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9896715 No.9896715 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9896718

paste the article contents you absolute fag

>> No.9896720

Its quite a long read. Just read it.

>> No.9896721


Open a discussion or fuck off.
I hate when idiots make reading assignment threads. What are you the fucking professor of /lit/?
>here is an article for all of you to read!
Great fucking thread dickhead.

>> No.9896727

Post-Leftists have been saying since before '68, its cute that American journalism has finally caught up

>> No.9896730

>Just read it.

fuck you stupid

>> No.9896744


What is a post-leftist?

>> No.9896760

Can anyone else feel some sort of conclusion to identity politics approaching? Everything is blooming into an endless explosion of second thoughts, wake-up calls, and absurdities. I think incidents like Charlottesville, Evergreen State College, the Trump administration, you name, are finally showing the logical conclusions of identity politics and I've noticed many friends and mutual acquaintances of mine either buckling down and kicking their beliefs into full retard mode, or experiencing revelations and seeing flaws in their outlooks on the world

Maybe I'm just being hopeful

>> No.9896774

I hope so or I'm ready to kill you all.

>> No.9896782

Please leave my body in good condition

>> No.9896793

Basically Leftists that call other Leftists LARPers

>> No.9896802

It hasn't even begun, republicans don't even care if their own get shot at because the democrats have lost the plot so they know they can't lose.

>> No.9896810

Moldbug was right(again).

>> No.9896813
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Same thing happens every time Americans get a Republican into office. I'm not that old, but this is not a new reaction. In fact, this reaction is itself a product of mass stupidity, specifically where lack of rationality meets against a lack of historic and civic awareness. You'd be wrong to imply after reading this that the era of protest has ended with the identity politics of the woman's march - but you'd also be assuming America really is the bubble that Americans live within. Have fun in your cage.

>> No.9896831

What do you think? Has multiculturalism ever worked anywhere? The end result is racial separation.

>> No.9896837

>the democrats have lost the plot so they know they can't lose.

Vote Bernie in 2020 and push Hillary in front of a moving car.

>> No.9896844

Running Bernie would be the stupidest move ever for the DNC, he underperforms massively with minorities which the democrats need to win.

>> No.9896848

>Has multiculturalism ever worked anywhere?
no and it never will. america's imperialism will ultimately destroy it just like any other imperialist country throughout history. the ethnic divide will result in the balkanization of north america, borders drawn by ethnic lines

this is a natural conclusion that will prevail if current legislation in the US (the hart-cellar act for example, or anchor baby sympathy in the leftist consciousness) is left unchecked as it has been for decades now

>> No.9896849

>vote for an ancient senator who only has big ideas and likely won't have traction in Congress
It's going to be Booker/Franken 2020 la

>> No.9896857


Pastebin version.

>> No.9896877

Repubs have a chance to really crush the Dems right now and I hope they take it.

>> No.9896898

I haven't read it, but I agree, protests have always been useless. They're just designated places where street skirmishes take place now. Come join the protest so you can beat up the "nazis". Literally who in power would turn on the TV, see a protest and think OH NO! WE BETTER DO SOMETHING CHAIM! Never. Ever.

>> No.9896920

The modern day Republicans are perhaps the most incompetent fuckers in human history. They are giant fucking pussies. Fuck the Republicans, they can't do shit. The definition of cucks before it became over used.

>> No.9896925

read it

>> No.9896927
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>> No.9896938

What happens when the protesters operating under this belief are the ones who are truly acting without conscience, and they're blinded by that fact?

Political violence is a door I get really uncomfortable and skeptical about opening, no matter how justified it seems

>> No.9896945

if you, a minority, had to choose between trump and bernie TODAY, where would you go?

>> No.9896960

May I add a third option, which is back to their country of origin?

>> No.9896976

>GOP are the most incompetent people alive
>DNC still exists
Pick one. The Dems lost Congress and the presidency due to their own hubris

>> No.9896986

They're actually more competent than the Dems.

>> No.9897034

Bernie. He might actually bring socialism to america. Somebody has to stop silicon valley pursuit of automation at the expense of everyone in the country. Niggers aren't going to take your jobs, robots are.

>> No.9897061
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You're not stopping shit senpai

We wuz Capital n'shiet

>> No.9897062

Kinda like the last century of the Roman Republic in the unrest aspect. Spooky.

>> No.9897076
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>> No.9897077

>You're not stopping shit famalam

Better build that bunker then. (Or locate the bunkers of the billionaire tech guys and make sure they don't get in when the shit hits the fan.)

>> No.9897083

That's hilariously misguided.

>> No.9897084

Mike Duncan's new book is about this parallel. But that sort of doomsaying has been made for about every period of civil unrest since the end of the Republic.

>> No.9897087

*hasn't achieved a single noteworthy non-symbolic victory in decades* h-haha you don't know what you're t-talking about

>> No.9897093

>can't even into 4chan

>> No.9897101

>newfags can't greentext

>> No.9897115

They're incompetent at governing, but they're quite adept at getting themselves elected.
I always thought that nonviolence was the only way for the severely outnumbered.I imagine those without a conscience would not have a problem eliminating violent opposition.

>> No.9897118

>𝅳abusing the quoting function

>> No.9897127

It's time for you to leave.

