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/lit/ - Literature

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9909706 No.9909706 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you think the greatest geniuses of all time are? Not necessarily the people with the highest processing power or speed, but the people whose work makes you wonder how a human being could possibly think in such a unique or creative way.

for me it's a toss up between Nietzsche, Bach/Beethoven, Siddhartha, Zhuangzhi, and Shakespeare

>> No.9909716 [DELETED] 

>doesn't include Kevin McDonald, author of the Culture of Critique series

cuck detected

>> No.9909741

>no Goethe or Dante
Way to go

>> No.9909748

You're a fuckin moron

>> No.9909759


Nietzsche, Bach/Beethoven, Siddhartha, Zhuangzhi, and Shakespeare are LIGHT YEARS behind

>> No.9909841

>no Kafka
>no Joyce

>> No.9909891

They are all just men. Talent is overrated and effort is underrated.

>> No.9910322

talent aint shit homie

>> No.9910560
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>> No.9910753

Shakespeare, da Vinci, Leibniz, Joyce, Aristotle, Euclid, Mozart, and Freud. There are no doubt many more. I haven't read Goethe yet. And I've only read a small section of Faulkner. Emily Dickinson also deserves mention.

>> No.9910762

Joyce ok, but who are you kidding trying to put Kafka up there, man.

>> No.9910853


>First person to formalize logic
>Basically invented and kickstarted biology and zoology by himself
>Devised a cosmological system that would be in use for centuries
>Wrote a complete philosophical system that encompassed almost all fields of human knowledge, making deep and everlasting contributions to ethics, aesthetics and metaphysics

How can one man be so based?

>> No.9910887



There is a difference between creativity and raw brainpower. If we are talking of raw intelligence most mathematicians would score higher than even the greatest artists, yet creativity is a mysterious and extremely admirable thing.

No matter how much Von Neumann tried he would never be capable of doing what Mozart and Shakespeare did, yet I guess his IQ was probably higher.

>> No.9910892

>le mozart
>le bach
>le Shakespeare
>absolutely tremendous my dear uuaaaahh
>oh no, of course not!
>Nietzsche Ah! Now we have a real jeenyus. Yes, indeed.

>> No.9910898


>> No.9910964

i don't know who you're quoting, but I laughed anyway

>> No.9911137
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this list is not culturally diverse enough

>> No.9911245

bin ladin

>> No.9911349

beckett. can't think of anyone else really. newton, einstein, basically all the big name 20th century mathematicians and physicists. ask me again in ten years..

>> No.9911356

>no von neumann

>> No.9911362

oh shit, how could I forget shostakovich and chopin?

meme tier

>> No.9911379

just because his genius his universally heralded by other genius' does not make it a meme.

>> No.9911381


>> No.9911395

Define greatest

Define genius

>> No.9911420

despite being clever, he didn't come up with anything revolutionary. not saying his work wasn't important though, it definitely was.

>> No.9911440

besides game theory, and being the main figure in early computing and coding, among other things.

>> No.9911441

Is there some /pol/ brigade today that I wasn't informed on?

>> No.9911480

I guess I'm biased, as a physics student. I admire alterations in our perception of reality more than anything. But I guess game theory has a part in that. I'll get back to you once I've read all his papers.. all fucking 150 of them. lol

>> No.9911488

some shitposters gone into overdrive. maybe they think they're being attacked with bats or something.

>> No.9911517

>up there
You mean down there. He obviously belongs in his own category.

>> No.9911526

Why not Coelho, then?

>> No.9911621

>Da Vinci
>J.K. Rowling
>Von Neumann
>Julius Caesar

>> No.9911689

Fiona Apple
Johann Sebastian Bach
John Barth
Ludwig van Beethoven
Frederic Chopin
John Coltrane
Miles Davis
Eric Dolphy
Bill Evans
William Faulkner
William Gaddis
Herbie Hancock
James Joyce
Franz Kafka
Curtis Mayfield
Herman Melville
Charles Mingus
Thelonious Monk
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Vladimir Nabakov
William Shakespeare
Igor Stravinsky

>> No.9911700


>> No.9911809

as someone who is pretty new to /lit/ I'm pretty sure
>J.K. Rowling
is a meme here or something, right?

