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9927667 No.9927667 [Reply] [Original]

>Sinner stuck in ice refuses to give his name
>Dante takes no shit and straight up rips his hair out

Canto 32 of the Inferno is hilarious.

On to Purgatorio tomorrow. Whilst I acknowledge that without learning Italian I'll never be able to appreciate the true genius of the Divine Comedy, even in translation it's fucking great so far.

>> No.9927696

Reading Inferno has put me off for a long time from reading the rest of his work, and your example there is exactly why. He seems so petty to put his contemporary political adversaries in Hell and it detracts from the art a great deal for me.

>> No.9927704

It was as much political as it was religious, as much propaganda as it was art.
Why would that put you off? Do you dislike how he shits on the pope too?

>> No.9927725

It's the pettiness of it that puts me off. I don't necessarily dislike shitting on the Pope, but putting his political enemies in Hell and spending so much time berating them didn't feel meaningful to the art of the work at all. They felt like digressions.

>> No.9928043

people really didn't like sinners back in the day

>> No.9928088

Hmm, I just finished Inferno today. Good thing I got the B&N Classic edition. I'd have been completely fucking lost without the foot/endnotes.

>> No.9928098

>Art is the "grandson of God/Nature"

>Therefore making money from making art gets you sent to Hell

This guy was nuts.

>> No.9928100


You better learn to hate sinners too if you wanna make it to heaven, bucko.

>> No.9928144

I feel like he sort of people who complain about Dante putting his political enemies in hell are the same sort of people who dislike Plato for "straw manning." They just totally misunderstand what's happening. Its Dante's personal journey so of course he's going to run into people he knows.

>> No.9928149

Mane, I could have written a better going to hell book than this Florentine dink.

95% of the punishments are freshmen tier shit.

>> No.9928152

>puts his teacher in hell for being a filthy sodomite

I bet that felt good to write.

>> No.9928155

>Showing compassion/weeping for the damned is considered spiritual weakness

It's like Christians just completely ignore the whole "love thy neighbor/brother thing".

>> No.9928175

which translation are you reading cuckboi?

>> No.9928179

The dude literally wrote an epic about his oneitis. You can't expect clear and rational thought.

>> No.9928182

what translation are you reading

>> No.9928183


This is explained in the book though. Those people are in hell, this means they've been judged deserving of their punishment so any sort of sympathy with the justly punished is actually a rebellion against God in itself. This is why Virgil praises Dante when he starts to get angry at the damned, because this is how a righteous person should act when confronted by sin.

>> No.9928184

To be fair, the book flows much better in Italian.

>> No.9928188
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I'll leave this here cause why not. I lean towards the Everyman's Mandelbaum myself

>> No.9928192

>Learning a separate language to read a book

Nah, no thanks.

>> No.9928196

Mandelbaum literally chugs dick next to Esolen. Why does nobody else see this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.

>> No.9928198

>>>this means they've been judged deserving of their punishment so any sort of sympathy with the justly punished is actually a rebellion against God in itself

>This is what religious people actually think

Man, I really do get sick of all this over-the-top circular logic response to every little thing.

But whatever, I'm probably the only fag on earth who thinks eternal tortuous punishment for finite crimes is unjust.

>> No.9928206

Any general consensus on the Longfelllow translation?

>> No.9928214

wittle baby read his first dawkins book?

>> No.9928215

I'm actuslly using the Italian version of the book with the Longfellow translation to learn Italian so I can talk to my Italian grandparents.

>> No.9928217

outdated and clumsy. Read Esolen or at least read like Ciardi or something come on mate

>> No.9928222

Ciardi is forced as fuck

>> No.9928223

I'm gonna re-read it anyway just cause i already learned italian, but remembering all that shit about gibelinos and whatnot really puts me off. I just want to read about cool mythology without the author inserting his shitty identity politics

>> No.9928232

Also it's not inherently malicious, it's just a necessary consequence of his structure of hell. For example he obviously takes no joy in putting the Greek poets/philosophers in hell, but once he's designed hell a certain way, he's committed to placing men in their appropriate places according to that outline.