>> No.9897139

>inflames racism, stokes fears of nonwhites, opposes any legislation that would bring a more just society
>"I guess the only possible solution is racial segregation!"
and the same shit would occur in the paradise white ethnostates except it would be stuff like "hurr durr catholics!" and "have you noticed how many of their last names end in vowels?" because you're nuts.

>> No.9897145

Where is that quote from?

>> No.9897152

the last psychiatrist

you have a point but you're not exactly defending multiculturalism

>> No.9897163

What a long, unhelpful article.

The biggest issue is that modern protests are lazy. Marches and street protests are useful for one thing, visibility. The gays made good use of them to inspire more people to come out of the closet and reassure them that there would be others out there to offer support. But if you want to actually effect change, they're pointless.

The best forms of protest expose hypocrisy or cruelty, or show that the neglected group is more vital than they're given credit. Our most memorable examples, the various bus protests in the south, sit-ins, boycotss, all share the fact that they brought attention to a distinct policy that could be changed. Modern protests yell slogans related to a pet issue, and do a miserable job of marketing their policy solutions. BLM is a great example of this. At its core, it's a group devoted to pushing back against the Police's abuse of power, but they've done such a poor job of branding themselves that way, that no one actually knows what they want. Most people I talk with think they're just a new kind of black power outfit.

Protest can work, but activists have lost sight of how to make it happen.

>> No.9897171

>you have a point but you're not exactly defending multiculturalism
there's nothing to defend, it would be like someone asking me to defend eating or shitting or dying of natural causes

>> No.9897183

>BLM is a great example of this.
You're absolutely right, they should try to get themselves killed by police to bring light on this issue nobody gives a fuck about.
Are you seeing the problem with your brilliant idea? When they did sit-ins or refused to go to the back of the bus they got arrested not shot in the back 6 times.

>> No.9897187
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>modern day protests don't change shit because they offer nothing
>they offer nothing because they are purely reactionary in motivation (police killing of something) and in organisation (someone makes a hashtag to launch a march)
>they are purely reactionary in organisation because they value individual actions instead of collective might
>since everyone participates because of his/her personal reaction to a stimuli there is no common idea
>no common idea thus no representative
>digital era makes it worse because technology creates links between individuals, not common ground
>pre-70s succesful movements such as Civil Rights were effective because they were planned, organised and executed by actual people instead of relying on collective intelligence
>ironically, these protests against current structures worked because they were structures of their own

tl;dr of the tl;dr
>individualism was a mistake

>> No.9897192

You only think this because you don't actually know any of BLM's stated policy goals. Because they're shit at marketing themselves.

>> No.9897195

I think the whole intersectional discourse comes off as far more hostile to whites than it actually is. That's probably the reason why people you know see them as a "black power outfit".

>> No.9897198
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Yes, yes. The atomization continues.

>> No.9897204

I actually don't see how you could look at intersectionality and not see it as hostile to whites. It's pretty rabid.

>> No.9897215

If you read, it doesn't look that way.

>> No.9897227

I think the most rabid proponents of it took it in a direction that was unintended. The whole thing collapsed into the oppression Olympics it was supposed to prevent, and a number of people on the internet used it to channel their personal resentment.

>> No.9897228

Theory never matters as much as application, and its followers are very clear in how they feel.

>> No.9897233

Oh no, BLM most assuredly has, or had before one of their members shot 14 cops, the best marketers their jewish donors could afford. That's why everyone knew about them.

>> No.9897239

Doesn't matter if no one knows what kind of change you want to make happen.

>> No.9897240
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This is taking me to places I'm not sure I want to go to

>> No.9897244

Maybe I'm stupid but I didn't understand that quote.

>> No.9897251
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We're all fucked basically.

It's supposed to be borderline gibberish. Not a real quote but a parody of Land's overall mood and writing style.

>> No.9897256

you're really impressionable

>> No.9897258

We know what kind of change they wanted. Gibs, gibs, gibs, and fewer white people.

>> No.9897261

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

>> No.9897265

Good, go ride your horse to your textile weaving job my dude

>> No.9897267

Could be, but that doesn't make me wrong.

>> No.9897271

It kinda does, actually.

>> No.9897272


This is old news, but https://youtu.be/2cMYfxOFBBM

I graduated from Evergreen just this past year. I don't think I'd describe the atmosphere as 'hostile', generally--O never felt physically threatened by anyone, at least--but comments about how horrible 'white people' are would go unremarked upon in certain classrooms. For certain faculty and students, the authority of 'whites' in all the crimes against minorities and 'others' was a forgone conclusion, or even an axiom of their total structure of belief. Dissent from this perspective was forbidden, reinforced by social ostracization and defamation.

