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/lit/ - Literature

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9919415 No.9919415 [Reply] [Original]


What did Joyce mean by this?

>> No.9919424
File: 446 KB, 7724x961, thunderwords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone always talks about the first thunder.

No one ever talks about the other nine.

>> No.9919431

That's because most people don't read more than the first three pages.

>> No.9919563

The fall

>> No.9920130


>> No.9920331

i fucking hate pseud-teir notes like this

>> No.9920344


>The Final Boss of Literature

Why waste 15+ years on a joke book though? Just to do it? I've never met anyone who's ever gotten past ten pages in it

>> No.9920354

>calls someone a pseud
>can't even spell tier

>> No.9920358

People only call it a joke because they don't have the stamina for it so they want to make themselves feel better about it by downplaying its relevance. Kind of like the people who dismiss genre fiction out of hand.

>> No.9920397

Here you go OP. Took me two minutes


>> No.9920423

And probably shouldn't...

>> No.9920450

This is how everyone annotates, you fucking asshole

They're better readers than you

>> No.9920463

I always, always thought it was a referance to the fall of Babel.
Considering the different languages describing an onematepoetic sound.

>> No.9920510

Apparently the grandson who manages the estate is a total fucking asshole.


This guy doesn't even have the excuse that James was his /immediate/ family, like it's that close, that personal. Yes, it's still personal but you know what I mean.

>> No.9921539


>> No.9921617

This time, it's personal.

>> No.9921657

I ordered fw in an impulse like a week ago and english isn't my first language, I know nothing about irish history and mythology, and I'm not even close to what a "well read" person is

>> No.9921662

How much did it cost you?

>> No.9921680

A few dollaridoos
I'm to lazy to check, but it wasnt a hurtful amount

>> No.9921686

>english isn't my first language
Don't worry, the book is not written in English.

>> No.9921693

But it sounds like it.

>> No.9921712

No not really.

>> No.9922325


>> No.9922356

Jim Joss of Dab-lin?

>> No.9922931

Joss of Whedonia

>> No.9922961

This. The thunderword itself is at least 6 languages in itself

>> No.9923036

you have no hope of even finishing the first page. And even if you persist you will get nothing out of it.

>> No.9923043

it means its hard to get down a gangplank early in the morning, sailor

>> No.9923044

Carl Jung, while treating Joyce's daughter for schizophrenia, claimed James was a schizophrenic diving headfirst into the waters.

>> No.9923077

I'll never understand people on /lit/ who try to stop other people from reading. And I only ever see it on /lit/.

>> No.9923091

POSER thread

>> No.9923137

You're probably blind then. Every board tells idiots not to jump in the deep end. Those idiots don't listen and then come back to shitpost about how lame everything is and how everyone is poser for liking something difficult. like >>9923091

>> No.9923306

He literally explains it in the same sentence.

>> No.9923622

Well it doesn't help that nobody seems to be able to explain what's so good about Only God Forgives. You ask and they just say "pleb" and call you underage.

>> No.9923637

it exists elsewhere. it's called gatekeeping. small souled people need to keep others down to feel big and important. there's nothing more pathetic.

>> No.9923646

>Implying reading is a competition or skill

>> No.9923672

I want to buy a book filled with annotations like this, but I feel like I would become more interested in the notes than the book itself.

>> No.9923689

There is that book by J.J Abrams that is basically about this (I think it is named S)

>> No.9923824

I would literally never read a book by J.J. Abrams. The man can not write. And I do not say this as some pretentious asshole who dismisses film completely. He is legitimately bad.

>> No.9923832


Only God Forgives is shit and /tv/ just has a boner for Refn. He's a fucking hack and has no screenwriting skills (his movies are pretty).

The "deep end" of movies probably starts with Tarkovsky, Tarr, some of Resnais, etc.

>> No.9923835 [DELETED] 

I bought this copy of Ulysses for 27 bucks. Did I do good?

>> No.9923887

Wow, a post on /lit/ of all places manages to be more helpful and informative about films than /tv/ with a passing comment.

That really is a consistent problem I've noticed with /tv/. They only know how to appreciate the visual aspect of a film. When someone criticizes the writing (or lack thereof) they melt down.

>> No.9924060

I've heard of it, but I read a summary and it doesn't catch my attention. Pale Fire is supposed to be something like it in a way, right? An author is commenting on a poem and eventually switches gears to talking about his own life instead? I might be wrong though.

>> No.9925660


>> No.9926270


>> No.9926331

...reading IS a skill. That's why you learned it when you were a fucking baby.

>> No.9926757

A fucking. PENCIL.

