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File: 249 KB, 2000x2000, Antifalogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9920272 No.9920272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anything that /lit/ would like me to put in it?

>> No.9920274

A short profile of the shit eating cuck that punched Spencer.

>> No.9920277

Yea, why they're all middle class bored kids. Something about Orwell's point from Road to Wigan Pier

>> No.9920282
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>> No.9920289

How dangerous consequentialist ethics are - if the ends justifies the means, then the extermination of minorities and trans people long ago would have brought peace ... talk about how you aren't banned from twitter for killallwhites but anyone who has a different opinion is fired now. These guys are hypocrites and morons.

>> No.9920300

Write about how antifa is all about white upper-middle kids ignoring the real class problems and focusing on protecting ugly lazy nignogs while their daddies rape the environment with their companies.

>> No.9920302

Make sure you talk about how they are all rabid bourgeois monkeys who need to be put down.

>> No.9920306
File: 1.99 MB, 1851x2309, Larco_Museum_Erotic_Art_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is too funny.

>> No.9920312

Make sure to include a few transexual obese people of color

>> No.9920315

How ironic it is that people who think they are anti-establishment, anti-capitalist warriors are actually the shock troops for global jewish capitalist establishment ... because notsees.

>> No.9920316

Quote this post in the book pls

>> No.9920317

Include a chapter about how they work right wing keyboard warriors into a frenzy

>> No.9920367

it's all kids who watch too much tv/movies so they want to be part of some group to "save the world!" from an "evil" force, like the rebels in star wars or something. it's only slightly less pathetic than the people who go out protesting with swastikas on and are then surprised that the media portrays them negatively

>> No.9920371
File: 44 KB, 450x450, jiisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put in me, the aspiring author who one day posted in the threads you used to gather information. not gonna give you my name though, lol. kind of stoned so this is a ramble.

anyway maybe you could talk about antifa's fabulous psy-op strategy: they are making conservatives distance themselves from the white supremacists no matter what. even if it aligns them with proponents of marxist doctrine. whoever the marxists behind the curtain can tweet shame is fair game. anyone who speaks out against it is liable to be sued and never employed, to have their name besmirched in every rag of a publication connected to the ungodly beast that has become the internet.

even the corporations bow to this power. to be threatened with social extinction would be too damaging. i doubt most of the corporations retweeting destroy nazi symbols or whatever the latest bit of virtue signaling is, actually believe that the confederate statues should be brought down. but even if they don't actually believe it, now they are forced to act. free thought is irrelevant in the apparent final victory of the materialists.

their revolution is already complete. proponents of any sort of ingrained tradition (oh just wait until this sort of mass throwing off of the old and the bringing in with the new hits china and india and the arab peninsula) have won, forever, with the wiring (wirelessing) of the world.

>> No.9920383

antifascists are projecting their values on their enemies and will wonder what happened when they are reflected in the form of the US government

>> No.9920384
File: 64 KB, 1200x699, thx1138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

star wars is an apt metaphor. disney and george lucas are just as responsible for this recent nazi craze as anyone else. they make it look too cool. you want to eliminate nazis, eliminate star wars.

>> No.9920399

>they are making conservatives distance themselves from the white supremacists
First of all, there's no such thing as a "white supremacist" you stoned retard. Second, did you see what happened in Boston? Everyone to the left of them is a white supremacist to them.

>> No.9920402

Basically hollywood programmed droids claiming to be anti-facist, but wanting to basically erect a mega-godmode-government and worship the state. Look at all the media with black hooded and masked protagonists. They all think they are Mr. Robot, or some super secret club member. In reality all of media is behind them, making them look as good as possible. They wave around commie flags, but the news does it's damnedest not to show it.

They are the foot soldiers to the Bourgeoisie making enough noise so no one notices the dance of pigs.

Not sure if they will succeed, because they are also drenched in white guilt/tumblr ideology and will take a cock up the ass to anything browner than caki.

Basically useful idiots, following an ideology so frail that a book about farm animals, written at a 5th grade reading level can rip it apart to the point were the USSR had to ban it.

Like any commie movemnt, they will be the first to be disposed of if their revolution is ever succesful.

>> No.9920462

When did antifa infect the US? I thought it was more of a European phenomenon.

>> No.9920495

Being a protestor and hating white people is hot right now and our kids still have that "Europe is so ahead of us" meme. Which is spurred on by media.

>> No.9920499

Dumbass druggie kids with nothing better to do exist in the US too.

>> No.9920501

They're part of the global Jewish system they're critiquing. They're useful idiots. Read Culture of Critique.

>> No.9920506

The phrase "champagne socialism".

>> No.9920509

Burgers ruin everything

>> No.9920535

What do you think they are? A dedicated group that plots the destruction of the west? All they do is show up at protests, they are less organized than you think.

>> No.9920552

>if the ends justifies the means, then the extermination of minorities and trans people long ago would have brought peace

How the fuck would worldwide genocide have provided more utility than the alternative?

>> No.9920556
File: 78 KB, 500x451, je-chie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh hey it's one of these threads. I'm writing a book about how virginal /pol/sters will never really have the genuine approval of their fathers. Any comments?