>> No.9897273

>>pre-70s succesful movements such as Civil Rights were effective because they were planned, organised and executed by actual people instead of relying on collective intelligence
The powers that be were already sympathetic to the black victim complex before blacks even started burning down cities. Organizers like MLK didn't actually change any elite minds, he simply led and justified to the public the cultural shock troops of an already entrenched progressive ideology. The political influence of his protests and riots was negligible

>> No.9897278

yeah, like I'm drifting closer and loser to the FULL COMMUNISM NOW meme every day but this whole thing is nuts
like take microaggressions for instance
it's a thing that exists, absolutely, but it's also so minute that talking about it in anything other than a dry academic environment in which it is a phenomenon to be studied looks like (and IS, if we're being honest) what the poltards call virtue signaling
fuck's sake, these morons are writing screeds on how you position your legs in a train/subway/bus, pages long articles about one guy talking over a woman in an episode of games of thrones and shit like that

how are we supposed to bulld beautiful gulags with these people
and it's not like I'm anti-idpol like the hard left, it's more like these people have mixed retarded randian individualism with the oppressor-oppressed dynamic and come up with the worst kind of mix - a belief that their own personal identity (otherkin genderfluid whatever) must be integrated into any and all policies that are produced, even if it's a fucking building code, which is just unmanageable for any kind of movement that's supposed to be broad-based because it's so fragmenting

>> No.9897279

Wow, I didn't know we'd made ad hom a viable form of argumentation. Thanks for updating me on the New Best Practices.

>> No.9897283

the pepsi advert was absolutely fucking genuis in its depiction of protests as vapid, feel-good parades that people go to to hook up/have fun

people dismissed the advert as "tone deaf" but they never take the time to be introspective and ask themselves what sort of impression they're leaving on people when they depict you like that. your limp dick protests have been so inane that a soda company so it and was like "hey we should use this to sell our stuff"

>> No.9897292

Why are you trying to pretend that BLM was ever anything other than a black power movement funded by jews to tear up American cities and intimidate white people? They wanted whatever their jewish donors told them to demand. Black people can't organize on their own, and the NAACP was the same way, there wasn't a non-jew in charge of it until decades after it'd begun.

>> No.9897293

>it's a thing that exists, absolutely
Stopped reading there

>> No.9897296

I've come to despise any sort of street protesting. It's obnoxious, it's repetitive, it doesn't accomplish anything, and it only creates more problems.

>> No.9897297

You should consider saving the Jew bit for when you've already hooked people into your stupid argument. It's an immediate signal that your mind is impossible to change because you've already bought into an unprovable theory, so there's no point in giving you serious responses.

>> No.9897298

that's just bullshit, the company didn't say "hey this is INANE, let's make an ad about it!", they said "this protesty shit seems to be popular with the kids, let's make an ad about it!"
it's what they always do, you're just inserting your own opinions into the mouth of a faceless ad man to make it seem more truhful

>> No.9897301

Being close-minded is a precursor to actively going out and protesting because once a person gets to that point their mind is wholly made up on whatever they're protesting. They're incapable to receiving information that might contradict their previously held notions and the repetitive chanting found at protests only reinforce this close-mindedness. If you find yourself ready to go and start protesting anything you really should check yourself.

>> No.9897303

>Stopped reading there
good, pearls before swine and all that jazz

>> No.9897305

I think that's his point, though. The protests don't come off as a political movement put together by activists who are desperate to effect real change in the world, they come off as a popular thing for the young people to do.

>> No.9897320

good thing they're minorities, then, unlike the white men and women who got trump into office

>> No.9897323

I agree with the Landposter. People have become increasingly commoditized, and so protests are now exotic experiences you don't have to pay for(yet). Meanwhile human connections are slowly and insidiously being destroyed.

>> No.9897334

violence against the non-violent rustles a lot of people's jimmies, and a lot of people can get laws passed and vote officials out of office
whereas violence against the violent is a matter of course

>> No.9897335

Stopped reading there

>> No.9897336

>and so protests are now exotic experiences you don't have to pay for(yet)

When Crowder went undercover at a communist protest they made him pay to attend


>> No.9897350
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>> No.9897355

Improvable theory? Look up who funded BLM. It was George Soros and another hedge fund jew. Don't blame me for your own ignorance regarding the organization you're promoting here. I was just giving you the facts.

>> No.9897372

So, you're OK with machines taking over good paying jobs that didn't need a degree?

I mean, they're making self-driving vehicles, that's a fuckload of jobs gone.

>> No.9897385

Can you name a time in history when technological progress decreased the total number of jobs available?

>> No.9897401

It may not decrease the number of net jobs but technology pulls the rug from under different industries and shrinks those industries faster than the new ones can grow.

>> No.9897405

The thing about anti-identity politics is that, even if you personally opt for making individual and thoughtful political decisions that have nothing to do with vague tribal affiliations, in a democracy that means you will constantly be at the mercy of tribes who refuse to make that choice

You are simply more likely to enact your will on society if you cautiously align yourself with a tribe that shares some of your interests than going it alone

>> No.9897410

>and shrinks those industries faster than the new ones can grow.
If that were true, then the net number of jobs would decrease. Technology has always created more jobs than it took away. Maybe it'll be different this time, but I've seen no compelling evidence to believe that.

>> No.9897414

I've studied automation as it's related to my field and the position you're taking is futile and mostly senseless anyway. Automation doesn't just take away jobs, it also creates new jobs. People will have to adapt, sure. But the most unsettling part is how western governments are still in the face of that coming reality trying bring in as many low IQ brown people into our countries as they can. That is the most disastrous part, having an expanding bottom-feeder welfare class of non whites on universal basic incomes provided by a dwindling class of white tax slaves. That's the issue here.

>> No.9897421

What jobs does mass automation create? Genuinely curious

>> No.9897435

Technicians. But I don't agree with the guy that technology creates more jobs than it takes away.

>> No.9897439

Not exactly. Any attempt to put intersectionality into practice has been a stunning failure. No matter what its merits are, it's hard to hold a political concept in high esteem if it isn't effective.

