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9939072 No.9939072 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw a girl sits next to you on the train and asks what you're reading

>> No.9939144 [SPOILER] 
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>be me
>who else would I be
>sitting on train
>Arubian princess walks up to me
>"what book are you reading?"

>> No.9939146
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>tfw no one ever sits next to you anywhere and asks what you're reading

>> No.9939200
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>be me
>reading nietzsche
>got a whip in my suitcase, too

>> No.9939225

those are the eyes of a man resigned to demise

>> No.9939320

so what?
That which is falling, deserves to be pushed?
He who laughs best today, will also laughs last?

>> No.9939335


>> No.9940124

I can't decide if it's worse being asked, or not being asked. I used to think it would be easy to make conversation with someone asking about my book, but instead almost every time that scenario comes up I feel like I have no way of explaining what I'm reading, or, more likely, why I'm reading it. Anything nonfiction seems to demand an explanation as to why you're bothering, and at least for me it's tough explaining why philosophy and history are entertaining/valuable to someone who doesn't already share that belief.

>> No.9940130

i made that feel and she asked me for coffee.

>> No.9940188

>tfw a girl never sits next you
>or if they will they do not ask you anything because in your culture there exists no small talk

>> No.9940192


>> No.9940242

Shut the fuck up Durkheim

>> No.9940606

>"use your body language to make yourself available to be talked to"
>kid goes by on scooter yelling MROOOW

>> No.9940881

A few months ago I was on the bus home after work. There were a lot of empty seats but I was sat relatively near the front so I didn't think anything of it when a cute asian girl sat next to me. I was reading "The Myth of Sisyphus" which has a pretty unrecognizable cover and is pretty boring for normies, but about fifteen minutes into it she came out with, "This is so weird, but I've literally just finished reading that book!"

I didn't really know what to say, I just made a joke about how it ends (get it because it's about suicide) and she laughed. She got off the bus before me and left saying "Enjoy your heightened state of consciousness while it lasts". I didn't have a snappy retort.

>> No.9941047

never happens. they'd rather stand than sit next to me, nevermind actually start a conversation.

>> No.9941052

>tfw your culture = nothing but small talk is mandatory between people who no each other, and frowned upon between people who don't.

>> No.9941541
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>tfw a girl sits next to you on the train and doesn't ask what you're reading
Nobody has ever asked me that other than my father tbqh.

>> No.9942047

>cute girl smiles at me
>instantly fall in love, imagining our future together etc etc

im such a fucking beta

>> No.9942152

>no seats left on bus so cute girl sits next to you
I miss hs bus rides

>> No.9942168

>oh, well, it's just, heh
>have you heard of Wallace?

>> No.9942175

and there is no pick up culture, you can't just approach a girl and ask for her number
it even sounds weird when you say that in my language

>> No.9942264


where are you from?

>> No.9943163

I feel like flights are the adult version of this. I seem to get very lucky with getting seats next to cute girls who are now forced by societal norms to make light conversation with me.

>> No.9943176
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>All seats are taken
>Girl has to sit next to you
>Apologise to her

>> No.9943191
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it has really great prose...heh...

>> No.9943217
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Why is it betas fall in love with any girl that pays the slightest amount of attention to them

>> No.9943226

Because they never get attention from the opposite sex

>> No.9943230

are you a finngol by any chance?

>> No.9943234

Am I an alpha then? I don't sex women either.

>> No.9943444

for me its mostly low self esteem

>> No.9943538

>girl asks me what i'm reading
>if you want to know, tell me a book you've read first

I've gotten stephen king, 50 shades of grey(introduced her to de sade, though), hunger games and even fucking crime and punishment (highschool curriculum, met a few girls in college who've only read c&p)

>> No.9943566

>50 shades of grey
Girl told me she was reading this a while ago

what did she mean by this

>> No.9943874
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>cute girl sits down next to me
>asks me what I'm reading
>ask her what's she doing in my basement

>> No.9943915

>tfw not even your father cares enough to ask

>> No.9943935

It was me ;)

>> No.9943946

>sitting on a bench, reading
>3ft tall homeless woman comes up to me
>asks me what I'm reading
>compliments me on reading, says I'm a smart young man etc
>sits next to me and goes on to tell me about her life and how she supposedly has 3 graduate degrees, some more doctorates and masters in various fields, knows several languages yet can barely speak to me in our native language
>I'm nice to her but eventually make up an excuse and go read somewhere else

true story

>> No.9943962

I've only ever seen mentally ill looking people, drunks, crackheads, underage or turbobogans (Australian) try to talk on trains. If someone were to ever ask me I'd probably die of fright.

>> No.9943972

>tfw never stepped on a subway train in my entire life

>> No.9943975

whats the matter your mom wont let you leave the block

>> No.9943986

I live in a tiny town hours away from the capital of my state in my South American home-country which I never left. I don't do much traveling even inside the country, or inside the state, and the only medium cities which I do visit only have bus lines and no trains.

>> No.9943989

book a flight to nyc and never look back, it's a sanctuary city, they can't touch you

>> No.9944008

I see no reason to do that right now. I'm enrolled in university and plan to finish it, after that I could go to Europe to study.