>> No.9920561


Not even antifa believes in the Denmark welfare-capitalism meme.

>> No.9920577

Antifa are people that believe knocking over a trashcan does anything other than make your local sanitation worker's day harder, annoying people and making pigeons happy.

>> No.9920611

Jewish psychopathologization of the goyim, learn to recognize it.

>> No.9920619


Anon. . .easy on the Freud

>> No.9920624

just read homage to catalonia instead

>> No.9920698

They're writing that book themselves every day

>> No.9921911

Far less. But by design. And viola it works.

>> No.9922448

write a survivalist novel about how long the average antifa would be able to survive in china during mao's cultural revolution (hint: less than one day)

>> No.9922567
File: 40 KB, 587x479, IMG_1473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pay money for /pol/ to get nuked again. This board used to be so much fun.

>> No.9922594

/pol/ is supposed to theoretically act as a containment board
if you nuke it, this shit will be even worse

>> No.9922610

>containment board
Well that clearly isn't fucking working because that board has some of the most adamant crossposters in the history of this shithole. With /pol/ nuked they can fuck off to the Trump subreddits where they belong, where more than half of them likely came from anyway.

>> No.9922612

>cauterizing a festering wound makes it worse

>> No.9922639

>destroy a bee hive

>> No.9922641

Why are you keeping a bee hive in the first place?

>> No.9922647

>these mewling jews in an antifa thread
Keep those tears flowing.

>> No.9922673

>there are no effective ways to dispose of a beehive whatsoever
>people being annoying on the internet equates to being physically stung by bees

yeah youre a real faggot buddy

>> No.9922675

Integral part of the ecosystem. It's not really a difficult concept. Left and right are like push and pull, and the people select the one most applicable to their current circumstances.

>> No.9922686

>bees are an integral part of the ecosystem so I guess I should just keep this beehive in my shed where it doesn't belong
>pol is as integral to the 4chan "ecosystem" as bees are to the Earth's ecosystem

You are making me cringe so fucking hard.

>> No.9922690

Nah. That's demonstrably untrue. For example: America. Even the 'left-wing' Americans are right wing compared to many Europeans. Hell, left and right wing positions don't make any sense in non-Western contexts. But providing a cesspool for them to propagate, you produce a bunch of fanatics who think their point of view is valid.

>> No.9922695

Anyone that doesn't share my views makes me cringe too so I upvoted your post

>> No.9922716

>Even the 'left-wing' Americans are right wing compared to many Europeans

Which is why America has the most relaxed abortion laws in the World, legalised cannabis before Europe and allowed gay marriage before both Finland and Germany and in some states before even France and Sweden.

>> No.9922724

>fanatics who think their point of view is valid.
This is the problem with whiny jews like yourself. You do not determine right and wrong or true and false, nor do you deserve a safe space because you're willing to cry the loudest. If you think a perspective is invalid then it's on you to make an argument for why you think that is. Crying like a baby and stating that you deserve a safe space from certain ideas makes you look like a weak faggot.

>> No.9922736


Not the guy you are replying to, but these are all social non-issues. Talk to me about distribution of wealth and economic policy and then we can talk left-right

>> No.9922748


get cracking OP

>> No.9922762

You realize most European countries you Americans call socialist are more capitalistic and easier to do business in than America right? the WBG wants America to deregulate start-up and corruption laws and reduce the power of Unions in to the same standards countries like Denmark and Sweden have.

>> No.9922779

>Le Wall still not built
>HRC still not in prison
>Entire cabinet is a sinking ship
>everyone who worked with Trump is now ready and willing to turn on him
>even Bannon
>ISIS still a threat
>Muslim ban failed
>health care reform complete flop
>Confederate statues getting taken down
>constant golfing and vacations

Best. President. Ever!

>> No.9922789

>turned on Trump
This is your brain on CNN.

>> No.9922794

>Muslim ban

>> No.9922813

Wasn't the "Muslim ban" a success after several delays though?

>> No.9922815


Yeah what the fuck does that have to do with Norway's healthcare?

>> No.9922825

>>these mewling jews

I'm just a white guy that wants to read Pynchon memes and ask questions about foreign lit without pol castrates cluttering everything up.

>> No.9922832

>If you think a perspective is invalid then it's on you to make an argument for why you think that is. Crying like a baby and stating that you deserve a safe space from certain ideas makes you look like a weak faggot.

Frogposters don't respond to argumentation. Ridicule is boring and tasteless at this point. Everyone else on the board just wants you to leave.

>> No.9922836

dildos and buttplugs

>> No.9922838

Probably shouldn't have politicized everything if you didn't want politics clutters up the board, you dug your own grave now lie in it.

>> No.9922839

I speak [lip smack] for everyone [lip smack] here

>> No.9922844

>Falling for bait this obvious

>> No.9922855

Don't be silly. The people posting those memes are the same people telling you to learn about the jewish problem. You're just behind, kid. Catch up.

>> No.9922918

How would it have not bought peace?