>> No.9926783


>> No.9926880


Glad I could help. /tv/ doesn't like to read much so they don't care much about narrative structure, dialogue, 'deeper meaning' or any of that textual stuff. Notice how they've been circlejerking over Malick's "Song to Song" when it's a clear late period embarrassment from a filmmaker who's actually studied philosophy (although, again, it is pretty)

>> No.9927277

He meant that we all should respect women.

>> No.9927305

he was having a stroke, but decided it made as much sense as anything else he wrote and put it in his book.

>> No.9927401

Especially their farts.

>> No.9928194

Ha. Ha. Ha.

>> No.9928281

Thanks. I was actually thinking of bringing up Malick specifically so it's funny you mention him. Like, I can't deny it's visually stunning, and sometimes that's enough to keep me entertained. But what I'll never get is pretending it's so much better than everything else, like some high form of art that only a select few enlightened can understand. It all boils down to people wanting to feel like they're better than others without having any real right to do so. And those who actually do have such a right acknowledge it as a childish thing to do and know better than to condescend.

>> No.9928342

>takes a bunch of words for thunder from a ton of different languages and mashes them together

wow, absolutely genius

>> No.9928346

>I'm a faggot with a big brain and basically you're fuckin' retarded

>> No.9928349

I think he meant notes regarding Finnegans Wake

>> No.9928356

Trust me, knowing English will not significantly increase the scrutability of Finnegans Wake

>> No.9928452

It is a mistake (and a bit plebish mind you) to dress this arbitrary dichotomy between "visuals" and "writing" in films, as if a filmmaker role was simply a technical task of porting a script to the screen. Cinema is a visual art, Metropolis wouldn't be a great film if it was shot by a mediocre filmmaker, Kurosawa isn't regarded as one of the great because of the writing of his films.

>> No.9928750

It's more like the most powerful hidden optional boss that you have to use all the best equipment upgrades for to even try to take on.

>> No.9928908

And I will snatch every motherfucking birthday.

>> No.9928915

>he watches movies for the plot
I bet you also read for the plot, brainlet fucking shit.

>> No.9928933


>> No.9928940

You are mistaking movies with cinema. In movies the screenwriting is very important because otherwise the movie would have little redeeming value. In cinema, the writing is of little to no importance. Many great filmmakers don't even have a script when they start filming, yet their films still manage to be engaging in ways a movie would never be. A very famous example of this is Fellini's 8 1/2. That's why filmmakers like Malick or Lynch are respected and liked by many people, it's not just because their films look pretty.

>> No.9928953

>be an irish intellectual
>try to think how to get famous and respected
>i know
>ill write a bunch o pointless senseless scribbles and sell them as genius of the avantgarde
>if anyone tries to argue against me - emperor is naked
this is why i respect joyce - takes a real genius to scam and make entire world fools

>> No.9929013

Imagine saying
"They're better readers than you" and not feeling embarrassed

>> No.9929293

Jack London wrote a novel like this, was interesting.

>> No.9929317

>note says "clitoris"
>better readers
Only a pseud would misconstrue an onomatopoeia transformed into a verb as a direct reference to the clitoris.

>> No.9929385

cliotar in erse means patter
klettern, in germain, to climb


>> No.9929414

>the noise of hurrying feet
Is this not an onomatopoeia?

>> No.9929550

>You are mistaking movies with cinema.
Oh, please don't do that /tv/ thing where you use two synonyms and pretend they're completely different words.

>> No.9929884

That James Joyce and his fetishes for literally everything.

>> No.9930029

>I know thunderwords. I have the best thunderwords.

>> No.9930055

That clitoris note is written in a different color, which makes me think someone else wrote it or that it was thrown in there as a joke to see if anyone would notice.

>> No.9930671

Are you retarded? The differentiation between movies and cinema is widely accepted. /tv/ takes it to autistic levels with shit like kino and flicks, which if you haven't noticed it's meant to be humorous. Or are you saying that Star Wars and Solaris are the same thing? Movies are made for entertainment and profit, cinema is made for artistic expression.

>> No.9930675

epic trol

>> No.9930722

It's just like /lit/ making a distinction between literary fiction and genre fiction. Don't be so autistic about it.

>> No.9930759

epic cuck

>> No.9930833

>It's just like /lit/ being autistic. Don't be so autistic about it.
That distinction is stupid too. Just call them all books.

>> No.9932103



>> No.9932339

All right, which one of you autists just did this?


>> No.9932483

What the fuck are you specifically referring to?

>> No.9932851 [DELETED] 

*farts in your face*

>> No.9932854

t. genre fiction reader

>> No.9932923


Don't be dumb.

