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/lit/ - Literature

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9942217 No.9942217 [Reply] [Original]

ITT books women will never understand

>> No.9942221

stop making these threads

>> No.9942225

Triggered feminazi alert

>> No.9942235

No kidding. As if women can't be just as intellectual, complex or nuanced in their thinking as me. Find a home on /pol/

>> No.9942241

>brainlet detected
If you think a woman could be as intellectual as you then I'm really fucking sorry for you

>> No.9942244

Penis Lol

>> No.9942248
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>> No.9942251

>/lit/ defending literal /tv/ memes
The absolute state of this board.

>> No.9942252

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.9942253

/tv/ makes the best memes though.

>> No.9942256
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>As if women can't be just as intellectual, complex or nuanced in their thinking as me.

>> No.9942373

Thecla did thought

>> No.9942420

Women are children that never grow up tbqh.

>> No.9942426

its funny because he has a beard lol
btw im totally different i shave my beard

>> No.9942438

name one reason why they can't

>> No.9942442

they're childish

>> No.9942634

My wife read it and enjoyed it.

>> No.9942702

What did her son think?

>> No.9942710
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>> No.9942718

>my wife read it therefore she understood it
Your comment was worth less than nothing. I hope your wife cucks you for a nigger if she hasn't already

>> No.9942813

found the guy more intellectual and complex than marie curie

>> No.9943683

Isn't it to their credit if they can't relate to Severian?

>> No.9943706


You're either young, naive, liberal, lack experience with women (or all of the above).

Women are precious, but there's a reason they've been stereotyped as shallow for all of time.

>> No.9943708


Hold on to her, anon. I loaned my copy of BotNS to my last girlfriend, and she returned it about a month later, having never left the Torturer's Guild. Broke my heart.

>> No.9943734

>women won't understand a book about a character who is practically half-woman
Epic bait.

>> No.9943812

To be fair, he's not half woman until the sequel really.

>> No.9943822

he was a half woman since he started writing bro

>> No.9943826
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Let's even the playing field

>> No.9945026
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>> No.9945048

Just because he lies and can't keep his story stright and can't tell right from left doesn't make him a woman.

>> No.9945050


heh. cucks

>> No.9945051

None of the above. But you are right in that they are precious. Well, the right woman anyway. I'm thinking the one I married.

>> No.9946186

Man, this is an intense book. I was tempted to give up on it at various points because it's so thoroughly dick lit -- I mean, the hero carries around a sword that he unsheathes, oils, and re-sheaths routinely throughout his travels, and he sleeps with nearly every woman he encounters, but usually in the most patronizing way imaginable (there's actually an extremely painful, cringeworthy attempt at some sort of epiphanic look into the male psyche, wherein it is brought to the reader's attention that men don't only want the hot chicks! They don't discriminate! They want the not-so-hot chicks, too! Preferably simultaneously!) ...all of which would be fine, if the whole thing weren't trying desperately to be something much less transparent than that.

Parts of this were delightfully magical -- actually, most of it was, imagery-wise. It's definitely a pleasure to feel like you've tapped into the mind of someone on a really good, permanent acid trip. But I think I need to go build back up my estrogen reserves before continuing on to the second half.

>> No.9946304

Never read Alice Munro

>> No.9946425

Neurobiology, psychology, natural roles of the human species, intellectual job spots are 99% of them occupied by males and a thousand others which clearly would show human females don't have shit on a male, except on the giving birth part, that's the only thing.

And thank god we males have our counterpart (the submissive slave - aka female) to suffer for us, otherwise fuck man, knowing how conscious I am, I would have taken my life already if I had to do it all and feel like an slave. no ty.

Also please, women can't have it all... a human can either make life or destroy life, choose one aspect of the human mentality (or life role - submissive or dominant, you can't be both at 100% - if you don't like it, sorry I didn't make the universe, I just see the patterns and learn from them.)

And if that above is not enough, okay: women can do it, but only 1% or less can actually be conscious enough to be intellectually competent.

Women are ambitious, men are competitive. both look after success in different ways, one in the more socializing aspect, and other in the more anti-social aspect (destructive aspect, as in manipulating the energy of humans, by inflating and making money to devalue the currency, etc)

I am way too far beyond your knowledge, and if this is not enough, fuck you. you deserve no respect anyway (idk if you are a woman, but simply because you are the one who got us in this hell - gave part of my body, to make you, yet dragged me down with you - such disrespect and still ask why women can't be intellectual? please you were lied by the devil, you bitch. don't you see you SIMPLY CAN'T BE intellectual? the odds are against you in that matter/aspect, keep getting fucked, give birth and repeat. that's all you're worth. stop trying to replace men's duties. you can't do them and you have your own already, be happy with that.)


>> No.9946470

pretty much anything that can be classified as good literature. Women only read literature for the sake of the identity associated with it, or in other words, because they want to look more classy and sophisticated. "I'm not like the other dumb bimbos, I'm thoughtful, and deep, and classy, like a french girl! I'm not a slut, I'm in touch with my sexuality!" <-- this is the basic thought process of the "literary" woman. They can never have a true passion for literature,can never devote their lives to it in the way that men can.

>inb4 a pussywhipped anon mentions a few examples of good women authors
do you know what the word "exception" means? It's interesting to note, also, that the best woman author, Gertrude Stein, was basically a man

>> No.9947295

>I am way too far beyond your knowledge, and if this is not enough, fuck you.
t. Pseud

>> No.9947410

Is this ripped from a goodreads review?

