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File: 88 KB, 640x729, horus-attis-mithra-krishna-dionysus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9939137 No.9939137 [Reply] [Original]

so apparently all religions just plagiarized the story of horus. whats some essential literature about horus and *the* original religion

>> No.9939161


If you actually read instead of watching meme documentaries you'll find that most of the doctrines of the Abrahamic religions come from Zoroastrianism.

>> No.9939168

>meme documentaries
what? wtf is zoroastrianism? was he born of a virgin and does his story precede that of horus?

>> No.9939198
File: 127 KB, 430x595, Apostle Paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so apparently all religions just plagiarized the story of horus

All religions wrote in expectation of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who fulfilled in flesh their imperfect prophecies

>> No.9939207

*tips fedora*

>> No.9939213

Who tf thinks Christ was born of the 25th of december. Where does it say that in scripture.

>> No.9939214

Zeitgeist movie should not be your source for history or ideology.

>> No.9939217

Smells like simplified bollocks to me.
Any theology brainbox ITT who can debunk this pic?

>> No.9939218
File: 37 KB, 500x366, 1440961224812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dionysus - 500 BC

>> No.9939219

never seen it i just googled horus & jesus similarities and it was the first pic. is it kino?

>> No.9939228

I don't believe you, anon.

>> No.9939229

Nah mate. I used to be a vigilant christfag until I found every other fucking god was born on dec. 25 of a virgin. Shits crazy brah. When u think abt it nothing is original tho so idk :\

>> No.9939234

ok i lied what are you going to do to me?

>> No.9939235

Wrong. Stop being a reductionist faggot.
Comparative mythology is a secularist meme.

>> No.9939242
File: 23 KB, 441x333, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't do anything except hate you.

>> No.9939243

so youre saying that all these gods being born of virgins on dec 25 and walk around with 12 niggas in their crew is nothing to worry about?

>> No.9939251

Its around the winter solstace, go figure the date comes up a lot

>> No.9939253

>so apparently all religions just plagiarized the story of horus
What did Judaism plagiarize? Are you aware that Christianity is a different religion from Judaism?

>> No.9939256

OP kind of has a point. someone disprove his pic
judaism isnt a religion

>> No.9939262

This meme has been disproven before. The chart is basically wrong / has been a bit tampered with

>> No.9939264

Whats to disprove, the Old Testament very clearly prophesized the coming of the savior, its no surprise people of other parts of the world were given their own inspirations in preperation of his coming

>> No.9939268

Did all those ancient and global cultures even use the 12 month calendar?

>> No.9939273

Stop believing mythicist nonsense and look into actual scholarship on Jesus.

>most of the doctrines of the Abrahamic religions come from Zoroastrianism
And you're the one telling people to read more? The Israelite religion arose in the Levant, not Persia. The Zoroastrian influences only come with Cyrus' invasion in 539 BC. They introduce a greater focus on the cosmic battle (good vs evil) rather than worldly battles (Israel vs the nations). But to say "most of the doctrines" is crazy, Israelite monotheism arose long before contact with the Persians for one thing.

>> No.9939274

>buttblasted christfags pounding ground losing hope
its over lads go home

>> No.9939277

Semites tended to use fucking lunar calanders

>> No.9939279

wow i hadnt thought of that. alright im convinced. id delete this thread but it's too old

>> No.9939522

No because none of those are actually correct and regardless the Torah is not strictly monotheistic.
Persia did not introduce that, it just happened that both had that conception so they weren't at eachother's throats.

Again, comparative mythology is secularist nonsense. It's a trash field in mythology made up by anthrocucks in the late 19th/early 20th century specifically to 'dispute' Christianity.

Good mythology: structural, some psychology (anything that isn't just attempting to point out all instances of 'MUH DICK')
These fields, among others, actually study them as literary and cultural works.
Bad mythology: comparative, most psychology
These fields, among others, are modernist memes made up to show 'how far we've gotten' and to 'disprove' 'old' 'superstitions'
Anachronistic nonsense.

>> No.9939528

This guy knows what's up

>> No.9939543

If you don't believe that comparative mythology was literally just to 'dispute' Christianity, read the thesis of the Golden Bough.
In short, it says that science now replaces 'old superstitions', but because it's progressivist nonsense it still places 'non-heretic' religions above mythology. J.Z. Smith writes about this anthrocuck mindset.

>> No.9939585

>born on dec 25th
nice bait

>> No.9939855


>> No.9939910
File: 83 KB, 640x640, jesus christ I GET KNOCKED DOWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it

>> No.9941537

jesus is boring as fuck desu zoro and horus sound interesting will look into them

>> No.9941556

Why don't you just read some comic books you fat neckbeard pleb

>> No.9941574

you seem angry. although i'd feel the same way if i aligned myself with a religion in opposition to people i hated (reddit atheist neckbeards) only to have memed myself into taking everything as fact instead of finding value in the scriptures only to stumble across a thread that points out the many similarities between every major god in history. man id hate myself if i wasted that much time on tooth fairy drivel

>> No.9941582

As opposed to what? I rather dedicate myself to a God who doesn't exist than just float around like a sponge, odorous to everyone he comes across including himself
I have my hope in salvation all you have is death and a self contradicting existence

>> No.9941589

I think you've concocted a boogie man which combines a bunch of disparate things that you dislike. One religion influencing another in a specific way isn't the same as a modernist plot to destroy tradition.

