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/lit/ - Literature

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9903308 No.9903308 [Reply] [Original]

>be fat fuck
>strike gold with meme fantasy schlock
>adored by hundreds of millions
>hit writer's block
>snap at anyone who asks you when the next book will be out like a petulant child
>meanwhile, your series gets adapted into television
>it's even bigger than your books were
>release one (1) book during the show's run, wherein nothing happens
>the show overtakes your books in a matter of years
>because you're still a petulant child, refuse to tell the showrunners how it ends
>they start making shit up
>everyone is taking their fanfiction as gospel
>no one even remembers who you are
>anything you write now will be trumped in the minds of the fans by what the show wrote
>you STILL haven't released that fucking book

>> No.9903343

Charitable but fair and true.

>> No.9903406

It must kind of suck to see your story being finished in a way you didn't imagine.

>> No.9903426

He is obviously not invested enough to bother finishing it anyways. He was a mill author, only writing in the hopes he would get rich with one of his IPs. What motivation does he have now? It certainly isn't going to be artistic vision.

>> No.9903679

>because you're still a petulant child, refuse to tell the showrunners how it ends
But they do know how it ends. The show has spoiled most of TWoW already.

>> No.9903698
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What about how the books decreased in quality as the series progressed and how he started to shoehorn in bullshit Hollywood tropes into the books? A Feast for Crows was dull as dishwater.

>> No.9903710

Unironically no worse destiny.

>> No.9903722

>because you're still a petulant child, refuse to tell the showrunners how it ends
Why do you assume that's the reason? I figure it's more likely that he's a perfectionist and, knowing that this is basically his legacy as a writer as of right now, just hasn't been able to figure out an ending that satisfies him.

>> No.9903832

>sunset found her squatting

>> No.9903858

shame about martin wasting his solid talent on this drivel when he had far more interesting concepts like sandkings or skin trade to develop. but he deserved it considering he planned ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS endgame / plotline from the very start. if it was just a series of novellas set in westeros universe, he could have written them at his leisure. for example several books exploring the life of jamie, dealing with rebellions, mad kings and the like. hedge knight expounded.

>> No.9903998

So many series would benefit with similar treatments. I can't believe it took Rowling this long to start milking out an extended Universe from Harry Potter.

>> No.9904017

That's what people have been crying for since the main story ended. I haven't read the books but I'd be down to read a Merlin in Hogwarts EU series.

>> No.9904045

rowling's talent completely evaporated before potter series was over, not that it was ever great. martin did not want to write what he wanted, in other words he wanted to be extremely rich rather than well-off.

>> No.9904141

She should just open it up to anybody that wants to make something. Turn it into the next Star Wars EU.
Shitty novels, comics, cartoons. Just let people go wild in the sandbox she made, and let her get rich off the proceeds.

>> No.9904156
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> I'd be down to read a Merlin in Hogwarts EU series.
>rowling's talent

>> No.9904197

Hello. This is /lit/, a place to discuss literature. If you would like to discuss books in general, please go to reddit. Thanks.

>> No.9904290

He told them how the series will end during their first meeting

>> No.9904305

Well if you dont like it, but Lovecraft always encourage people to expand his universe and now-a-days I kinda agree with Lovee at this point.

Please say you are lying.
Either way, I dont watch the show, I read the books.

Plz go kill yourself.

>> No.9904378

had to scroll this far down for someone to say this.

>> No.9904519

The show has been laughably terrible for like 3 seasons. This latest season is the worst, literally every piece of reasoning or action put forward is heavily flawed and construed as necessary when it's not. Even the fucking characters don't act like themselves anymore. Most of them are just on perma standby till the show finishes, doing nothing or dying.

In the books it's more ambiguous though. The Others are supposedly beautiful ice humans with their own reasoning, origin, history and culture. Not really evil, just alien.

>> No.9904532

>Not really evil, just alien.

