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/lit/ - Literature

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9913542 No.9913542 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/ I've come to you in a moment of desperation . As a guy who never really had a strong father figure what books can you recommend that will teach me to be a man ?

>> No.9913559

Try Hadji Murat

>> No.9913560

My dad was in jail growing up.

I'm not a fan of moralistic fiction or self help. Become friends with an older dude. Someone who has their shit together. Ask them for advice from time to time. Don't go to people your own age for this sort of thing. Struggle is character building and help those who are weaker than yourself. Learn to enjoy work and stand up for yourself. Lifting weights and enjoying your own company will aid you in life. Read books too.

>> No.9913564

Ronald MacDonald

>> No.9913574

>teach me to be a man
Oh boy, do you think that out there there is a guide that will just turn you into a "man"? When you hear people giving you specific prescriptions on manhood keep this in mind: they're telling you either what they think it'll work for them, or what has already worked. Never take these sorts of advices at face-value, although they may be incidentally useful (what worked for them might work for you).

You genuinely have to figure it out. To /fit/ixens an emblem of masculinity might be this or that bodybuilder, but to people here it might be someone like Goethe, or Byron. Accept how vague as a concept it is, then look for yourself what being a man means to you.

>> No.9913576

You mean Kevin MacDonald, right.

>> No.9913597

I meant the author of the Culture of BigMaque series, yes.

>> No.9913608

Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. It should be required reading for every young man

>> No.9913620

The Holy Bible
Paradise Lost
Moby Dick

In this order

>> No.9913625

>reading Emperor Cuck

>> No.9913640

Stirner, you spooked fool.

>> No.9913643

Read LeGuin until you've sufficiently feminized your penis. Only true men can live with that much estrogen in their body.

No, but seriously, familial roles can't come re-programmed without lots of professional help. Sometimes it takes years just to find out what part of life you're missing. If you want to start on the first step, though, Charisma on Command (the book, but the online content is good too) might help. Good luck.

>> No.9913665

Of all the qualities that resonate with "manliness" not one is "being obsessed over manliness".

>> No.9913669

Just watch Jordan Peterson clips on Youtube.

>> No.9913695
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No one. No one can help you. Don't fool yourself into creating some imaginary father figure who can make up for what your father failed to do. An essential part of the gift a father gives his child is that is he who gives it and not some stranger. I'm sorry anon, your father failed you. Some people have fathers who stick around and fail them so it's not like his absence was the problem, although probably a good part. What advice I can give is you now have to opportunity to engage with question of being a man and, consequently, a father. This is, on the one hand very difficult, if not the most difficult thing a person can work through. But on the other hand (and this is my positive contribution to you, my friend) you have a tremendous opportunity to take this unbearable force and work with it. Everyday chip away at it, and you will one day, I promise, not only overcome this pain with great strength but with regards to that strength you will be a man amoungst men. You will be someone who others look up to, fatherless or not. This is your lot, and the first step to becoming a man, is taking it like a man. Never despair, but if you do, work on in despair. Do not wish for a lighter load, but work for stronger legs. And one day, in retrospect , the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. Strength and Honor

>> No.9913698

you haven't done any of the shit that you typed out and that i didn't bother to read

>> No.9913726

Keep whining you little bitch bastard
There's no help for you outside of an old mans lap and the soft caresses on your sore asshole bitch boy

>> No.9913732

Also finish what you started because taking things to the very end is part of passing the winning line. But no, you fail because your father failed you because he was a failure and failure is what you belong to so fail away failure

>> No.9913738

you see, somebody who has their shit together wouldn't be this triggered. keep acting faggot.

>> No.9913740
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>No one. No one can help you.
>but here's a long ass paragraph trying to help you

>> No.9913745

I'm having a great time faggot don't get it twisted lol and I didn't claim to have it all figured out and that you keep looking for someone who might only goes to show you have a long ways to go boy.

>> No.9913750

No one can help you, here's why, and my reasoning should help understand how your alone in this pursuit and at the same time very fortunate to be confronted with such a game. Problem faggot?

