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/lit/ - Literature

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9907215 No.9907215 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say that I'm a 21 year old art forger from a dainty New England town who spends his days listening to Nick Drake and Stockhausen, smoking fish, gardening with his neighbours, and habitually creating a new form of literary prose. What sort of books would you recommend?

>> No.9907312

Robertson Davies' What's bred in the Bone- or why not the entire Cornish Trilogy? Clearly, youve got the time.

>> No.9907316

John the Posthumous by Jason Schwartz

>> No.9907321

>new england
nice try guy

>> No.9908074

Much thanks!

I do meet these early fall evenings with more time now. Last spring, my beautiful wife, Cheree, passed on to the phantom world. Late at night, I walk my stream to our university's lake. Ah! To be young again. With my darling's sweater hugged arms holding me close.

>> No.9908084
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>> No.9908090

Richard Brautigan.

>> No.9908093

What even is the point of this thread? I also come up with elaborate and specific fantasies but I never post them here.

>> No.9908094

The Winter of our Discontent by Steinbeck

>> No.9908100

check out alberto eco's the copernican crypt

>> No.9908104

Do I come across as someone who has something to do here on Earth?

>> No.9908336
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>> No.9908341

>art forger
>new england
>new forms of literary prose
The Recognitions, obviously.

>> No.9908552

100 post Anon?

>> No.9909332

start with the greeks