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/lit/ - Literature

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9934631 No.9934631 [Reply] [Original]

Did Russians ever create anything that is remotely original or intellectually complex, or all they have is this nauseatingly boring preaching from painfully mediocre mind?

>> No.9934634

You sound fat

>> No.9934668

Is it because you babble that you do nothing, or do you babble because you do nothing?

>> No.9934697

Of course they did. Try reading Dostoevsky, or maybe Tolstoy.

>> No.9934701

A genuine proletarian revolution.

>> No.9934884
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>> No.9935901

You are wrong and should be ashamed, OP

>> No.9935906


This is bait, but for those curious: the Soviets invented montage. So the way movies are edited and structured the way were know them today was all inspired by them. Vertov, Eisenstein, etc.

In terms of books, if you don't find Dostoyevsky, Gogol, Tolstoy, Bulgakov brilliant, you should leave here

>> No.9935942

What would movies be like without montage? Are there any examples?

>> No.9935953

My life

>> No.9936135

Watch any pre 20's movie

>> No.9936141

If you're finding the Big Two (Dosto and Tolsty) dull, try second-tier writers like Goncharov and Bulgakov

>> No.9936147
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put em up pleb, its beatdown time

>> No.9936148

>Christian sophistry
Guess I'll be going then.

>> No.9936166
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I'll unironically fuck both of you up right now. Stick to reading your bastardized translation of St.Fyodor and leave true appreciation to the MEN of FAITH.

>> No.9936171

The T-34 was a portentous tank

>> No.9936182

Imagine being this proud of a personality trait that pretty much kills opennness to experience and creativity. Imagine proclaiming this pride on a board about the arts. Imagine thinking that bolstering one's faith with an artistic flourish is what is a worthwhile end of fiction.

>> No.9936210

They were russian
You know of other writers that were russian while not being russian? I don't think so
Lol get out of here you fag

>> No.9936219
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Imagine living your life in ignorance of the DIVINE purpose, to never feel the invigorating flush of power that comes from intimately surrending your will to the LORD GOD. I pity your destitute soul, but it is never to late to seek the sheperd

>> No.9936234

Nabokov was superficial and opinionated, his novels are beautiful but they have next to no depth. Vlad disliked Dostoevsky because he was full of the psychological insight and soul that he lacked and was completely free of that aesthetic superficiality of Vlad's.

>> No.9936239

Give us a non-Russian example so that we know what standards you are using.

>> No.9936243

They aren't brilliant, they're for pseuds.

>> No.9936246

>normie-tier Christian guilt
>psychological insight

>> No.9936247

>Genuinely Proletarian revolution

Lmao you mean Jewish academic intellectual elites

>> No.9936250


I WISH I could write a book as good as War and Peace or even The Gambler for fuck's sake. Dosto was a god-tier psychologist

>> No.9936253
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Not that I necessarily support him, but Dugin's ideas are pretty intriguing.

>> No.9936296

So everyone from Nietzsche to Proust thought that his insight was brilliant, but some random twat on 4chan's gonna convince me that being Christian is hella lame, man. You're gonna grow up some day.

>> No.9936323


>> No.9936347

What you think of as being intellectual is simply superficiality.

>> No.9936391

Intellectualism at all is superficial. It's garbage. Stop stroking yourself, self-sucking teenager.

>> No.9936453

What a dumb thing to say.

>> No.9936457

>Intellectualism at all is superficial.
Holy fuck that's stupid

>> No.9936459


Jesus you're stupid. Leave.

>> No.9936482


>> No.9936708

Dostoevsky novels are as deep as puddles. Pseuds worship the image of Christianity

>> No.9936858

What you are doing is a marketing strategy. You are not pointing out any reasoning behind your claims, merely asserting your presumed supremacy.

>> No.9936907

Film a play with one camera, in one continuous take, and you'd have a movie without montage.

>> No.9936925
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She is the best Russian author after Rozanov.

>> No.9936935

The confirmation:


>> No.9936968


Brothers Karamazov was a boring book filled with half assed discussions about society and theology and philosophy and the usual hysterical characters. If you point out the vacuity of the "profound philosophical and psychological insights" you get told it's meant to be read as a hilarious and bawdy tale. When you point out how fucking boring it is you are told it has "profound insights" and is not meant to be mere entertainment.

Typical pseud trash that would ironically be ignored by the pseuds if it was released today

>> No.9936976
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There's a reason normalfags love this book so much. Pic related

>> No.9936978

Are you fucking kidding me?

I... just can't. Bye

>> No.9937079

>Vlad disliked Dostoevsky because he was full of the psychological insight and soul that he lacked and was completely free of that aesthetic superficiality of Vlad's

He disliked him because Fedor was a known anti-semite and nationalist, and Nabokov's wife was Jewish, also Vlad was a huge liberal cuck from the long dynasty of liberal Russian cucks.

>> No.9937158

Got me there brah

>> No.9937165

>genuine proletariat revolution
>centrally organized coup the results of which made russian peasants themselves miss the romanovs

>> No.9937166

>painfully mediocre mind

More like painfully uralic mind.

>> No.9937169

Montage is not narrative, though. If we owe cinema to someone in particular, we owe it to Griffith.

>> No.9937172

And also completely fucking insane.

>> No.9937176

Gogol is fine. Tolsoy is alright.

Bulgakov and Dostoevsky are just laden with the kind of overcooked symbolism and metaphor that people who've just got into reading love because it makes them feel like they're playing some kind of game when they recognise it. These are the same kinds of people who think the type of allegory which prevades dystopic literature is also genius--because it's something so basic and unimaginative they can imagine themselves writing it.