>> No.9944053
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>be me
>read at night shift
>big old russian maintenance guy passes by
>sees my ereader and asks "what's this? a book? about what?“
>greek mythology
>"Oh... argo! achilles!"
>"yes yes"
>"you're smart! very good, my boy, well done!"
>his eyes glisten, he smiles and pats me on the head

>> No.9944061

good boy

>> No.9944093
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>"Hehe, you know, classic literature"

>> No.9944111

Underrated post.

>> No.9944113

What are you even supposed to say when someone asks what you're reading?

>Hey whatcha reading?
>It's Dune
>Is it good?

I'm an autist so I don't understand this aspect of human to human communication. If you ask someone what they're reading, it's a social cue to begin a conversation, right? Particularly about books? Particularly about the book that is being read?

So why the heck do they always change the subject immediately after the initial question? Very rarely someone will actually ask me what the book is about, and I'll sit there trying to condense 400 pages of a novel into some bite-sized piece of information within an appropriately non-awkward length of time which usually comes stammered out like, "It's uh... there's a desert planet with uh sandworms and uhm this guy sees the future".

This again, is usually followed by, "...oh, do you like it?" or something similarly banal and, despite the interrogative, we quickly follow a path of non-inquisitive conversation without a wit given for the topic at hand and which swiftly proceeds to goodbye's or a conversation that has absolutely nothing at all to do with any books of any kind in part because I want to read my hecking book, and I can't help but be left with the feeling that in spite of them coming up to me and asking me a question about what I'm reading, it's actually up to ME to figure out how to turn this random outburst of theirs into a productive conversation about the book I have just been interrupted from.

All I can really say is, if you're going to ask someone what they're reading, please at least give a shit about what they're reading, or actually use it as an icebreaker for a different sort of pleasant conversation that you put effort into rather than leaving them to feel like a social idiot because they haven't carried out an entertaining circus act to answer your question like an on-demand performance monkey.

t. I read at social gatherings with friends/family and get this question A LOT

>> No.9944125

I have conversations with my body pillows too, she's a big Steven King fan.

>> No.9944149

>talk with girl for 5 days
>Already super in love with her, everything I do is with her in mind
>She ghosts me
>Depressed for months
rinse and repeat

>> No.9944222

Conversations go two ways
They initiated it and expect you to carry on, until you say something interesting enough for them to talk about something

Conversations change topic very quickly too, so just follow it and talk about anything related to what's immediately at hand
Learn the difference between a conversation and a discussion, it will help you be more social

>> No.9944296

>reading on a train
How do people do this, I can't get any enjoyment from my book unless I'm sitting in my room alone under a blanket with a hot cup of coffee and it's fucking storming outside

>> No.9944303

>introduced her to de Sade
No You didnt, you fucking liar.

>> No.9944308
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A coworker told me that I look like the actor for Mr Grey

>> No.9944353

get out of my fucking brain

>> No.9944434


>go to Europe

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.9944582

Has never happened to me. Fuck you.

>> No.9944587

i had a required speech class once and one of the speeches was to narrate something. most people brought it childrens books. i brought in sade and got an A for reading the part about fucking a little boy in his ass.

>> No.9944601

That was wholesome. Thank you for that.

>> No.9944605

Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.9944610


I also enjoy reading while my girlfriend sleeps on my chest and i can cuddle her and read at the same time.

Public spaces suck for reading, however i did finisb a lot of books during my 4 hours of commuting a day when i was at uni

>> No.9944628
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>what are you reading?
>start reading aloud until they leave

help me

>> No.9944638

>its lovecraft
>get to part about Niggerman the cat

or On the Creation of Niggers

>> No.9944640
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One time while I was reading Hamlet for Uni this supermodel looking qt sat next to me and just stared at me and my book for 30 minutes
I was sweating like a fag and pretended to speedread the book because I was to anxious to understand a single word
Also I read it in English (it was a original/translated version since I'm not English) to appear like some Harold Bloom fucker
And she kept chewing some candy and the sound just made my dick diamond

>> No.9944651
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>cute blondie, sits fondly
>moves her lips, closer to my hips
>to peak at the cover, and finally discover
>what am I reading, she asks softly breathing

>flip to the front, and say with a grunt
>it's nothing special, I say like a devil
>hand on my lap, she's close to my sack
>as she leans forward, and I looks towards-her

>I see her warm-wet mouth, and get a hard-on down south
>petite tits, give me the fits
>as I smell strawberry scents, it keeps me bent
>ever-longing, and looking fondly

to the girl who sat next to me.

arigato gozaimasu

>> No.9944716
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>reading on the train
is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking?

>> No.9944719

easy there bugsy..

>> No.9944726

The rabbit
He has broken his cage
Easy on the carrots

>> No.9944819

>tfw this happened to me while I was reading lolita

>> No.9944839
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>> No.9944873

>make the cross motion from head to chests and shoulder to shoulder and mutter 'Lord save me from impure thots'
"The Bible"

>> No.9944902

"my struggle"
"no, not that my struggle"

>> No.9944975

holy fuck, the autism.

