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/lit/ - Literature

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9915853 No.9915853 [Reply] [Original]

Best translation of The Iliad and/or Odyssey?

>> No.9915875

God, this guy looks so weird. His head is so small in comparison to his body it makes the picture look shopped. What's his YouTube channel again?

>> No.9915883 [DELETED] 


small heads are pretty natural in some northern/eastern european ethnicities. i've seen lots of people with small heads

>> No.9915887

>not a barbarian

>> No.9915890

It's "The Golden One".

Kind of ironic really, given that he's pretty much a snownigger We Wuzzing over the Greco-Romans.

>> No.9915895 [DELETED] 


i mean, i understand being proud of your heritage, but almost everything this guy talks about is about europe to the point where it seems obsessive

>> No.9915899

God this guy is retarded

>> No.9915912

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE INCUBI? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these Chads with their prodigious biceps and provocative gainz. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a man and enter between his loins? Will his seed ever drip from my lubricated hole?

Life is a constant hell. No wonder I resent men too.

>> No.9916387

his body is perfect

>> No.9916409

Fitzgerald's is the best.
Lattimore's is the most accurate if your a pedant

>> No.9916434

There is literally another thread that's been up for hours on this subject already.

>> No.9916551


>> No.9916598
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this is that autistic white supremacist sperg who played skyrim while fantasizing about each NPC he killed being liberals and feminists

>> No.9916641

that's pretty fuckin gay anon

>> No.9916663

The Greeks of the Hellenic age and before the conquests by barbarians and later Ottomans were most likely blond and blue-eyed.

>> No.9916710

Alexander Pope. George Steiner, the preeminent Homer scholar of the 20th century, wrote a great essay on English translations of Homer. I highly recommend you read it as he goes through all the various translations—including the ones mentioned on this board. Ultimately, Steiner makes a great argument for Pope being the best by far.

Once you get used to the hyperbaton, Pope's translation is actually fairly easy to read, exhilarating, and beautiful.

>> No.9916751

>Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the taste of a man and enter between his loins? Will his seed ever drip from my lubricated, pozzed hole?


>> No.9916771

we have this thread daily albeit normally with a less gay picture

>> No.9916776
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>with a less gay picture

>> No.9916786

That's up for debate.

>> No.9916803

>work body to the point of physical perfection
>still have an incurably ugly mongoloid face
the gods are cruel

also I bet he waxed his nipples for that photo, a strange irony that his behavior is so womanly

>> No.9916809
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>you will never have a brother that is superior to you in everyway

>> No.9916813
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At least wait for your last shitty thread to die before making an identical one you utter cunthead

>> No.9916822

me on the left

>> No.9916826

My mom always says it and she's a dark, brown-haired Greek so I never doubted her lol

>> No.9916844

>>still have an incurably ugly mongoloid face
I don't see it, I think he's cute
I'd pick him over his brother

>> No.9916867

nigga the "barbarians" are the ones that gave them such features. Hence why Northern Italians/greeks have lighter features than southern.

>> No.9916934


the genetic tests disagree

>> No.9916944
File: 12 KB, 236x300, 3bff2852559edb2d1d4ce5d75594496b--roman-sculpture-yellow-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except Greeks and Romans were blond...
T. Guy who knows a lot of blond Greeks that aren't t*rks

>> No.9916953

Not really, if they do then it's going to be hard explaining why the statues of Greek legends and historical figures had blond hair and blue eyes ,

>> No.9917007

>tfw good body - shit face

>> No.9917028

>what are ideals
>what are gods
>what is exoticism

why does every greek faggot always emphasise how achilles had blonde hair? if they ere all blonde, why would he be special because of that? but no, they always have to stress the fact that his hair was golden, because it was not common

and no, tests do show that modern greeks are pretty much almost identical
in fact, turks have more greek genes than vice versa
anatolia was all greek after all

this we wuz shit is just varg's nonsense

>> No.9917073

That's because they're fat Bulgarians.

>> No.9917077


>> No.9917124

He can't be autistic, he's muscular

>> No.9917706

>Fitzgerald for preservation of poetic structure
The Fitzgerald is by far the most pleasant to read. But the translation is related to a perspective that the works of homer as we have them today are of at least somewhat suspect textual history, it is not clear to us that the oral Greek tradition was not one which weighted the value of verbatim passage equally throughout all parts of a story. For this reason Fitzgerald takes some degree of liberty with literal translation in order to maintain what he believes to be the sense and poetic structure (word placement, the syllabic shit etc.)
To be clear, some parts of poetic translation, especially of an ancient greek text are incredibly difficult, and while lesser translations do work to preserve some poetic features, none come even close to Fitzgerald's accuracy in this sense.

Some argue that the Fitzgerald best preserves the sum experience of reading the ancient greek.

>Read lattimore for the most accurate greek-english translation of text.
Lattimore will translate the text most accurately, and his first priority will be to preserve the meaning of the literal text given. This translation weights more heavily the notion that every word in the text as we have it today is significant and placed precisely as the author intended. Lattimore also does a magnificent job of preserving the poetic structure given his priorities, and it is a quite fine translation to read. But, this simply does not compare to the job that fitzgerald does, and vice versa, you cannot compare the literal accuracy of Fitzgerald to Lattimore.

Given this, my personal view is to read the entire Fitzgerald first in it's entirety, lightly. Not dwelling with too much extremity, but taking time where it is needed to read more carefully.. Then do a deep study of the Lattimore where you take every liberty to slow down, take notes, and take extreme time in reading.

Ignore Fagles trash, lombardo is a joke, butler is decent.

For those interested in study of Ancient greek: see the Sachs translation of the Odyssey, Sachs is an opinionated scholar and translator of greek, and his translations are generally interesting and exciting to compare to more traditional translations as you work through translating a text yourself.