>> No.9947419

Hello is this /r9k/?

>> No.9947426

Has been for a while.

>> No.9947431

So it's the place /r9k/ comes when they skim through the wiki on some book and pretend to be intellectuals?

>> No.9947445

I'm not sure they even skim the wiki. They just look at memes and then post in memes about how awesome Ulysses is.

>> No.9947500
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a woman would never read this 11/10 intellectual trip

>> No.9947714


>> No.9947717

Fine company we're in. I got to read Lindsay and Wolfe from recs here so I ain't bitching.

>> No.9947727

can severian be considered a tranny?

>> No.9947742

He's the most masculine protagonist I've read of in a long time
his mind is a maze of a multitude and he alone has the map cut into his thumb, at most he is temporarily overwhelmed in moments of weakness

>> No.9947897

Fuck off Keely

>> No.9948071

My girlfriend has read that, and Joyce, and most of the classics. She's very capable of reading and understanding classic literature, philosophy and political theory.
Women are capable of reading and being intellectual, why do you all doubt that?

>> No.9948227

jimmy neutron? dude wtf i feel old now

>> No.9948231

wow rude tbqh

>> No.9948243

she merely pretends to increase her worth for men

>> No.9948278

>Every "women hate" thread in /4chan/ is made by a self-loathing closeted homosexual male
Prove me wrong.
Tip: you can't

>> No.9948280

>ITT books women will never understand
Eat, Pray, Love

>> No.9948281

Some of the people here are memeing whereas others have probably been hurt by women in the past and have found a way for them to rationalise a distrust or dislike for women. it isn't everyone on /lit/ who is like this but clearly this board is a bit of a mine field when it comes to subjects like this, as well as black authors, the Koran, the Bible, etc

>> No.9948305

They can't. But I agree, these threads are getting pretty ridiculous

>> No.9948401

Yeah nah, she's been reading since she was a child, uninterested in dating.

>> No.9948420
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I think the idea is that women are just LESS likely to be deep than man. It doesn't exclude the possibility for exceptions.

>> No.9948432


Please fill me in. I'm new here to /lit/, but not to Wolfe. If there's a consensus of Wolfe admirers that someone is in his category, I'd love to hear about it. Google is not helping too much, unless you're talking about the author of Dexter?

>> No.9948523

Die, Irish.

>> No.9948554

True Detective season 1

>> No.9948560

If you think True Detective season 1 is remotely profound I've got news for you.

>> No.9948816
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>> No.9948852

Lol, he struck a nerve

>> No.9948950

Nah, I just think that /r9k/ posters should be banned. They have their own board to shit on.

>> No.9949003

>Implying anyone even pays mind to insecure, bigoted incels.

I don't care if they're in gravitas, hurt by someone, etc., etc., or just memeing. It's just fluff on this board that can be ignored for the most part. When they actually want to discuss books, I'll mull over what they want to talk about. The poorly "thought-out" contrarianism against the (((the school of resentment))) is just impotence projecting. It's quite boring and pathetic to see, but /lit/ still has its gems.

>> No.9949028

This is true barring some exceptions. It's actually obvious why it's true too when you consider the biological role women play vs. men. However, this shouldn't make you hate women. It only let's you know that men are biologically superior and a woman won't be happy with you unless you actively exercise that dominance.

>> No.9949051

She's amazing.

>> No.9949100

Jokes on you, I'm not in the closet
and homosexuals really do have disdain for women

>> No.9949111

The existence of heterosexual misogynists and chauvinists on 4chan automatically proves you wrong though.

>> No.9949178


How about you argue their points rather than just meme post against them? It makes your position look weak.

While I imagine some anons are embittered towards women, that doesn't take away from the root of their argument: that biologically women are inferior.

>> No.9949224

>that biologically women are inferior
You truly are a disgrace to mankind.

>> No.9949232

>doesn't take away from the root of *their* argument: that biologically women are inferior.
He wasn't saying that.

>> No.9950123

We're on 4chan you know, no need to pretend anymore. The real question is why women haven't been turned into breeding slaves in order to produce new eugenic races of men after science and modernity has revealed (as the Greeks always knew) that women are physically and mentally inferior, and not to mention they're not even as beautiful as men as Schopenhauer has eloquently pointed out.

>> No.9950158

>and not to mention they're not even as beautiful as men
>Closeted self-loathing homosexual male

>> No.9950168


>and not to mention they're not even as beautiful as men as Schopenhauer has eloquently pointed out.

One of the things I noticed after I stopped watching porn, is that women became much more beautiful. I hardly ever see a plain Jane anymore.

One of the things I've heard about excessive pornography use, is that men become attracted to traps.

Do with this what you will.

>> No.9950226

I'm not closeted, I'm not self-loathing, and I'm not even homosexual buddy boy. Homoeroticism is essential to the production of higher civilizations. Go read some Mishima. W*m*n are disgusting and vile creature, toilets with 9 holes pouring out all sorts of filth.

>> No.9950249

>being this oblivious about oneself

>> No.9950268

Go lick your Mistress' feet and whine about a concept of 'romantic love' that medieval troubadours came up with. Women are stunted bestial creatures, unable to compare to the beauty and mathematical aesthetic splendor of a young boy.