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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 141 KB, 695x779, Virgin_vs_Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9911293 No.9911293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>currently sitting alone in a London train station on a Friday night in London, seeing everyone enjoying their youth

I've previously tried walking around to try and get some sort of cathartic feeling by being so near the happy attractive normies that see me as ugly scum, but no epiphany ever appears. I'll probably just go home and fall asleep.

Life is worthless trash as an ugly friendless loser. My main pleasure in life is putting no effort in to my job without any guilt.

>aged 26
>no friends or social life since 18
>no female attention ever
>went through university with zero social experiences
>became the loner nobody talks to within two days of my current job
>never been to pub, club, or party
>missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresher's week, any sort of relationships at all)
>know that women all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly

>> No.9911305

Try sucking dick you might like it

>> No.9911310

this is a rehash

do better next time

>> No.9911311

how many times are you going to post this

>> No.9911312
File: 52 KB, 960x600, 1502989152313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an entire board for this sort of pointless, self-defeating whinge. Fuck off back there.

>> No.9911313

Well, personally anon, I like Faulkner more than Hemingway, but I wouldn't be one to say they don't both have their strengths.

>> No.9911315
File: 53 KB, 550x366, 1410468951854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had all that and then I lost it. At least you don't know what you're missing.

>> No.9911319


the virgin male condition is very literary, you can't fully understand Kant, Jesus, Bakhtin, Mishima, Marx or Hemingway to name a few if you're not a male virgin

>> No.9911327

is this viral marketing for tinder? i think it is

>> No.9911343

They all got mad puss, they just didn't rape the public with their private life like you feel compelled to.

>> No.9911347

'The tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul.'

>> No.9911348

marx fucked his wife and raped his maid regularly, he was far from virgin

>> No.9911353

Christ got mad puss?

>> No.9911364

join some kind of group/take a class (what are your interests?)
learn to socialize

>> No.9911367

everybody kno he tapped dat thot magdelene

>> No.9911372

Pro tip: women don't all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly.
Women aren't evil and no more shallow than the average male. They aren't mysterious creatures with ulterior motives. Try talking to some women at work or in your university.

People don't hate ugly people, that's prepostrous, ugly people like you and me just have to try a little harder, that makes us stronger. People really hate people who don't make an effort in their appearance. How many U.S senators, congressmen and former presidents are not ugly as shit? Nixon is not the prettiest of faces.

My suggestion is you get involved in a local hobby group. Do you like nerdy stuff? Go to the local nerd boutique, I'm sure they organize stuff. Try to talk to as many people as you can, for as long as you can. By going to groups where you already share common interests or ideas you have a lot of things to start talking about before it turns superawkward.

You'll get there friend, just don't sperg out at people if they are not as advanced as you in your interests.

>> No.9911386

>People don't hate ugly people, that's prepostrous
It's been scientifically proven. There's tremendous cognitive biases against the ugly and for the attractive in the average person.