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9923199 No.9923199 [Reply] [Original]

wtf I love islam now

>> No.9923238

I have this in my 'to read' pile, should I do it?

>> No.9923244

only if your gay

>> No.9923252

Not All Drivers, anon

>> No.9923254

It's okay. It's a short read, and it's Houellebecq so it's not going to be a waste.

>> No.9923268

the part where francois goes to the abbey and fails to make a spiritual connection is genuinely sad

>> No.9923303

I found the whole book pretty sad, mostly because I found what he said compelling. It really feels like Christianity died along with the millions who fell in the fields of France in the early twentieth century. Is Islam really the only chance for human spirituality left on this Earth? I've been feeling like this for a while. I think the only thing that can save the Christian faith now is Jesus Christ himself returning from heaven. Part of me had dreamed it might be today with the eclipse. It was a silly part of me, and one I didn't really trust, but I went to confession last night just in case. The last of my faith is being scattered to the wind.

>> No.9923479

>It really feels like Christianity died
There are more Christians now than ever in history m80. Also it's unlikely but it's not impossible we could see a resurgence of religion in the West, just look at what the Second Great Awakening did to the US.

>> No.9923495

>christian nutjob being seduced by islam

this is why i never trust hardcore christians, they're more likely to flip to islam than an atheist

>> No.9923506

I don't really believe in anything right now, but I have the dying ashes of Christianity in my soul and I thought he presented Islam in an interesting way in this book specifically. No need to be so unappealing about it.

>> No.9923512

>There are more Christians now than ever
Yeah but they're brown.

>> No.9923514

if islam was so believable they wouldn't have to kill people who leave the faith, islam only appears "strong" because it's enforced by dudes with ak-47s and big knives, if that's the kind of shit that moves you better to join a mexican cartel, they pay more than isis for less risk

>> No.9923532

why do you hate islam so much lad?

>> No.9923535

There is neither Jew nor Greek.

>> No.9923536

but what about negroes tho

>> No.9923537

Fuck off Pauline shill

>> No.9923546

This anti-Paul stuff is the worst meme.

>> No.9923549

Sometimes I wonder how Christianity made it as far as it did

>> No.9923550

That's implied. If the distinction between man and woman disappears, then it isn't really a stretch to say race doesn't matter.

>> No.9923553

Bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles is the worst meme

>> No.9923554

d-does anyone want to discuss Submission?

>> No.9923568

in b4 someone posts that quote from Trapped again and I attempt suicide

>> No.9923572

Luke 2:30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;
32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.

>> No.9923686

>Sure. It’s been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Raphael, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is.
This one?

>> No.9923697

there will always be another "revelation". theyre all garbage. the jews played the entire world with their meme religion.

>da joos

>> No.9923792
File: 10 KB, 210x261, rene-guenon-and-children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is ISIS your only frame of reference?

The intellectual content of Soumission has more to do with René Guénon than with Salafist militancy.

René Guénon, Martin Lings, Frithjof Schuon, Ivan Agueli, Titus Burckhardt, Tage Lindbom, Abdul-Wahid Pallavacini, Paolo Urizzi... These are all Muslims you should look into.

>> No.9923846

damn it's like you didn't even read the book or something
the main attributer to ben-abbes' political success in the novel is due to the fact that he presents and largely acts as a moderate

>> No.9924066

He's also a distributist, which was interesting

>> No.9924087

nigga you seriously thought jesus was going to return because the sun went away lmao

>> No.9924491

That Book was a great read. If you want to be completly stunned by houellebecq do this:
>read brave new world, the famous distopian novel.
>Wander off a few days and really think about what the novel warns you about.
>think of what must have happend to the society that allowed the brave new world to exist. What was their state of mind?
>read atomised by houellebecq.
Its stunning. He often highlights certain things from brave new world. It really blew my mind how good it was.


>> No.9924828

Luke was Paul's buttboy, of course the Gospel according to him is universalist.

>> No.9924840

Appealing to Luke (or Acts) to back up Pauline universalism is like referring to Paul's Epistles to back up Pauline universalism.

>> No.9924846


>Is Islam really the only chance for human spirituality left on this Earth?

I'm afraid so.
Buddhism in Asia is losing its steam. I live here and none of the youth honestly care about Buddhism. They're superstitious, maybe, but the deep spiritual experience isn't there for them. They're caught in the same lifestyle we are, with its gaping inner void.
Taoism is like a
Hinduism is too much an Indian-bound thing to ever go too much beyond the country itself.

