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/lit/ - Literature

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9923208 No.9923208 [Reply] [Original]

What can /lit/ tell me about this Chad? How's his writing?

>> No.9923231

It's for children, but it's bretty gud as far as that goes.
I think he might have also written some socialist genre fiction too, but I might be thinking of something else

>> No.9923259

>It's for children

How so? Is it hemmingway-tier?

>> No.9923263

delete this you fucking faggot

>> No.9923272

Piss off

>> No.9923314

Simple themes, written well.

>> No.9923353


I loved Martin Eden and John Barleycorn. Martin Eden used to be in conversations about the Great American Novel, but for some reason people decided to focus on London's books for children instead.

>> No.9923490

i've only read martin eden, but i loved it. i plan on reading more of his stuff. maybe i'll try sea wolf next? tbqh i was always a bit wary of reading him because i mostly associated him with his stories about wolves and i guess i'm pretty anthrocentric, but maybe i should give those a try, too. a lot of his themes appeal to me.

>> No.9923497

He's quite good. The dog books are his least interesting stuff - try The Road, which is his memoirs of being a hobo, or People of the Abyss, which inspired Orwell to write Down and Out in Paris and London

That's The Iron Heel - it's flawed, but interesting. Ends very abruptly.

>> No.9923728

>being this gay

>> No.9923760

I've got The Sea Wolf sitting on my shelf but I've yet to give it a go. My understanding about it is that its about London REEEEing at Nietzsche.
Call of the Wild and White Fang were good, but simple.

>> No.9923944

I read his Alcoholic Memoirs this summer. It was good for what it was, and I learned a lot about him. It kinda redeemed his image for me as a writer, although I still don't feel like reading anything else by him. If I can offer anything the anons of this board might find as a reason to read him, I'd say apparently he was a incorrigible racist who held the opinion that Anglos were the superior race of the world.

>> No.9925049
