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9909811 No.9909811 [Reply] [Original]

Will it happen? Will we ever see this?

>> No.9909819
File: 181 KB, 939x1427, cbdd2112955671a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or this?

>> No.9909840

Winds yes, we can make up about 10% from released chapters already and it should be released within the next two years.
I am very doubtful about ADOS though, although I imagine some of it has been written already

>> No.9909867


He's going to pull a Robert Jordan, isn't he?

>> No.9910351

Don't you mean a Brandon Sanderson?

>> No.9910358

Whatever we get it's going to be 10x worse than we thought it would be.

>> No.9910544

>predict the future over a book being published

who fucking cares

>> No.9910595


I'm from the future, here is what happens in TWOW.

>Jon doesn't come back and Theon ends up becoming Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, posing as "Jon"(notice the similarities between Arya shifting to different personas), "Jon", sends Ramsey Bolton the real Jon Snow's corpse who skins it and wears his flayed skin as a good luck charm before invading Winterfell.
>The rest of the Night's Watch just go along with Theon/"Jon"s antics because they are so fucking paranoid about the Starks coming back to fuck their shit up and hear the howling of wolves every night thinking they are closing in for the kill
>Cersei has a dream a tentacle reaches out from her vagina and tries to strangle her, she goes to court and people tell her she must marry or else. Cersei decides to start a sexual relationship with Tommen to strengthen her hold on the Iron Throne. Later when Euron blows up Dragonstone in a ritual Cersei dies by clinging onto the pointy ends of the throne as if she didn't want to let go of the power, the volcano has a chain reaction which sets off the wildfire underneath King's Landing
>Aegon meets up with Daenerys, Vic and a shitload of others, he passes Vic's test with his fucking weird arm and is unburned which is enough to prove he's a real Targ. Daenerys decides to wed him and he offers her Dragonstone. Euron is pissed his advances were spurned so one night while Arianne is telling people and Jon Con, placing doubt in his mind he isn't the real Aegon, he goes apeshit and infects everyone with greyscale, Euron uses this chance to take him down into the fiery depths of Dragonstone to finish a ritual Mel started and succeeds, Euron uses his new armour to withstand the flames
>Dragonstone goes boom and blows up, possibly killing a shit load of people who are attending Daenerys wedding ceremony. The quakes are felt as far as King's Landing which sets off the wildfire

>> No.9911127

>the next book isn't done yet
>but the designer has already made the cover for the book after the next one

>> No.9911133

look at the watermark at the bottom. sage.

>> No.9911150
File: 1.06 MB, 640x362, 1501724901018.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9912701


I think he means a George Lucas.

>> No.9912728

Maybe, if he hires a ghostwriter to finish his shit.

>> No.9912910

I could see some of this stuff happening. Are all of those theories about the story really being science-fiction and all of the nonsensical fantasy elements being lost/misunderstood technology true?

>> No.9912926

Kevin McDonald should finish the series. Then all the Jews would die and it would be grimdark but not a tragedy because Jews are bad. Kevin McDonald told me this himself.

>> No.9913977

Obviously fake. That's the fenrir symbol from final fantasy Advent children.

>> No.9914419

What do you mean true? Some people believe that the whole story takes place after a nuclear holocaust yes

>> No.9914468

So dragons = F16?
White W = zombies??

>> No.9914546

I just finished ASOS, and enjoyed it very much.

Tell me how wrong I am.

>> No.9914710

I think he's writing it.
Grrm wanted us to read about the dance before wow, but the novellas he sent were abridged to fit in the antologies being published. This rustled his jimmies so he decided to publish tome 1 of the targ history next year.
After that's out, he'll drop winds.
Screencap this

>> No.9914733

I really like this post. I hope Kevin McDonald becomes the next Jordan Peterson.

>> No.9915035

It's the best of the series

>> No.9915092

Get ready for a complete 360 with the next one, it's slow and full of new characters but by the end you will leant to love it

>> No.9916256

Winds of Winter will be released eventually. A Dream of Spring will never be released. Anyone interested will need to get used to the TV show providing the only ending it'll get.