Also is there anyone who doesn't sound like a total fucking faggot when saying "whilst"?

>> No.9928239

Nice meme faggot. How about you try to open with a more constructive argument next time. Religious thought (Christian especially so) is absurdly flawed with plenty of double standards here and there.

First you tell me Jesus will save anyone if they ask him to and then turn around and tell me "LOL NO ONLY THE BAPTIZED CAN BE SAVED LOLSRRY".

Its been 2500 years, make up your fucking minds already.

>> No.9928240


What are you talking about with circular logic? When Virgil rebukes Dante for showing sympathy to the damned that's the reason why. It's also why the when the angel came down to scare off the demons from the gate he only looks straight ahead, he doesn't look to the left or right. He won't even be tempted by evil.

If you want to whine about Christian don't do it under the guise of talking about the Inferno. This is literary work, not a religion.

>> No.9928244

>This is literary work, not a religion.

Its literary work fucking basted in religion tho.

>> No.9928246



This website is for 18+

>> No.9928249

Nice dead end post, idiot.

>> No.9928255
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Abandon hope all ye who enter here

>> No.9928260

Nice super fresh meme you posted there, friend.

>> No.9928261



>> No.9928278

>>>You can NEVER make even the tiniest post criticizing religious thought in even the mildest manner anywhere on this website without getting "le fat kids in hats/trench coats/fingerless gloves with swords" memed to death.

>> No.9928285

it's not a double standard though, the people there have literally already been condemned

>> No.9928288


That's because you people are obnoxious, immature, and completely ignorant. A discussion on the Divine Comedy is not an appropriate place to whine about what you perceive to be Christian beliefs. It's off topic. Now if you wanted to discuss Christianity in the context of the work and the way the authors religious views influenced him that would different, but that's not what you're doing.

If people wanted to talk about like totally dumb reLIEgion is then they would join you r/atheism.

>> No.9928292

hits a little too close to home eh?

>> No.9928330

Most the arguments are the same
>uhh how was god made???
>uhh why does evil exist???
>uhh if he were in the sky we'd see him wouldn't we???

The day that atheist arguments are well thought out and successfully raise points that might disprove the existence of a deity, then the memes will stop. Until then they deserve all the ridicule they get.

>> No.9928347

>But whatever, I'm probably the only fag on earth who thinks eternal tortuous punishment for finite crimes is unjust.
you got the fag part right

>> No.9928676

Purgatorio is boring as fuck

>> No.9928681

God is just, you are not.
Hell is not punishment, it is a place one decides to enter. Those who reject Christ accept Satan.

>> No.9928683

It's not a double standard, there are multiple sects of Christianity you fucking retard.

I believe in Apokatastasis, others believe in hard predesination.

>> No.9928861

Kirkpatrick. I've no doubt there are better versions but is was recommended to me as a good starting point for a first read.

>> No.9928876

I thought it was awesome.

>> No.9928880

Also for all the talk of him showing no sympathy, I find the fact that Dante was willing to make deals with the sinners - he would spread their name back on the surface world if they shared their story - surprisingly respectful. He's never rude or insulting toward any of them until he enters the 9th circle.

>> No.9929216

>He's never rude or insulting toward any of them until he enters the 9th circle.

Except for that guy he kicked off the boat

>> No.9929458

Purgatorio and Paradiso are much better than Inferno desu.

>> No.9929648

The day that christians can ever make an argument in favour of their leap from deism to theism is the day that I finally stop cringing at the insecure overuse of fedora memes.

>> No.9929662

Final causes. Can you into Aristotle?

>> No.9929678

So can we discuss Dante rather than the existence of God? This particular work assumes that God exists, that's all we need to know. I'm an atheist as well but I can still recognise the brilliance of the Divine Comedy, and debates about existence distract from that.