>> No.9911813


>> No.9911826


not even memeing but Bach is nowhere near as genius as people give him credit for

many composers who came after him completetely BTFO him

>> No.9911828
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>> No.9911849
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>> No.9911977

>No matter how much Von Neumann tried

you realize he owes his genius to Norbert Wiener, right? He knew it as well. He wasn't half as smart as Wiener and he had to constantly pick Wiener's brains to come up with his own theories.

>> No.9911997


> If I presse my eye on [the] left side (when I looke towards my right hand) as at a, [then] I see a circle of red as at c but [within the] red is blew for [the] capillamenta are more pressed at n & o & round about [the] finger [than] at a towards [the] midst of [the] finger. [That parte] of [the apparition] at q is more languid because [the] capillamenta at o are duller & if [the] finger move towards e two much it vanisheth at q & appeareth semicircular. but if I put my finger at e or s [the] apparition wholly vanisheth. By putting a brasse plate betwixt my eye & [the] bone nigher to [the] midst of [the] tunica retina [than] I could put my finger I [made] a very vivid impression. But of an ellipticall figure because [the] edge of [the] plate [with which] I prest my eye was long & not round like my finger

>> No.9912007

Kafka never felt particularly smart to me. He always just gave the impression of being perfectly composed and honest.

>> No.9912176

Can you say more about this? I always felt Beethoven to be superior, but I cant say why: I am a pleb when it comes down to music. However, today it seems that the fashion is to place Bach as the number 1 of all time in music (that is common in 4chan debates also), so your view is quite interesting to me.

>> No.9912203


Bach is a composer who's music you learn in like, your first year of music college. He is nowhere near as "complex" as people say he is. He WAS basically the master of music *for his time period* but music got waaay more complex since then, especially in the 20th century.

A lot of his music is very repetitive, doesn't do much with texture or timbre, doesn't have very interesting counterpoint, and stuff like that. I don't know why it's so trendy to call him GOAT now. I guarantee you the people saying that don't know any theory.

>> No.9912250

>Bach is a composer who's music you learn in like, your first year of music college.

I get that this is an 'issue'. There are a ton of students who kind of learn him because he's the guy you're supposed to and end up playing overly romantic piano renditions, but he is magnificent despite this.

>doesn't have very interesting counterpoint

>> No.9912261


>>doesn't have very interesting counterpoint

I mean relative to the composers who came after him, of course.

>> No.9912285

>relative to the composers who came after him

Give examples.

>> No.9912317

You have really good taste in jazz.

>> No.9912329

Kant, Aristotle and Bach. I know I'm missing Middle Ages thinkers but that's because they appear too distant to even fathom just like the pre-Socratics.

>> No.9912490

Thanks mate.
I don't really see why you equate complexity with superiority. Personally, I would say that what I see as greatest about Bach is the 'elegance' of his compositions. The voice leading, in all of his compositions that I have heard or read from the score of, is what I would call the definition of perfection. It's not necessarily complex but it's distinctly satisfying, and speaks uniquely. I'd be interested to see your opinion on this facet of his music compares to other more recent composers, and how their qualities make them better.
I'd also be interested to see examples of composers with better counterpoint than Bach.

>> No.9912671

Shakespeare, Tesla, and Da Vinci are my top three humans of all time.

>> No.9912689

Shit, I always forget Socrates. That motherfucker was more out and ahead of his time than anyone to ever live. Possibly the greatest mind to ever grace the Earth.

>> No.9912742

Mike Stoklasa, Christopher Langan, Albert Fish, Thomas Aquinas

>> No.9912751

barack obama, neil degrasse tyson, whoever the chinese guy was who invented the printing press, and rupi kaur

>> No.9912759

>tfw 99% of any realistic list will be male
>tfw the few female inclusions will be mediocre honorable mentions at best

Why did I have to be born a woman

>> No.9912761

You only like him because he's a chink.
You only like him because you're an *nglo.

