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9922890 No.9922890 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to get fitter/healthier.

What are some books that encourage/can motivate a more physically active lifestyle?

I currently have:

>Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima
>What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami

I'm particularly interested in recommendations that have personally worked in this regard.

>> No.9923080

The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius are great for discipline.

>> No.9923138

Read stuff that changes your mindset towards work/competition/your projects/hobbies. Don't rely on motivation. Motivation is a like a slut; she'll come and go when she wants; rely on discipline.

This anon already brought up a good one
I also recommend Musashi the book of five rings.

>> No.9923158

Unironically Infinite Jest

>> No.9923166
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Don't go to the gym or do sports
At the most calisthenics
Learn a trade/outdoor skill
Don't make the same mistake I did
Read Walden, annotate it, keep it by your breast at all times

>> No.9923171 [DELETED] 
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Also try and have sex with teenage girls before it seems creepy

>> No.9923177

Has anybody read Bruce Lee's The Art of Expressing the Human Body? I've had it for a few years but have always put off reading it

>> No.9923185

>Don't make the same mistake I did

>> No.9923188

>Bruce Lee's The Art of Expressing the Human Body?
>Bruce Lee

He's not a good writer or philosopher, and not even a great martial artist

>> No.9923202

Don't read about this shit. Just make an effort to exercise 5/7 days of the week. Read the philosophy behind it afterwards. Exercise is all about establishing habit and working it into your schedule. When starting to exercise the philosophy will just bog you down.

>> No.9923207

And why is it a mistake? I practice a marial art and lift. With the sole reason, because I enjoy it. Well I started lifting out of vanity, but the reason to lift changed by time.

Just read the art of war and the Tao Te Ching and you'll come t the same conclusions as bruce lee.

>> No.9923210


You're just begging for attention aren't you, poor thing..

>> No.9923212

Ah, yes... Thoreau's daunting monologue about the importance of having sex with teenage girls before it seems creepy.

>> No.9923237

>practice a marial art and lift.
I did to friend, and what do you get for it? Skill at unarmed combat? Is that worth 10hrs a week?
Not to mention the occular damage from striking and disc damage from grappling
They aren't long term, they're one dimensional skills that fade with your body
Outdoor skills + calisthenics for health

>> No.9923255
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You aren't afraid of a little dialectic are you?

>> No.9923278

Who cares? I just enjoy it. On long term you should avoid compeition and training that leads to it, though. We live in rather peaceful times so the combat element isn't that important. Let's say it's more meditation with some cardio/coordination/balance-practice for me. I do mostly Kata and Kihon Renshus from Karate. At the end every skillfades with the body. I'm strictly believe that keeping your body fit is an essential way to keep your mind fit, too. If it's something you enjoy the better.

>> No.9923297

sun and steel owns. it encouraged me to redirect all of my contempt toward big-bellied nerds and all of my energy toward lifting. unfortunately i'm still the former despite my best efforts at the latter and now my self-loathing has kicked into maximum overdrive, but yeah, good book.

>> No.9923538

Varg pls go

>> No.9924521

My diary.

>> No.9924905

how's it called

>> No.9925781


>> No.9926883


>> No.9928290

Seems counterintuitive but Chuang Tsu or other Taoist shit.

But really, use beats, preferably hard core rap and strive for a masochistic mindset at the gym.

>> No.9928873

What I talk about when I talk about running

>> No.9928882
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>> No.9928884

Made me want to go running, and I did

>> No.9928916

Why do you need books? just go for a run nigger.

>> No.9928941

he is probably reacting with incredulity because op mentioned that book in the op already

>> No.9928945

HOLY shit I'm dense

>> No.9929197

Someone should make a definitive /fitlit/ chart.

>> No.9930033
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