>> No.9897445
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Yes, both the historical oppression of 3rd world countries and the modern influx of non-native low skill workers are motivated by the need for low cost through lowest wages possible

The most hated aspects of globalization on both the social left and right (slavery, dilution of native populace, [and even for apolitical individuals; the realities of back breaking low skill jobs], etc.) are within reach - and Luddites hope to maintain the status quo, against all market forces, because they want to hold onto their shackles

Fully automated luxury space communism is the dream I hope to live to see

>> No.9897448

And I assume those technician jobs aren't easily available to former truck drivers

>> No.9897450

It lowers the cost of the goods/services being automated, creating more opportunity for goods/services that use those things. For example, the mass automation of textiles created a huge number of jobs, from designing of outfits to the creation of new products that were previously unfeasible without the amount of cloth needed. It's hard to predict exactly what reducing the cost of shipping freight across the country will do, but I have no doubt that it will open up opportunities that someone will spot and take advantage of.

I don't know why you'd disagree with a statement that has been true for all of history.

>> No.9897451

That, and what jobs does it create for people in dying industries. What will truckers, fast food workers, manufacturers, and others do when all the technician jobs are taken? Most Joe Truckers can't transition from trucking to coding and find work.

>> No.9897469


UBI bux, baby

or starvation. most likely starvation

>> No.9897473

A good way to tell whether someone is a parasite lives off rape, robbery, and murder is if they believe in a "post-scarcity" society. The robot servants you imagine are just stand-ins for all your victims.

>> No.9897475

Trucking industry is going to take a big hit but I have doubts about how soon any of that is going to happen. The US is an empire in decline on the brink of a race war.

>> No.9897487

what you seem to forget is that those robots will be owned by private companies/individuals and even if it's robots that are working you'll still have to pay for the products they make
and you have no job cause a robot took it
and other jobs are dead cause all you know is the stuff robots are doing now

>> No.9897496

>the exact same arguments literally every time there's a technological revolution
You guys are the epitome of "didn't learn from history"

>> No.9897514

>what you seem to forget is that those robots will be owned by private companies/individuals

Exactly, aren't Uber cumming themselves at self-driving cars?

>> No.9897515

>because it's happened before means it will happen again
We're moving to a post work world m8 it won't happen entirely this century, but it's coming.

>> No.9897517

This argument, too, is very old.

>> No.9897535

what did you learn?

>> No.9897538

That human desire is infinite, and the money saved from technological progress is always used to buy something else that's shiny and new, creating new jobs in the process.

>> No.9897542


Owned by shareholders, the capitalist equivalent of The Party in communist states in terms of their status as representative of 'The People', who are responsible for the companies continued success and benefit from it as well

Not that I'm an anarcho-anything, a major role of government is to protect it's citizens from monopolization of industries, and should you be a committed capitalist - the choice to buy 'Human Manufactured' products will remain, in the same way as GMO food labels have allowed inferior (but 'natural') fruit to retain significant market share

>> No.9897558

and this is what passes for your theory of unemployment?

>> No.9897562

It's more historically accurate than anything the doomsayers have to offer

>> No.9897566

but where does unemployment come from?

>> No.9897569


>> No.9897571

>and the same shit would occur in the paradise white ethnostates except it would be stuff like "hurr durr catholics!" and "have you noticed how many of their last names end in vowels?"
these are micro problems only possible to experience in peaceful societies
>because you're nuts.

>> No.9897572

At least one of you paid attention in macro econ

>> No.9897573

>Owned by shareholders, the capitalist equivalent of The Party in communist states in terms of their status as representative of 'The People', who are responsible for the companies continued success and benefit from it as well
this is gibberish, shareholders aren't representatives of The People

>> No.9897586

It's true though. Take a 5$ H&M shirt made in Bangladesh. A little over a dollar goes to the cost of materials, labor, and the people who own the factories. The rest goes to H&M, retailers, and the German government in taxes. The German government gets ~70 cents, nearly as much as it took to make the shirt. Most of your shit is made with massive labor arbitrage that's maintained with rape robbery and murder.

The amount of laborers has been increasing and shows no signs of stopping. You have illusion the work is disappearing because of automation, but in truth, it is because you're a parasite.

>> No.9897590

Protesting only works when the establishment (or some other powerful force) is already on your side. Asymmetric warfare is a myth.

>> No.9897595

why would it decrease?

>> No.9897600

>these are micro problems only possible to experience in peaceful societies
the quotes are micro problems, but when one of your people gets ahold of them and fans the flames there will be anuddah anuddah shoah
because it's always easier to grab hold of power by demonizing different looking/sounding/behaving people and stoking fear, the most basic human feeling, in the masses

>> No.9897605

Because people don't immediately find the new sector that has demand/needs workers. Because outside forces like temporary resource scarcity or regulatory forces block them. There are a whole bunch of different factors that can make a market inefficiient.

>> No.9897609

Why do students have so much power? Is that normal in America? That seems crazy to me. They're just kids. Why do adults take them so seriously?

>> No.9897611

why would these factors decrease?

>> No.9897618

>I think

Why do people say this when they're merely repeating things others have already said?

>> No.9897621
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>actual intersectionality teaches that everyone has privilege in some way and we all need to work on being more humble towards one another
>this is hostile to white people somehow


They're 18+, anon, that's a legal adult in America.

