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/lit/ - Literature

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9921476 No.9921476 [Reply] [Original]

I experience as much neurochemical pleasure by writing a witty, original, profound sentence as I do by capturing a new settlement in Rome: Total War. Why, then, should I not end my life considering that "writing" is currently my pseudo-sincere motivation for continuing to exist? I am over food, I am over drink, I am over penetrating others, I am over all of the other things which were once pleasurable to me. My intellect has revealed to me the true horror of this world, which doesn't so much consist of acknowledging that existence is meaningless but instead of living that fact every second, of every minute, of every day. It's as though I have made a point to scale the heights of intelligence, broadening my capacity to process diverse and complex thoughts to its widest extent, reaching the peak of our species's intellectual ability, only to gaze down across the misty low-lands, down upon the ant-like peasants performing their ideologically assigned roles and pursuing the so-called pleasured associated with their gender and cultural specifics, and I find in myself from this great height a single remaining desire. That is, to leap from this cliff of my distinct genius and intellect and cast myself down on the jagged rocks below. Many other people I know have attempted to scale this intellectual peak too, and some like me have reached it. Others, however, simply construct settlements on the hillside or give up and descend back to the lands of spiritual stupor and mental squalor. My ban-evading, /lit/-related question therefore is this: why, if writing has revealed itself as a hollow pastime intended primarily to trick my brain into releasing pleasurable neurochemicals, should I continue to exist when nothing else advertises itself to me as a worthwhile reason to do so?

>> No.9921483

Nah you're totally right dude, you should totally kill yourself. I say this as a friend, its for the best for everyone especially yourself

>> No.9921484

>I experience as much neurochemical pleasure by writing a witty, original, profound sentence as I do by capturing a new settlement in Rome: Total War.
You have no way of knowing this.

>> No.9921485
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This is not ironic, or a shitpost. I once made my attractive female English professor break down into tears with my genius. It was like the scene in Good Will Hunting where the math professor breaks down after Will easily solves the math problems he was given, saying "there are some days where I wish you didn't exist." She thought it was probably the best thing that she had ever read from the last 20 or so years. Yes, we did have sex eventually. I write the greatest work out there today. You pathetic posers will probably try to project onto me and deny it, but it's true, and I don't need to prove it to a bunch of sad anime-watching, hentai-jerking retards on the internet, so no, I will not post my work. No, I'm not scared or doubtful of my work, I just don't want my name to be ever associated with this sad little website. I have read most of the Western Canon, am fluent in 6 languages (Russian, Mandarin, Latin, Greek, Spanish, and of course, English), and my poetry and prose are both at the level of Joyce's. A different professor of mine once said that if I do not go down in literary history, then literary history has failed us. I once met with Bloom in person, where we had a deep and detailed conversation about Faulkner, and he told me that I was "incredibly competent and wise young man." My philosophy professor praised my work in philosophy, but as my true strength remains in art, also told me that a poem of mine "has the emotional depth of Coleridge and the precise linguistic mastery of Yeats." Upon graduating college, I will publish my masterpiece which will undoubtedly shock the literary world. It is profoundly imaginative, reaches a level of linguistic perfection on the level of Flaubert, and effortlessly dismantles the superficiality and degeneration of modern culture with a violent and powerful personal confession, reaching beyond the modern age to something much greater. I am 6'2" and very good looking, so I have many female admirers, but I have often ignored them for the sake of literary greatness. I have even received a love letter from a lovely petite brunette in my sophomore year. After being accepted into a highly selective program at my university (highly prestigious, of course, but I will not name it for the previously articulated reason), I have had the opportunity to work with the greatest poets alive today, all of whom have been blown away by my work. After publishing my work, I plan to study at Oxford or to travel around Russia.

I hope there are some of my kind on this website, with whom I can talk about literature and philosophy at a level that I find appealing and worthy of me. It is difficult to find people like this at university, of course, which is so full of pretention, insecurity and stupidity. My life is not lonely, aside from the fundamental loneliness that affects us all, but the life at the top of the peak is often frustrating, as most of you imagine.

>> No.9921491
File: 72 KB, 750x750, henry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've come to the right place! I too am a literary genius. Here is my story.

This is not ironic, or a shitpost. I once made my attractive female English professor break down into tears with my genius. It was like the scene in Good Will Hunting where the math professor breaks down after Will easily solves the math problems he was given, saying "there are some days where I wish you didn't exist." She thought it was probably the best thing that she had ever read from the last 20 or so years. Yes, we did have sex eventually. I write the greatest work out there today. You pathetic posers will probably try to project onto me and deny it, but it's true, and I don't need to prove it to a bunch of sad anime-watching, hentai-jerking retards on the internet, so no, I will not post my work. No, I'm not scared or doubtful of my work, I just don't want my name to be ever associated with this sad little website. I have read most of the Western Canon, am fluent in 6 languages (Russian, Mandarin, Latin, Greek, Spanish, and of course, English), and my poetry and prose are both at the level of Joyce's. A different professor of mine once said that if I do not go down in literary history, then literary history has failed us. I once met with Bloom in person, where we had a deep and detailed conversation about Faulkner, and he told me that I was "incredibly competent and wise young man." My philosophy professor praised my work in philosophy, but as my true strength remains in art, also told me that a poem of mine "has the emotional depth of Coleridge and the precise linguistic mastery of Yeats." Upon graduating college, I will publish my masterpiece which will undoubtedly shock the literary world. It is profoundly imaginative, reaches a level of linguistic perfection on the level of Flaubert, and effortlessly dismantles the superficiality and degeneration of modern culture with a violent and powerful personal confession, reaching beyond the modern age to something much greater. I am 6'2" and very good looking, so I have many female admirers, but I have often ignored them for the sake of literary greatness. I have even received a love letter from a lovely petite brunette in my sophomore year. After being accepted into a highly selective program at my university (highly prestigious, of course, but I will not name it for the previously articulated reason), I have had the opportunity to work with the greatest poets alive today, all of whom have been blown away by my work. After publishing my work, I plan to study at Oxford or to travel around Russia, my homeland.

>> No.9921493

Say something smart then smart man
Don't just keep jerking yourself off

>> No.9921496

Alas, my literary genius surpasses even yours. I am fluent in 8 languages, all yours plus french (how can someone claim to be well read without reading the true french masters in their original pen?). I turned down that same female professor, deeming her unworthy of my time, but i heard her whisper to her beautiful astrophysicist sister that I was far more attractive than both of you combined. But I continued to walk past them, indifferent to their petty gossip.
I too met Bloom, and brought him to tears with my groundbreaking insight on Faulkner. He confessed that the stature of my literary genius made him reconsider the entire Western Canon.
I won't even pretend this Catalan Jenkum forum is a viable place for me to display my works of unparalleled genius. It would likely be so far beyond even your comprehension that it would come off as nonsense, when in reality it is densely packed with obscure references (many french) that a couldn't expect the two of you to grasp.
I am already humbling myself to an incomprehensible degree by acknowledging your existence, but I'm afraid any hope you have for further comment will be in vain.
My penis is 9 inches and thick as a coke can.

>> No.9921509
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>> No.9921524

Who's stopping you?

>> No.9921525

Empirical evidence you fricking dumbass. What do you want me to do, cut my head open and monitor how many neurochemicals come out? Fuck outta here.

>> No.9921530
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I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.9921538

You have no way of knowing this because you never wrote anything witty in your life, you idiot!

>> No.9921544
File: 11 KB, 300x299, michel-foucault2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Empirical evidence
>muh feels

>> No.9921604


You're a self absorbed dandy, please see a therapist

You're my favorite type of boy to cuck lol