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/lit/ - Literature

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9932071 No.9932071 [Reply] [Original]

>one-star review of classic literature
>reviewer is a woman

>> No.9932074


>> No.9932076

report spam threads

>> No.9932098

>ask classmates what they're researching
>male classmates are all researching fascinating, unique, or at least ambitious things
>woman: "Misogyny in Rome"
>woman: "Misogyny and Hamlet"
>woman: "The intersection of misogyny and periods in Hamlet"
>woman: "Women"
>woman: "Opinions about women having sex in Weimar newspapers"
>woman: "Women in the work of Robert Musil"
>woman: "Vagina"
>woman: "I have a vagina"
>woman: "I'm a woman btw. Vagina here"
>woman: "Sex and periods in gender"
>woman: "Woman perceptions of woman, ,vagina, cooters breasts woman period I'm on my period clitorises in the work of the band Oingo Boingo and Hamlet's Perception of Clitoris Vagina Gender Studies"
>woman: "Queering Gender in Medieval Manuscripts: Your period or MY period?"
>woman: "Misogyny, Periods, and You: Ernst Cassirer on Substance, Function, and My Gay Love Affair with Gender Studies"
>woman: "Women in 'Woman's Work': Gendering Gender in the Social Sciences"
>woman: "Prostitution and Gender in Antebellum Calcutta"
>woman: "Gender"
>woman: "Sex and gender studies"
>woman: "Tampons, pads, and ironclads: Stonewall Jackson and Freebleeding"
>woman: "Einstein contra Bergson: Who rapes me more by having existed?"

>> No.9933296

Y'all (or you) just posting these same two things over and over to try to brainwash people into hating women

>> No.9933310

>implying any rational person needs "brainwashing" to come to the obvious conclusion that women are inferior

>> No.9933314

Man or woman?

>Oh My God, I absolutely HATED the Iliad. If you want to read a bunch of reviews by people who loved this book, go to Amazon and read the reviews there. The fans of this book will say that this is the ultimate book of war and this is the best translation ever, that this story shows the courage and manliness and heroics of the soldiers on both sides of the Trojan war even as they are being manipulated by the gods who are having their own arguments amongst themselves. Perhaps I have simply read the wrong translation as there seems to be the opinion that the translation by Rouse while less poetic is more prosaic and a better read as much of the repetitious poem is edited out.

>The story begins by saying that so many thousands of soldiers were killed in the war that it would be impossible to name them all. Then in the next paragraph, the attempt to name all of them begins as you have almost 600 pages of characters who are strangers with no part other than to be introduced and led off the stage as they have been killed by one or another of the heroes.

>I read the Iliad because I wanted to read the Odyssey and so decided to read both of the epics together and in order. For anyone else I can now recommend skipping the Iliad altogether, and just go on to the Odyssey. The Iliad was a struggle for me, a very experienced reader, to make it all the way through. More than once I wondered if I should just stop or was it worth reading to the end. Well, now I can say with no problem that I should have skipped it entirely. It was a total waste of my time. I can't imagine being forced to read this as a book assignment in school. It might have turned me off of reading forever. If you're a teacher, please, have mercy on your students, just assign the 10 or 20 good pages. If you're thinking of reading the Iliad for pleasure, go to the bookstore and pick it up and read a few pages and then flip it forward and read another page. Try that a few times and you'll probably decide against it like I should have. The Odyssey on the other hand is a wonderful book that is thoroughly enjoyable, and full of the adventure, mystery and mythology that I had wrongly expected out of the Iliad.

>> No.9933494

Inferior to the likes of you? Nice one, almost made me kek. This isn't /r9k/, lad.

>> No.9933512

Man (brainlet)

>> No.9933545

Since you're posting it in this thread I'm guessing it's a man, you know, so that you can point out people saying it's a woman and go HAHA LOOK YOU THOUGHT IT WAS A WOMAN BUT GUESS WHAT?! A MAN WROTE THAT! DON'T YOU FEEL STUPID NOW.

And but so I'm instead going to say that it's a man alright, but sweet lord does he write like a fucking woman. The mannerisms, the purely surface level insight, the utter misunderstanding of the purpose or meaning behind the book etc.

So yeah, based on the context of this post I'd say a man, but the content is absolutely feminine.

>> No.9933851

This doesn't say much when just about every goodreads review is retarded.

>> No.9933883
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>faggot-ass thread
>creator is OP

>> No.9933886

Either a woman or extremely testosterone-deficient (nu) male.

>> No.9933899

>male classmates are all researching fascinating, unique, or at least ambitious things

Wow amazing

>> No.9934185
File: 31 KB, 652x960, 19554733_1976249872401291_8740084722100231938_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should never question the status of "classics" and just blindly worship all of them

>> No.9934200

This. Every other post on /lit/ has some wanker accusing Dante of being a pseud or Goethe as being overrated (don't try and tell me it's bait, it rarely is), but as soon as a woman does a much tamer equivalent of this then out come the "muh testosterone" arguments and everyone pretends the CANON is a collection of works pre-ordained by God to be free from all criticism.

>> No.9934203
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>missing the point entirely

>> No.9934211

was it autism or an angry woman?