The fact that the item was added to the article very recently.

>> No.9933437
File: 35 KB, 200x200, FaceApp_1492203947754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw youre romanian and there s no translation available for finnegans wake

>> No.9933446
File: 13 KB, 220x328, codri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw romanian and able to read joyce without any issues

>> No.9933776

where's a decent place to start for 'cinema'?

any /tv/ move/film/cinema starter kit or are they shit?


>> No.9933822

Start with silent films and The Jazz Singer.

>> No.9933838
File: 619 KB, 2560x1281, Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 17.53.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any silent films in particular?

>> No.9933850


>> No.9933862

Amazing, meme posts from both of you.

Everyone, these are the kind of people who pretend to read "literature."

>> No.9934227


>> No.9934325

I've read it twice and loved it, but I don't take it nearly as seriously as the asspie in OPs picture.

>> No.9934330

If you don't take it seriously what the fuck are you getting out of it? Just a scrawny guy with an eyepatch saying a bunch of silly words.

>> No.9934333

>what the fuck are you getting out of it?
I read for pleasure. Why do you read?

>> No.9934342

I also read for pleasure, but I don't try to pretend there's some nobility to reading Joyce over a piece of genre fiction.

>> No.9934344


>> No.9934974

Why do all the pseud shitposters on this board always have no arguments? I call them out and they freeze up.

>> No.9935116

The Little Rascals, and Charlie Chaplin for starters, and this >>9933850

>> No.9935127

The Birth of a Nation

>> No.9935165

Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
Inglourious Basterds
Django Unchained
The Hateful Eight

Watch all of these.

>> No.9935664


>> No.9935961

I don't think Only God Forgives is great but I wouldn't call it shit either. Reading up on the tragedy of Oedipus helps to make sense of the story. It's not that deep but it's also not nearly as self indulgent as people claim it is

Man With a Movie Camera, Birth of a Nation, Seven Samurai and The Virgin Spring are all good starting places for 'cinema'. Influential and not a chore to watch

>> No.9935980

The D.W. Griffith Birth of a Nation, or the election year afro-propaganda one released last October?

>> No.9935995

he just said he loved the book and he reads for fun. he never claimed that reading Finnegan's Wake was in any way better than reading some genre fiction. Why are you so angry anon?

>> No.9936001

D.W. Griffith (i swear to god it's not a meme, it's actually a quality film)

>> No.9936031

Buster Keaton films.

>> No.9936416

I'm angry because this board is turgid with shitposters who sneer at genre fiction while posting frogs and anime.

>> No.9936451

Oedipus is so widespread that I would be really surprised if someone who watched OGF was not at least familiar with Oedipus. It's not to say it's complete garbage but Refn has this weird boner for pointlessly long silences that don't particularly serve the film. You look at the original script and it just tells a much more interesting story. It's funny that when Kojima said he was making MGSV more cinematic and it entailed Snake being super quiet I immediately knew, "Oh, like THIS kind of film." Not to say quiet films are necessarily bad. Drive is much better, and I'm not saying that just because /tv/ memes the hell out of it. It's actually a genuinely good film.

>> No.9936924

I find myself laughing with the text.
The words seem to define themselves, like you understand it holistically even if you miss the fine details.

>When you realize Joyce would love Rick and Morty

>> No.9937191
File: 1017 KB, 1636x1744, c3a6e54da5d700fd59ac8106412db6a6851d23f6ac69afc2f088bf2384242342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is suprisingly decent for /tv/ (except that Wild at Heart is a stupid pick for Lynch)

>> No.9937510

Enough people complain about that movie being meaningless or substance-less that I just figure it's a lack of context that's keeping them from breaking it down, since it's not particularly complicated or esoteric. I agree with what you wrote, I always read Refn's extended silences as him juicing all he can out of the Kuleshov effect, trying to make the films editing be the primary means of carrying and conveying emotion in a scene rather than the actors. though I agree that Drive does a better job of using that technique without sacrificing the pacing of the movie.

>> No.9937515
File: 103 KB, 775x719, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a good thing that you're here to put those pseuds who claim to like Joyce in their place. you're raising the level of discourse on this board

>> No.9938237

Baby Groot.

>> No.9938389

And it's a good thing you're not a stupid fucking cunt. Oh wait, you are.

>> No.9939007


>> No.9939721


>> No.9939745

Thanks for posting this.

>> No.9939752

Get back to work.

>> No.9939840
File: 112 KB, 450x503, Sean Connery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9940635
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, daisuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9940869


>> No.9940909

>Finn, you are going to be Mr Finnagain!
Simple, but this makes my heart warm.