If you're reading at a family function, you're being antisocial. That person is trying to break the ice and get you involved in the party. Don't forget to live. Emerson has a line in his American Scholar speech where he indicates it's better to throw yourself into an actual experience when given the chance than hide in a book.

>> No.9944977

the dick, she wants

>> No.9945015
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>> No.9945244

Oh yeah? What city then?

>> No.9945290
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>tfw reading Nietzsche on the subway
>german girl comes up and asks if you've read it in German
>say I'm learning German but I'm just a beginner so I can't read it without a translation
>"Oh yeah? Say something in German"

>> No.9945304

The madman... he posted it!

>> No.9945396

>>his eyes glisten
That's weird. Maybe you reminded him of his dead son or something

>> No.9945399

>t. Someone whose girlfriend is their cat

>> No.9945403

Honestly, she probably wasn't looking at you

>> No.9945412


>> No.9945433

Yeh I know it was just my paranoia

>> No.9945460


>> No.9945614

This makes me feel really happy, thanks anon

>> No.9946044
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>reading mcluhan on the tube
>middle aged woman sits next to me and starts gesturing at the book
>take out a headphone, turn to her, don't say anything
>continues gesturing, almost grabbing the book
>i show her the book cover, confused
>she starts to laugh
>still havent said anything
>she gets off at the next stop

still have no idea what happened that day

>> No.9946073

>tfw this used to be me until my aunt and uncle died and I stopped seeing my extended family

>> No.9946098
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Why are women so scary?

I talk to them about as often as I talk to men, I even had sex with one of them, but they aren't getting any less intimidating. Does anyone have any books for this?

>> No.9946128

>even Chad has problems with girls

>> No.9946199
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>She notices it's the Phenomenology of Spirit
>Oh? I heard of that before. What's it about?


>> No.9946269
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>I read at social gatherings

>> No.9946344

bugs... easy on the carrots

>> No.9946675

Jesus, you're the reason I'm hesitant to talk to other /lit/izens on PTV. I don't want to deal with some cunt sperging out and it make me look like we're mates or some gay shit.

>> No.9946683


>baby it's a book you dig?

t. literally my life

>> No.9946706

Actually happened to me. Not a good thing to read in public.

>> No.9947319

If you try to initiate a conversation on a train you are the sperg.

>> No.9947395

>family functions
>actual experiences
I'd honestly rather go to the dentist than go to a family function. Now that I think about it, I might start scheduling check ups whenever I get wind of a non-seasonal get together.

>> No.9947407


>> No.9947418

>sitting on train to work
>reading Hemmingway
>girl sits next to me
>can feel her looking at my book
>suddenly starts talking about how much she loves Aldus Huxley and how her favorite book is The Island
>not sure where it came from, but sure
>spend entire time listening to her talk about how the book changed her life
>she gets off the stop before me
>think to myself how proud I am that I didn't spill my spaghetti and that I talked to a girl like a normal person
>realize fifteen minutes later I never said a word
>still my best showing while dealing with girls though

>> No.9947424

Literally today I was reading in a cafe and had to leave because a beautiful tall girl came in dressed for some black-tie type event, wearing an ankle length flowing dress with side slits halfway up her thighs. So attractive that I not only couldn't focus on my book; I even started asking myself why the fuck I was bothering with it, or with reading at all, ever.

Really demoralizing, and it happens way too often.

>> No.9947435

At least you didn't say some Nazi shit

>> No.9947444


>> No.9947555

she was laughing at your autistic rudeness. granted, asking a stranger what they're reading is a recipe for awkwardness, but still, all you had to do is say the title of the book and give a brief description, or if you didn't want to go over her head, say some bullshit ("i'm reading it for school", "just a bunch of nonsense", etc.). showing her the cover which was already in front of her face just seems like saying, "here's the title, now leave me the fuck alone." she's was probably mildly offended. if you don't want situations like this to occur, you probably shouldn't read in public. there's no good reason to do it anyway other than to show off for the cute brainy chick you're never going to meet and who would rather fuck some chad who never reads.

>> No.9947589

>long train ride
>like 8 fucking hours
>reading The Crossing
>some nerdy looking girl sits opposite me
>she sees me reading
>opens one of the Dune prequel books
>my heart sinks like the Bismarck
>is that good? I ask
>no, not really
>why are you reading it?
>so I have something to do on the ride
>why not a good book?
>can't focus
>...wanna trade?
>what like phone numbers?(the way i said it suggested that in my language)
>I really hope it's not that easy
>we exchange books for the ride
>it's absolute shit
>work up the courage to ask her number
>we exchange numbers too
>ask her out
>she tells me the only reason she went out with me is she liked the fucking book
>Cormac McCarthy got me laid

It didn't work, but we were together on and off for about a year

>> No.9947608


>> No.9948122

I can't believe I'm saying this but that was actually pretty good.

>> No.9948126

Hilarious and nice dubs.

>> No.9948128

I'm proud of you anon.

>> No.9948486

God I wish that were me

>> No.9948507

What is this gesture

>> No.9948516

2 dots. Always 2 dots.

>> No.9948558

He's actually saying "Mrkgnao"