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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 480x573, booke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9915156 No.9915156 [Reply] [Original]

Is this image accurate?
Is this controversial for you?

>> No.9915163

It's not accurate because people don't climb books and there currently are no books large enough for a person to climb.

>> No.9915165

>t. down syndrome

>> No.9915167

There is no future for you.

>> No.9915192

I mean, it's not totally wrong but it's also "le edgy borne in the wrong generation maymay".

The fact that it's using a visual medium to convince you that textual media are superior is also kind of funny to me.

>> No.9915282

It's the kind of shit people who are "proud book readers" post on facebook to virtue signal.

>> No.9915286

I really wish I could give you a straight answer OP, but I'm too busy getting every neuron in my brain and spine shredded apart and put back together two dozen times a second by your image

>> No.9915299

Its a metaphor you fucking retard

>> No.9915311

>some faggot who spends his life on facebook
>reads The Hobbit once
>posts this shit and gets tons of likes
>meanwhile, people actually out here doing real thoreau type shit eschewing the modern world and getting their brains swole on literature (not me, i am middle of the road sorta guy)
o i am laffin

>> No.9915310

This. Illustrator is a fucking moron

>> No.9915316

It implies that reading is a struggle for intellectual improvement (with the disabled having television). But if you enjoy reading it isn't work at all. It's like those people you see trying to lose weight sweating and struggling at the gym vs those that are at the gym legitimately enjoying it.

>> No.9915321


Hit the nail on the head. There's a sliver of merit to it, but at the same time it's the same tired complaint that's been made for decades (re: "rock 'n roll is destroying the youth!"). Add to that the exponential growth of television and that we're in a self-proclaimed golden age (YMMV), and I can't fault someone for finding merit in television.

>> No.9915527

exactly, the person who made this and the person who shares it expose themselves as non-readers basically

>> No.9916438

Call it whatever you want, but it doesn't make any sense. The only book big enough to be "climbable" is the bible or infinite jest.

>> No.9916450

>infinite jest is the largest book he knows
how much of a pleb are you? have you never heard of Proust or Clarissa?

>> No.9916482

No but I've watched the movies and both suck

>> No.9916644



>> No.9916657

i hate seeing this edgy fuckers art all the time

>> No.9916694

My partner who actually uses this foolish device aka the computer called me over to look at and comment upon this image. I myself personally do not utilize the computer, the smartphone, the television, or any such modern technological devices. I believe they have negative effects on one's brain and, indeed, if I may be so bold to say it among a horde of technology-obsessed literati poseurs like yourselves, sitting mouth agape before your screens, refreshing your "catalogue" incessantly so that you might "shitpost" or "troll" all the other "4channers", negative effects on one's soul.

The message of this image is essentially correct, albeit a touch heavy-handed. It is only people like me, who have eschewed utterly seductive siren-call of the screen, who will write anything worthy of note. The rest of you will be too brain-fried to keep up. Your works, which most of you shall never even get around to writing, shall die stillborn from the presses; your names shall fade into obscurity before your skin has even turned to dust in the lonely boxes you were buried in, whilst my name shall live on for eternity.

>> No.9916716
File: 177 KB, 400x640, 200%_rad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah... I want more...

>> No.9916730

"Worthy of note"
dam nigga just write noteworthy, that phrase is clunky as hell

>> No.9916746

It's brainlet propaganda.

>> No.9916873

Depends on the books, quite honestly, and what people do with them. If the person is just reading for entertainment, it's pretty much the same. Schopenhauer has already spoken about pseudos that only read so they cna boast later, without digesting and learning the books they read.

>> No.9916926
File: 4 KB, 300x57, Chinese Staff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally handicapped

>> No.9916933

nice work. do you see any other problems with their entry?

>> No.9916939


Artists who make shit liKe this should have their hands cleavered

>> No.9916967

I think its pasta but they missed a "the" between "utterly" and "seductive

>> No.9916980

So it's fake and you think it's real? Guess you're the retard here.

>> No.9916993

>bad user usage means the device is bad
I'm sure the Greeks would have killed you in the most brutal ways for trying to get their remote devices in which they can read whole libraries, whenever they are and their storage size is so small that they can get enough material for a few eons and even then just a bit of the storage will be used not to talk about the communication part which is just as much mindblowing used right

>> No.9917008

Does it imply that people who don't read are mentally handicapped?

>> No.9917013


Lol that was pretty good my dude

>> No.9917015

>for trying to get their remote devices...[incomprehensible mumbling]...
they would beat him for what?

>> No.9917017


What an objectively incorrect statement. Unless someone died on the spot after reading that you're just plain wrong.

>> No.9917022

good thinking, anon. I've never seen a book that big in my life, and I've read Infinite Jest!

>> No.9917042

No, it implies that parking spots for the handicapped should perhaps be furnished with last screen tvs that the handicapped could spend their time watching until their owner comes back from shopping.

>> No.9917074


>> No.9917317

I'm not sure this image holds up to closer scrutiny. What if the television story was an adaption of a book and the book was an adaption of a television story.

>> No.9917336

The TV is powered on but it isn't plugged into anything. The image isn't accurate at all.

>> No.9917354

Books are actually smaller than televisons

>> No.9917371

The creator of this imagine must feel really smart

>> No.9917389

Incorrect because it implies books are inaccessible to some people, who are relegated to television.

In reality, both books and TV are choices. The only limitation is literacy, which is barely a hurdle at all in the first world.

A better comparison would be someone reading a book for 50 hours, and someone watching the 2 hour adaptation because they have other shit to be doing.

>> No.9917403

It's wireless.

