people espousing it. All major, major cuckolds
Enjoying your wife being cucked by a bull can be said to be the pinnacle accomplishment of a stoic

>> No.9943461

do you have any proofs?

>> No.9943464

Victor Hugo tried to contact the spirit of his dead daughter. Not a true christian.

>> No.9943473

didn't Anglican's believe in spirits, and ghosts though?

>> No.9943478

/r/stoicism is like the most popular philosophy school group on reddit for a reason. The life of Marcus Aurelius speaks for itself:

>She was believed to have had innumerable lovers from all levels of society. The historian Sextus Aurelius Victor wrote that she shamelessly cruised for sexual partners among the sailors who worked naked on the beaches of Campania in Italy! Senators as well as gladiators and pantomime actors were said to have been seduced by the Empress. It was believed by many that Commodus, who fought publicly as a gladiator when emperor, was fathered by a gladiator rather than by the dignified Marcus Aurelius. Faustina was rumored to have had an affair with her son-in-law, Lucius Verus, and to have been guilty of his murder.

>> No.9943491

Is that his wife or daughter? Anyways, Augustus's daughter was a turbo whore as well when adultery was illegal in Rome. He never begat a male heir, but he's pretty much regarded as one of the greatest rulers in the West.

>> No.9943629
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>Wanting to live in a perfect world free of sin saved by christ

>"Woah woah woah, bloodthirsty much? If you want us sinners and devils to leave just ask nicely"

>> No.9943765

>Christian thinkers are the very apex of all literature
You mean Pagan thinkers? Anyway, the past required different explanations for things, I don't blame people for believing in what they did, and I don't personally use God as motivation to do great things.

>> No.9944075

I was born Muslim and recanted. That puts me in with the virtuous pagans after death if I play my cards right, correct? They seemed to have a pretty dope setup

>> No.9944087

love thy neighbour, faggot

>> No.9944100
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>"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

>> No.9944108

something tells me you're misinterpreting that verse

>> No.9944112
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>Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.
tell me how i'm misinterpreting this one

>> No.9944119

>I can appreciate the idea of God and the devotion and emotion such a concept inspires in people.
you're misinterpreting this one because you don't seem to know what blasphemy is. as for the former verse, jesus is saying don't lose your wits but don't stoop to their level. going around telling people they're going to burn in hell is the opposite of what jesus would have wanted you to do

>> No.9944147

Contacting spirits is witchcraft

>> No.9944158

>and any endeavor worthy of Man
so not including religion?

>> No.9944205
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Firstly, I'm not the guy who told you to burn in hell. But what what you said is definitely blasphemy.
>The action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.
Saying that you appreciate the idea of God without actually believing it is blasphemy. You're misusing it and warping it to your own "Cultural Christian" ideals. And for Jesus not wanting the other anon to tell people to burn in hell is untrue. Jesus was crucified for speaking aggressively against the unrighteous. He wasn't afraid of speaking his mind; telling the unpleasant truth is something Jesus would approve of.

>> No.9944221

What about Sanderson style independent fundamentalist Baptist churches?

>> No.9944231

you're absolutely mistaken. jesus was against contempt and indignation, there is a clear distinction between telling someone unpleasant truths and expressing your contempt for your fellow man. Also, saying you appreciate the idea of god is not blasphemy, it's the middle ages that have warped this idea which you seem to be stuck in. there is literally nothing in anon's sentence that would classify as profane or sacrilegious. in fact this post is more
profane; >>9944100
enjoy hell, faggot

>> No.9944239

>oh i can really appreciate them

>> No.9944243

These types keep popping up lately. I don't really get this trend of pretending to be a medieval Crusader or whatever they think they're doing. It just comes off as mental illness.

>> No.9944247

>jesus was against contempt and indignation
You're gonna need some evidence for that assertion. When Jesus expelled the money changers from the temple, he did so with contempt. And you're mistaken if you think I don't love my fellowmen; wanting to guide my brothers back to Christianity is not hateful.

>> No.9944262

Made me laugh, thanks anon.