>> No.9912764

>logic is good or smart
>le science is good or smart
>systematic bullshit is good or smart
Try again.

>> No.9912765

STEMspergs are not intelligent, they're actually incredibly stupid. IQ is not a measure of intelligence, it's a measure of how well you fit the STEMsperg mould.

>> No.9912775

ok buddy who would you pick then?

>> No.9912793

get in shape
grow your dick out

>> No.9912797


>> No.9912814


>> No.9912887

Cao Xueqin
The Yahwist (if he existed)
The Court Historian (ditto)
Guido of Arezzo

>> No.9912951

>a single person

>> No.9912957

Aristotle ruined philosophy by formalising it.

>> No.9912996

>he didn't come up with anything revolutionary

He invented game theory and discovered cellular automata; invented the universal constructor.

>> No.9913065

Franz Liszt is one of them for sure.

>> No.9913099

Slavoj Zizek
Alex Jones
Frank Zappa
Thomas Pynchon

>> No.9913109

my diary senpai

>> No.9913116
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>> No.9913123


Anyone else is wrong

>> No.9913142

Shakespeare, CS Peirce, Aristotle, Plato, Hegel, ST Coleridge

These minds stand far above the rest imo

>> No.9913144

Borges, Milton are two I'd throw out there.

>> No.9913153

Feel like most you guys only have a cursory understanding of the people they're naming here, or the ideas they came up with. pointless to call bach or beethoven a genius when you dont know the changes they brought about in classical symphonies and orchestras, or even know any music theory yourself. More like parroting. Deep understanding is underrated.

>> No.9913174

I guess then knowing what I know about:


>> No.9913177

Aristotle BTFO

>> No.9913200

my list is here>>9913142
I'm omitting to take into consideration their time and place. Just a list of the best thinkers I've read for sheer accuracy and subtlety

>> No.9913331

git gud kid.

>> No.9913336

Definitely do not fit the list.

>> No.9913379


sorry for the late reply but I would say composers who are more complex than Bach would be the big serialists like Schoenberg and Xenakis, composers who do counterpoint better would be some of the minimalists like Steve Reich (his works seem deceptively simple and are actually really interestingly composed) and composers who do voice leading better would be Wagner and John Adams (Nixon In China) and maybe Philip Glass too (Einstein On The Beach).

>> No.9913410

I would argue that they made complex music in a time that Bach and others had made possible for them to more easily make complex music

>> No.9913413

Also, Xenakis is interesting, but not a great composer I would say. Stockhausen would be a much more impressive modern example

>> No.9913424

>doesn't have very interesting counterpoint
Ok, troll or retard here, nothing to see.

>> No.9913425

De Witten, Clark Maxwell, Hawking, Penrose, Da Vinci, Plato, Beethoven, Bach, Shakespeare, Gauss, Archimedes, Ramanujan, Cantor, Euler, Cannot name Newton without Leibniz,

>> No.9913435

Shakespeare, Puccini and Mozart

>> No.9913444


>> No.9913447

J.K. Rowling and Obama were probably bait.

>> No.9913449

This.plato is where it's at
90% of philosophers are pure horeshat bunk retarded down syndromed shit eaters.

>> No.9913456

Ramanajan is a retarded/sci/ btw

>> No.9913457

*retarded sci meme* I meant

>> No.9913459

Please explain how being a meme disqualifies him.

>> No.9913549

Who is the court historian? Could you link me anything about him?

>> No.9913696

I hope they are people who haven't been born yet. Goethe, Da Vinci, Jesus Christ, Nicola Tesla (read the FBI archives) have claims to this throne.

>> No.9913861

The most pseud post in here. And that's saying something.

>> No.9913888





>> No.9913896

and I suppose reddit spacing is?

>> No.9913914

>reliable bachelor of attendance butthurt

uma delicia

>> No.9914008

One hit wonders don’t count.

>> No.9914015

She’s the voice of a generation, Anon.

>> No.9914244

I should have said if he was a single person. Same with the Yahwist/J writer.

