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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 283 KB, 640x946, the-catcher-in-the-rye-cover-1e401bf21b67e7d65e5efac3072f180e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9912430 No.9912430 [Reply] [Original]

Can we discuss this masterpiece?

>> No.9912435


>> No.9912437

Don't really remember much of it. The last time I remember reading it was in the 6th grade.

>> No.9912438


>> No.9912439 [DELETED] 

i'm white and proud

>> No.9912441

You should read it again, it takes a mature mind of fully appreciate it.

>> No.9912444 [DELETED] 

I'd rather discuss Kevin McDonald's Culture of Critique

>> No.9912445

He raped his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.9912446
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You're gonna make me puke for chrissakes, you really are.

>> No.9912449

Was the merry go round a metaphor for her riding Holden?

Was that why he was crying?

>> No.9912456

It's alright but really only notable for being required reading in American secondary schools. Franney and Zoey is better.

>> No.9912466

Holden is literally the only character I can 100% relate to, I was depressed as hell when I finished the book, I really was.

Some part of me wished he died at the end instead.

>> No.9912517

This book made me want to kill myself

>> No.9912523

Wtf... Why

>> No.9912534

Why does Holden get to just carry on with life and get better and I don't

>> No.9912550

rich normie chad, popular with girls disguised as "le im so depressed no one understandz my feelz"-meme, shit for preps basically, however i loved it when i was 15, i smoked first fag cause i wanted to be like Holden, ignited my "love" for literature dare i say. Watch bojack horsemen for more Salinger funniez

>> No.9912557

Because he is a fictional character and you are not. Be happy about that if anything else.

>> No.9912575

Who said the book has an optimistic ending? At the end of the book, he's had some kind of breakdown from the merry-go-round incident and seems to be talking to a psychiatrist in some kind of hospital.

As for Holden's future, I like to imagine that he takes Mr. Antolini's advice only to find that the people he was supposed to "learn from" are often just as phony as everyone else. Antolini tries to sell Holden an "adult world" he can join, but I'm fond of what Faulkner had to say about Catcher and that adult world. I certainly hope that Holden didn't turn out to be anything like his Creator.

>> No.9912581

Why did Mr Antolini pet his hair

>> No.9912583

me too but also a faget

>> No.9912584

what is "merry-go-round" incident?

>> No.9912610

So I'm with a girl and she has on one of those pointy goddamn sad little cone bras and she asks me to take off my goddamn shirt before we make out. So I do, and know what the hell she does? She laughs at my back acne for chrissakes, just point and laughs right there in the bedroom and all. So I call her a phony and get up to leave the goddamn room but she grabs me by the arm and looks at me with these big ol' wet movie starlett doe eyes. Christ, that always kills me. It really does. So I make up my mind to stay. and she's giddy and beside herself and all and we start to make out but then I get this feeling, like way deep down in my stomach, this queezy feeling, and I remember jane gallagher in her red and whtie sweater and I realize what I'm doing is just wrong and phony and all and I just up and walk out of there. And then, on the train home, wouldn't you know damn well know it, it just starts up and raining and I feel like gods up there, but not with the apostles, just alone, and he's judging me for what ive just done. But I couldn't help it. That phoebe is just so sexy. She really is.

>> No.9912638

It isn’t important, I know, but
I hate it when somebody has cheap suitcases. It sounds terrible to say it, but I can even get to hate somebody, just looking at them, if they have cheap suitcases with them. Something happened once. For a while when I was at Elkton Hills, I roomed with this boy, Dick Slagle, that had these very inexpensive suitcases. He used to keep them under the bed, instead of on the rack, so that nobody’d see them standing next to mine. It depressed holy hell out of me, and I kept wanting to throw mine out or something, or even trade with him. Mine came from Mark Cross, and they were genuine cowhide and all that crap, and I guess they cost quite a pretty penny. But it was a funny thing. Here’s what happened. What I did, I finally put my suitcases under my bed, instead of on the rack, so that old Slagle wouldn’t get a goddam inferiority complex about it.

>> No.9912659
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Boy, it began to rain like a bastard. In buckets, I swear to God. All the parents and mothers and everybody went over and stood right under the roof of the carrousel, so they wouldn’t get soaked to the skin or anything, but I stuck around on the bench for quite a while. I got pretty soaking wet, especially my neck and my pants. My hunting hat really gave me quite a lot of protection, in a way; but I got soaked anyway. I didn’t care, though. I felt so damn happy all of sudden, the way old Phoebe kept going around and around. I was damn near bawling, I felt so damn happy, if you want to know the truth. I don’t know why. It was just that she looked so damn nice, the way she kept going around and around, in her blue coat and all. God, I wish you could’ve been there.

>> No.9913044
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>> No.9913083

dont let me disappear dont let me disappear dont let me disappear dont let me disappear dont let me disappear dont let me disappear dont let me disappear dont let me disappear dont let me disappear dont let me disappear

>> No.9913131

The movie The Comdey reminded me a lot of TCITR. I can really recommend it. The ending is similair in a way.

>> No.9913166

For some reason the narration style reminds me of Alex from A Clockwork Orange

>> No.9913218

>Can we discuss this memepiece?

>> No.9913228

>popular with girls disguised as "le im so depressed no one understandz my feelz"-meme
Girls haven't even heard about this book.
Stop using the "oh all girls went crazy in my school about this book it was so trendy, that's why it's shit" meme. Girls don't actually read, it only proves how shallow your argumeent is.

>> No.9913648
File: 7 KB, 189x266, Washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In before a nihilistic hedonists flood into this thread asking shitty questions like "What is wrong with hedonism?"
You don't revolt against society by becoming a mindless consumer instead of actually accomplishing something, to conserve the world your ancestors built and to progress it. Cheap thrills makes you a slave to society.
Philosophers like Mills do not mean that long lasting happiness is to be in constant bliss while you're smiling and jumping around. It's to be proud of your own life and what you have done with it, you have built something that gives you happiness. Hedonism makes you regret your life and will give you a later stressful existence which is very ironic.
Your life is not about venerating, looking up to and achieving things in life for other great, dead men Like Washington or Marcus Aurelius and what they built but to conserve it, and most importantly build upon it, making it both your own and achieving your own goals so the next generation learns from you. You do it because of ego but short bliss and hedonism will only leave you with nothing.
Going your own way without any kind of god or a strong philosophy in life leaves you with emptiness and starts to put civilization in chaos like we're currently seeing now and if it continues it will fall.
Do you not want to expand our shared knowledge, work hard, fight wars for what you believe in and maybe one day explore the stars finding answers. It won't be in your lifetime but we have to conserve and progress for humans ever getting there.