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9901579 No.9901579 [Reply] [Original]

help me anons

>i believe that humans have not the means to prove or disprove god, and as such we cant say much about the matter
>however i believe that something as complex as life could not have occured due to chance alone, and as such believe that their is a god
>if anything, this god is uncaring, or perhaps even actively evil, as he allows the suffering of man to continue, and not just the suffering of man but also the suffering ofinnocents (ie babies who have yet to sin)
>i would like to believe that through alleviating the suffering of man, you can create meaning in what i think is an otherwise inherently meaningless existance
>however i dont believe this concept passionately: logically it seems true, and i would like to believe it is true, but i have yet to prove it to myself
>the other option is to belive their is no meaning in life, and that one cannot even create meaning for himself. this state of affairs is one i cannot live with
>usually i feel very little compassion for other people, but at the same time i feel moral guilt. I cannot find a rational argument for morality, but still i feel bad about immoral actions (hurting someone else, stealing, etc) (also as far as i can tell i have classically christian morals but i am no christian)
>on one hand i wish to improve myself, improve society, and improve the world, to help alleviate the suffering of man and thus create meaning for myself and help my fellow man
>on the other hand i want to chase carnal pleasure and accept that life doesnt have meaning.
>the morals i cant rationally justify tell me that the first option is the only true option
>logically i feel as if i should choose the second option, but this feels to me like "giving up" (also nihilism is an edgy fedora meme and i feel stupid saying "life has no meaning xd")

what the fuck do i do
who should i read to shed light on these issues

>> No.9901713

yes i am dumb and gay and childish and my philosophical views are those of a moron but could someone please help me out

>> No.9901735

Being and Nothingness or The Ethics of Ambiguity. Being and Nothingness might be tough but there are plenty of resources to help you tackle it.

>> No.9901757

Thanks anon, ill give them a read. If it helps im currently reading the brothers k, about halfway through

>> No.9902357

Stop reading it, you are too retarded to appreciate it.

>> No.9902579
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>i believe that humans have not the means to prove or disprove god, and as such we cant say much about the matter
God can be entirely proved, but you can only understand God fully through means of consciousness, called Krishna consciousness, not merely be means of the senses, mind, or intellect.

>if anything, this god is uncaring, or perhaps even actively evil, as he allows the suffering of man to continue, and not just the suffering of man but also the suffering ofinnocents (ie babies who have yet to sin)
Suffering occurs because of the spiritual soul's voluntary interaction and exploitation of the material world, which in turn entangles him in the process of birth and death along with endless anxieties and miseries. This is called samsara.

>i would like to believe that through alleviating the suffering of man, you can create meaning in what i think is an otherwise inherently meaningless existance
Liberation from material entanglement results in freedom from suffering, this liberation is called Moksha. Higher than Moksha alone is Krishna consciousness.

>on the other hand i want to chase carnal pleasure and accept that life doesnt have meaning.
Chasing carnal pleasure, or trying to enjoy material life through sense gratification, is never satisfying, will never yield happiness, and is what binds the soul to the cycle of samsara. Because of the soul's addiction to material nature, he in turn rejects spiritual happiness and God as well.

Read the Bhagavad Gita, it'll answer all your questions

>> No.9904229

>however i believe that something as complex as life could not have occurred due to chance alone
So do you believe in irreducible complexity, and have you read the sizeable amount of criticism it has had as a """""theory"""""?

>> No.9904238

First two greentexts:
>we can't say much about the existence of god
>so I am going to say that god exists

Stoppped reading there