This. Some of the Others could become good maesters, cooks, or perhaps even sit and lead well on the Iron throne. As the maesters say at the Citadel state with too nuance that most of /lit/ couldn't comprehend, "The first men and the andals are the cancer of Westeros history; it is the men south of the wall and them alone—its Westerosi cultures and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations like the Children of the Forest wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself. Up against the wall, and Valar Morghulis."

>> No.9904559

>everybody dies

>> No.9904570

>/lit/ still thinks the show will end the same way as the books and spoil errything
>still don't realize the fat fuck is trying to distance himself from the horseshit fanfiction tripe and the cancerous showfag normie "fans" by delaying the book until after the last season

Didn't he say a few years ago that "the show is the show and the books are the books" and that "they (d&d) will tell their story and he will tell his"?

>> No.9904578

He did say that (after he felt the pressure of actually concluding his series instead of jerking himself off with the HBO money)

>> No.9904729
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>Please say you are lying.


I was kind of pissed off about it at first, since I'd been following ASoIaF since the fucking 90s but now that I really think on it, and return to it, I realize I was a much younger person then and more receptive to that sort of pulp than I am now. Plus I'm fucking done waiting for that oaf to finish writing his story, Martin is such a cunt he has the audacity to focus on fucking Wildcards, which no-one likes or reads, while HBO reveals more and more of his story in ever more dismal fashion.

Also I won't lie that seeing what was once a fairly niche bit of nerdom is now so painfully mainstream that I don't even want to associate with it anymore, hearing my coworkers talk about Game of Thrones makes me feel ill.

>> No.9904734

The gist of the ending will be true to the books.
>“I can give them the broad strokes of what I intend to write, but the details aren’t there yet," he tells Vanity Fair. "I’m hopeful that I cannot let them catch up with me.”
You can see it in the show how they've combined certain characters and plots, but the overall direction is the same.

>> No.9904857

>take excerpts from other books like blood meridian
>cant even finish a light-hearted series in a decade
>/ourguy/ wolfe finished 4 books in 3 years
the man is a hack

>> No.9904923
File: 453 KB, 1488x921, grrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9905297

>"you cant be a good author unless you write fast"
> proceed to circlejerk over authors who publish one book every 6 years
Its almost like lit is based on pretentious meming instead of just considering works based on their own merits

>> No.9905321

Seriously, that Red witch is fucking hot. I would make like 900 shadow babies with her.

>> No.9905341

Still summer matey give it a bit

>> No.9905454

"The Cursed Child" was basically Harry Potter EU. Also, to her credit, Rowling has been quite accepting of fanfiction. Not hard to see her eventually letting people write "canon" stories for a cut of the dough.

>> No.9905469

Reading the old GRRM threads was such good fun.

Dozens of neckbeards slowly slipping into insanity.

>> No.9905562

I dont get the hate for a feast for crows. it was decent, but A storm of swords is hard to follow. I imagine thats why so many dislike that book when its no worse than the 2nd or 5th book

>> No.9905582

She has those perfect Germanic tits. Small-medium sized breasts with small areolas with prominent nipples.

Thats the one thing about hooking up with a new woman... the titty reveal. I pray to god as I am about to rip off her bra that her tits will be nice. Big areolas disgust me. Areolas darker than a pencil eraser are digusting. Nothing is worse than ugly tits.

>> No.9905609

Not really.

He gets pretty nice compensation for the TV series. The book also gets grand amount of publicity.

I think he made a good deal with the TV show. But as in writing the books he probably just has some mental issues that prevent him from functioning like a normal writer.

>> No.9906004

She's literally like 100 years old. You'd be fucking a mummy.

>> No.9906026

I have a feeling he gets a kick out of watching other people do his work for him and them surprising him.
I can tell you as a creator that when someone is handed your work and finished it better than you could have, or even just vastly differently, you can appreciate it a good deal.

Also, as creator in the modern urban crime environment, he has copyright and thus is getting paid to go on talkshows and so on, while everyone else does all the work for him.