>> No.9917408

>TV written in the upper right corner of the TV


>> No.9917447

Your low amount of IQ stops you from reading even simple sentences

>> No.9917483


>> No.9917488

Without specifying what books lead man on his pursuit of true knowledge, the metaphor's main point becomes subjective. Where some would consider the illustrated stack of books as something like the Greeks, (most) others would consider it as something like Harry Potter.

This metaphor also makes the assumption that all books, any books, are better than television. Because Harry Potter is somehow better than shows like The Wire.

>> No.9917503

wow you guys are all retarded the guy on the left is ascending the arduous steps of education and career while the fat lards on the right get supported by him

>> No.9917508

Great bait

>> No.9917526

The people on the right have mobility issues, so they're instead going to put a PDF of the book up on that TV screen and read things that way.

>> No.9917540

Maybe frequenting an anonymous literate discussion board can teach you a little humility, pseud. It's good to be told every once in a while that your skills will always be absolute dogshit to some fringe of the larger literary world - tames delusions of grandeur. Otherwise you end up writing like a fedora incarnate.

>> No.9917554

Reading *per se* is not a noble or beneficial thing. It depends on what you read and what you do with it.

>> No.9917566

>all the retards in this thread not understanding the most obvious satire and irony

what the fuck happened to /lit/?

>> No.9917568
File: 7 KB, 258x257, 1502484418414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's cringey and pretentious as fuck, you/we aren't special snowflakes for reading.

>> No.9917573

The image was posted satirically?

>> No.9917583

>missing the chance for "catalog" [sic]
Call your partner back, they need to know they had one job.

>> No.9917601

>Is this controversial for you?
Insofar as reading is the new American virtue, yes.

>> No.9917602

to be fair british and leaf english spell it that way

>> No.9917614

you ableist fuck

>> No.9917630

I want to grab the artist by the neck and snap his spine like a twig

>> No.9917631

Rely makes you tink

>> No.9917632

what do you mean?

also checked

>> No.9917780 [DELETED] 

>hey /lit/ how do i read more
>hey /lit/ how do i write more
>only read 10 books this year
>look at this cartoon, reading books is harder but also more rewarding than tv and you grow as a person and
>*le self improvement face*
>how do i read more
>eleven thirty three books on wishlist what to read xd
What kind of bizarre behavior is this

Do you have no concrete interests

Only abstract "reading" and being well read?

Do you hate yourself?

Don't you want to know what to read when you like dinosaurs or care about ethics in science and how to acquire a good base until you know for yourself where to look next and don't have to rely on the hunches and (on average) sub-wikipedia-tier understanding of internet strangers who happen to reply to your thread?

I can't be the only one to find this type of thinking utterly deranged. Empty obsession and excessive seeking of nothing in particular except a vague feeling of ill-defined improvement. And then you wonder why you can't get yourself to "read" more? The reason is you are devoid of passion, monkeyboy.

Then come the alibi interests.

>Hey lit I'm REEEEEEEEEEEEAALLY interested in mr philosophy guy
>what did he mean by [basic fucking concept you can look up anywhere]
>weighs arguments against platitudes that don't make sense to anyone who spent more than two shits on author

Stop using words like "want" "will" "interest" willy nilly and sort yourself out so shit like this doesn't reoccur.

Clear use of language has never been our species' strength but the worst part is how it clouds our self perception. There is no conflict between reason and emotion. You are just confused beyond all recognition and you have no real interest in any of this shit.

Time to face it, brainlette.

>> No.9917793
File: 461 KB, 1600x1200, Arx och Nimis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there currently are no books large enough for a person to climb.
Yes there is. Pic related in the foreground, "Arx" by Lars Vilks.

He did not have a permit to build a sculpture where he wanted to, so he decided it was a book which he'd just left on the ground.

>> No.9917805

It is in fact published and cataloged.
ISBN 91-88248-47-X

>> No.9917809

The image is pretty "genuine" and is actually lionizing readers. I think you've been rolling on so many layers of irony that you lost the ability to recognize sincerity.

If you reverse image search it you'll see that literally all the other pages using it are "born in the wrong generation", "what's wrong with modern technological society" pages. That's not to say that those people are all right about their larger point but rather just to say that you're pretty much the only guy reading irony into the image.

>> No.9917812

that's why noting it's an oddity present in the text is hilarious.

>> No.9917860

Thoreau was a pussy and a poseur

>> No.9918152


>> No.9918201

What's good on TV right now?

>> No.9918213
File: 84 KB, 1440x810, existential meaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rick And Morty

>> No.9918571

>reddit and meme

>> No.9918980


hilarious and original

>> No.9918984

>he never climbed Bottom's Dream

>> No.9919469

I, OP, never commented this image. Just asking for your opinions.

>> No.9919935

Twin Peaks

>> No.9919940

you have been played

>> No.9919986

More like "SHIT Piss", ha ha.

>> No.9920220

That's a nice thought of yours there, I like it very much. :3

>> No.9920228

Looking at the thickness of the pages, it's not even that long of a book

>> No.9920237


>> No.9920635


>> No.9920655

What level of irony are you even on?

>> No.9920742

Is the implication that handicapped people cannot read? If so I think it depends on the disability. Blinds can't read visually but paraplegic probably still can.

>> No.9920782

Sure smells like summer in this thread

this: >>9915282
Reading YA or Genre fiction is no different than watching a TV show anyway and that's what 99% of "readers" are consuming.

>> No.9920823

This. Plus all books are shit anyway. This board is retarded.

>> No.9921865
File: 22 KB, 300x342, 1472682997762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ironically defending an ironic post while people ironically argue with you

>> No.9922656

easy on the carrots, bugs ;)