>> No.9897630

>Why do students have so much power?

What power?

>> No.9897633

>actual intersectionality
>what is motte-and-bailey

>> No.9897634

I'm not sure what you mean. Why would they happen at all? For the first, it's because it takes time for people to discover demand. The market is mostly trial and error. For the second, resource scarcity can pop up when an industry doesn't think ahead to maintain or grow their base needs to keep up with demand, while regulations tend to pop up with the specific goal of sacrificing efficiency for other desirable things, like workplace or consumer safety.

>> No.9897640

>The Irish have lower than average IQs, and are more predisposed to crime
>no anon, their people had systematic oppression against them and deserve affirmative action policies to reach more equitable opportunities
>dumb Mc's just want gibs

>Anglo's are inherently greedy, nepotistic and dishonest people (heretics too desu)
>No anon, some of my best friends are anglo and they're good people
>They only care about their own tribe, and did you know they control almost all the media? wake up

We live in a peaceful society now, the stereotypes have remained the same but the prototypical traits we apply them too have changed because we live in an increasingly mixed country
feel free to apply mexican complains to polish immigrants - my point is that at this point
poles/irish/british are all [white], similarly multicultural societies in other regions (latin american or central african indigenous peoples) argue similarly that multiculturalism won't work becuase you're Huttu and I'm Tutsi, so we must kill each other or separate

flawed ideology that if successful results in nearly perpetual fragmenting but fails to be successful because it increasingly weakens itself while positioning itself against the rest of the world

>> No.9897642

The power to intimidate strangers and get away with it.

>> No.9897649

And it never occurred to you that wars could have been a way to deal with a large population of unemployed youngsters or economic crises of other nature?

>> No.9897655

Wars are a pretty shit way to deal with economic turbulence, since they decrease Supply and Demand, which fucks the GDP pretty hard.

>> No.9897663

and yet they are so historically frequent

>> No.9897670

Uh, yeah? There are other forces at work than purely economic. I suppose economic forces may sometimes play into war as well as a means of gaining resources, but they tend to be less efficient than just trading.

>> No.9897671

so are plagues what's your point

>> No.9897677

1. First we have to define 'laborer', which we can broadly define as a worker who creates something, and that's generous
2. The ratio of laborers compared to population has shrunk massively. first at the agricultural revolution, then increasingly since the industrial revolution
Those who know produce textiles in SEA were not previously living lives of luxurious excess prior to their countries entry into the EU's free trade agreements
3. The burden of manufacturing is, for the first time in history, taken off of these low skill workers and placed on machines, who you call 'stand-ins' which is in fact the point

why do you include 'rape' in all of your arguments against machines?

>> No.9897691


should we trade unskilled laborers away then?

>> No.9897700

No, we should train them and make things they want to buy. Are you actually stupid?

>> No.9897703

no, the plan to retrain such population is, nobody wants to pay for it

>> No.9897705

Companies are often quite willing to pay for training and education, because they need skilled workers. So, you're just wrong.

>> No.9897706

The problem is that neoliberal governments don't do that. Jesus, it's like saying we should all be happy friends. They don't want to spend money on these people because they see them as refuse. Useful refuse, but refuse all the same. Easier to let them die in the gutter.

>> No.9897711

Yeah, lots of people dying in the gutter in the first world, and certainly no money being put towards education

>> No.9897712

Why protest if you can strike? Specially in Murica due the retarded electorate system, protests are completely pointless unless they happen in a swing state.

>> No.9897716

in which timeline

what passes for education is inefficient af

>> No.9897725

Because they pay the bills.

>> No.9897728

Literally every major corporation has programs where they will cover part, if not all of your education costs. That doesn't even include the amount of in-house training they all do. And regardless of whether you think our education system is good or not, you can't deny that all North American and European government devote serious resources to it.

>> No.9897734

You're actually right, education is getting defunded and turned over to the private sector which will make it complete shit in the long term.

But what we're talking about isn't elementary school or high school or even college, it's retraining. How much do you think is spent on retraining when even elementary schools are getting the finger?

You'rte handwaving away serious questions because you wanna live in a robot kingdom or whatever, well it's not that easy.

>> No.9897741


>> No.9897749

Cutting future spending is not the same as defunding education. But you're right, that that is less relevant to this particular discussion. Perhaps you should check out this site on the ETA's adult training programs

>> No.9897757
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>you name
Don't talk shit about the greatest anime film in the last decade

>> No.9897777

Yes, who could forget all those generous affirmative action programs the Irish and Ities needed to be successful. You know what separates the Irish from Mexicans? The Irish knew they were seen as stupid and responsible for lots of crime so they made an effort to improve themselves. They didn't demand quotas at elite universities, they studied hard in school. When Harvard didn't take them they started Boston College and taught themselves. They didn't demand the government pay for their housing, they worked a fucking job. They didn't spit on their host society and refuse to learn its language, they were proud to be in America speaking English with Americans.

