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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 317x474, critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9917494 No.9917494 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a sober, rational thread about the Jewish Question please?

Which books would you recommend on the subject?

What is your own take on the JQ?

>> No.9917511

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
The Bible
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

>> No.9917735

Since the JQ is timeless there are many opinions to be read going back millennia, and a lot of emerging takes surfacing on the web as more and more have discovered the reality of the question. But anyone who is new to it or somewhat familiar and looking to go a little deeper and challenge their intellect should start with the Culture of Critique. It's a very important book that all white people must read if they expect to ever be anything other than what people on here refer to as a "brainlet." For those under 40 living in the internet age, you are an intellectual fraud if you don't understand the jewish question. That's the way it is now.

My own take is that jews are a middle eastern tribe of people that has been selected for and (in)bred in a very unique manner: to be cunning and murderous, but disciplined and smart. As an in-group they define themselves in opposition to the out-group, which is how they have remained a cohesive entity for thousands of years in other people's territories, and this involves a borderline evil degree of animosity toward others as well as a totalitarian mindset and entitlement to rule over others. But to do it sneakily through crypsis, by pretending to be the out-group. It's crazy and weird, and whites, as ardent individualists, have a hard time understanding that anyone else is different than us or could be this tribal and resentful and hate-filled against everyone who isn't them. But the more you learn, the more you realize that this is just the way it is. Tribal warfare is at the crux of it, and it makes sense that human nature would manifest itself in the various ways it does, as it makes sense that whites would learn to sense the decline of our own tribal condition and adapt so that we can band together as we must to remove this foreign presence destroying our environments.

>> No.9917775

>discussion about jews running the world

>> No.9917787

Why don't we have a discussion about the heat death of the universe and our eternal return so you can write about Jews on the internet for infinity.

>> No.9917795
File: 68 KB, 409x375, Kevin_MacDonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we? CAN WE?

>> No.9917808

Every Jew I ever met who wasn't Orthodox or a Zionist (so about 95% of them) had no sense of Jewish identity or in group loyalty beyond "hey the Holocaust was bad". None of this group's grandkids are going to think of themselves as Jewish.

Also Jews are from the Levant, which is not the Middle East, but rather part of the glorious Med. coast, the heartland of human civilization, unlike Scotland.

Also whites aren't ardent individualists, that's a Scottish meme.

>> No.9917822

containment boards dont work, pls report /pol/tards

>> No.9917826

When you have, as /lit/ of course does, a regular supply of childish jewish posters trying to prevent any open discussion related to their group's behavior, it makes sober, rational discussion of the topic quite difficult. But that's the information war we're in.

Well, your limited personal experiences aren't a microcosm of the world now, are they? The rest of your post is false. The Levant is part of the middle east, whites are very much individualists, and it's foolish to think the tribes currently living in the middle east have always been there. Indo-Europeans used to live throughout the present day middle east, which is why the people in places even farther east like Iran and India still speak Indo-European languages.

>> No.9917838

Maybe because this is a literature board and not a Jewish Question board.

>> No.9917854

And if you're so ignorant about literature that you're unfamiliar with the couple thousand year history of writings on the jewish question, do you really think you belong here? Perhaps reddit would be more suited to your tastes since it's outlawed there.

>> No.9917857

Go away newfag.

>> No.9917861

>Also Jews are from the Levant, which is not the Middle East, but rather part of the glorious Med. coast, the heartland of human civilization, unlike Scotland.

Yeah, what have the Scots ever done for human civilisation? Nothing!

>> No.9917879

Nobilitas by Jacob Alexander, which features his prescribed solution (removal from all positions of social, cultural and political influ nice).

>> No.9917895
File: 470 KB, 748x2009, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please drop the JQ and finally talk about the HQ (Hibernia Question)?
I mean, it's all fun and games until you start looking into it. Is antisemitism a falseflag designed by Irish bankers and deep state agents? Are ((((they)))) (Irish people have 4 brackets) trying to distract us?

>> No.9917911

How can we bring about an end to the walled, nuclear armed, genocidal, rogue ethnostate of Ireland?

>> No.9917912

You can tell a person's intelligence and self-awareness based on how many "laughing" reaction pics they post. You know the ones.

/pol/ has massive amounts of "laughing" pics per thread.

>> No.9917914

>Can we have a sober, rational thread...
It's unlikely, but it's happened before.
>...about the Jewish Question please?
We're off to a poor start. Formulating the subject as "the Jewish Question" is already indicating that you have negative opinions of jews and want to somehow disadvantage them of that. Nobody who wanted people to not demonize/deport/kill the jews ever started the sentence with "the answer to the Jewish Question" is..." You are the one who wants to have an irrational discussion.

It's like starting a discussion with "how are we going to purify the white bloodline?" Even asking a question like that is an obvious indicator you have an extreme viewpoint and that re-hashing the basic rules of modern civility with you is going to be a fruitless endeavor.

>> No.9917925

Jews promote policies and behave in ways that are enormously harmful toward whites. It is much more than a simple question, it is a serious problem and has been for centuries. We're being kind referring to it as a "question."

>> No.9917940
File: 243 KB, 1200x630, 15-bono-glamour-womens-speech.w1200.h630[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the decision of the uk to leave the EU can only be interpreted to re-instate hard borders and economic borders (custom unions) upon the republic of Ireland to try and contain the feenian menace and their economic expansion.
it will be futile as I fear the anglo race has underestimated the pernicious effect of Hibernian culture on the anglosphere. I suspect they already have nukes.


>> No.9917953
File: 503 KB, 631x360, tiny_bella___on_Twitter_RICHARD_SPENCER_GOT_PUNCHED_AGAIN__PunchANazi_t.co_CL3uKRr50q_-_2017-01-26_12.22.59_qubski[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9917981

Very interesting take anon, can you please show me a peer reviewed study documenting the links between posting laughing reactions pics and intelligence?