>> No.9914269

My favorite geniuses are Aristotle, Cervantes, Dostoievsky, and Tolkien

>> No.9914758
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James Joyce
Marcel Proust
The guy from the Tesla company
Alex Jones

>> No.9914808

Shakespeare or Mozart.

>> No.9914837

If anyone knows.

>> No.9914849

James Joyce. If he went into any field he would have been all-time great. He chose literature because art is the greatest form of human expression and literature is the most superior form of art.

You can only fairly argue this if you've read most of the western canon and can truly appreciate the vast brilliance of Joyce. If he went into math he'd be superior to Leibniz; if physics, superior to Einstein; etc.

Buy all his books. Read all the prerequisite readings (Odyssey and Hamlet), then read all of Joyce's books. After that, read the entire western canon, starting with who he liked the most: Shakespeare, Dante, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Aristotle, Ibsen, Flaubert, Ben Johnson, Defoe, Chaucer, and more (you can look up his literary tastes online, there are several articles outlining them). Start chronologically. And even try dabbling in prose, a short story every week or month, just to fully appreciate how hard writing can be and how much depth he put into each single syllable. It's astounding. He would write ~2 sentences per day when writing Ulysses.

>> No.9914862

Yeah, I remember playing Die Kunst der Fuge in my first year studying music.
Great bait

>> No.9914866


>> No.9915017

Plato destroyed Western civilization.

>> No.9915050

It's Schopenhauer

>> No.9915072

There wasn't even a western civilisation when Plato was around.

>> No.9915107

Nope Calvinism did,And I know for a fact you haven't read a word of plato

>> No.9915160

Aknhetan IV
First horse domesticater
Thales of Miletus

Von Neumann
Guy Ellis Hreinberg
Kanye West

In no particular order :)

>> No.9915174

Autism,also who tf is guy ellis hreinberg

>> No.9915198


An Icelandic YouTuber

>> No.9915212


>> No.9915291

1 Von Neumann
2 Ramanujan
3 Newton
4 Gauss
5 Euler
6 Archimedes
7 Faraday
8 Maxwell
9 Leibniz
10 Euclid
11 Aristotle
12 Plato
13 Tesla
14 Galileo
15 Da Vinci
16 Riemann
17 Grothendieck
18 Planck
19 Einstein
20 Bach

>> No.9915365
File: 1.02 MB, 892x1240, Franz_von_Lenbach_-_Portrait_of_Otto_Eduard_Leopold_von_Bismarck_-_Walters_371007_-_View_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9915617

The hypothetical author of most of 2 Samuel and the first two chapters of I Kings. There isn't much about him, if he existed: Robert Alter talks about him in his introduction to his translation of Samuel. Roger Norman Whybray's book Succession Narrative: A Study of II Samuel 9-20 and I Kings 1 and 2 goes into it extensively, as does Gerhard von Rad's The Problem of the Hexateuch and Other Essays.

>> No.9915902

This,only correct ones

>> No.9915953

>STEMspergs are not intelligent
>Newton, Einstein and Gauss weren't intelligent

>> No.9915999
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people whose work makes you wonder how a human being could possibly think in such a unique or creative way
>weird people on the internet

i never was impressed by art because i felt it was "unique or creative" in a way i would not expect. this is retarded. the thing that impresses me in a work of art, or a work of a genius, is how much trouble had to be overcomed to attain that work (overcomed by the individual or/and culturally/technologically). also, the thought of people like Siddhartha, Zhuangzhi, and Shakespeare is not so unique when you consider when and where they were made, they brought new ideas but their shit was not all that different from things that already existed in their time (and they, most certainly, were not concerned about being "unique and creative" in the way you worded).

>> No.9916055

Are you Canadian too?

>> No.9916499

no. i thought it was easy to spot that i am from the third world because of my shit english. this is the first time someone asked if i am from english speaking country and i am not sure if am supposed to be glad because of it. what your post was supposed to mean?

>> No.9916516

>Steve Reich does counterpoint better than fucking Bach

>> No.9916611

If this is bait bravo

>> No.9916627

Anon I think you and I would get along. Did you take a /lit/ degree or are you just a big reader?

>> No.9916680



lol he expressed nothing

>> No.9916790

Socrates and Jesus Christ.