We do not live in a peaceful society now. We did before when there was a certain degree of assimilation and shared identity expected of immigrants, but right now half the country fucking hates the guts of the other half, and one side seems to think importing more brown people is the solution to the problem

>> No.9897790

>your people
why are you speaking with such animosity when referring to whites? and why are you assuming i am white? it's like you're just being contrarian

>because it's always easier to grab hold of power by demonizing different looking/sounding/behaving people and stoking fear, the most basic human feeling, in the masses
ethnocentric cooperation is not a ruse, when people are given the freedom to associate they will do so with their own kind. that's a fact. i know you might like to read plato and don quixote on here but refrain from shit talking basic biological understanding because /pol/ just so happens to agree

>> No.9897794

>Cutting future spending is not the same as defunding education.
They will be getting less funds, it literally is. Except if you think defunding = cutting every single cent.

>Perhaps you should check out this site on the ETA's adult training programs
That's cool, what do you think will happen when robots take over whole industries. Those programs take money and the only spending that seems to be acceptable is on tax cuts for the captains of industry.

>> No.9897800

I don't think you understood what I meant by cutting future spending. They will not be getting less money, the increases in spending will just be smaller.

I do think it's entertaining how quickly you moved goalposts once you found out that the government does, in fact, spend money to help retrain adults for modern career prospects.

>> No.9897821

>I do think it's entertaining how quickly you moved goalposts once you found out that the government does, in fact, spend money to help retrain adults for modern career prospects.
I already knew abou tthat, practically every government has some kind of retraining program. You're the one turning my point into a YES/NO, EXISTS/DOESN'T EXIST question. My point is pretty clear: the robot revolution will bring huge changes and huge problems for the working class. These problems will have to be solved by government intervention. And the governemnt (both the right and the "left") is leery of intervening ont he side of the average Joe other than with tax cuts for the rich. We're fucked.

>> No.9897822

>They're 18+, anon, that's a legal adult in America.
You know what I mean. They're kids compared to the professors yet they act as if they were the authority.
The power of imposing themselves over everyone including the president of the college. They even hold him hostage, for fuck's sake.

And what's the deal with this:
>When we’re dead, when people die, and you’re sitting here, like, "well, at least they got to practice their free speech." I'm so sorry about it. Your free speech is not more important than the lives of, like, blacks, trans, femmes, and the students of this campus. Hate to break it to you.
>*Everyone calps*

Do they really believe they're in some kind of danger? They're americans in college. Why do they feel so oppressed? They're some of the most privileged people in the world. They're even privileged for american standards.

>> No.9897823

This desu.

It's always the same shit. Again and again and again and again. Nothing ever really changes.

Our only hope is that the majority of the world will experience wealthy abundance at some point for long enough (many generations) so that our species can fully self-domesticate.

>> No.9897829

OK man. Just make sure you circle back around on this in twenty years, after this turns out to be just as good for the masses as every technological revolution that came before it.

>> No.9897831

Congratulations on those quads.

>They didn't spit on their host society and refuse to learn its language, they were proud to be in America speaking English with Americans.

The irish speak english, you realise that right?

>> No.9897841

africans can speak english too stupid

>> No.9897848

a)Black americans are not africans
b)My point is that they didn't really change that much to fit into america

>> No.9897853

Man I'd love that, sincerely. And if we make some changes it will be. But with the American fear of anything that can be construed as even mildly socialist it's hard to be hopeful.

>> No.9897855

>Black americans are not africans
yes they are
>My point is that they didn't really change that much to fit into america
well it was a stupid point because the irish language is gaelic

>> No.9897857

When the Irish began mass immigration to America only about half the population spoke English

>> No.9897859

I'm pretty positive socialism is the best way to fuck it up.

>> No.9897870

If you put a bunch of people out of work you're gonna have to do something about them, the free market doesn't give a fuck, it's gonna let them die.

>> No.9897877

It's a mistake to assume that the net number of jobs available will go down. Even if they aren't trained for the new jobs now, the need for employees will force corporations to pay for their training, just like we already see in most industries.

>> No.9897890


>just like we already see in most industries.

Where? Which industries? In what countries? What percentage of a given workforce are lost to 'redundancy' over time? What percentage of those workers are retrained by the companies themselves?

Show me numbers or fuck off.

>> No.9897893

>It's a mistake to assume that the net number of jobs available will go down.
I don't see how.

>Even if they aren't trained for the new jobs now, the need for employees will force corporations to pay for their training, just like we already see in most industries.
It's a numbers game, yes some will get jobs with those corps but most won't just because of the sheer number of people in these service industries that will be automated.

>> No.9897901


We spend a lot training employees. I'm not in the mood to hunt for specific numbers, especially on how many companies pay for college expenses, but every major corporation I've interacted with has done so.

>> No.9897910

>>It's a mistake to assume that the net number of jobs available will go down.
>I don't see how.
Because it's never happened with any other technological revolution, and there's no good evidence to suggest that this time is somehow different

>> No.9897912

>Black americans are not africans
Of course they are, don't be silly.

>> No.9897921


Those are training costs, not reeducation or retraining. What those numbers indicate are the cost of introducing Stephanie to the ins and outs of the HR department, not sending Jackson to Community College to get a certificate in Javascript.

>> No.9897926

Fair enough. I'm still not in the mood to go hunting for proof that a commonplace job perk exists

>> No.9897929

You can't just say "technological revolution" and treat every such change as equal, that's simplistic.

>> No.9897934

I still don't see why I should believe that the arguments about automation putting us all out of work will be more true this time than any other.

>> No.9897956


Then fuck off and stop spreading misinformation and straight falsehoods, you silly bitch.

