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File: 829 KB, 1746x2444, Bloom_Harold_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9923288 No.9923288 [Reply] [Original]

>Bloom is a fucking Freudian

Into the trash he goes!

>> No.9923295

Freudianism captured the jewish essence, so they all in a kind of way are.

>> No.9923296


>> No.9923318

redpill me on this. all I know is Freud made up penis envy, the oedipus complex and that weird tripartite hierarchy of the self.

>> No.9923340

>hating on Freud
it's not the 80's anymore... geez

>> No.9923358

In my intro psychology class Freud and his beliefs were heavily criticized by the teacher, textbook, and even the students, once they figured out they were supposed to disagree with him.

>> No.9923360

Bloom is a pseud with fringe ideas. I got his meme poetry collection and its bad

>> No.9923375

Freud was a genius and made more contributions to human progress than everyone in /lit/ combined.

>> No.9923401

Sure. Freud's work, more than anything else, was diagnosing the jewish mind/character. Think of the clichés about neurotic, domineering jewish women and jewish men's obsession with their mothers and Freud's everyone wants to fuck their mom theory. It was always about them. Jews are extremely neurotic and self-obsessed people who lack a western sense of self-awareness, and while what Freud was doing seemed oddly appealing to Europeans, that was mostly due to Europeans not understanding the jewish mind and being under the (incorrect) assumption that jews were just like them, which thus led them to enculturate many of his ideas into western society. However, this was also influenced by the jewish tendency to project their neuroses onto the goyim, so it's not jews who want to fuck their mom, it's Europeans, which we now realize is bizarre and not really representative of us. You can see this with other jewish ideas like the authoritarian personality, which describes jews more than non-jews, and jewish pathological projection in general. It's just how their mind's works and is the reason they've obtained such a reputation for not telling the truth. Honesty, directed inward or outward, is not a virtue they possess.

>> No.9923406

friendly reminder that freud's reputation has been tarnished by the pharmaceutical industry for the sake of selling you pills over talk therapy #WAKEUP

>> No.9923413

Really? I thought he was Shakespearean.

>> No.9923414

You should listen to >>9923401
I mean, if you really think about it Freud's work, more than anything else, was diagnosing the jewish mind/character. Think of the clichés about neurotic, domineering jewish women and jewish men's obsession with their mothers and Freud's everyone wants to fuck their mom theory. It was always about them. Jews are extremely neurotic and self-obsessed people who lack a western sense of self-awareness, and while what Freud was doing seemed oddly appealing to Europeans, that was mostly due to Europeans not understanding the jewish mind and being under the (incorrect) assumption that jews were just like them, which thus led them to enculturate many of his ideas into western society. However, this was also influenced by the jewish tendency to project their neuroses onto the goyim, so it's not jews who want to fuck their mom, it's Europeans, which we now realize is bizarre and not really representative of us. You can see this with other jewish ideas like the authoritarian personality, which describes jews more than non-jews, and jewish pathological projection in general. It's just how their mind's works and is the reason they've obtained such a reputation for not telling the truth. Honesty, directed inward or outward, is not a virtue they possess.

>> No.9923443

Well he's neurotic as fuck, so there's that.

>> No.9923447

He is. He was at one point early on working on a book about Freud until serious doubts arose and he deep-sixed it. That's the truth. To call him 'a Freudian' is to label oneself an ignorant pseud.

>> No.9923462

>He was at one point early on working on a book about Freud until serious doubts arose and he deep-sixed it.
What happened here? Is it related to jewishness?

>> No.9923481

Can you please take this /pol/ trash home?

>> No.9923763

No one is going to want to converse with you if you whine like a baby and counter-signal people who talk about the jewish question.

>> No.9923771

No, Bloom is a Shakespearian above all else. He does a Shakesperian reading of Freud, he says himself that he knows Freud's theories are outdated.

>> No.9923942

>the jewish question
misnomer. why not call it what is?

>> No.9923953

their positions of power are enviable but not they themselves

>> No.9923967

European people are not envious of nutty inbred liars.

>> No.9923970

Who replaces them come the theoretical fall?

>> No.9923971

People lie. To themselves, and to others. Or haven't (you) noticed?

>> No.9924002

The people whose countries they think they have a right to control.

>> No.9924020

Once you understand the following joke you will understand Jews:

>One gentile businessman asks another:

>"hey how's business"

>he replies "great!"

>> No.9924028

Jewish intelligence is the only thing worthwhile about them.

>> No.9924133

In the United States the country is as much theirs as any other group's (or any other individual's) so that designation cannot apply here. But if Jews are such a vast minority in any European population, then they were only able to achieve their positions of wealth and honor not only through very hard work, but also through the auspices of the native populations (of which, let's face it, after centuries they form a part) in the first place, or am I mistaken?

>> No.9924143

You are mistaken. Jews have crafted the contemporary proposition nation concept you are forwarding. America belongs to the people who created it. Jews also do not see themselves as a part of any nation and are hostile toward those nations. The Bonnier family in Sweden for instance controls a massive chunk of the media and uses it to call Swedes racist nazis if they oppose the replacement level immigration that is wrecking their nation, and there are 6 million more examples of this kind of behavior.

>> No.9924184

>6 million more examples
Hm. That's an interesting number. Here at /lit/ [we] tend to notice even subtler things than that..
But Sweden? Really? Are the jews responsible for the relatively recent influx of people that have spawned the 'Muslim question'? Or will the Swedes and Muslims unite to oust the jews after they oust the predominantly Swedish women who govern them now?
Yours is a strange country, m8.

>> No.9924197
File: 117 KB, 618x269, ct3miekvaaajwsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are the jews responsible for the relatively recent influx of people that have spawned the 'Muslim question'?
Swedes like all Europeans are responsible for letting down their guard and allowing jews to gain so much power. It's not surprising that jews are using that power to destroy those nations.

>> No.9924203

Don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about. He said Freud was a good essayist but a bad scientist. He doesn't subscribe to the guy's theories.

>> No.9924208

>OP can't read Henry James at 1000 pages per hour
stay mad pleb

>> No.9924240

If it's 'not surprising' then what is surprising is that [you] 'let down your guard' in the first place.
But is it not obvious that jews must consolidate if they are going to survive? Is it also not obvious that within judaism itself there is a secularizing tendency as great or greater than among (formerly) Christian Swedes that antisemitism itself is responsible for holding together, i.e. that a consolidated European Jewery is about 9\10th's a defensive measure alone? It's not surprising at all. Perhaps there is a God.

>> No.9924347


We're all Freudians, but some of us are in denial about it.

>> No.9924360

Anybody read Crew's new book?

Also, did Freud rip off Hegel?

Is it fair to blame him for Lacan?

>> No.9924363
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, friedrich-hegel-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freud ripped off Hegel as much as Marx did, which is to say that he read Hegel very carefully yet still managed to miss the point.

>> No.9924364

So far as [our] thinking is concerned there's no real denying this. It's a hoop every brain hops through or there's no understanding 2017. At all.

>> No.9924368

Well? Lacan blamed him for Lacan!

>> No.9924372

>Cokehead tarnished by drug makers

>> No.9924863

Lacan was a genius