Russia's greatest writer (Nabokov), thankfully, wrote also in English.

>> No.9937187

>A genuine proletarian revolution.
>the poor that weren't killed for being subsistence farmers were made even poorer due to being forced into lifestyles they did not need or even want

>> No.9937202

>I validate my literary opinions by copying whatever famous intellectuals had to say about novels
Now that really is a teenage trait. Proust was also an enormous fan of Jekyll and Hyde, a work that most on here would pan as sci-fi nonsense, and Nietzsche had an extremely shallow notion of humanity so no wonder Dosto's pop psychology pleased him so much.
This. I'm not scared of the reddit boogey-man, but there's a reason Dosto is so popular on incredibly superficial communities like /r/books.
That is basically the copy-paste "I've never read past Lolita" criticism of Nabokov. I've personally got no great love of his work but the faults he finds in Dostoyevsky are accurate. Dosto is one of those writers who's influence on other novelists is more significant than the rather shallow and clumsy works themselves. Nabokov acknowledged the genius of Tolstoy so he was keenly aware of actually good depth in novels, but could recognise second-rate fiction when he saw it i.e. Bros Karamazov.

>> No.9937847


>> No.9939015

>Nietzsche had an extremely shallow notion of humanity so no wonder Dosto's pop psychology pleased him so much.

>> No.9939079

We are superior. We are not fraudulent Christians, we are the real deal.

>> No.9939095

Nietzsche was being ironic. He claims that Dosto is correct in his assertions so much that the majority of people only cling to Christianity because they fear that there would be chaos and terror without it. Peterson clings to Nietzsche because of this, but doesn't see that he was not praising that, but rather lamenting that.

Idiots think that irony was invented in the fucking 50s, or worse, the fucking 90s.

>> No.9940497

What are you doing on a /lit/ board, you fake idiot?

>> No.9941080
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>forced into lifestyles they did not need or even want

Yeah, living in the city, having free education, healthcare, and a job is such a nightmare compared to paradise "lifestyle" of being uneducated filthy village peasant living in wooden shithouse and having half of the family starving and ridden with diseases. Obviously, in such circumstances only Jews can be devious enough to start a revolution and destroy this paradise!

>> No.9941103

>Peterson clings to Nietzsche because of this, but doesn't see that he was not praising that, but rather lamenting that.

Peterson notices exactly the same thing, what are you talking about?

>> No.9941349


This argument was used to justify Western Colonialism, by the way. But the main point being that the "progress" the USSR made is of negative value, since the cost of maintaining it is relatively higher than the cost of maintaining a rural lifestyle. Even by the rudimentary metric of income alone, life was more expensive after the revolution since maintaining a city is a constant slog in and of itself, parallel to the slog of maintaining everything else. There are many things to mention but consider healthcare alone: the medical advents and them being "free" were cancelled out by enforced lifelong employment and the only sanctioned standard of health being identical to the one used for beasts of burden. Or take housing: enforced nuclear families meant exponentially more tonnage of housing had to be built and maintained and each family had to pay and maintain for their own basic facilities and tools. The same goes for Western Industrialism. All negative value, even if you excuse the genocides and wars.

>> No.9941473

This is really nothing but a pure sophistry for the sake of it.

"Living is better than dying."
"Well, not really, if you consider all the risks and hardships that come with being alive."

Technically speaking, you're not wrong, but it's really not an argument or not anything at all.

We can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of rural lifestyle vs industrialization (especially such brutal one as was Stalin's), but all of this is really just nonsensical blabbering considering that Russia isn't some isolated island society that has all the time in the world to develop how it wants. Russia is located in the center of the continent with the most dangerous, aggressive and predatory civilizations that ever lived, with no natural border between them, and the bottom line is - if Germans had invaded Russia, and communism and industrialization didn't occur, it would be literally cavemen with sticks and stones against most powerful war machine in the world. Russia would not stand a chance, it simply wouldn't exist by now.

You could say - no big deal. But Russians, insane bastards they are, chose to survive and exist. So, that's that.

>> No.9941527
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Can someone post that quote about Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and a horse? Something about what the horse is thinking

>> No.9941890


>> No.9941948

>normalfags love TBK
What the cuck?

>> No.9941959


But it's not sophistry at all, contemplating the value of life itself is as cut and dry as thinking gets. The choice of survival and perpetuation has put both Germans and Russians, and everyone else, through incalculable suffering for nothing but another spin of the wheel and an exponentially greater spike in suffering somewhere in the future. Of what value is any of this?

>> No.9941962


>> No.9942171

>Dostoevsky: Studied by Nietzsche, Freud, Jung, Proust, Lacan.
>Nabokov: "He writes beautifully"-Your Mom

>> No.9942191

What about notes from the underground? Is that just catcher in the rye to you?

>> No.9942203

"The most magnificent novel ever written" - Sigmund Freud on The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9942213

No, OP, you're more intelligent and gifted than all of them.

>> No.9942214

Freud also liked pseudspeare so there you go

>> No.9942228

I understand I've made my (meaningless) point as soon as the other turns it into a joke.

>> No.9942276

>you: "At least I've read some of his books, you pseud" - anon's mother

>> No.9942533

Dostoevsky has completely christian free pieces. The Raw Youth is fun.

>> No.9942535

Me being idiotic doesnt mean you're not idiotic too