And for everyone who wants to take a broader study of the classics seriously: read the hobbes translations of ancient greek texts, they are always insightful.

>> No.9917718

Why doesn't Marcus train his Traps or his Neck? It looks fucking retarded with that big ass torso and then from the traps up he looks like a pencil.

>> No.9917723

He only does that for comedic effect in his let's plays. You don't seriously think that when the cameras are off and he's completely alone in the dark playing RPGs for himself, he's going '''HAHA TAKE THAT CULTURAL MARXIST'' or ''OHH IT SEEMS AS IF I HAVE ENCOUNTERED A RABID FEMINIST''

>> No.9917729

You have to be autistic to find any of that funny in the first place.

>> No.9917730

>Train Natty all your life to compensate for being the less fortunate son genetically speaking
>However once you start doing something yourself it will usually spark your brother's interest for the same activity
>Brother goes on a roid cycle and blows up completely, and now has a more aesthetic body than you ever will

>> No.9917733

I don't, I don't even watch his videos tbqh, sometimes it's unavoidable as they show up in my feed.

>> No.9917788
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/lit/ probably doubled the sales of Homer and Plato at this point.

>> No.9917797


you say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.9917811

It's a bad thing, kind of, because the sales of Vergil and Aristotle are probably more or less the same as before.

>> No.9917871

You can't claim to hold his work higher than Homer if you can't even spell his name

>> No.9917886

If you're going to be a pedantic retard with nothing to contribute, you might as well do it right senpai
>Publius Vergilius Maro, usually called Virgil or Vergil in English

>> No.9917960


You guys ready for round 2? I got all day. Must be fun to watch.

>> No.9918009
File: 370 KB, 1200x1133, 1200px-Vergilio_mosaico_de_Monno_Landesmuseum_Trier3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying that he's superior to Homer, just that he is unreservedly ignored by the /lit/ memes. Everyone starts with Homer and Plato, but few take the next logical step.
Also, pic related you dumb fuck.

>> No.9918018

not genetically...

>> No.9918281

They'd probably look similar if the one on the right dropped his bf%

>> No.9918286

>Except Greeks and Romans were blond...
There's literally proof of Roman women shearing captured northern slaves to use their blonde/red hair as wigs because it's different.

>> No.9918290

Your ignoring the fact that certain traits are emphasized not because they are uncommon, but because of the meter.

Also Varg dislikes Greek and Roman societies because they were too civilized.

>> No.9918301

not in the poems only, but prose as well

but he we wuzes saying that everyone was nordic and that everyone with brown hair actually has negro genes

>> No.9918553

Is that the same guy as this?


>> No.9919379

what companion text would you recommend for the Illiad?

>> No.9919514


Turk here, fuck your mom.

>> No.9919568


Blonde hair and blue eyes have always been relatively rare among all Europeans, and present among all Europeans. "We wuz" and "u wuznt" camps are equally retarded in this regard. The phenotype set is less rare in northern Europe, but it is not unique to the region. Greek and Roman writers acknowledge blonde and red haired people within their ethnicity, including many famous ones, but tend to view the traits differently than we do.

The Greeks and Italians of today were not significantly Turked or Moored by invasions and conquest, most of the darker Greeks that Scandiphobes like to cherry-pick as typical are in fact Turkish Christians of dubious ethnic origin (one or more of: Syrian, Anatolian Greek, Turcoman, Armenian, native Scythic/Hittite Anatolian, Iranian, Arab) who were transferred to Greece in the 1920s as a population exchange, many fair skinned Turks are likewise descended from European Muslims who were shipped the opposite direction.

The Greeks and Macedonians ruled the eastern Mediterranean for far longer than the Turks, and had more of a genetic impact on the Levant and Anatolia than vice versa, which is why it's retarded to say "muh haplogroups!" in this instance.

As for Italy, the northerners had a significant amount of Germanic admixture but the region was always heavily Gallo-Celtic. Likewise, Sicilians are darker not because of a few hundred years of Moors but because Carthaginians settled libyan slaves there for centuries, and the native sikels may also have been darker than the Greek and later Roman settlers, as the native Sardinians were, and perhaps related to the Iberians.

>> No.9920049

companion texts are like a great deal of information in this:

you won't need it until you know which one is right

you don't need and are HURT by a companion text to study until you have spent a great deal of time (at least read 4 times) with a text, and by then you will probably have a pretty good idea of what's good and what isn't.

The only companion text a first time reader may ever want is the Loeb for original greek in case they want to investigate a sentence.

In terms of greek mythology knowledge dont fill your brain with the nonsense that the mythology textbooks or anthologies try to treat them with. You need to understand that the pop-notion of ancient greek mythology is off the ball, and with that in mind if you have no idea who a mythological character is, google it and skim the wikipedia page knowing full well that the whole page is wrong and you are only looking for a general direction, a very large and blunt arrow which points very vaguely at the direction in which you will find the mythological character

>> No.9920072

i live in the same town as this guy

>> No.9920457
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Are these editions just memes? Or do they pass?

>> No.9920748

what do you mean by memes?

>> No.9920771

I own Fagles, Hammond, E.V. Rieu, Fitzgerald, Lattimore, Chapman (iliad and odyssey except Lattimore/Chapman, just Ody.)

I re-read E.V. Rieu the most.

Most of the versions in print have their qualities and you'll likely end up with a few if youve any interest in Homer.

I came to the conclusion that translated epic poetry is best rendered in prose. We're reading these books and trying to render/read them in verse sacrifices a little semantic purity for the sake or poetry that really doesnt translate across languages and 2700 years of culture.

The Fagles is supposedly the easiest of the verse translations to read if thats how you want to start.