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/lit/ - Literature

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9939785 No.9939785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For a week or so I've been infiltrating liberal cuck circles by appearing like them and consuming basic liberal media in the hopes of deconstructing their ideas and slowly redpilling them without their knowing. What is some classic libcuck literature that I can read and use for this purpose?

>> No.9939788


>> No.9939790

>implying liberals read
the only libcuck literature there is, is shitty """news"""" outlets like in the OP picture

>> No.9939792

Why not read leftist literature simply to see their point of view and possibly grow your perspective rather than for some ulterior motive?
There's probably a guide on the wiki, just check there.

>> No.9939795

First of all, great thread. Happy to have a fellow redpiller here. Second of all - and perhaps most important - Shidalay, and Praise Kek!

They seem to love Guns Germs and Steal (pseudo-science), post modernism, frankfurt school, so dissect these books' retarded arguments and tell the liberals that they're simply wrong

>> No.9939797


>> No.9939801

libcucks can't distinguish between road signs and grass

>> No.9939802

James Baldwin and Audre Lorde are favorites of theirs. They seem to represent the literary ideal for contemporary progressives.

>> No.9939804


>> No.9939812

make sure to watch the matrix. libcucks love to think in movie cliches.

>> No.9939814

First let me extend a virtual pat on the back for your willingness to take action and then wish you luck moving forward. I think this method of reverse engineering the tactics jews used against whites to upend our culture is working for the right, and from I know an important text for those doing what you are is "Rules for Radicals," which I'm assuming you are familiar with?

>> No.9939816
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If we’re being honest, their cannon starts with The Communist Manifesto(no, not his earlier shit). So you start by pointing out where that fails. Recently I’ve enjoyed pointing out that Marc didn’t realise the extent to which computerisation fucks with his theories, as workers are no longer *required* to produce value

>> No.9939823

>computerisation fucks with his theories
neither red nor blue. little, yellow, different.

>> No.9939825

Marx, not Marc. I’m phoneposting.

>> No.9939828

>implying people who think like the OP weren't born and enculturated into that perspective.

We're the ones who have moved beyond that, so the real question is why haven't you?

>> No.9939836

i believe the word in pharmaceutical circles is /incubated/

>> No.9939846

I was actually "born and enculturated into" the right wing perspective. But being "born and enculturated into" any perspective does not mean you understand the reasons why someone would hold that perspective.

>> No.9939854

Heil, fellow whites, I'm new! *Nazi salutes* my name is Nathaniel but you can call me ULRIC STORMHAMMER because that's my name is a traditional family translation. kek... as you can see I'm very redpilled. That's why I came here, to meet redpilled people like me.

I'm 21 years old (I'm saving my virginity though) I like to watch hard hitting political satire like Million Dollar Extreme with my online alt right friends (I don't associate with wome n if you don't like it deal w/it) it's our favorite redpill TV show because it's so uncucked unlike Tim Heidecker!!

They are redpilled too of course but I want to meet more redpilled people like they say we're winning the culture war!! kek, anyways I hope to recruit a lot of new Trump supporters here so give me lots of (You)'s!!! 1488 praise kek! get out shill! We Wuz Kangz an shiet! <-- me bein redpilled again, hehe... shadilay

>> No.9939859

classic case of redpill allergy. they have peanut-free redpills over at return of kings

>> No.9939866

That wasn't a real "right wing" perspective though. The right and left have been the same side for decades, and assuming your parents are standard "right wing" boomer-type people, they have nothing to do with the right wing perspective people like us are talking about. They are opposed to it, as you are, because they've been trained to be that way. Nothing wrong with that, but it's still you who doesn't understand the side the OP is talking about. Do you know what "redpilled" means?

>> No.9939867


>> No.9939872

geroge takei was born and enculturated in an internment camp. do you think that's why he sometimes works for no money and just the experience or is he making a learned protest against the labor theory of value?

>> No.9939879

pretty weird that all these redpillers are appearing on the scene all at the same time. like, was napoleon enculturated into napoleonism? like, is a street sign in thai really a street sign?

>> No.9939881

>The right and left have been the same side for decades

Oh lord in heaven fuck off you illiterate.

>> No.9939882

I don't know who that is. Try to make more relevant analogies and present a more thorough perspective if you want to discuss the topic.

>> No.9939883

I was also born and enculturated in a right wing family and I understand entirely why they believed what they believed I just think they were wrong. They stayed in their own little bubble and made an enemy out of anyone who caused them discomfort or problems, much like I did as a kid, much like I'm seeing /pol/ do today.