>> No.9897957


>> No.9897961

>the arguments about automation putting us all out of work
Well first of all I never said this. I said that there will be huge amounts of workers getting laid of and that it will be a big problem.
I just don't believe the state mechanisms will be able to absorb such a hit, because when the ylose their jobs they're also losing their means of purchase and the economy contracts.

>> No.9897968

I don't see why I should believe that the arguments about automation causing net job loss will be more true this time than any other.

>> No.9897981

I am fascinated by this argument. I've tried to look for a country where multiculturalism has worked but I have found not one where one ethnic group didn't hold the fast majority of power and where there was a strong Leitkultur. Multiculturalism, be it on ethnic, religious, or tribal basis seems to always result in conflict. To quote Aristotle:

Another cause of revolution is difference of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit; for a state is not the growth of a day, any more than it grows out of a multitude brought together by accident. Hence the reception of stranger in colonies, either at the time of their foundation or afterwards has generally produced revolution; for example, the Achaens who joined the Troezenians in the foundation of Sybaris, becoming later the more numerous, expelled them; hence the curse fell upon Sybaris. At Thurii the Sybarites quarreled with their fellow colonists; thinking that the land belonged to them, they wanted too much of it and were driven out. At Byzantium the new colonists were detected in a conspiracy, and were expelled by force of arms; the people of Antissa who had received the Chian exiles, fought with them, and drove them out of their own city. The citizens of Apollonia on the Euxine, after the introduction of a fresh body of colonists, had a revolution; the Syracusans, after the expulsion of their tyrants having admitted the strangers and mercenaries to the rights of citizenship, quarreled and came to blows; the people of Amphipolis, having received Chalcidian colonists, were nearly all expelled by them.

>> No.9897984

You were just BTFO on this precise topic when you admitted you could not provide any evidence whatsoever that those jobs would be filled by displaced workers. Why do you keep returning to this point? Do you enjoy looking like a retard? Stop posting

>> No.9897992

I'm not sure how you conflated me not looking up info for you on a common benefit of having a job with being wrong about displaced workers, but I'm not really all that surprised that you did.

And I keep returning to the point, because no one can ever tell me why this time it will be different.

>> No.9897993
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Lets archive that fucking piece of leftist shit rag, shills.


NewYorker was pants on head retarded, first defending Antifa raiding the rally that actually had a permit to rally in there, defending the violent antifa as dindus.


>> No.9897999

>seems to always result in conflict
it's almost like conflict is something humans do all the time and confirmation bias lets you take the instances when multicultural societies fall apart and say "yeah, that's what did it"

>> No.9898008


You don't know the meaning of left in america.

>> No.9898016


It's not actually going to be much 'different' in the sense that relatively lower 'value-added' jobs will be REPLACED by relatively higher 'value-added' jobs, meaning production and blue-collar services being superseded by customer service, technical maintenance, and management. EXCEPT automation and surveillance technology will ALSO be replacing a MASSIVE proportion of management positions, so whay will be left is a skeleton crew of techies, their uber-bosses, the masses of pitifully low-payed service slaves.

>> No.9898022


You were the one that conflated intro-training with corporate-subsidized reeducation, you dumb twat. Why should you be trusted to have any insight or specialized knowledge about anything topical?

>> No.9898044

I shouldn't, we're all anonymous. You don't even know if I'm the same guy you were replying to earlier. Take the posts at their own value instead of relying on how much you trust an individual's qualifications for once.

>> No.9898050

So you believe the difference is that this is the first time automation has reduced the number of managers required?

>> No.9898053

>pitifully low-payed service slaves

Aren't they going to be replaced by self-service checkouts?

>> No.9898085


This depends on c-b analysis, union organization, and loss prevention more than anything. For instance, the grocery workers local managed to get the Safeway down my street to scrap their self-checkout stands for mandatory checkers. Don't ask me how.

Against this we have services like Amazon Go, which have major replacement potential with minimal political fallout.

Ultimately it depends on the service, and why or why not real people are desirable for providing that service.

>> No.9898102


It's not even really the first time that's been a 'problem'. The really big difference will be SCALE of transformation and SPEED of replacement--which we've already seen with the automotive industry in the US. Think that, but literally every sector overnight.

>> No.9898109


On their own, the value of your posts have been negative.

>> No.9898183

This is a good post anon

>> No.9898248

Just wait till you realize that it was never supposed to work.

>> No.9898253

I understand that but it doesn't take away from my observation that thus far I haven't found a successful multicultural country. All countries that have thrived did so under a firm and stable Leitkultur and people who shared the sense of philia as Aristotle puts it meaning the affection and kinship one feels for another that is only found between kin or relations forged as allies during war.

>> No.9898311

>my observation that thus far I haven't found a successful multicultural country
yes, because you've set up additional conditions that conveniently leave out the succesful ones like the roman empire

>> No.9898319

>Dissent from this perspective was forbidden
that's obviously not true, you could have spoken your mind in a polite way to point out the exaggerations, you just didn't

>> No.9898325

One of the major failures of the late stage Roman empire was not integrating new populations into their leadership structure. Failure to accept diversification wrecked their ability to inject fresh energy into the Empire like they had done before. Notably the Dalmatians.

>> No.9898332

Yes, the failure was in their xenophobia. Maybe learn from that.

>> No.9898340
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>> No.9898342

>why not real people are desirable for providing that service.