>> No.9944265 [DELETED] 

>He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them.
the moment you make the argument that jesus was pro contempt is the moment you reveal that you're unfamiliar with your own religion. Jesus was angry that the jews were desecrating the temple by making it a house of merchandise. It was the jewish moneychangers who were treating the foreign guests with contempt. you have it the wrong way around

>> No.9944270

I can't help but wonder if the people who post these things are actually members of a church or have any meaningful form of fellowship with other Christians outside of the internet. I've spent time in very conservative Christian circles, in real life and online, and have never seen this type of behavior elsewhere. Anyone who makes posts like this should find Christian guidance in a physical church under a minister with whom you can meet in person and try to get some perspective, provided you aren't just pretending in order to get a rise out of people.

>> No.9944335
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this is exactly the same as fat useless NEETs pretending the work and accomplishments of their countrymen, are the NEET's own.

>> No.9944385

>pretending that they are your own
We are one in Christ.

>> No.9944409

>using an anime girl to represent your belief
i'm sure you take your Christianity very seriously

>> No.9944417
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>being this judgemental
not an argument

>> No.9944422

sexualizing your belief in anime and making inappropriate jokes involving young kids, v cool man, v Christian

>> No.9944425

You realise that will shift now that the world is secularising, right? Religion was the norm so the work was being done by religious people. Now that secularism is becoming the norm, more and more work will be done by atheists. In years to come, some shithead will make a thread like yours only with atheist thinkers at the apex.

>> No.9944431
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>> No.9944435

The same way that Chrsitians dealt with it for about 1300 years where Pagan works and thinkers were the apex of culture.

>> No.9944437

i would look into treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

>> No.9944451

>the world is secularising
It really isn't.

>> No.9944454
File: 40 KB, 750x500, nbc105-9-15-98-snl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It REALLY is, anon. All of the census data shows it. Don't hate the messenger, I am not smug about this, I don't know how I feel about it. But it IS what is happening.

>> No.9944459

Yes, all those Christian Greeks in the 300s BC defined western thought

>> No.9944461

Thanks for the (You)s, by the way.

>> No.9944462
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Why dress up the truth

Shitty ideas need cheat codes such as fancy prose and symbolism to see the next day

Good ideas stand and fall on their own merit

You can't investigate a sweet lie without it either loosing its sweetness or being exposed

>> No.9944467

the western world is secularising, however that's not the area in the world where the population is really growing

>> No.9944480

Most Eastern "religions" are secular philosophies anyway, that's why their "spirituality" was adopted by all the "spiritual but not religious" people (a.k.a., atheists) from the sixties onwards.

>> No.9944481

The west =/= the world

I suppose if you define the religions that disprove your view as non-religions then you're correct. Good job.

>> No.9944488

what? pretty sure the most common Asiatic religion would be christianity and the most common religion on the African continent would be Islam, no? Although I imagine most of the people in India are Hindu

>> No.9944492

>I've spent time in very conservative Christian circles, in real life and online, and have never seen this type of behavior elsewhere.
People are always bigger assholes online.

>> No.9944495

>pretty sure the most common Asiatic religion would be christianity
Lol what, it's Islam. The middle east, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Indonesia are in Asia.

>> No.9944497
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That's because the capitalist machine has given almost everyone in the West chronic acedia. It's like the TV in Winston Smith's room. We're all so overstimulated with media that we can't hear God or ourselves.

>> No.9944500

>in real life and online
Whoops I'm retarded.

>> No.9944503

I think he mixed up Africa and Asia by mistake

>> No.9944507

yeah i looked it up a second ago, much more diverse than i expected

>> No.9944511

Why are you posting Wittgenstein, a known believer, while writing some naive bullshit he'd laugh at

>> No.9944523

(un?)surprisingly most online Christian communities are very well behaved.

>> No.9944525

Because he was a known naive bullshitter

>> No.9944534

You do understand how times have changed and our knowledge has progressed don't you? We used to think that we were the centre of the universe and that the sun went round us so it is natural that people would have looked for some reason to it all. We don't say historical figures or writers are any less great because they were around at the time of slavery, but we know that's wrong now. It's what they knew. Here's the point though. Knowing what we know now, it is beyond idiotic to believe you have a god. Great minds can be brainwashed too if it is done from childhood. Stupidly countries and governments were synonymous with their chosen religions and people were persecuted or killed for not conforming. Now, there is no excuse to believe such nonsense, other than a mental deficit of some kind.