I think it comes ultimately from wanting to be left alone and left to their ways, which is perfectly reasonable. To my dad anyone speaking out against capitalism was some smug ivory tower asshole who thought he knew better than my dad how he should be living his life. It's an inability to engage beyond the individual. Which is why I think it's so popular with 4chan autists.

>> No.9939886

It means yearning for a blood-and-steel caricature of western civilization that never existed, while simultaneously being a nebbish worm who rarely if ever talks to a woman or even goes outside.

>> No.9939887

B8. Real Nazi's would have brought up the Jews at some incongruous point

>> No.9939890

Couldn't I say the same thing about jewish shills? One provokes the other to try and shut down conversation.

It's true. If you say you don't know about the John Birch Society I'm not going to be surprised. You are the one who is unfamiliar with this history.

>> No.9939891

red pillers are star wars fans then? star trek more of a blue pill thing

>> No.9939895

Are you still talking about your parents?

>> No.9939899

But Baldwin is actually good...

>> No.9939900

>Do you know what "redpilled" means?
Yes I do, white nationalism and the such, and it's important for me to look at that side as well, and I've, for now at least, concluded that it's traditionalist, collectivist, and totalitarian attitudes are unfit for the future I want, so I do not subscribe to that point of view. Still this has nothing to do with what I said, you may have known the liberal standpoint, but you may have never seen why they believe the things they believe. It's like knowing the world is round but not knowing how we know that.

>> No.9939903

it's like... thinking itself is infected, you know? the jews and the enlightened all in some perennial conflict? like the elect and the damned preordained by god...? that's some flannery o'connor shit. deep.

>> No.9939905

they don't read
you don't read
get out

>> No.9939908

i read 4chan posts. 21st century. you read them. but libcucks prefer... pinterest? can you read on pinterest or does it have a "1000 word" limit?

>> No.9939921

Perhaps you just aren't very bright then. To become redpilled and understand the roots of the jewish problem takes a lot of work and dedication. Telling me you gave it a cursory glance only tells you weren't trying very hard to understand the core issues, which is why you're now conflating my perspective with your boomer parents.

>> No.9939924

but wasn't the matrix produced and made by hollywood jews?

>> No.9939927

libcucks don't read. They watch youtube videos and tv shows that tell them what to think.

>> No.9939932

now if i watched a documentary about the matrix on netflix, does that count as reading?

>> No.9939936

That's not the origin of redpilled if that's what you're trying to imply. Otherwise, of course, I'm sure it was.

>> No.9939939

do you call dirt "schmutz" and talk about the "chutzpah" you have with "shiskas" too?

>> No.9939951

>To become redpilled and understand the roots of the jewish problem takes a lot of work and dedication.
I know about the Frankfurt school, I know about the disproportionate amount of Jews in media, I know about race realism though I do not agree with it, I've looked at several articles and scientific papers, and I'll admit I could do even more researching, but at the current moment I've just come to a different conclusion. And I'm not saying you have to read leftist literature and come to my conclusion, but you still have to read it. Have you? Also, are you saying redpillers don't believe in traditionalism, collectivism, and totalitarianism?

>> No.9940004
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Here, I made a sloppy chart of some of the books they engage with.

>> No.9940019

not even sloppy

>> No.9940028

this is actually very well done

>> No.9940043

no infinite jest?

>> No.9940046

Good. But don't stop there. I don't agree with the totalitarianism part though. White-run societies are not inherently totalitarian at all, especially compared to jewish run societies.

>> No.9940049

Missing Jared Diamond

>> No.9940051
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> I don't agree with the totalitarianism part though.
>I'm redpilled
Nope, you're another bluepilled goy.

>> No.9940053

missing /simulation and simulacra/

>> No.9940054

but when the big black man in the sunglasses asked me in the dilapidated building i clearly stated that i wanted to see how far the rabbit hole went. do you think he misheard?

>> No.9940058

Does that crowd even read his books anymore?

Is this even popular with the Social Justice crowd?

>> No.9940059

To equate totalitarianism with whites is absurd. Even fascism was just a response to jewish bolshevism. There's nothing inherently totalitarian about pro-white beliefs.

>> No.9940065

>I take pills from strange black men in dilapidated buildings
So how deep did your rabbit hole go?

>> No.9940072

ended up on a ship with a sexy lady, two black men who didn't even have metal in their necks, and this white woke libcuck who only loved pleasure who ended up stabbing me in the back like the jew-loving little twerp he was. but i got the better of him because i'm jesus christ incarnate