Honestly, he hit the fucking jackpot, because unlike Barker or King, whose film and tv adaptations were and are always shockingly lower in quality than the original material, GoT is miles better as a longform tv show, and got the budget to match.

It's the beauty of the Netflix Era, post-Battlestar Galactica, post-Sopranos era, where it's not so much tv as we knew it but really really loooong movies.

Honestly, I think Man In The High Castle worked better on film than in the text as well.
Makes we wish they would do The Simulacra as well

>> No.9906051

A hot as fuck mummy.

>> No.9906127

Shut the fuck up holy shit

>> No.9906141

I'm convinced he just leaves random mystery plot threads that he has no plans for all over the books so he can copy the best fan theories later and pretend it was his idea all along.

>> No.9906144

Doesn't matter as long as she keeps that magic necklace on.

This is the gayest thing anyone has said about tits ever.

>> No.9906146

Even worse for comic writers, who's characters usually get annihilated by edgelords.

>> No.9906206
File: 255 KB, 1600x1379, grrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The writing is 'blocked' by the tons of black pussy between him and his computer.

>> No.9906269

I always wondered why American books are so shit and unreadable compared to Jap and European books and now I know. It's because the American authors have American reader-base (retarded people)

>> No.9906311

Who do you think writes comic books? The same edgelords.

>> No.9906319

underrated post

>> No.9906344

No you shutup man lOL xD!!

>> No.9906350

>because you're still a petulant child, refuse to tell the showrunners how it ends
>they start making shit up

This is bullshit right? He actullay collaborated with the producers?

>> No.9906378

>take excerpts from other books like blood meridian


>> No.9906586

The dude is a world building genius, but sufficiently complicated his story to the point that he isn't smart enough to finish it properly.
He wrote himself into a corner.
This isn't hard to figure out.

>> No.9906591

>compress all of Europe into the space of Great Britain and throw in the War of the Roses

>> No.9907370

in what way is he a genius?

literally all he's done is rip off and parallel history

>> No.9907415
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Is there anything more autistic than "world building" ?

>I know what this 600 page novel needs: a big fat exposition dump!

>> No.9907523


>George R.R. Martin has been busy lately — and no, its not because he’s writing the sixth installment of his series, “A Song of Ice and Fire.”

>Among his many distractions like working on new series and even a Game of Thrones prequel spin-off, Martin has taken on a new project: another HBO series.

>Martin is attached as the executive producer of HBO’s latest adaption series based on Nnedi Okorafor’s novel “Who Fears Death.” The story follows the life of a Onyesonwu, the daughter of the enslaved Okeke tribe in a post-apocalyptic Africa. As she grows older, Onyesonwu, whose name translates to “Who fears death?” discovers her destiny to end the genocide of her people while being targeted by powerful forces trying to stop her.

>Okorafor took to Twitter to share the news, telling her followers, “My novel WHO FEARS DEATH has been optioned by @HBO & is now in early development as a TV series with George RR Martin as executive producer.”

>To the dismay of his fans, Martin hasn’t produced any new pages for “Winds of Winter” — the sixth part of the hit “A Song of Ice and Fire” series that inspired the HBO series “Game of Thrones”

>Indeed, in May, Martin announced he would be working on the SyFy series, “Nightflyers.” This distraction — a series about aliens and the Earth’s inevitable destruction — will be produced by Doug Liman, known for his work on the “Bourne” movies and “Edge of Tomorrow.”

>In addition to working on the two television shows, Martin is focused on creating digests for the associated stories of “A Song of Ice and Fire” and blogging his science-fiction heart away. “Winds of Winter”? Not so much.