>> No.9944545

>le god of le gaps q8^)

>> No.9944551

Where did the universe come from according this vastness of modern knowledge? Why is there something instead of nothing?

>> No.9944564

>believing in a narrative of historical progression

>> No.9944572

interesting that you should point out that people conformed to a set of beliefs because they would be persecuted if they didn't whilst you crypto-persecute religious folks for not conforming to your beliefs

>> No.9944577

No one knows quite simply. But at least science is trying to find out. You must understand that because one of the many religions claims it was made in seven days does not make it so.
You must see the ridiculousness of saying, well since science can not offer me irrefutable proof, then I shall throw in my lot with this belief that offer no proof of any kind and that there is absolutely no evidence for?
If you respond to a believer with the question if something can't come from nothing then where did god come from, they try to offer you some scientific sounding explanation of what god is and why he doesn't need to come from something, as though that is a fact their religion is based around. It's not. All your belief is based around is the bible. Any suggestion as to how god can come from nothing is just an argument that a theist has come up with to justify the ridiculousness of the something from nothing statement and it's hypocritical standing within their argument. People actually like to tell us that we shouldn't question god and that we can't understand what he is and then make up a lot of nonsense when you ask them that.
We also know enough now to know that there is virtually no chance that we are alone in the universe. Are there many gods that work on area codes? Or do you genuinely believe that god made a universe of such size so that on one tiny little speck of it, he could offer one species of monkey the chance for everlasting life?

>> No.9944581

And you think this is going to become LESS? We're going to be in virtual worlds for more and more of the time. How will religion cope with that?

>> No.9944583

If you deny this then as far as I'm concerned you are either blind or delusional.

>> No.9944586

Not at all. I find these threads ridiculous in the sense that they surely go against what Christianity stands for. Does your all powerful god really need a bunch of people on 4chan defending him. Shouldn't you all just be happy that you are right and will receive eternal life while we all burn in hell for being wrong? But it's never been about that. Hence why Christians all act in the most unchristian, judgemental manner. I will call stupidity when I see it as we all should. This is 2017 and all of the religions we have created have done enough damage to humanity and its progress. If a Christian wants to start shitpost threads about how we are inferior because we don't believe the same garbage as them rather than just taking comfort and joy from their faith, then they should have it pointed out to them how stupid their faith is.
Debates like this from Christians are exactly what shows a lack of faith in what they believe. If someone came to me tomorrow and said the world is not round, I would not feel the need to defend my belief that it is, because I am sure of it. Yet theists always make up some nonsense that they portray as scientific fact, completely missing the point that this would no longer constitute a faith.

>> No.9944589

Socrates was a NIGGER!

>> No.9944592

I can't offer any proof of where it came from. I can make a claim though. You know, just like the bible does. Would you be happy to accept my claim without proof?

>> No.9944593

A shredded, gay one at that.

>> No.9944594

You argue that we know things now that render a belief in the divine absurd, but then confess we don't know anything as to the origins of existence which is what the divine explains. Forget convincing, you're not even fucking coherent.

>> No.9944600

more people live in poverty today than in any time during history

technology hasn't made life better

>> No.9944613

>Atheists, how do you deal with the reality that Christian thinkers are the very apex of all literature? Also of philosophy, mathematics, and any endeavor worthy of Man

LOL. Riiiight.

>> No.9944616

The world population is also the highest it's ever been, the proportion of people in poverty is decreasing. Also, how the hell do you define poverty for periods earlier than about 100 years ago? There's no data and no universal way to define poverty.

>> No.9945384

The ancient Greeks -- you know, a large part of Western civilization's foundations that Christian thinkers built on -- might have a little something to say about that.

>> No.9945389


>> No.9946858


>> No.9946917

A truly well thought opinion. Nothing pleasures my tingling senses more than a profound expression of stupidity coming from modern atheists. No need for any other punishment for Voltaire in his circle of hell, he must only be made to watch the exploits of the new flock for him to experience profound sadness and pain.

>> No.9946927


This analogy is better served with the four walls of Farenheit 451’s parlour. Don’t mix up your dystopia trilogy.

>> No.9946972

Have you ever considered that others might make different assumptions about the nature of reality and our perception of it? Do you really think it's such simple business to reach complete certainty in this regard?