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/lit/ - Literature

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9909327 No.9909327 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone write a good book about corporate fueled cultural marxism married with military industrial complex that is the American cultural landscape today? I mean a fiction book, not a midwest semiliterate treatise invoking 19th century nationalism.

>> No.9909335 [DELETED] 

Personally, Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald proves beyond doubt that the Jews have taken over with degeneracy. hence leading to black men and white models like pic rel being allowed to not be shunned after displaying race traitor behavior. And it's brainwashing the kids. THIS IS CULTURAL MARXISM-

>> No.9909784

people like you die overweight and lonely; if you dont become normal

>> No.9909792

Preach fellow redpiller, I too have been spreading the word of Kevin Macdonald but pozzed leftist cucks that is /leftylit/ attacks me baselessly. Leftists are mentally insane.

>> No.9909793

fiction i dunno. anybody that cites chomsky as an influence i spose.

>> No.9909804

same faggers

>> No.9909810

t. ((()))

>> No.9909821

>implying dying overweight and lonely isn't the most authentic human experience

>> No.9909826

this is like that simpsons episode in which bart joins a boy band that is actually an US navy recruitment psy op. they are not even being subtle anymore. The presence of actual military gear means the department of defence was involved in production.

>> No.9909829

Hopefully Tom P can work that into his upcoming civil war book.

>> No.9909836

Why do leftists do this?
It's like when women are losing an argument and resort to making fun of penis size or implying you do not have sex.

>> No.9909839

Recruitment drives are not a new thing though. Pushing transgender agenda, labelling oposition as "alt-right", shutting down software developers, punishing wrongthink in the code (I shit you not) is something that's new. Absolute and total control over social media as well. At this point I'm not sure if the most upvoted posts speaking against Wikileaks are gov shills or useful idiots.

>> No.9909843

Don't be surprised, lefty/lit/ is full of cuckolds that obsessively report my Kevin MacDonald threads because it disrupts their liberal echo chamber. Intellectual midgets, the whole lot of htem.

>> No.9909848

They are obsessed with untermensch, provided said untermench is white and didn't paint his neckbeard blue or tattooed childhood atavism on his flabby skin.

>> No.9909850

That is a dude

>> No.9909865
File: 397 KB, 548x430, Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 10.37.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the future leftists want for our children

This is Elliott: Gender-nonconforming Halifax kid hopes to educate, break down stigma

Elliott Sweeny says they'd like to educate people in Halifax about gender, so no one bullies or judges others.

The next day Elliott asked for magazines to make a collage about things people should know more about, adding glitter and photos of Beyonce and trans actress Laverne Cox next to words like bodies, consent, racism, gender, and decolonization -- which they asked for help writing.


>> No.9909868
File: 351 KB, 983x1200, ps67rt45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Cara Delevingne but someone's shooped Daniel Radcliffe's face onto it. Here's the original.

>> No.9909898

id say im center right. also male and white. my old housemate was an officer in the airforce. i think right wing is great. wish there was more on lit honestly.

tldr complaining about race war faggot shit is still on the fast track to dying fat and lonely.

pick your game up "master race".

>> No.9909902
File: 41 KB, 320x240, 2402526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder pic related is the future mentally ill leftists want

>> No.9909906

Leftists want consensual interracial lesbian porn? Disgusting!

>> No.9909910


>> No.9909915

So what
Wtf I love leftists now

>> No.9909944
File: 588 KB, 561x642, Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 11.03.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right winger: teaches son to play baseball and engage in wholesome Norman Rockwell-esque activites. racist evil child abuser

Leftist: puts xir son through forced feminisation fantasies. feeds them random tumblr hashtags to max out social capital. destoys child's sense of identity and replaces them with fashionable butlerian neuroses. getting a reality show on tlc next season.

>> No.9909956

>it challenges my blind faith/morals so is bad

>> No.9909957

I'm lucky you were never my parent. Laughing at a kid for crossdressing is one thing but you'd probably accuse me of being a korean spy.

>> No.9909978

im so confused by this thread. there are people actually going around raving this hard? basement dwelling faggots. granted lit is probably mostly left.

you guys give right wing a bad name. its lucky the left are mentally retarded otherwise you guys would look worse.

>> No.9909998

question? didnt all the slave owners fuck their slaves?

whos race traitoring now? i know most posters here are 25 and under. you people are fucking children

>> No.9910025

is it better to fuck slaves or children?

>> No.9910045

>Lori Duron is the author of Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son (Random House, September 2013). The first parenting memoir to chronicle the journey of raising a gender nonconforming child, the book is based on her blog of the same name.