4 cantos into Purgatorio and so far I'm enjoying it as much as I did Inferno. The ideas and imagery are beautiful.

>> No.9929683

That is not a proof for a christian God, sweetheart. Even Aquinas understood that his own Aristotelian arguments were merely able to reinforce pre-existent faith in christians, but they were useless for people that had no reason to embrace the christian definition of a deity over any other.

>> No.9929792

>are the same sort of people who dislike Plato for "straw manning
OK. I'm ready to hear your explanation for this.

>> No.9929869


Explanation for what?

>> No.9929909

What deeper point is Plato trying to make by straw manning that I am missing?

>> No.9929913

Yeah okay. Dante was a little bitch. If someone grabbed my hair because I didn't want to tell him my name, I'd bite his fingers off.

>> No.9929916
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>> No.9929920

>loro non leggono italiano
Mamma mia.

>> No.9929933

in dante's times, no one doubted the existence of the christian god. it wasn't even a question.

>> No.9929934


What the fuck are you even asking. I don't think that Plato is "strawmanning" and I wasn't claiming that there was some deeper point. I'm pointing out that the sort of person who actually do think that Plato "strawmans" is misunderstanding the purpose of the dialogue format. They don't understand why it's written that way, thus they're similar to the way people misunderstand Dante's inclusion of people relevant to his journey in the Comedy.

>> No.9929943

Pretty hard to do when you're stuck beck down in ice desu.

>> No.9929947

Exactly. So why are we doing so when discussing his work? It's not relevant.

>> No.9929956

what do you mean by "not relevant"? it's very famous.
not relevant for contemporary intellectual debate, yeah, but neither are many other great books

>> No.9929962

not if he puts his hand down near my mouth. chomp chomp asshole.

>> No.9929966

I mean that questioning the existence of God is not relevant to a discussion about the Divine Comedy. Dante believed in God, end of story.

>> No.9929968

Oh, I see. So the dialogue format is by definition merely a rhetoric device and is not meant to faithfully reflect opposing positions. Sure, that makes it so much better.

>> No.9929971

i ignored all the posts discussing the existence of god as off-topic.

actually, if you treat the divine comedy as pure fantasy fiction, it's even MORE, not less impressive as a work of art.

>> No.9930064


No you don't understand. Plato is not, generally speaking, attempting to reflect anyone's views but his own. The dialogue format is a literary way to formulate the development and progression of his own views on matters. He uses various characters to represent conflicting positions or angles that he considered on his own.

>> No.9930275

jesus christ please stop posting

>> No.9930415

Lol you responded to the dude who made a stupid argument instead of >>9928288,
the guy who actually made an argument for why your retarded for what you posted.

>> No.9930537

I'll stop if you promise to as well, you dull nosy cunt.
You seem to be under the impression that >>9928288's post was in any way impactful. Basically a string of useless insults and a concluding "dude fedoras hehe" point, but I see that his sassy charm drew you in. Either way: fuck off you needy twat, no one wants your tard-tier attempts at refereeing.

>> No.9930804

That reminds me of the part in Misery where Alice chops off Paul's foot and says that it was his fault, that he did it to himself. That's literally the same argument you're using: don't do these completely reasonable actions or you'll get severely punished but it's your fault for doing these completely reasonable things instead of become a complete ascetic like the bible wants.

>> No.9930841
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As far as I know, we don't know anything about the audience of Plato's dialogues. They very well could have been educational exercises designed solely to force his students to think critically. The fact that they are dialogues rather than treatises and that they all (at least all the ones I've read) end in aporia supports the notion that they are thought exercises designed to provoke discussion rather than accurately portray his or Socrates' views. I think It's unfair to assume that Plato's dialogues were used to misrepresent his opponents and If you have any evidence I'd like to look further into it.