>> No.9907529

Then guy's lost his way
>First three books
Top notch, concise exciting, decent cast of characters, genuine unexpected turns. Two years between books

>Feast for Crows
A drag, spiralling complexity, numerous new characters who add nothing. Five year gap. Lots of prequels and side-stories

>Dance with Dragons
Tidied up compared to Crows, but still tied up in its own, vast internal mythology. Characters to big to fail now, new super villains. Six year gap. Some crappy hero poker player side-project and blog posts about his 54mm toy soldiers

>Winds of Winter
Six years and counting. ALL of the side-projects

The guy doesn't know what to do, he's bored of it, pushing it out because he has to. He clearly enjoyed writing the first three books and they're great. The last two have literally been dragged out. He should quit and do something else.

>> No.9907537

>He should quit and do something else
I'm pretty sure that's what he's doing, but just not outright saying it.

Isn't too hard to see why he's like this currently. He started ASoIaF after he was extremely frustrated by television at the time, and all the limitations that prevented doing the kind of shit he'd like to do.

We're currently is a sort of golden era of television, and all the stuff that he's always been into (he was one of the original Comic Con antendees) is now doable and even desired on television. He gets to be involved in all the shit he didn't used to get to do, and he's making crazy money. They even put to television his "unfilmable book series" (which isn't perfect, but pretty decent for the type of book series it is).

it's shitty for his fans, but I imagine GRRM is on cloud nine with what he's able to do nowadays.

>> No.9907776

Holy fuck, what a piece of shit

I can't even imagine being so disdainful of the series and the fans who made you who you are

>> No.9907798
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>Among his many distractions like working on new series and even a Game of Thrones prequel spin-off, Martin has taken on a new project: another HBO series.

>> No.9907804

>so much black pussy that you start directing african mad max rather than finishing your successful novel series

>> No.9907865

>This is the gayest thing anyone has said about tits ever.

very good.

>> No.9907871
File: 8 KB, 250x236, frogger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that macaco in the purple dress

>> No.9907880

Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaen duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.

>> No.9907884

But what was Sauron's tax policy?

>> No.9907977

>I dont get the hate for a feast for crows.
Me neither. It's one of my favorites of the series. I get that people found the "half the story for half the characters" thing frustrating, but still.

>> No.9908028

Alright, but what does this have to do with social equity? Why aren't there any strong female warrior queens in Tolkien?

>> No.9908139

the most insane putdown of anyone I've ever seen on here

>> No.9908325

I agree. A good writer can hint at a larger world without talking about bullshit autistic details.

>> No.9908858

im pretty sure i´ve seen these three exact posts recently somewhere before

>> No.9909886

Imagine being you in that editorial meeting and having to be all like "damn, George R. R. Martin, you fuckin' fine, all profound with your hackneyed historical allegories and distorted political realism. I would totally read your books, both my pen name and the real me." when all you really want to do is reread Lolita in your corner office. Like seriously imagine having to be you and not only sit in that chair while George R. R. Martin flaunts his disgusting prose in front of you, the embarrassing metaphors barely concealing his utter lack of literary nuance, and just sit there, page after page, chapter after chapter, while he perfected that novel. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking drivel but his haughty attitude as everyone on the board tells him he's SURPASSED TOLKIEN and DAMN, GEORGE R. R. MARTIN WRITES LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his overt perversions contort into types of fetishization you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been reading nothing but a healthy diet of Joyce, Pynchon and Wallace for your ENTIRE ADULT LIFE coming straight out of a boarding school in Europe. You've never even read anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you encounter the pinnacles of his work, every stool that was looser than the one before and her cunt that became the world, as he recites them while gesturing suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "painstaking (for that is what he calls it)" writing, the writing he worked so sporadically for in the previous decades. And then the editor in chief calls for another discussion, and you know you could discredit Martin’s entire bibliography before the SJW and diversity hires could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking you. You're not going to lose your future publisher’s career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

>> No.9909945

This is pasta, right?

>> No.9910182

>that motherfucker wears his shirt tucked with no belt
>they have probably misinterpreted his severe autism with "being gangsta"
and I thought buying yeezys was retarded.