>RaisingMyRainbow.com has more than one million readers in 173 countries, including gender studies students and faculty at more than 50 college and universities in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.

>Duron and her blog have twice been named one of BlogHer’s Voices of the Year; one of Ignite Social Media’s “100 Women Bloggers You Should be Reading;” one of Circle of Moms “Top 25 SoCal Moms;” and one of Parents Magazine’s blogs that are “Most Likely To…Change The World.”

>Duron is an often-quoted source on parenting gender creative, gender nonconforming, protogay and prehomosexual children. Media interest and coverage includes: Anderson Cooper, The BBC, The Orange County Register, KFI 640 AM, CBS – Los Angeles, MSNBC, Queerty.com, Feast of Fun, The New York Times, One4All Magazine, The Next Family, Bitch Magazine, Newsweek, BlogHer, The Mother Company, OC Weekly, The Globe and Mail, Babble, Jezebel and Amanda de Cadanet.

and you want me to believe leftists actually oppose capitalism in any meaningful way, shape or form? they seem like the worst consumeristic dupes in the planet. The followers of prosperity theology worship the commodity under the guise of the cross, 'progressives' worship the commodity under the guise of the rainbow flag. It's weird how gay sodomy has become a religion. Nothing wrong with being a fag, but for the bourgeois 'queering gender norms' becomes a substitute for religion and morality, a religion for the neoliberal age of deterritorialisation.

>> No.9910063

So you're the type to say crossdressing is capitalist.

>> No.9910082


>> No.9910094

among a certain demographic, making your into drag queens is equivalent to shoving them in boy scout uniforms. do you seriously believe those kids are just 'expressing their true self' and not being coached by their parents in any way? multicolored queer genderblobs are middle class protestants through and through, increasingly implausible pretence of 'transgression' notwithstanding.

>> No.9910117
File: 24 KB, 225x335, Jonathan-franzen-freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9910124

Yes I do believe that because I've experienced it personally, in many cases even the child will not be allowed to act in a way deemed not normal for their assigned gender. I'm not a "middle class protestant" I'm straight up poor. You're trying to throw out scare tactics against traps to a trap.

>> No.9910151


>> No.9910168

Some boys are just into Beyoncé, gender, bodies, decolonisation and 'trans actress Laverne Cox' deal with it bigot. The reality tv contracts, profitable media appearances and social capital accumulation are just the icing on the cake. The lgbt movement has effectively ruined all forms of sexual depravity for everyone.

>> No.9910181

explain ruined sexual depravity

>> No.9910215

Wanting to be the little girl is not bigotry.

>> No.9910251

>cultural Marxism
You might find what you're looking for there

>> No.9910258

maybe for an american

>> No.9910326

Traps are a fucked hyperculture simulacrum facilitated by technology. Baudrillard was right. LARPing as a trad Catholic is the only way to retain one's sanity, and I'm speaking as a former edgy anarchist punk.

>> No.9910344
File: 17 KB, 241x400, uwotm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related pleb

>> No.9910385

why do people always have to be so extreme with shit like this?
I remember being a kid and being embarrassed because deep down I wanted girls toys more than boys, I thought it was a good thing when the stigma was lifted surrounding things like that, but this is fucking ridiculous. thankfully I know its a very small minority and I'm not some retarded pol mouth breather who thinks every person who is left wing like myself thinks and behaves this way

>> No.9910914

The only precedent for our current situation: possibly apocryphal annecdotes about the decline and fall of the Roman empire.

>> No.9910929

If the neckbeard starts calling xirself a woman the leftists will fawn over him and tell him he's brave and beautiful, even if we are dealing with the exact same neck beard who makes no effort whatsoever to actually look like a woman

>> No.9910942

>he doesn't know about fin-de-siècle Vienna

>> No.9910951

Fucking Simpsons always taking the best plots

>> No.9911008

slaves aren't even human so it's OK.

>> No.9911032

>Cultural Marxism
Is there a more pseud term in existence?

>> No.9911037

Kevin, please stop shilling your book, you make pennies per copy sold

>> No.9911042

Liberals certainly don't oppose capitalism -- they've embraced the market society wholeheartedly as an iteration on the framework of civilization. Many leftists oppose capitalism but they don't don't know how to fight it. Capitalism is powerful because it is more an operator on all the universe than an ideology that seeks to control and shape the universe.

>> No.9911043

got links to some books?

>> No.9911051


t. leftist cucks

>> No.9911067

jewish pathologization of goyim

>> No.9911373

it's this thread again, huh?

>> No.9912974 [DELETED] 


>> No.9912995

This so hard. To function in a dysfunctional world is to live without dignity. For me, better death.