Cos they're a drain on profits.

>> No.9898347

What? Use your words, mate.

>> No.9898352
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This was a document from one of last programs I took. The professor masse it a point to tell us that she wound insure any 'problematic' speech would be shut down with prejudice.

>> No.9898368

Listen, you don't have a right to live in countries and use institutions only white people can create then think you can get away with guilt tripping us. That's not flying anymore, and we will soon be removing you. Get ready.

>> No.9898369

>ask questions
>don't expect answers
>mfw I get "called out" for a perceived slight to someone's identity because my question wasn't answered

>> No.9898371


I meant more, 'is p-2-p interactivity a touchstone of your business model, or are your customers comfortable talking to robots?'.

>> No.9898379

Why would you need to use problematic speech when voicing your opinion in class?

>> No.9898387


Read the list for examples of what constitutes 'problematic speech'

>> No.9898390

wipe off the cheeto dust first fatty

>> No.9898393

I read your post earlier and almost said something since I saw those unentitled chimps screeching all over the place. And I wish I would have since it might have discouraged faggotrons like these guys >>9898369 and >>9898379 whether they be brown people who need to go or cuck diversity pets. Pathetic.

>> No.9898395

While I think trannies are a threat to the nuclear family and should be removed from women's sports competitions, it's just saying treat everyone with respect.

>> No.9898399

I read it. What did you want to say in class?

>> No.9898401

Keep a bag packed you mudblood squatter.

>> No.9898411


+1, I agree with you anon. In my experience, the "least shitty" option has more success than the "most optimal".

>> No.9898414

It doesn't matter what he wanted to say, it matters that some catlady tried to dictate to adults what could and couldn't be said around faux-privileged groups of people who have no business stepping foot in institutions their own people could never create.

>> No.9898417

The global labor force is increasing relative to population. There are no signs of this stopping. Those are facts. Because you only look at first world countries dependent on this arbitrage, you miss what's going on. The machines are dead labor and will always be dependent on increasing amounts of living labor to grow and be maintained. I include "rape" because the majority of the global labor force is women and children, and they a necessary part of their discipline is rape. Part of the fact of a growing global labor force that you miss is the migration of hundreds of millions of women driven by gendered violence.

>> No.9898423


All sorts of things. Mind, I had no problem navigating this class without incident, and I was actually relatively popular, and my opinions were valued and respected. But they weren't wholly honest opinions. I had to carefully curate my speech you avoid immediate conflict and dressing down, which absolutely happened to less cautious/articulate students.

>> No.9898428


If you actually read it, it's a rules for white folks notice. It's pretty unambiguous.

>> No.9898436


>> No.9898449

the only bag I need is a bag of rubbers, as if your asthmatic ass will ever get close enough to anyone to hurt em
people will hear your creaky knees and smell the BO a mile away, loser

>> No.9898453

Please tell us what happened to the honest students when they spoke out. Also, what was the class about?

>> No.9898455

Calling the professor a white supremacist is going a bit too far, but they're not wrong about him. He should have quit for the sake of everyone.

>> No.9898459

It's literally saying treat people equally, (even though it's geared towards white people.)

>> No.9898468


>> No.9898474


Bridges is the President, not faculty.


I know what it LITERALLY says, I'm asking you to read between the lines. Or just read some of the other lines, like
>be open to being called out
>impact is true no matter the intent
>do not expect oppressed people to educate you


>> No.9898493

It's amazing some of these sub-humans even found their way to a board celebrating European literary culture.

>> No.9898498

you're reading into it a lot, desu

>> No.9898520


Less to do with honesty than with the kind of eggy tact implicitly demanded of everyone. One student used the term 'gypsy' when trying to draw a parallel with the discursive construction of 'the Jew'. It was actually an interesting point, but the only thing anyone had to say was 'gypsy is actually an incredibly offensive and racist term for the Romani and, like, yeah, you really shouldn't be using it', to which the professor simply nodded. But that's not a very good example of what I'm talking about. It's difficult to relate what is really an atmospheric effect to someone that hasn't experienced it firsthand. It really is stultifying.

>> No.9898537


You weren't in the class, friend.

>> No.9898551
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>> No.9898559

I was talking about the document you posted.

>> No.9898565

So the problem was mostly atmospheric? You're a fucking joke.

>> No.9898579


The document was a extension of the class. When reviewing it, two black students informed us all that they wound be losing their temper at us, that we would be required to sit and endure it, and that asking them to formulate their anger and frustration (at white students) in an appropriate format was racist.

>> No.9898589

I'm getting more and more convinced you printed that shit out yourself and are trolling.

>> No.9898594
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>> No.9898608

This is your future, white people: 80 IQ Africans screaming in your face and demanding shit from you. Oh, you think you're tolerant and unbigoted, different from those evil nazis?? Well these people and their jewish trainers don't care, get it? They are not moral or noble-minded like you, they are savages who want to take what you have.

>> No.9898612

And don't fucking give an inch or cower in the face of these idiots like Lisa.

>> No.9898613
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>> No.9898615

This shit is really nutty. Do black people even enjoy being treated like racially enlightened, delicate children all the time? I don't think I would. At times it seems like a small group of bullying retards is speaking for all of them, but then I see stats on black support for BLM protests and realize this is honestly what they want

>> No.9898619

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/137655044