>> No.9941590

>than just float around like a sponge
thats your problem. you think thats the only other alternative to dedicating yourself to god
>I have my hope in salvation all you have is death and a self contradicting existence
lol your conviction gives off an air of projection. the self-doubt it palpable.

>> No.9941597

If its my problem its your problem too, your life is fucking joke. Nothing but a plithey string of empty half interests and empty half satisfactions rested on a constant hum of misery. You do yourself no good by existing, I say this as a friend if you really have no prospect of any real love in this world then kill yourself. What use is any more years of staring at nothing

>> No.9941601


>> No.9941604

Yeah have a nice day meme boy, why don't you come back later and tell us how those epic comic stories went

>> No.9941609

OP assblasted all the way into the seventh circle.
Great job anon.

>> No.9942044


>> No.9942322

This is not a boogie man. Read the thesis to the Golden Bough.
The fucking thesis is exactly as I described. How is it a boogie man, when the beast is real and tormenting me?

>> No.9942330
File: 157 KB, 417x556, ripatheists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Horus is the original
wew lad

>> No.9942354

>he thinks the stone age is the original age
wew lad

>> No.9942437

It's definitely not. Most major religious ideas predate actual self-consciousness. But you can only unearth so much history, anything prior to that has already been transformed and lost.

>> No.9942489

>How is it a boogie man, when the beast is real and tormenting me?
All I mentioned was a specific influence of Zoroastrianism on judaism in the exile era, it's got nothing to do with a 100 year old thesis about common mythology themes.

The boogie man is you seeing your "beast" in unrelated comments. Go to church tomorrow, and have a calm contemplative prayer afterwards. Being obsessed with this is what's tormenting you, slow down a pinch.

>> No.9942520

This thread is on comparative mythology. The Golden Bough is a foundational text for comparative mythology.
The thesis is not on 'common themes', it is stating that the commonality is evidence that all myth came from an original 'religion', and that contemporary religions are merely that myth 'modernized', and that 'science' has and will replaced those 'old superstitions'.
Assuming Zoroasterism had an influence on Judaism because of a common element is basically making the Jews seem like simple-minded goatherders while the Persians were enlightened telepaths that were in contact with aliens, the same ones that came to their land earlier to build the pyramids.
You cannot even see your own bias.

>> No.9942571

And if you're forgetting my thesis, it's:
>comparative mythology was created to 'disprove' Christianity

>> No.9942579

Dionysus was literally the god of wine and tits. Not the "Alpha and Omega". Also he didnt really "die and ressurect"

>> No.9942585

The idea that Jesus was born on the 25 of December n came about 300 years after his death. Before this point no one had even guessed when he was born, even what part of the year he was born in came much later
There is no single Horus myth. There is no bible for the Egyptian belief system, it was a several thousand year long tradition where beliefs varied widely.
The problem with calling Horus a virgin is that it excludes all the myths where his mother had sex to conceive him and pretends their is an equivalence between asexual mortal and immortal reproduction. Gods creating gods without a partner is extremely common. To compare this to a mortal virgin birth is in bad faith.
Horus having 12 disciples, ministering at 30, adorned by 3 kings, being born on the 25th of December and being a teacher at 12 was made up by Massey. There are no sources for his inventions. I don't even know why they mention three kings, It's not like the bible mentions the number of wise men who adorne Jesus. Jesus having 12 disciples is also a later tradition, the gospels give conflicting accounts on the number.

So in the Horus part of the picture the only thing I didn't debunk was the east star part and I debunked two of the Jesus parts. I could go along the others as well to show how most of those claims are either straight up false or are nowhere as similar as the deceptively reductive pretend that they are.

>> No.9942693

>Assuming Zoroasterism had an influence on Judaism because of a common element is basically making the Jews seem like simple-minded goatherders while the Persians were enlightened telepaths that were in contact with aliens, the same ones that came to their land earlier to build the pyramids.

>> No.9942700

The latter bit was hyperbole, extending from the sort of Orientalism that fetishizes Persians and the like but not Jews, because they are not 'exotic'.

Conspiratory and supernatural Egyptology, and indeed all Egyptology, is Orientalism.

>> No.9942726
File: 66 KB, 546x678, 149739875383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>(everybody in this thread)
This is a literature board. Enjoy your bans.

>> No.9942809

>hasn't read the board rules
>on a literture board
>acts smug

>> No.9943146

In the version of horus I read, his dad was chopped up, so his mom had to put him back together again but his dick was eaten by a catfish so she gave him a golden one and got impregnated that way.
Dionysus- His mom was fucked by Zeus, so not really a virgin there, Hera got pissed at her and tricked her into her death, but Zeus saved fetal Dio and sewed him up in his thigh. So he was "twice-born."