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9902300 No.9902300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how come my life isn't good?

>> No.9902314

Because you haven't/aren't pursuing struggle

>> No.9902321

why would pursuing pain make it good. Should i start digging a big ditch until i get to the centre of the world, that'd be struggle, good thinking fuckface

>> No.9902322
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Probably bad genetics. You weren't born Chad so life will never be truly good

>> No.9902324

I didn't say to pursue pain, I said to pursue struggle.

>> No.9902335


You must beat the earth for energy.

>> No.9902344

that is also stuggle mongoloid

>> No.9902351

Doing something that is a struggle doesn't necessarily mean it has to be painful. For example, spending long nights in the library studying so you can make good grades. Or, working long shifts at a job so you can get ahead and make a good impression on your boss so as to climb the ranks.

>> No.9902361

peturdson lol

>> No.9902370

struggle implies pain. think of an utterly painless struggle. makes no sense. also it's not like good grades or long shifts are the makings of a good life, at least not by anyone who's smart

>> No.9902381

God will u guys stop spreading these myths. Being chad doesnt even make it better with girls, it just lowers the level of effort you have to exert. You can literally 'alpha' chads by just spreading good vibes even if youre a fatass mongoloid like me. But if you're constantly spreading poisonous depression fumes its much harder

>> No.9902384

i agree, i didn't realise that was what the picture was of when i posted

>> No.9902399

If you are spreading good vibes effectively you can literally have chicks laughing and giggling with you while some jacked 6'2 chad stands at the periphery awkwardly and they ignore him. And the thing is that youre not even trying to 'beat' him, you're just trying to spread the party and he wont join in. Nobody talks about this

>> No.9902402

Yes you absolutely should. Digging is deeply meditative, humbling, and great exercise. It builds character and endurance and strengthens the soul.

I got my trench from 6 feet to around 8 1/2 this week. Feels good. Exhausted.

>> No.9902409

yeh and remember that time all three of us fucked those 10/10 girls while all the good looking guys were like 'woah, that guy is so smart and chill i wish i were like him', was great wasn't it. it's all vibes man, yeh

>> No.9902410

>struggle implies pain
How so? Certainly not physical pain.
>also it's not like good grades or long shifts are the makings of a good life
They can be though. It's better than sitting at home with no job or prospects shitposting on an anonymous image board.

>> No.9902426

it builds a nice obedient little worker mindset who assigns meaning to pointless tasks and can be easily used as tool because he is one

>> No.9902433

Yeah I agree OP is a tool. He complains about why his life "isn't good", yet I'm willing to bet he does nothing to improve his life.

>> No.9902435


Fucking be nice and funny and charismatic and humble and people will flock to you because that shit makes /everyone/ feel good. Then watch chads try and shoehorn alphaness and arrogance into the atmosphere and come off like autistic insecure dickwads. Its all they know how to do half the time.

My best friend is a 5'8 hispabic curly haired kid who likes pokemon and has an open foot fetish. He's also incredibly charming and playfully flattering and kindhearted and funny and naturally charismatic, he just slides through social situations with masterful ease and makes everyone happier with his presence. I've never seen someone so successful with women. every girl at least has affection for him. Social bonding skills are a more important quality in mate selection than aggression or strength.

2 or 3 monkeys with good social bonding skills >>> one aggressive strong monkey.
This is basic evolutionary biology. alphas are a myth.

>> No.9902441

i didn't say physical pain, i said pain. again, if pain and struggle are not intimately linked. give one example of painless struggle. by definition struggle involves pain.

who says sitting at home can not be the makings of a good life, it's a struggle at times, sometimes the internet blacks out and i have to wait. that meets your struggle criteria, i struggle to wait for it. is life meaningful now, yeh?

>> No.9902446

What? The trench I'm digging is going to be turned into a greenhouse which i will use to grow fruit and vegetables to feed my family.

Ah yes, food and simple health and hearth and home, obvious spooks

you're retarded man.

>> No.9902455

you seem upset my man. le ad homidomalom face tb h

>> No.9902466

>i'll imply i dig for meditative purposes, to 'build character and endurance'

yeh, you're the retard pal

>> No.9902469

Dude if ur in this thread u need a 5/10 who will listen to ur problems. Ur right, ive never hooked up with celebs or a model and ill tell you how to do it if i ever do

>> No.9902493

Another thing to keep in mind is that in my personal experience even thinking about girls and ranking their attractiveness like this is going to kill you. Totally the opposite of what you want. So if were chilling and i respond to this guy like how i just did, i kind of fucked up

>> No.9902498

Transcendence is absorption.
And to be absorbed you need to focus all your energy on a task.

>> No.9902501

You make your life easy by making it worse. And that's that!

>> No.9902521

>things can't be done for multiple reasons

oy vey
You made a baseless assumption that my digging in some way contributed to a wageslave mindset, i told you you were wrong and why

>> No.9902531

Wrong board you retard

>> No.9902532

the real secret is to get so into the actully good philosophies that you instil the bertrand russell/buddha/countless other type mindset that all people are just struggling, unsure and are facing gigantic, unstoppable forces of death and disease which no one can run from in any real sense so the only thing worth doing is to love one another and be there with courage and kindness for all people. That is how you completely usurp the whole chad, beta, 10/10, whatever else paradigm. When this essential and deeper sense of things hits you then people's shittiness and vanity and so on is just an expression of being in a very hard position, because that's what life is, even if you're a millionaire beauty. You're only 2 coincidences away from utter terror

HAving said that when those realisations aren't backed up by a healthy vitality in life then your desire for girls saps anyway, as i am currently experiencing

>> No.9902542

they can be, but when you say you are doing them for specific reasons then the person who reads it tends to think that those are the specific reasons. really weird way language works. makes you think eh

>> No.9902546

Um, i mean, idk about you but I'm ugly and weak and poor and fairly successful
with women.

You're just denying that it ever happens because you personally haven't pulled it off. if you insist on the ranking thing ive been with like 2 or 3 10s and the lowest was like a 6 or 7, by objective metrics.

so yeah, i do remember that time, it was fantastic.

>> No.9902556

Is this a soft machine reference my dude?

>> No.9902613

>10/10 girls

Creepily categorizing human beings is why you're shit with them. Be happy to make other people happy. Meditate often and let go of rumination and resentiment. I have a long way to go, but principles like these have made me happier and more likely to enjoy people of the same disposition. Simply developing mindfulness enriches every area and effaces neuroses like the warm sun bleaches away dark blots of lichen from a nylon tent.

>> No.9902625

>effaces neuroses like the warm sun bleaches away dark blots of lichen from a nylon tent.

I mean not like amazing but pretty nice