>> No.9931545
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Was he molested by his teacher? I haven't read any of his work but I'm interested.

>> No.9931572

no he loved his teacher and regretted that the man was a fag and fags go to hell. I believe his teacher even gave him some tips for hell.

You can love gay people annon, they wont give you the gay, that is not how it works.

>> No.9931589

I see. I admit I knew nothing about it. I assumed this teacher had molested him considering that being openly gay couldn't have been common in Dante's time.

>> No.9931877

I have a question. Is Dante entry level?

I decided to read it really early (I'd not even read the Bible, stupid as that sounds) and I found it both easy and beautiful. I was expecting it to be a lot harder.

>> No.9932189

also remember that he cries many times on his journey

>> No.9932205

>referencing stephen king
this is the point where you lost all credibility

>> No.9932206

works are not good because they are difficult

>> No.9932223

Now try to read it in its native 14th century Italian. Of course it won't be difficult if it's translated, just look at Milton's Paradise Lost, I have no doubt that its first few lines have put off thousands of English speakers from ever reading the masterpiece due to their difficulty. But in translation, who knows how easy of difficult they are, I'm fairly trilingual and would be absolutely clueless how to even begin in translating that. And whatever does come out bears little to no resemblance to how the poem originally "feels"

>> No.9932259

First of all, if you read it in translation you experienced 1/100 of its beauty.
Second, Dante intended the poem to have 4 (four) (quattro) levels of interpretation: literal, allegorical, moral and anagogical. Every passage (with some exceptions) is supposed to have an interpretation on each of these levels.
Is it entry level? Only if you read it superficially. Is it hard? No (especially if you consider all the secondary literature out there) but it is a very complex and multy layered poem.
So probably a good 99% of it went over your head.

Also sorry if I sound like a dick but the way the Commedia is treated on this board is disheartening and I'm not even a christian

>> No.9932584

Do you hate getting sick? Would you like it if a sick person intentionally was trying to infect you? What about members of your family? Would you, should you, turn thy cheek? There is no such definition of love which denies righteous punishment.

>> No.9932592

anon, you are the petty one

>> No.9932596
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>> No.9933066

He put his friends allies there as well.

>> No.9933119

Eh, I'm not going to get upset even if you were being a dick, nothing wrong with being passionate about a great work of art.

I'll give it another read through soon, probably pick a different translation too.

I hate learning languages, but I have been tempted to learn Italian just for this.

>> No.9933355

I just finished Purgatorio and I take it back. The first few cantos and the last ones especially are solid. I had found the middle cantos to be like Inferno-lite with the punishments and that made it a bit boring.

Now I'll finally read Paradiso

>> No.9933431

His idol guides him through hell and his childhood crush stands high a top the heavens.

>> No.9933736
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Okie someone talk to me about Esolen. Why this guy over Mandelbaum? I'm looking to get one or the other.

>> No.9933780

No, I admit I am not very well acquainted with the question at hand and particularly with its historical implications. What you say makes sense. I forgot that back then literature didn't exist in exactly the same form it does today and regarded the dialogues as works that are complete and independent in themselves. I didn't consider that being structured that way might have had some functional purpose rather than just being a form of exposition. I'll have it in mind.
In any case if you take the dialogues at face value Plato comes off as a pretty pompous and self-important guy. I wonder if this impression would go away with a shift of perspective.

>> No.9934556

Muslims did.

>> No.9934688
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>> No.9934943

That's why he had Mohammad in hell, with his torso ripped open and his guts hanging out.

Even the goriest modern horror movies don't have shit on Dante.

>> No.9935280
File: 22 KB, 276x276, ugh (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finished the Barnes & Noble Classics edition of The Inferno, moved onto The Purgatorio

>EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SENTENCE has an endnote attached so I'm constantly flipping back and forth because I'll be more or less lost otherwise.

>Even worse than The Inferno was

This shits getting tedious..