I'm very afraid of the future.
I don't want Islam to be the only thing left.

There's a girl in Taiwan, somewhat of a psychic, who says she converted to Islam because that's the only place where there are no spirits.
That to me is terrifying.

>> No.9924892

It's a reference to Isaiah.

Isaiah 49:6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

>> No.9925003

>Is Islam really the only chance for human spirituality left on this Earth?
islam is not spiritual. certainly not in the angels and sunbeams way you are probably imagining, anyway

>There are more Christians now than ever in history
if you're thinking of chinese "christians", their version of christianity is far away from ours. to them it's more like a magic spell that they think they can use to become successful

>it's not impossible we could see a resurgence of religion in the West
we've grown out of that shit mate.

>> No.9925018

Islam does have spirits tho, what does she think Djinn are?

>> No.9925020


Violence and coercion.

>Between 389 and 391 he issued the "Theodosian decrees," which established a practical ban on paganism;[1] visits to the temples were forbidden,[2][3] remaining pagan holidays abolished, the sacred fire in the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum extinguished, the Vestal Virgins disbanded, auspices and witchcraft punished. Theodosius refused to restore the Altar of Victory in the Senate House, as requested by pagan Senators.

>In 392 he became emperor of the whole empire (the last one to be so). From this moment until the end of his reign in 395, while pagans remained outspoken in their demands for toleration,[4][5] he authorized or participated in the destruction of many temples, holy sites, images and objects of piety throughout the empire[6][7][8


>Laws declared that buildings belonging to known pagans and heretics were to be appropriated by the churches.[108][109][110] Saint Augustine of Hippo exhorted his congregation in Carthage to smash all tangible symbols of paganism they could lay their hands on.[109]

>Pagans openly voiced their resentment in historical works, such as the writings of Eunapius and Olympiodorus; some writers blamed the Christian hegemony for the 410 Sack of Rome. Christians destroyed almost all such political literature and threatened to cut off the hands of any copyist who dared to make new copies of the offending writings.[106][107]


>> No.9925027


>islam is not spiritual

Yes it is. If you read any Muslim writers of note, such as Imam Ghazali, you couldn't claim that.

I fundamentally disagree with organized religion, but to deny the spiritual basis of any of them is both arrogant and absurd.

>> No.9925053

oh no, did the big bad man make baby poop his diapy?

>> No.9925060

It's a solid 6/10.

>> No.9925065
File: 23 KB, 605x454, 1502658714980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Eclipse in Burgerfat is so uncommon they call it the Great Burgerfat Katy Perry Game Of Thrones Donald Trump Eclipse
> it's so uncommon that Americans now think it was the second coming of Jesus

>> No.9925073

no wonder he dont get pussy he called a ninja turtle lmao

>> No.9925080

Islam is also dying you retards

access to texts outside of what their imams are teaching is what is causing so much sectarianism

catholicism is flourishing in africa, arab and iranian birth rates are going down

>> No.9925111


>access to texts outside of what their imams are teaching is what is causing so much sectarianism

This is ludicrously simplistic. The rise of modern Salafism is also and primarily the result of external political and economic factors. You overstate the importance of imams.

>arab and iranian birth rates are going down

So what? They constitute only a small minority of Muslims.

>The various Hamito-Semitic (including Arab, Berber), Turkic, and Iranic countries of the greater Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region,[13] where Islam is the dominant religion in all countries other than Israel,[5] hosts 23% of world Muslims.


>> No.9925130

I'd read Whatever and Elementary Particles instead if you haven't already

>> No.9925141

houellebecq is r9k personified, i felt sick when reading extension du domaine de la lutte

>> No.9925157

his middle books island and the map etc. offer much more than just his r9k shit. although that's still there, you should give those a read. he's much more than just a one-dimensional writer.

>> No.9925201

This anon knows what's up. I give it a few years and Hollaback comes out as a Sufi

>> No.9926583

BNW is best timeline tho desu

>> No.9927702

Have you read it yet?

>> No.9927732

if the sufis could become the main directors of islam then it would be smooth sailing
buttttt they're too busy trying to be one with god to take out isis

rojava is the only community that has any promise, and its a total minority

>> No.9927739


Imagine getting meme'd this hard.

>> No.9927741

that would be hilarious
by doing everything they could to more or less fuck the middle east, while trying to make consumers of everyone else, more and more poisonous serpents were bred in the desert

hell, maybe this shit was even planned

>> No.9927755

Okay, that's it I suppose. I'm ready to die.