>> No.9916796
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>for me it's a toss up between Nietzsche, Bach/Beethoven, Siddhartha, Zhuangzhi, and Shakespeare
seriously? Siddhartha?

>> No.9916801

not the guy you're replying to, but Kafka really is a special guy, regardless of his intellect. Nobody has ever written stories like him, as imitated as he is

>> No.9916802

Killer fuckin b8 m8

>> No.9916821

He expressed love better than any other composer.


>> No.9916825

I remember hes sucking some bitches titties in the first 5 minutes of his movie. I think of that shit every time someone mentions Mozart. I guess they had to grab peoples attention somehow because why the fuck would normies want to watch a Mozart film

>> No.9916852

Listening to the VanGelder Ike Quebec on low burn right now-- would add
John Coltrane
Paul Chambers
J. J. Johnson
Sonny Clark- and either
Grant Green or Wes Montgomery or Kenny Burrel--
(you) choose

>> No.9916858

*got JC, my bad-

>> No.9916859

I've played piano and studied classical music for 20 years and I'm not a fan of Bach's music.

The guy was a genius and pretty much defined the foundations of music theory, but holy hell is his music a chore to listen to.

>> No.9917059

Moldbug what are you doing here

>> No.9917065

can you give some recommendations for someone trying to get into classical music? for reference this is my favorite thing I've heard so far:

>> No.9917096

Shinichi Mochizuki B)

>> No.9917141
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It's true though look at his smug face while flashing Masonic symbols on you

>> No.9917162

>masonic symbols
>implying it isn't the hyperstitional immanentization of checking dubs, itself being the rhizome of cyberquabbalah in time crisis

>> No.9917203

That merely compounds the devilry of his misdeeds.

>> No.9917640

It's literally true though dipshit it's pretty obvious masons have been active since Egypt.im surprised 4chan and even dumbass /x/ has slacked on this.the Jews are a partly a diversion and deception (even though they have a part)

>> No.9917648

redpill me on the masons, anon

>> No.9917650

>"muh treat yourself like shit and treat everyone else good"

>> No.9917687

There's a lot of books on this stuff but read the ones from the 19th century not the new age one the basic jist is that everything is a deception magic exists,(study symbiology) basically if you're trying to find what they're about in a object concept view of them,you're looking in the wrong direction.these people are high mystics and if you do a simple google search many important people are either admittid freemasons or suggest they are by hand motions (there are some exceptions who are great people and not freemasons obviously) there's a lot more to it if you want an entertaining description of it watch this guys vids
He has some kooky ideas and some retarded viewpoints but he is well researched and knows what he's talking about plus he's unintentionally pretty funny and he was a leading computer scientist in Iceland

Skip to 26:00 min for the jist
English is my third language so sentences are shite
His other vids are pretty entertaining

>> No.9918016

>but holy hell is his music a chore to listen to.
I have no idea how you can thing this.

>I've played piano and studied
I mean, like I said before, I get that if you just played a bunch of Bach works on solo pianofrote then he would likely seem like a boring composer that your teachers thrust upon you. But even out all all his concertos, cantatas and masses, you find nothing that appeals to you?

>> No.9918255

Paolo Bellasio, Giovanni Dragoni , Stefano Landi, Rinaldo del Mel are good starts if you like Allegri.

>> No.9918357
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Sean Goonan

>> No.9918397


Greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results - these alone constitute true genius.

The Prophet Muhammad

>> No.9918805

>James Joyce. If he went into any field he would have been all-time great. He chose literature because art is the greatest form of human expression and literature is the most superior form of art.
>You can only fairly argue this if you've read most of the western canon and can truly appreciate the vast brilliance of Joyce. If he went into math he'd be superior to Leibniz; if physics, superior to Einstein; etc.
No. Mathematical-scientific-logical thinking is different from the more intuitive-emotional-holistic-verbal ability typically present in what we call good literature. Two different types of people.

>> No.9919275

Dude, come on, Freud? Obviously his work was inspired and laid the foundation for much of psychology afterwards, but I don't think it took genius.