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/lit/ - Literature

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994280 No.994280 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorite book.

Pic oh-so-related.

>> No.994287

more like one hundred years of reading

>> No.994285

Have you read "Love in the Time of Cholera?" It's been sitting in a box here for so long. I haven't heard anything about it.

>> No.994298

aka "One Hundred Years of Sleeping"

>> No.994299

That's a gorgeous cover.

It's also good. Not magical realism at all, though, so don't go into it expecting that. Straight narrative but beautiful writing and a heart-rending story.

>> No.994303

>400 pages


>> No.994309

If you can't say what you need to say in 200 pages or less, then you are a bad writer because all of your prose is verbose

>> No.994311



>> No.994315

>Straight narrative but beautiful writing and a heart-rending story.
Oh... I think I'll just leave it where it's at for now.

>> No.994318

silly generalization is silly

>> No.994321

Umm...you don't like skillful prose? You don't like good stories?

>> No.994326

>A trickle of blood came out under the door, crossed the living room, went out into the street, continued on in a straight line across the uneven terraces, went down steps and climbed over curbs, passed along the Street of the Turks, turned a corner to the right and another to the left, made a right angle at the Buendía house, went in under the closed door, crossed through the parlor, hugging the walls so as not to stain the rugs, went on to the other living room, made a wide curve to avoid the dining-room table, went along the porch with the begonias, and passed without being seen under Amaranta's chair as she gave an arithmetic lesson to Aureliano José, and went through the pantry and came out in the kitchen, where Úrsula was getting ready to crack thirty-six eggs to make bread.
"Holy Mother of God!" Úrsula shouted.
Could have said all of that in two sentences.

>> No.994327

my estimated diagnosis would be "star wars slashfic devotee"

>> No.994330

>doesn't understand magical realism

Oh never mind i get it now

>> No.994331

Yeah, I'm making judgments, but when someone describes a book that has an Oprah Club sticker on it as beautiful writing with a heart rending story, I feel like I can safely pass over it for something else on my already crowded list. Call me pretentious.

>> No.994335
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Yeah, I can see how "A trickle of blood went to Ursula's house. Ursula cursed." is much more effective.

>> No.994338

Do you not read Steinbeck either?

>> No.994339
File: 38 KB, 420x634, 61-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this cover.

>> No.994340

>Could have said all of that in two sentences.
Well Marquez said it in one, bro.

>> No.994343

I understand the genre. I am pointing out that Marquez is an inefficient writer.

A step in the correct direction; on your next attempt, refrain from mimicking a retard's style.

>> No.994344

Oh shit son.

>> No.994346

how would YOU have written it?

>> No.994348


[] Told
[] Not Told

>> No.994349

Same poster, 0/10

>> No.994351

>Marquez is an inefficient writer.
Since when the fuck is writing about efficiency?
If you want efficiency, go here.
Tell us how it's better than the actual works because it's shorter.

>> No.994352

It's been some time, but I've read quite a bit of his work in the past. Grapes of Wrath, Mice and Men, East of Eden, and The Pearl. But I think the last one I read was Mice and Men, and that was a few years ago.

>> No.994355

actually it wasn't...

>> No.994358

What do you mean he -
Oh wait, you're trolling.
God, this place is getting boring.

>> No.994357

I would have started with eliminating (with impunity) all of the above superfluous, stupid adjectives and prepositions throughout the entire book and allowed the once clunky, difficult to read text to emerge in a more minimal and raw form

>> No.994360

Márquez was actually heavily influenced by Hemingway's style of prose and storytelling. Hem was the king of efficiency.

Marquez isn't trying to be a Hemingway clone. He writes what needs to be written.

>> No.994361

You linked me to things that aren't books. I closed the tab after looking at it in disgust for 2.54 seconds.

>> No.994363

>writing an ipod instruction manual

>> No.994364

/lit/ blows today.


>> No.994365

>superfluous, stupid adjectives


>> No.994366

I linked you to the ultimate efficiency in writing, like you said you wanted.

>> No.994371

No, you linked me to a joke website. You are a fail because I didn't laugh. Stop trying to troll.

>> No.994372

First you say that Marquez is bad because he's inefficient, then you don't like the efficient works I give you. You need to make up your mind.

>> No.994373

Link me to actual books and I'll explain to you why they are efficient or inefficient. Don't mock me with your internet trash

>> No.994378

he mad
he's an obvious troll
i wish these trolls would all get tripcodes, easier to block that way.

>> No.994375
File: 45 KB, 520x478, 1524846_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.994380

Those are actual books, except all the stupid, superfluous adjectives and prepositions have been removed along with the rest of the inefficient stuff.

>> No.994387

Not only do I have no intention of reading your provided example, but you have reinforced my original opinion of Marquez by defending a bad writer poorly

>> No.994394

I'm just trying to give you more of the efficient stuff that you said you liked, broseph.

>> No.994402

Has anyone read Memoirs of My Melancholy Whores? It's a novella, short read, but I loved it.

>> No.994441

That was my intro to Marquez. Very good book.

>> No.994443

It sort of read like Marquez was writing it for himself, preparing for death and finishing his life. He really knows how to evoke melancholy.

>> No.994457

/lit/ debating whether a noble prize winning author is a talented writer.

never change 4chan. never change.

>> No.994725
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>> No.994773

>a noble prize winning author

there's no monarchy in colombia, so he's not a noble, but he did win the nobel prize

>> No.994776

oh you

>> No.994778


this comment could have been so much shorter. you clearly read marquez.

>> No.994779

It's probably only one guy, this happens all the time.