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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 165 KB, 953x1200, Friederich_Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9906015 No.9906015 [Reply] [Original]

Has his nightmare come true?

>> No.9906029

lmao redpill kikes SJW leftism cultural marxism cuck feminist white genocide

>> No.9906035

...There's only interpretations...

>> No.9906036

Well yes, that's what the 20th century was.

BTW guys where should we go when the leftists finally get 4chan shut down?

>> No.9906037


>> No.9906041

Somewhere where we can be openly anti-semitic and racist

>> No.9906047
File: 78 KB, 500x305, Problem?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty soon that'll mean behind bars hehehe

>> No.9906048

The Last man? Almost.

>> No.9906050

Mark Twain hasn't aged well.

>> No.9906061

Theyll probably throw us in isolation for contemplating Jewish genocide there desu
Its a frightening world with liberals running it

>> No.9906065

>BTW guys where should we go when the leftists finally get 4chan shut down?
You are so delusional and narcissistic it hurts. Leftists will NEVER get 4chan shut down, no matter how much of a hub it is of the "alt-right". Do you want to know why? Because you literally don't matter. You have no truly radical effect on the mainstream, nothing actually revolutionary to offer. I'm not even insulting alt-righters positively, as in, saying negative attributes they have. No, rather, they matter so little (moreover, not even everyone on 4chan is an alt-rightist, far from it) that the idea leftists will shut down 4chan is pathetic.

>> No.9906071

>Well yes, that's what the 20th century was.
You are saying this without any backing because it sounds profound.

>> No.9906076


I disagree totally and on numerous points, but you seem too psychologically distorted to productively engage with.

>> No.9906081

He's probably a niggerloving kike

>> No.9906082


This is a stealth Peterson thread dumbass.
You don't even understand the premise of the thread.

>> No.9906090

how much percentage of hate in /lit/ is real vs shitposting?


>> No.9906101

Faggots like this and the "What about the memes?" moron make me embarrassed to browse this site and I don't even fucking go to /pol/

>> No.9906106

Yeah he would had an heroed himself if he was born in these times

>> No.9906112

Is a white polo shirt a white supremacist uniform? But lol, the /pol/acks are really something else

>> No.9906221

>when you leave your basement for the first time

>> No.9906231

I think in the 21st century we're closer to the Ubermensch and further away from the last man than we were 20 years ago. Things are going in the right direction, in a perverted sense of the phrase.

>> No.9906239

>I was in jail
I have a hard time believing that.

Also why is a white shirt the white supremacist uniform?

>> No.9906252

That's because everyone will interpretate overman and the last man differently. I cannot believe that Nietzsche of all philosophers couldn't have predicted this.

>> No.9906253


The Uebermensch is a theoretical ideal not a realistic possibility.
We're no more closer to it than we are to experiencing the Platonic triangle with the carnal senses.

>> No.9906263

This. Nietchoo wanted people to strive for it but in a post-deadgod world, how could it be possible to become a perfect being?

>> No.9906272

>The Uebermensch is a theoretical ideal not a realistic possibility.
It's not. But The Ubermensch would require such a massive amount of autism and competence in equal quantity that we'd be lucky to ever see one such person.

>> No.9906280


>It's not a theoretical ideal but it would require such unrealistic circumstances to manifest that for all intents and purposes it's impossible

Okie dokie then thanks for correcting me senpai densetsu

>> No.9906284

Because what it means to be perfect is up for the Ubermensch to decide and fulfil.

>> No.9906287
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>> No.9906288



>> No.9906290

Again, how can Nietzsche not see folly in this? The way you phrase it, the 'last man' could very well consider himself overman.

>> No.9906291



>> No.9906318

If he did, sincerely, then he would be. He would have affirmed his own value in his last man lifestyle and thus self-sufficiently overcome the existential angst of a dead-god world.

But the thing about that is it's certainly impossible to derive that kind of fulfilment from such a lifestyle given the idea of the eternal recurrence. If every moment carries the weight of an eternity then a last-man's lifestyle of mediocrity and comfort would be the most unfulfilling thing ever as there are no great joys or great suffering, just fairly okayish comforts and mild inconveniences when extrapolated over infinity actually don't really matter at all. In that sense to derive an Ubermensch worldview from a last-man lifestyle would be even more impressive than a "normal" Ubermensch. Literally making nothing mean everything.