>> No.9913752

>anon gives a great response
>literal bastards get on him with language games

Wow I love 4chan

>> No.9913759

you're the one clearly looking for someone and you're trying to be that someone at the same time which is 50% of your problem, the other 50% is being a massive faggot

>> No.9913764

Because wouldn't being given such information be helpful?

>> No.9913771
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>you're the one


>> No.9913775

you are though it's obvious

>> No.9913781

The Greeks.
Memeing aside. Stoicism is what finally solidified what it means to be a man for me. After reading Meditations, I thought back to what my father had taught me growing up. Being a the shit i was, i rejected it all. I wrote down what he had taught me, and related it to the book. It felt amazing. I got up and since then have felt the most clear minded I can remember feeling. I have felt a physical difference in that my muscles are not as tense as they have been as of recent. I really recommend you sit there with a highlighter when reading through. Highlighting what you feel is relevant.

>> No.9913788

What information?

Look, OP didn't ask about books regarding to being a man, he wanted books that would make up for his failed father. There is no one, no book, no information, no thing that can replace your father, or lack there of. Sorry!

What I tried to do, and now regret (but still having a good time ;) was extol on this little bitch a change in perspective, a means by which he can look at a common problem in society at all times and see that it is not a matter of salvation but of strength. But a bitch boy will bitch, boy

>> No.9913792
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No you are

>> No.9913797

Thats very nice of you to dispense some fatherly wisdom on the lad

>> No.9913799


>> No.9913807

Helping people feels good. My father taught me that ;)

>> No.9913917


>> No.9913952

Great Expectations

>> No.9913997

Good post, desu.

>> No.9915266
File: 116 KB, 805x556, just be urself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcus Aurelius' Meditation
Musashi book of five rings
Sun Tzu art of war
Marciavelli the prince
Shoppenhauer art of being right/controversy

These are the first few books that come to my mind.

>> No.9915305
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Just think: what would Julius Caesar do? Be Caesar. Become Caesar.

>> No.9915315

The essays of Montaigne.

>> No.9915328

Men don't seek the solution to themselves in others.

>> No.9915387


>> No.9915406

OP is looking for lit. which might help him, fully realize and understand this truth.

>> No.9915415

Just transition to a woman, retard

>> No.9915424

Caesar was a psychopath tho

>> No.9915446

I'm pretty sure mankind's desire for guidance is universal.

>> No.9915456

I agree
Your already half way there with your bitching and moaning and complaining

>> No.9915457

>responding to your own post

>> No.9915532

Nice try but that's not me
Gonna have to deal with the fact that a few people think you need to fully embrace your inner little bitch faggot

>> No.9915575

>Jordan B. Peterson
>12 Rules For Life
>Browse his YouTube Channel
>Complete his Self Authoring Program
>You'll be conscious "man"
>You'll no longer be sad sheep

>> No.9915594

>Not reading the Good Emperor's diary


>> No.9915602

Why would you reccomend that guy? Isn't he against trannies? Op wants to transition to a women and if you think posting that guy is a joke it's not funny don't mess with people's feelings that's not cool bro, god dammit!

>> No.9915622

This, OP needs to become a trap

>> No.9915624

If so, she must post feet.

>> No.9915638

My father is/was (he's retired now) a professor of british literature at a shit middle of nowhere state university, he always tried to get me to read Kant for sone reason as a teenager but I hated Kantian ethics so now I'm a STEM major. Moral of the story: fathers are overrated.

>> No.9915646

Consensus: OP needs to transition fully into a woman. Don't half ass it bro, embrace your inner pussy. Don't let people force you to be a man if what you want go be is a female. I believe in you OP, from one man to- to another- to another.... ummm, from one man to a half man half woman but soon to be fully woman

>> No.9915653
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A common misconception. Caesar was actually a very friendly guy. He was friendly with all the Roman wives and he distributed grain to the poor. So what if he occasionally killed tribes and sold them into slavery? They should have known better. Also, he was patrician as fuck.

Get woke, anon.

>> No.9915676

You don't deserve your father

>> No.9915679

I am ashamed of you son

>> No.9915680

he's also a huge foucault fan, and foucault is bullshit

>> No.9915683

What a great father
He deserved a better son
I'm thinking of your father now and praying for him