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9915545 No.9915545 [Reply] [Original]

Medical student currently on my Psychiatry rotation and I've really taken an interest to Schizophrenia and the other psychotic disorders.

Does anyone have good reading on:
>The Self
>Self consciousness
>Loss of self

>> No.9915565

'Der Einzigeund sein Eigentum' is all about the self and illustrates mental illness exceedingly well.

>> No.9915570

one time I dropped LSD and forgot who I was, where I was, who my friends were and even forgot the fact I took LSD. One of the most eye opening experiences of my life. I was like a baby, except I could still talk and use words.

Probably not what you're looking for but Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia and A Thousand Plateaus are cool books. Probably not what you're looking for though.

>> No.9915635

Thanks famalam, will have a look.

Appreciate the suggestions anon but not really what I was looking for.
Kinda like your experience with LSD I was hoping for books which explore that complete disassociation from reality and the self.

>> No.9915656

Reasons and Persons - Derek Parfit

>> No.9915659

Somewhat related, and completely fascinating is Julian Jaynes' The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bi-cameral Mind.

>> No.9915666

Unreasonable autistic reaction to unreasonable autistic 'philosophy of personhood' -- bears no relevance to the psychology of the self

>> No.9915670

In other words, it explores your query in reverse.

>> No.9915678

>Kinda like your experience with LSD I was hoping for books which explore that complete disassociation from reality and the self.

Thats exactly what Capitalism and Schizophrenia is about, but applied to the form of theory. But yeah, like I said, probably not what you want. You want schizophrenia theorized in a non-schizomatic form.

>> No.9915684

>bears no relevance
sure it does. for a 'rationalist,' that's an intetrsting display of passion there, senpai.

>> No.9915688

One flew over the cuckoos nest

>> No.9915694


Heard of this book unironically from WestWorld
>Normie get out reee

Definitely will be picking it up, the premise of early man's conscious thought being heard as a external voice sounds eerily similar to the Auditory hallucinations in Schizophrenia.

>> No.9916041
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Kyle Odom's manifesto

>> No.9916051

read the last psychiatrist in chronological order and get a job as a janitor

>> No.9916066

That's the premise. We begin schizophrenic. Schizophrenia viewed therefore (like tail stubs) as an avatarism. Lots of ancient backing. Fun.

>> No.9916068

r d laing divided self

>> No.9916122

Memoirs of my Nervous Illness
The Eden Express
VALIS trilogy