>> No.9906325
File: 359 KB, 800x800, k0k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the power of /pol/

>> No.9906409

Uberguy doesnt want to be perfect because being "perfect" ascribes to already stated ideologies and morals that stemmed from religion.

>> No.9906435

>all my enemies think i'm a strawman
>by describing the strawman before they do I have bested them by demonstrating I am intelligent enough to model their thought

this is what he thinks

>> No.9906549

Ubermensch is not just an idea, it is a possibility. The Ubermensch will not be obtained though, he will be born.

>> No.9906581

More like designed. Either through genetic engineering or the development of AI.

>> No.9906613

What? it's got nothing to do with superior physical traits, in fact I'd go as far to say that it supersedes physical prowess.

>> No.9906667

That's the exact opposite of what Nietzsche says, the Ubermensch can only be willed into existence.

>> No.9906927

Are there prerequisites to Nietzsche or can you just jump in?

>> No.9907093

the greeks

>> No.9907112

Is there anyone here who hasn't been memed into reading them yet?

>> No.9907119

>falling for the meme meme

Nietzsche's foundation is that of a philologist, he developed his core ideas based on his knowledge of ancient Greek myth and literature, and alludes to them all the time.

>> No.9907147

That's wrong. There is a logos, and there are measurable distances between it and people's philosophies. Nietzsche and Jesus were on the money but coming from different angles and that's why Nietzsche recognized Jesus as his only philosophical opponent. With this in mind, there are spiritual ranks, and the Overman is simply #1 on the list.

>> No.9907380

I'll make make my own.

>> No.9907392

the untermensch is dragging down all values of human culture into a basal common denominator, and whats more it is hard to deny the allure of it all, even if one is willful

>> No.9907405

t. hotwheels

>> No.9907427

Nope, but it wouldn't be my first rodeo. I haven't forgotten AnonIB.

>> No.9907504
File: 45 KB, 500x500, IMG_3327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice biting satire. Very witty. You should join us over at r/atheism.

>> No.9907614

Well, yeah. His hope was that we'd breed a brilliant nobility to rule and an obedient chinese tier common class competent to do their part of the work and enjoy their roles.

Instead we're getting tard tier chaos

>> No.9907642

lol wh*tebois are so weak

>> No.9907665

Greeks, rochefoucauld, emerson, descartes, carlyle, de gobineau

>> No.9907669

>no Schopenhauer
>no Kant

>> No.9907700

Nietzsche was a white dude who lacked the virtue of empathy.

>> No.9907711

technofetishist bugmen are the last man incarnate

>> No.9907719
File: 972 KB, 1500x1856, D.H.-Lawrence-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If I had my way, I would build a lethal chamber as big as the Crystal Palace, with a military band playing softly, and a Cinematograph working brightly; then I’d go out in the back streets and main streets and bring them in, all the sick, the halt, and the maimed; I would lead them gently, and they would smile me a weary thanks; and the band would softly bubble out the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’.

>> No.9907722
File: 1.83 MB, 288x377, 1501708557048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this serious?

>> No.9907754

I don't know how anyone can take that ubermensch crap seriously after WWII. Nietzsche's ideas are dangerous in a society that is still white supremacist, in which youth of color still live in fear of police violence. Nietszche represents the same mentality, inconsiderate for suffering, of the alt right or angry white dude mass shooters and TERRORISTS (most terrorists are in fact white men, deal with it).

>> No.9907761

oh so this isn't serious

>> No.9907763

>I don't know how anyone can take that ubermensch crap seriously after WWII.
Because it's natural. The world naturally aligns itself towards a hierarchy. It's what happens when all things are unequal, which they are.

>> No.9907771

this is horrible bait friend.
I don't know if you want to shake the echo chamber or are from lefty but you gotta work cuz this stinks.
Feel bad giving yous for such a pathetic attempt desu.

>> No.9907778


>> No.9907785

Hillary had an article about Pepe on her website and Trump retweeted frog memes this election. Mainstream news is talking about Kek.

>> No.9907787

reddit please go

>> No.9907794

these people are never going to be satisfied, to them all the great works of art of western civilisation are merely symbols of evil and white supremacy, painful reminders of their inferiority. DH Lawrence was right.

>> No.9907867

ha HA my friend it actually is, with fully DRIPPING irony, le

>bluepill white supremacist MRA facist neoconservative puritan sexism NAZI SUPREME

fucking. schooled. idiot.